Examples The inner world of an individual can be examined not only by communicating with him personally. For example,
What is attention? What is attention like? The term attention is usually understood as the direction of human consciousness.
September 14, 2018 Psychology of communication Marina Pislegina How to behave with a psychologist if a person
Each person is a multifaceted personality in which different parts live. In psychology these
Since childhood, you have been an ideal child - you studied well, helped your elders, brought home
Photo: Khanbua.Sil, shutterstock (09/07/2019) Psychologists believe that the first impression of a person is formed during
The emergence of proxemics The author of the term “proxemics” is Edward Hall, an American psychologist and anthropologist. Scientist
Lazy Investor Blog > News Humanity has had social differentiation from its very beginning. But
Equal breathing (samavritti) Sit in a comfortable position, keeping your back straight. Start breathing in to yourself
Have you heard the phrase “Society doesn’t understand me, but neither do I understand it”? A