Updated July 23, 2021 632 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. Not
A two-faced person is an individual who has something different in his soul and in his mind.
Who is a person - definition A person is a biosocial being that manifests itself in interaction with
An indifferent person or a “don’t care” is a character that perfectly complements the picture of today’s world and even pretends to
One of the key skills in the lives of each of us is the ability to forgive other people.
02.02.2021 Sometimes scars on the soul take longer to heal than on the body... - I constantly
Imagine that outside the window you hear the annoying screams of hooligans or the March cry of a cat, or
Under the influence of the feelings experienced by a person, coordinated contractions and relaxations of various facial structures are born. They
September 13, 2019 Psychology of relationships Maria Matselevich At the very beginning of a relationship, spouses cannot
Great minds have been studying the human psyche for decades, but for many years