Red color in psychology
Red color in psychology - its meaning and effect on a person
The color red undoubtedly attracts the attention of society, as do all its shades. For most people
What is the difference between a formal and informal leader in a group?
The concept of leadership Leadership is a system of functioning of a social group in which there is
Voluntary refusal. Why don't women want to have children?
For a long time there was an idea that motherhood is the only purpose of a woman, that, only
Social status examples
Social status and social role. Social status of a person in society
Social mobility is, in social science, the process of moving members of society or individual citizens between
Where are my 17 years old? Why do we love to remember the past so much and is it useful?
0 4996 September 16, 2021 at 01:45 Author of the publication: Anna Ryzhkova, chief accountant Oh,
Piaget's ideas are the main postulates of genetic psychology
Genetic psychology is a branch of psychological science founded by Jean Piaget. He considered the formation
yellow color in the interior
“The psychology of color in the interior and the meaning of primary colors”
Yellow color in the interior helps to lift the mood and can be used as a main tone or
books by Invar Kamprad
A humble billionaire. How Ingvar Kamprad created IKEA and abandoned it
Ingvar Kamprad was born on March 30, 1926 in the province of Småland in southern Sweden. Despite
Read all: 5 ways to increase your reading speed
Development of peripheral vision One of the main tools for speed reading is peripheral, or lateral vision. It
Basic rules for dealing with an alcoholic husband
How to deal with an alcoholic husband and restore family life
In this article we will tell you: 10 signs of alcoholism in men Basic rules of behavior with an alcoholic husband
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