8 signs by which you can recognize a good person

Photo: Khanbua.Sil, shutterstock (09/07/2019) Psychologists believe that the first impression of a person is formed during the first 8-10 seconds of communication. If the interlocutor made a favorable impression, you can get to know him better by finding out his attitude to certain things and observing his behavior a little. What should you pay special attention to in order to recognize a good person? The answer is in the article!

Good people are loved

Does your interlocutor complain that no one loves or understands him? Perhaps this is true. But we can say with a high degree of confidence that the reason for this dislike is in the person himself. The lack of friends and strained relationships with close relatives are not a sign of a complex, subtle nature, but of a bad character and inability to compromise.

If you communicate with a teenager, it is possible that he really believes that no one loves him. This is due to the fact that during puberty people often conflict with others, proving the right to their own point of view. At the same time, the teenager is loved by his parents, with whom he has temporarily lost understanding. For adults to complain about the dislike of others means admitting immaturity and inability to communicate.

Broad outlook

The more erudite the interlocutor is, the better he is. Two advantages follow from a broad outlook: the ability to support almost any topic of conversation and the opportunity to tell something new and interesting to the interlocutor.

The broader the issues in which a person is oriented, the greater the likelihood that it will be interesting to work with him. He can “feel” for the favorite topic of the person he is talking to and start talking to him about it. And a conversation on your interlocutor’s favorite topic is a 100% chance to please him.

We also love to learn something new. Especially if the source of knowledge is not a shabby textbook, but an interlocutor who knows how to tell interesting stories.

Live environmentally consciously

Environmental awareness is a sign of a developed, mature personality that cares not only about itself, but also about the future of humanity. Signs such as separate waste collection, waste paper collection and refusal of anything that can harm the environment indicate a good person. The environmental consciousness of such people is not a tribute to fashion, but a consequence of their love for nature.

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Own style of conversation, special manner of speech

A good conversationalist should stand out from the background of ordinary interlocutors. Often it is accompanied by some peculiarity, a zest in the conversation.

Special intonations, good command of the voice, the ability to tell a lively story, and not just broadcast words and sentences.

I think you have friends who speak in a special way, stand out and are remembered by this, so you will agree that your own style is a definite plus. Therefore, it will be useful to practice stage speech.

Surround yourself with good communicators and be one yourself.

I wish you success!

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Key words:1Communication

Make mistakes

Even the best person can make mistakes. Open, conscious people with a developed personality admit that they were wrong and can ask for forgiveness. Persons who are at a lower stage of development will prove to the last that they are not to blame for anything.

A good person, having made a mistake, for example, offending someone, will look for the reason in himself. This will allow you to gain experience that will become the impetus for positive changes. Therefore, with such a person you will not often quarrel over trifles. After all, your friend would prefer to discuss everything and honestly admit that he was wrong.

Strong-willed good qualities of a person

A number of strong-willed qualities will show a good person. Everything needs moderation and traits such as frugality, education and discipline will help with this.


This is an attentive and caring attitude towards benefits. This quality is commensurate with thriftiness; it allows you to save without turning into stinginess. A thrifty good person can pay attention not only to external and material resources, but also to the internal qualities and energy of other people.


An expression of constancy in everything: partner, worldview, affairs, Motherland. This is one of the main traits for a long and strong relationship. A faithful person is a devotee. A good person does not change his promises and fulfills his duties. The quality of loyalty is associated with willpower. As a rule, strong-willed people are more faithful.

Good manners

The ability to show one’s best qualities in society, high skills in observing the rules of behavior, in accordance with accepted standards. Well-mannered, good people have a high internal culture. They are polite to absolutely everyone. They have good manners and are pleasant to talk to.


This is a person’s ability to demonstrate and comply with moral standards and the established order of life. A disciplined person easily organizes his affairs, shows responsibility and is able to increase his productivity. This trait is characterized by composure.


This is a person’s awareness of what exactly depends on him and what he is capable of influencing. The ability to be responsible for one’s actions, make decisions, and understand their consequences. Personal maturity is manifested precisely by the extent to which a person is able to take responsibility. A good person should be able to do this.


A person's ability to manage their time. Punctual people are good, they come to meetings on time. They perform their duties on time and comply with agreements. Such people are valued in many financial fields.


It is a positive quality of a person to make decisions boldly and quickly. Lack of hesitation, confidence in your actions, awareness of their consequences. Decisive people are usually self-confident and reliable. Such people are called brave.


A spiritual and moral property of a person, which is characterized by moderation of all demands, lack of craving for luxury or self-exaggeration. It is especially pleasant if people who are capable and have achieved a lot do not praise themselves, but show restraint. The motives for modesty vary. These can be both respectful qualities and modesty.


A person’s ability not to succumb to fears, feelings of confusion, and to show decisiveness in actions. In dangerous conditions, remain mentally stable and think soberly. Courage, unlike bravery, allows you to wisely assess what is happening and only then act. This quality helps a good person feel protected and feel the reliability of life. A brave person acts in spite of danger, adequately assessing what happened.


The ability to impartially assess a situation, based on the basic laws of good and evil. This is one of the categories of ethics, and as a character trait - virtue. It is extremely necessary, while showing justice, to remain objective; sometimes this can be very difficult or even impossible, but a good person will strive for this.

Respect for others

It is about honoring the value of other views. Sensing and respecting boundaries between people. In the work process, this good quality is mandatory for subordination. Only when respect appears is mutual understanding possible.


Adequate assessment of one’s own skills and qualities, as well as their use without fear of making mistakes. In an ambiguous situation, a confident person will be calmer. He evaluates his own qualities positively.


Persistence in striving or achieving something. A persistent person knows how to confidently move towards a goal and is not afraid of failure. He carries out plans, showing strength of character. Thanks to this good quality, it is possible to reach the top.


Open attitude towards others, inadmissibility of deception. This is a moral good quality, it is possessed by strong, decent people who are able to respect others.


The ability to show self-respect and know your worth. A good person will first of all pay attention to his own opinion, and then the assessment of others. People with this quality will not commit low acts.

Talk about themselves

Good people have nothing to hide. They easily talk about themselves, their hobbies, and do not try to look mysterious. However, they do not expect the same openness from others. If you want to keep secrets to yourself, the other person will not insist that you open up. Most likely, you won't want to hide personal information from him.

It is not difficult to recognize a good person. He may differ from generally accepted standards in appearance, for example, have tattoos or hair of an unusual color, or look like a “gray mouse.” But intuition and knowledge of psychology will help you understand who you are dealing with and decide whether it is worth getting to know each other better.

Unconventional view of the world, your own opinion

A good conversationalist is different from a gray mass. He has developed critical thinking, he is not afraid to express his own opinion, even if it goes against the generally accepted one.

It is interesting to talk with such an interlocutor, because he can say something new, something unexpected for you, and will not express everyone’s opinion and attack you with truisms.

The ability to look at things differently from everyone else, and the presence of original thoughts and ideas is very much appreciated.

What does kindness give a person?

The main thing for which a person needs kindness is to help him survive and survive as an intelligent entity on the planet. The energy and power of good is endless. Sociologists believe that kindness is a sign of a healthy society.

How much kindness there is in a person, so much life is in him. American poet and philosopher Ralph Emerson

By doing good, people are filled with joy and begin to radiate positive energy to other people, making them happier and happier. It is not without reason that they say that the reward for a good deed is its very accomplishment.

Good always bears rich fruit.I.V. Goethe

Kindness is a useful quality of a person that attracts others, helps to build relationships and attract other people. Kindness is disarming. Not every person can sincerely show kindness to others. In part, this is a sign of strength. A kind person commands respect; they say about him with reverence and gratitude: “He has such a kind heart!”

It is significant that it does not matter whether you do good deeds or watch someone else do them. In both cases there will be similar sensations.

Kindness is an amazing quality; there is never too much of it. The proportions here are transparent. Kindness towards people is always reciprocal. The more a person gives kindness, the more kindness he gets. The more good deeds done, the more joy received.

It has been proven that a person can “pump up” his kindness. Our brain, in response to good deeds done, reacts with “reward” - corresponding pleasant sensations. Subsequently, you can form a kind of “dependence” on good deeds.

For anyone who is sincerely committed to doing good and doing good for others, it is important to maintain a “level of goodness” between how you treat yourself and how you treat others. The importance of kindness lies in the fact that a person's kind attitude towards himself makes him kinder to others. Being kind to yourself is loving and taking care of yourself, taking care of yourself, appreciating and forgiving yourself. If this does not work out, then mood swings, irritability, a feeling of constant fatigue appear, concentration of attention and the level of involvement in surrounding life processes decrease.

Where to begin?

To understand how to become a good person, first of all, you need:

  1. Erase your own past, like an eraser from a sheet of paper: until you do this, you will not be able to change. You must let go of your mistakes, if you want, repent before God, and simply tell yourself: “Yes, I was wrong, I didn’t want to be, but that life is over, a new page has begun.” Do this until only positive moments remain in your memory.
  2. Eliminate bad habits.
    Isn't it true that a bad person in the understanding of the majority is one who is impolite, conflictual, dishonest, selfish and rude? Then, if you catch yourself at the slightest manifestation of these qualities, try to do the opposite. For example, if you want to say a rude word, try to answer politely; If you want to turn around and leave without listening to the person, step over your pride and try to be imbued with compassion for your neighbor. Yes, sometimes it is very difficult, especially at first, it will take a lot of time to “adapt.” But kindness is nothing more than daily work on yourself.
  3. Protect yourself from negative information flow. In practice this can be done by:
    • minimizing contacts with “toxic” people, i.e. those who love foul language, swearing, constant complaints and accusations of others “of all mortal sins”;
    • refusal to watch news and “abnormal” TV shows that spoil the mood and generate fear and negativity;

  4. watching good films, reading good books, communicating with purposeful people, interesting hobbies that bring positivity and inspire optimistic, bright thoughts.
  5. Learn to do good unselfishly, without demanding anything in return. Believe me, the Universe itself will return everything to you with interest, but for now, don’t focus on how to become a good person, but try to just be. Those who do not judge, those who try to hold back shouting at their subordinates, those who respect the elderly.

There is an impenetrable mask of goodness on the manipulator’s face

He always smiles and speaks to you in a sweet and insinuating voice. This step is a deliberate attempt to confuse the interlocutor's vigilance, charm and stupefy. Unfortunately, manipulators too often achieve their goal, because there are so many trusting and kind people around. Resisting them, on the one hand, is difficult, but, on the other hand, simple. Do not succumb to provocations and tricks, watch everything that is happening around you. Do not hesitate, and if necessary, take decisive action. Next, we will discuss 5 common signs of a typical manipulator. Who is he, a “good man” with diabolical intentions?

What emotional traits correspond to this concept?

Quite often, people utter the phrase “It seems to me that I am a bad person” not because they commit any unacceptable actions, but because of the presence of certain emotions, temperamental characteristics, and characteristics of thinking.

As a rule, many begin to consider themselves bad, noticing the following traits:

  • anger;
  • envy;
  • anger;
  • arrogance;
  • the desire to seem like someone else.

Again, the list of character traits and emotions experienced by a person can be continued. However, this very short list is quite enough to understand what feelings we are talking about.

People often feel vicious, “dirty,” and disgusting. As a rule, this is not an objective assessment, but indicates the presence of deep psychological problems.

What does the concept mean?

Of course, all assessments of human actions, character traits, and behavior patterns are subjective. What is a virtue for one may be considered a sign of depravity by another. There is no truth in such an assessment, regardless of what parameters one judges by.

As a rule, people make the verdict “I am a bad person” based on generally accepted ideas about good and evil, traditional for a particular society. For example, is cannibalism bad? Absolutely yes. This is exactly how any person who grew up, for example, in a country with a Christian culture, will answer. That is, developing this analogy, it can be argued that a cannibal is a bad person. However, if the same question is asked to an aborigine of Australia or Polynesia, “savages” from the African or South American jungles, the answer will be the word “no”. In many cultures, eating a killed enemy is a sign of reverence and respect for him. That is, there cannibalism is a property of a good person.

Similar to this example, you can consider absolutely any character trait. Even hypocrisy and the habit of lying are not bad qualities in every culture.

What is the true meaning of kindness?

The meaning of the word kindness is expressed in good and useful deeds, in a feeling of agreement with the world around us, in supporting others, and so on. Kindness in a person is a special state that is useful primarily for the one who radiates it.

The meaning of kindness is the harmonization of what happens in life. It's okay to be kind. It is important that a kind person, showing compassion and tolerance, acting selflessly towards other people, does not harm himself, does not experience inconvenience, and does not infringe on other people.

For example, a person decided to help the elderly. He begins to devote a lot of time, effort and energy to this business. Most likely, the helper fulfills his inner need and feels satisfaction from his good deeds. Everything is fine, but if his family and loved ones suffer from the actions of this person, or he forgets about his grandparents, not visiting them for months, is this kindness so pure? Such cases are not uncommon. Psychologists often analyze situations where, in pursuit of “cleansing the soul,” a person literally puts himself at risk, gets problems in the family and at work, and forgets about his loved ones. Kindness must be harmonious.

What actions does such an individual perform?

If someone declares: “I am a bad person. What should I do?”, before giving advice, you need to find out what exactly is being discussed. What manifestations can we talk about in this case?

For example, from a conventional point of view, a bad person does the following:

  • beats the weak, including family members and children;
  • rapes, both physically and mentally;
  • mocks those who cannot answer him in kind;
  • does not fulfill its obligations;
  • violates the laws of society;
  • rowdy, hooligan, interferes with the lives of others.

The list can be continued. However, the listed actions make it possible to understand what is meant by the concept of “bad” by most people.

They use forced eye contact

For many of us, an open gaze is a sign of trust. We are used to associating this gesture with an open, friendly person who has nothing to hide. Many hypocrites who pretend to be good are well aware of this psychological trick, so they will try to confuse you. They will try to stare at you with an unpleasant, prickly gaze for so long that you can guess their hidden purpose. As you might expect, they use our interpretation of body language to their advantage, but they do so in a clumsy, arrogant, and unnatural manner. They took this friendly psychological effect, but added negative traits to it. Stay away from a person whose prickly gaze is layered with other eccentric behavior traits. Listen to your inner voice and logic.

Conversations with him are like a one-way street.

This is not surprising, but people who pretend to be good are used to dominating the discussion. They don't let you get a word in, continuing to stick to their line. This is also the case with ordinary people who lack active listening skills. However, manipulators do this consciously, and one nuance will help you figure them out: when your interlocutor realizes that you are a tough nut to crack, he suddenly changes tactics. You were able to resist him and did not silently nod your head. The manipulator realized that the previous method did not work and moved on to a new sabotage. Now he began to feel an inexplicable interest in your life. Make no mistake, as this mysterious behavior will not last long. Very soon, a selfish and insidious interlocutor will redirect your attention to himself.

Lying about trifles

This person may not be lying to confuse you. He may not have any ill intentions against you, but he lies about little things and it is very noticeable.

He tells fables that a person with extreme mental retardation can believe, embellishes reality, “plays” with facts and dates from his biography as he pleases.

Why is he doing this? Most likely, just out of habit. And most importantly, he himself does not even notice that he is a generator of continuous lies, which has become an integral part of his conscious life.

Beware of such people, because they are inexhaustible sources of negative energy.

Makes you defensive

Even a child knows that the best defense is an attack. Some people have mastered the art of manipulation so masterfully that it will be difficult for you to immediately recognize them.

In this case, you need to listen to your feelings; if during a conversation with him you constantly feel the need to justify yourself, then know that this guy is just a dirty manipulator, playing on your sense of duty to please his own goals.

Remember, a person who forces you to always use defensive tactics in a conversation will, in one way or another, negatively influence your life.

Requires special treatment

People of this type are accustomed to taking generous condescension towards them from some kind-hearted person as something for granted.

They expect their work to be accepted, with a lot of errors or later than the deadline. It seems to them that standing in line is beneath their dignity, and that their interlocutor can pay for dinner. If you are dealing with this type, then very soon you will turn into a cash cow for him.

What is kindness in a person?

Kindness is a behavioral quality of a person, which is reflected in a positive outlook on the world around him, in internal and external harmony, in the desire and readiness to show participation and provide help.

Kindness is a quality that manifests itself in a person’s contact with the world around him - with nature, animals, plants, and other people.

Kindness from an emotional point of view is a positive sign; it is like a scanner of a person’s involvement in the world around him.

Here is a simple example from life of how good attracts good.

One day, returning from work in the evening, a man stops on the side of the road to help someone else change a tire on his car. It turns out that the other one is a fireman who had a small problem with his car on the way home from work. A few hours ago, while on duty, a fireman, risking his life, saved an entire family from a burning house... It was no coincidence that two kind people met on the road, two people were used to doing good, and it comes back to them. The power and energy of kindness are limitless.

We use the term “kindness” to describe the responsiveness and consideration of other people. We talk about kindness when we encourage people to become more humane, tolerant and fair. The word “good” is part of the name of charitable organizations and associations.

What does kindness mean to a person himself? From a moral point of view, kindness is a moral characteristic of a person. It is believed that goodness comes from the heart. Joy and warmth throughout the body are markers by which kindness manifests itself.

Abraham Lincoln said: “When I do good deeds, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. This is my religion."

Let's see what religions say about goodness and good deeds.

What is kindness in the Bible?

Believers must do good. Kindness in religion is the defining force in life and one of the main signs of humanity. And man, created in the image and likeness of God, by doing good deeds, manifests divine power and acts according to the will of God. Evil does not come from God, it is a consequence of a person’s choice, the result of his momentary desires. According to Christian laws, goodness should bring joy and happiness. Good is done in love. Goodness should not harm other people.

What is kindness in Islam?

Kindness in Islam is a quality given to people at birth. It comes from Allah. Evil, on the contrary, appears as a result of the activity of man himself. People should live in goodness, do good deeds, and not expect encouragement, approval, or demand anything in return. In relationships with people, the Islamic religion teaches to be kind - to be attentive, not to be rude, not to insult, to “give kind words.”

He makes demands again

Another unconditional talent of a manipulator is the ability to besiege another person with demands. Before you is an individualistic personality in its strongest manifestation, who will constantly voice his requests and demands. This is not always done explicitly or persistently; the manipulator likes to change tactics. If today he is tough, tomorrow he will try to convince you of something with the help of hints or in a veiled form. And all this is aimed at achieving the cherished goal. Why does this person keep making demands? Because this way he feels like the master of the situation and strokes his ego. However, he does not take into account one detail: his intentions are too clearly visible to others. Don't be fooled, be adamant in refusing to play by the manipulator's rules.

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