Diagnosis and treatment of astheno-depressive syndrome
Severe neurosis and asthenic neurasthenia Reactive severe asthenia can occur with pronounced neuroses. Disease
What is the danger of teenage depression and how to prevent it?
Anxiety is a negative mood with feelings of restlessness, tension and fear. In moderate
What does purple, lilac color mean in human psychology, men, women, in the interior, craving for purple and lilac colors?
Few people think that colors, just like circumstances, situations
Correct breathing during panic attacks: effective practical exercises
Correct breathing during panic attacks: effective practical exercises Not everyone knows that the most correct
Boy hiding behind his parent
10 reasons why a man is afraid of the woman he is in love with
In the article we will tell you: 9 signs of a man in love, 10 reasons why a man is afraid of a woman,
spiritual development of a person
Moral and spiritual development of a person: forms, stages, components
The period in which we live is a time of changing values. Not so long ago, in the 90s
Test: Does a man love me? plus Tips - how to make him fall in love!
A test to determine whether a man loves you. This questionnaire takes into account the most accurate signs
The Weight of the World: How Empathy Can Harm Your Work and Life
After a stroke, a 49-year-old man from Brazil has changed a lot. He became kind and generous -
Communication styles
Communication styles: description of styles, functions, principles of organization
The first dimension is the degree to which one reveals oneself in communication to others in order to receive
What is Sublimation in simple words, examples from life
Sublimation (sublimation), from lat. sublimo – lift up – transition of matter from solid
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