Severe neurosis and asthenic neurasthenia Reactive severe asthenia can occur with pronounced neuroses. Disease
Anxiety is a negative mood with feelings of restlessness, tension and fear. In moderate
Few people think that colors, just like circumstances, situations
Correct breathing during panic attacks: effective practical exercises Not everyone knows that the most correct
In the article we will tell you: 9 signs of a man in love, 10 reasons why a man is afraid of a woman,
The period in which we live is a time of changing values. Not so long ago, in the 90s
A test to determine whether a man loves you. This questionnaire takes into account the most accurate signs
After a stroke, a 49-year-old man from Brazil has changed a lot. He became kind and generous -
The first dimension is the degree to which one reveals oneself in communication to others in order to receive
Sublimation (sublimation), from lat. sublimo – lift up – transition of matter from solid