How to become a leader? Don't follow the crowd - let the crowd follow you!

Today, competition has penetrated into all spheres of life. There are always several applicants for such positions as class leader at school, group leader at the institute, squad leader at a camp, head of a department, or head of an enterprise. And they usually choose not gray and downtrodden mice, although they are efficient, but a real leader, a helmsman who can lead people in the right direction and take responsibility in the most problematic situations. This is honorable, authoritative, pleases your inner pride and, as a rule, is a good step up for your career. But how to become a leader to achieve success?

Who is a leader

To become a leader, you need to be clear about who you are. In psychology, this is the name given to a person who in a certain group (class, group, organization, division, team) enjoys general recognition, has unlimited authority and exerts influence in the form of control actions. By and large, this is the leader. Voices goals and objectives, makes responsible decisions, resolves problematic situations, convinces everyone to go in the same direction, acts as a conductor between superiors (teacher, dean, director of the enterprise) and subordinates (pupils, students, employees).

According to psychologists, people are not born, but become leaders under the influence of various factors. What matters here is upbringing, the process of self-development, random circumstances, and examples of other people. The main thing is that organizational skills can be developed at almost any age. True, this will require time and effort, but constant and hard work on yourself will definitely bring results.

Definition of the concept

Before learning how to be a leader, it is important to understand what is meant by this term. So, leadership is the process of influence of one individual on other members of a certain social group, as well as the ability to receive voluntary support from them.

This concept was defined in a very original way by the American writer and professional speaker John Calvin Maxwell. According to him, a leader is a person who knows his path, follows it and shows it to others.

A good leader has a futuristic vision of the world and knows how to turn his ideas into real success stories not only for himself, but also for like-minded people around him. Thus, we can conclude that a leader is a person who knows how to motivate others and does this for the common good. Understanding these nuances should definitely help those people who have set themselves the goal of “I want to become a leader.”


Sometimes it happens that a teacher chooses a diligent excellent student for the position of class leader. Yes, she can be responsible and diligent, but at the same time have absolutely no influence on her classmates. As a result, she fails to cope with the responsibilities assigned to her.

The same thing happens in companies. The post of chief is occupied by a diligent and efficient person with the appropriate education. But he cannot establish relationships with his subordinates: his character is soft, his voice is quiet, his eyes shift, he does not express himself in any way, he just follows everyone around and begs them to submit reports on time. The result is that his department has the lowest productivity scores.

These examples show that responsibility, diligence, diligence and diligence are not enough to become a leader.

Therefore, the first step on this path is to find out what abilities a manager needs to become a leader. Make a list of qualities that you need to work on developing. The most basic:

  • perseverance, iron willpower and strength of character;
  • dedication to the chosen path;
  • charisma;
  • positive attitude;
  • the ability to support others in difficult situations;
  • excellent communication skills, the ability to establish contact with almost any person;
  • high intellectual abilities, broad outlook;
  • well-delivered speech, allowing you to persuade and win arguments;
  • activity, initiative, constant generation of ideas;
  • responsibility and discipline.

This is just a basic set of leadership qualities that need to be developed first. So that you don’t relax, it’s worth mentioning right away that once you set out on this path, you’ll have to work on self-development all your life. A real leader, a leader, a leader, after mastering the above skills, will discover that in addition it would not hurt to learn to calculate risks in advance, critically evaluate every situation, admit one’s mistakes, be generous, trust people, and much, much more. So there is no time to stop.

Leadership in Structural Theory

This approach in psychology sets itself the task of determining what the universal personality of a leader can be, while highlighting the most striking character traits. Followers of this theory believe that a leader, without a doubt, must have characteristics that are different from those around him, and he must stand out from the rest. The arguments of this theory are supported by the studies of B. Bass and S. Klubek, which showed that it will be almost impossible to train a person who does not naturally have leadership traits and subsequently make him a leader.

It is clear that it is impossible to absolutely accurately indicate certain character traits inherent in a leader, especially since each society, in each time period, needs a completely different leader of its group. But still, the structural theory highlights the most characteristic qualities.

Qualities inherent in a leader:

  • High level of intelligence
  • Self confidence
  • Dominance
  • High activity
  • Possession of professional knowledge and a large number of specific skills


You need to understand that becoming a leader is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance. Many will fail along this path. Often - only because they are not prepared for the pitfalls. You need to know your enemies by sight - psychologists name 5 main barriers that occur in the life of every person and prevent some of them from taking an authoritative position as a leader.

Lack or clarity of goals

If your life doesn't have meaning, people will never follow you. This gives a feeling of an inner core, which others also intuitively feel and begin to respect a person who knows exactly what he is striving for. But remember: becoming a leader is not a goal at all, but only one of the tasks on the way to achieving your main dream.


Excessive impulsiveness, the desire to have everything at once, eccentricity - believe me, these are not leadership qualities at all. Cultivate patience and regularity. Sometimes you need to take small steps, but - every day, in order to reach the final goal, and not jump by leaps and bounds - there is a high risk of running out of steam at the very beginning of the distance or falling into the abyss.

Comfort zone

In the process of working on yourself, you will have to leave your usual comfort zone, take risks, communicate with unpleasant people, meet new things, and not be afraid to be a pioneer.

Internal complexes

One day, on your path to success, you may meet a person who will hit you where it hurts most. It could be anything: a flaw in appearance (because of which you have been complex since childhood), mistakes of the past (who among us has not made them), psychological trauma. Be prepared to fight back, otherwise you will be knocked off your pedestal immediately.


Do you think everyone will be delighted with your leadership habits? Authority, career, prestigious post - everything you want to achieve can cause hostility and envy of others. And often - family and friends.

People who are psychologically prepared for such barriers on their path will be able to overcome them. Perhaps not the first time. They stumbled, stood up, and began to overcome the barrier again.

Learn self-control

You can't control people if you don't control yourself. For example, when a project deadline is running out, everything falls apart because you don’t know how to manage your time and yourself. You snap at the team, even though it’s your own fault. Therefore, learn to control your emotions even in difficult situations.

What will you get?

Strong nerves, a cool head and a reputation as a collected leader.

Stages of development

Barriers are not all the obstacles you will encounter on your way. Do you want to be an effective leader who never knows defeat? In this case, you will have to go through 5 stages of formation. If you get stuck and stop at one thing without reaching the end, consider that the goal has not been achieved.

Zero level

For myself. Learn to trust yourself, take responsibility for what happens in your life, manage your own emotions.

I level

Micro level. Become a presenter in a group of 3-5 friends. They must recognize your opinions and trust you to have the final say in decisions. Learn to restore order in such a micro-team.

Level II

Situational leader. Learn to take responsibility in problematic situations. For example, when the boss is not there, but you need to receive high-ranking guests. Take a risk and organize their reception yourself at the proper level.

Level III

Golden mean. Gain respect in a team of at least 10 people. Become an authority so they will listen to you. At this stage, you need to become an opinion leader - generate ideas and convince others of their common benefit. They will follow you - the goal has been achieved.

IV level

Macro level, in the team. Set a goal to take a leadership position in an organization with several departments.

So, you know what leadership qualities to develop. We are psychologically prepared to overcome barriers along the way. The stages on the path of self-development have been outlined. Now is the time to move from theory to practice.

How to become a better leader

The potential of a person in a leadership position directly depends on the desire for transformation and development. A leader must be an inspirer; he must encourage the team to innovate, give them the opportunity to express themselves and be responsible for their own actions. Only in this case can you achieve success and create a cohesive team of professionals. Next, we will look at basic tips that can help a manager work effectively and gain trust and authority among subordinates.

Advice from psychologists

To become a good leader, follow the recommendations of psychologists who specialize in this particular issue:

  1. Set specific goals for yourself and break them down into small tasks. Methodically achieve what you want.
  2. Be proactive, that is, subordinate every reaction to what is happening to your will. Work on your self-control. No one and nothing should piss you off.
  3. Don't be afraid to take responsibility and make big decisions.
  4. Take criticism appropriately.
  5. Don't be afraid of anything new. Take risks. Be flexible, learn to adapt to situations.
  6. Think and care about others. Volunteer. Do charity work. Become a philanthropist.
  7. Develop your IQ. Expand your horizons. Improve yourself in the profession where you want to take a leadership position. Practice rhetoric.
  8. Cultivate self-discipline. Learn to first organize your life, work routine, lifestyle, before commanding others.
  9. A pessimist will never become a true leader. Believe in the best, always be in a good mood, radiate positivity.
  10. Develop physically, take care of your appearance in order to look presentable and command respect just by your appearance.

Mastery of the intricacies of the work process

To become a good leader, you need to constantly develop, keep abreast of the latest innovations related to the field of activity in which you are involved.

To do this, you need to attend business trainings, take part in online conferences, watch training videos, be interested in new software products, etc.

An excellent analyst knows how to plan his own day as efficiently as possible and focus employees’ attention on the distribution of working time, increasing labor efficiency. This approach allows you to focus on the work process and effectively organize not only your own work, but also the employees of the enterprise.

Choice of profession

In dreams of leadership, many miss the moment of career guidance. But who you work for can play against you in your desire. Librarian, accountant (even the chief), archivist, forester, clerk, repairman, hairdresser... Without a doubt, these are professions worthy of respect. And yes, you can always grow your career and become a director of a library or archive. But, as psychologists say, all these specialties are too calm, with a minimal level of stress. Therefore, they are not the most suitable field for cultivating leadership qualities.

Here is a list of professions ideal for self-development and leader education:

  • advocate;
  • judge;
  • manager;
  • director;
  • teacher;
  • administrator;
  • creative director;
  • clergyman;
  • insurance agent;
  • psychologist;
  • military;
  • trainer.

All these professions provide a fairly high level of stress, which in moderate doses spurs and gives impetus to self-development. They imply career growth and, accordingly, are fertile ground for leadership.

Keeping your distance

Familiarity has never been welcomed in business; the manager must keep his distance. Winning the love and respect of the team through warm communication and friendships is the simplest, but not the most effective method.

It is important to be able to achieve favor in more honest ways:

  • Be able to admit your own mistakes. The leader is also a simple person, he tends to make mistakes, so it is important not to shift responsibility for failures to other people;
  • It is necessary to be consistent and clearly state your train of thought. There must be mutual understanding between the manager and employees;
  • Familiarity should not be allowed. Of course, it is necessary to constantly communicate with subordinates and be able to find an approach to everyone. Informal relationships with the team do not in any way affect the company’s productivity.


To develop leadership skills, psychologists advise performing a set of special exercises daily. Half an hour a day - and within a month you will feel more confident and ready to lead others.

Below is a set of exercises for developing leadership qualities, developed by psychologists Jose Stevens and Mike Woodcock.

  • Inner critic

Talk to your inner critic, counter him. Does he sarcastically notice that this suit doesn’t suit you? Answer that a tie is the height of chic.

  • Small triumph

At the end of each day, record all your progress in writing. Rejoice in them. Praise yourself. Write certificates to yourself and give incentive prizes.

  • Constructive criticism

Listen to outside criticism. They made a comment to you - write it down. Think about how objective it is and how you can get rid of what you were accused of.

  • Elimination of defects

Make a list of 5-10 close people whose love you are sure of. Let them write down your shortcomings sincerely. Gradually start eliminating them.

  • “And the king is naked!”

An unusual exercise that will shock many, but it is incredibly effective. Learn to look at yourself in the mirror without clothes without any complexes or embarrassment.

  • He who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne

Take small risks every day. Ask for a salary increase, confess your love, jump with a parachute. Confront your fears and insecurities.

  • Truth is born in dispute

Start arguments (not conflicts) with smart people and learn to defend your point of view without using raised voices and insults.

  • "I am responsible for…"

Make a list of 10 points: “I am responsible for...”. And be responsible for what you write about.

  • Problem solving

Choose one of the problematic situations in your life. Make a responsible decision and analyze the result.

  • Demeanor

Develop the behavior of a leader. Straight posture, always raised head, open gaze, straightened shoulders, chest exposed to the enemy, confident voice - these are your weapons.

The main thing is to exercise responsibly and regularly. Remember: a leader cannot afford to slack off, because for others he is a role model.

Creating favorable working conditions

Rational management of the labor process depends on the use of modern technology. Automation of manual labor can increase a company’s productivity and bring it to a new level of development. You can actively introduce electronic computer technology, as well as modern office equipment. In addition, there are additional tools to improve the work process:

  1. Strict compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards;
  2. Availability of a workplace for each employee;
  3. Arranging the office space with all necessary furniture and equipment;
  4. Full provision of employees with all office supplies;
  5. Effective organization of work schedule, alternating with rest.

The performance of the team is influenced by many factors: location of the room, lighting, temperature, humidity, etc.

Special cases

In principle, the basic psychological recommendations given above are sufficient. However, some want to achieve a leadership position at work, others want to become the leader in personal relationships, in a couple. Therefore, a few more tips are for such special cases.

At work

If you want to become a leader at work and be liked by everyone:

  1. Perform your job duties responsibly.
  2. Watch your appearance.
  3. Support your colleagues in difficult times, help out, help (but don’t do their work for them).
  4. Show yourself as an initiative person who is not afraid of serious and responsible tasks.
  5. Start small: take charge of organizing a corporate event, collecting money, leading a trade union.
  6. Never gossip about anyone.

It is much more difficult to take leadership positions in a new team. Such a desire may be regarded as bragging and excessive arrogance. Therefore, it is better to wait at least a little time to join the general flow. Show yourself as a confident, professionally competent person, follow the dress code, and establish good relationships with everyone. Believe me, if you have truly leadership qualities, they will definitely be noticed.

In a relationship

Do you want to be a leader in a relationship? Then:

  1. Be confident. People with complexes never become leaders.
  2. Be self-sufficient. Show that you do not depend on anyone, either morally or financially.
  3. Consult with your significant other in matters, but the last word should remain with you.
  4. Know how to convince.
  5. Clearly formulate your position in any detail and do not deviate from it.
  6. Admit your mistakes and don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness.

Traditionally, the leader in a couple should be a man. It is he who must bear the burden of responsibility for his relationship with his girlfriend and family on his broad shoulders. Therefore, in principle, every representative of the strong half of humanity should cultivate leadership qualities. But at the same time remember: managing does not mean humiliating, belittling and putting down.

If you feel like you are a potential leader, capable of convincing and leading people, you can always become one. The main thing is to really want it and constantly work on yourself.

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Internal qualities: internal integrity, confidence, proactivity, self-control.

Now let's look at each of the qualities in more detail.


Leadership begins with this skill. The leader's vision must be based on the idea of ​​creating or reforming something. Vision allows you to create an image of something new and helps you draw pictures of the future, building perspectives. Thanks to this leadership quality, a leader can set a global and audacious goal. The ability to create a vision will help him rally and inspire people, making them want to follow him. Unlike a dreamer or a science fiction writer, a leader constantly asks himself one very important question: “How can I make this a reality?” And here you can move on to the next leadership quality - the ability to set goals.


Goal setting allows a leader to articulate his vision into a very specific, tangible result. This leadership skill allows you to clearly see the goal, not just the distant future. When the result of an activity is formulated, the goal becomes clear, understandable, and clear. A leader's goal should always be ambitious and challenging! This approach gives a certain state - a state of passion. This is why a leader achieves much more than many other people.


A leadership quality that allows, when faced with difficulties, not to stop, but to find solutions to the problem and move on. There are no barriers; there are insufficient resources at the moment. It is enough to be persistent and collect them, moving on until the result is achieved. Jumping over the abyss 98% and 100% are not the same thing. Don't confuse determination with stubbornness and obstinacy. To develop perseverance, remember that there are no defeats, but only feedback that helps you gain experience and draw the necessary conclusions on the way to achieving your goal.


In the process of moving towards a goal, a leader must be flexible. This is the ability to have more strategies and choices. This allows you to act most effectively in each specific situation. One of the types of flexibility of mind and actions is the ability to go beyond the system. As recommendations for developing this leadership quality, when setting a goal, you need to imagine at least 3 ways to achieve it and try to determine the optimal one. Remember that the most direct path is not always the shortest! Find an interesting path to achievement that no one has taken before.


In the modern world, the value of this leadership quality is very high. Being a communicator is important not only as a leader, but also in any other situations. The ability to communicate effectively with the people you need is the key to success. Let's highlight several significant elements. This is the ability to quickly establish contact, win over your interlocutor, listen and hear, the ability to ask questions and receive information. Communication skills will allow you to create the right connections at the right time to more effectively achieve your goal. In the modern world this is called networking.


The ability to motivate is to create an impulse for action that stimulates both oneself and others. Usually there are 2 types of motivation: “From” and “To”. From fear or to love. From minus or to plus. Different situations require different motivations. Alternating them will be more effective. Inspiration is a special way of motivation that allows you not just to create a short-term impulse, but sustainable and long-term motivation. The future should be so colorful and attractive that you want to get into it faster and plunge into it headlong. A leader with a good vision will be able to inspire people with great ease.


It is very important for a leader to be able to assemble a team of first-class professionals in their field and organize the process of activity itself. This includes qualities such as planning, delegation, eliminating unnecessary actions, and so on. The entire team should work together with the leader to improve key performance indicators in a friendly environment. This is helped by the creation of group work, when the result depends on common efforts. This brings team members closer together and allows them to cope with assigned tasks more effectively.


This leadership quality as a creator and team member includes the ability to provide support to like-minded people and followers in a difficult situation. People will support just such a leader who cares not only about his own interests, but about them too. Without this quality, it will be difficult for a leader to maintain his authority. Moving towards a goal is not only difficult tasks, but also strong relationships.


Internal integrity is a leadership skill that integrates all of the above qualities. This is the creation of a balance of all parts and manifestations of a person. A personality is holistic when the entire essence of a person is directed as a flow in one direction, as if subordinated to a single plan. You want to follow a leader when he not only knows where to go, but also broadcasts it with his whole being. A step toward achieving integrity is for a leader to recognize his mission or his own uniqueness. A person who has an understanding of his mission knows or feels what needs to be done, while enjoying the very process of his own activities and life in general.


Confidence is defined as the basic state that a leader should have. The state of confidence is associated with reliability; it seems that you can rely on such a person, you can trust him, you want to follow him. A confident person can be identified by his body: straightened shoulders, slender posture, even breathing, slow and clear speech, keeping his gaze on the interlocutor. All this relates to personal confidence. And there is also spiritual faith in the positive outcome of the plan. This confidence is an order of magnitude higher than the first. And not everyone manages to develop it.


A leader must be active in every way. He tries to go half a step ahead of time. He needs to have the latest information and be at the center of events in order to act first. In the modern world of enormous speeds, delay threatens loss both in moral and financial terms, which ultimately turns into lost profits. As soon as the goal is set, movement begins, and then it is necessary to control the entire system based on key parameters along the way.


A leadership quality that every leader should have. The concept of self-control includes a number of qualities such as resistance to stress, the ability to take a blow, and self-control, which are associated with critical situations and the manifestation of negative emotions. External pressure can cause poor health, apathy, irritability and even anger. There will always be a temptation to suppress your emotions. But there is absolutely no need to do this. What to do? Try not to fall into them from the very beginning. But what if stress is inevitable? In a state of stress, it is necessary to use breathing practice: take a deep breath, hold your breath, exhale deeply, smile. And so on “in a square” until the required relaxed or controlled emotional state.

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One who can motivate a work team to work effectively can become a good leader.

How to do this correctly?

  1. It is worth getting into the habit of calling the entire working staff for a holiday lunch once every couple of months. A completely effective method to find out a little more about your colleagues and win them over;
  2. Arrange individual receptions, publicly encourage the most successful employees;
  3. Always reward those at the forefront of the work process. Even a small bonus can encourage employees to perform their duties better.
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