15 signs of a psychologically mature person (no, not seriousness) – Om Activ

Eighteen years old is the age that defines adults. But sometimes it happens that a person reached adulthood a long time ago, but never became an adult.

Feeling like a child, despite the fact that a person is well over thirty, and if we are talking about an elderly person, then “forever young” is not always good. It is good when a person is young in spirit, but fully aware of himself as an adult. The ability to sincerely rejoice, the presence of optimism, the desire to move forward and simple infantilism are different concepts. And if in the first case people do not lose heart, have increased efficiency and a genuine interest in the world around them, while their mental, physical and social status is equal to their age, then in the second they are simply immature, and commit all rash actions for this reason.

So what traits characterize an adult, mature person? Here are 7 main ones.

Independence from other people's opinions

An adult, self-sufficient person is not afraid of what others will think of him. He does not seek outside assessment; the opinion of his inner “I” is enough for him. But at the same time, he will never act to the detriment of others. Demonstrative behavior in order to please others or cause a surge of emotions (simply, envy) is childish.

Growing up in men

How can a guy grow up psychologically if throughout his childhood and adolescence he did not see examples of masculine behavior in his family?

It is difficult to become emotionally mature when a boy is raised in a family consisting of women (grandmother and mother, for example). He does not see models of male behavior either in the family or at school (as you know, there are very few male teachers in schools).

Playing on a sports team and practicing martial arts under the guidance of a male coach greatly help in developing masculine qualities in a boy. By playing in a team, he learns to make decisions with an eye on others, learns to obey the orders of the coach, endure failures and overcome difficulties. Therefore, it is very important to introduce a boy to sports.

There is no universal way for a man to mature psychologically. You can be married and have three children, but leave the decision on all important issues for the family to your wife (parents).

How can a guy grow up? Firstly, parents need to delegate to the teenager the decision of issues that are important to him, such as choosing a higher educational institution, choosing a specialty that matches his natural inclinations and skills. By putting effort into the process of enrolling in a university, choosing and arranging premises in a student dormitory, the guy will appreciate what he has more.

Complete independence

This is absolute mental, physical and financial independence. There can be no talk of independence if a person is unable to make a choice without instructions, advice or direction from the outside (most often parents act as regulators). Special attention is required by the fact that an independent adult does not need financial support from third parties. By the way, the habit of constantly getting into financial debt is a sign of infantilism.

Stop demanding and learn to give

One of the main conditions for psychological maturity is the ability not only to consume (goods, love, accept gifts, and so on), but also to give something to other people. Moreover, we are talking specifically about “giving” unconditionally. We simply share our attention, care and affection because we choose to do so.

Egocentrism is inherent in immature children. According to their passports, they may be 30 or 40 years old, but the fixation on their person, characteristic of young children, remains throughout their lives.

Harmonious relationships with the opposite sex are important for the development of personality and a happy life. One of the main conditions for a fulfilling relationship between a man and a woman is the ability to give a partner love, understanding, care and admiration.

Love is not a balance sheet. How to grow up psychologically? Stop keeping score of your own manifestations of attention and start giving more than you receive in return.

Integral worldview

This suggests that a person is able not only to draw conclusions and conclusions based on his own perception of the surrounding reality, but to feel himself a part of it, to put himself in the place of others in a given situation. A simple example: blind criticism, when a person, without getting to the point, without examining what is happening from all angles, makes hasty conclusions, and sometimes even condemns, has nothing in common with the integral worldview.

Photo: Pixabay

Author: Sergey Tumanov

Aspects of growing up in girls

How can a girl grow up who feels comfortable in her parents’ home, has all her problems solved for her and is protected from the realities of life?

First of all, a young woman should understand whether she is ready to live her whole life under the wing of her parents or whether she feels a reasonable need to start her own family, to realize herself as a wife and mother.

As a rule, a girl’s psychological growth is helped by a loving and understanding partner, who will explain that her fears associated with entering into married life are groundless and will dispel her doubts about her ability to run a household and raise children.

Marriage exists, among other things, to support each other and help cope with everyday troubles.

Causes of mental deviation

Among the factors that influence the occurrence of mental pathology are the following:

  • genetic predisposition to the disease. In approximately half of cases, mental retardation is inherited;
  • chromosomal disorders, gene abnormalities, their mutation due to radiation, infectious diseases, maternal use of toxic substances during gestation;
  • severe labor, which led to injury to the child (especially in the case of head injury), asphyxia, cerebral hypoxia;
  • premature birth;
  • infectious diseases affecting the central nervous system;
  • lack of education, negative atmosphere in the family, psychological trauma at an early age, late diagnosis of the disease, etc.

It should be noted that to date scientists have not been able to find a single cause of mental retardation. As a rule, the occurrence of the disease is associated with several unfavorable factors that occur simultaneously or alternately.

How to grow up? How to become an adult?

Greetings dear readers of the site. In this article we will talk about who adults are, what qualities they possess and, based on this, we will consider ways that will allow us to become an absolutely adult person.

You've probably been told more than once that you behave like a child. And maybe it bothered you. To be honest, no matter who. Because people always have their own needs. Some people really want to feel like an independent and adult person. Because this seems to be a kind of “image”. Another category of people are trying in every possible way to hide from the opportunity to grow up, because they find adult life boring, gray and too serious. After all, adults are not allowed to have fun, as we usually think of it now. Actually, everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

What do adults usually do?

Naturally, all adults live separately from their parents and do everything themselves. They do everything on their own. All adults go to work and do adult things there. And to put it jokingly, adults differ in height from human children. They are much taller than a human child.

If I remember my childhood, that’s exactly what I thought. I thought that adults are people who go to work, and not to school or university. I believed that adults are those people who cannot play at anything, even if they want to. They just have to keep that desire (to play the game) inside them. Adults do everything themselves, which is by no means true, and give birth to children. There is no greater difference between a human child and an adult.

Over time, I began to believe that an adult is someone who has sex. This is someone who smokes and drinks alcohol. Sorry, but the cliches made themselves felt then. Just recently I became confused about who adults are and who are still in deep childhood. Having thought about this question: who are adults , I have already made other conclusions. Everyone has their own version on this matter, but willy-nilly, some adults prefer to remain a child. But remaining a child does not mean not being able to cope with “adult” affairs and work. Because many people now evaluate adults by their character, behavior and, ultimately, what and how they do.

I would like to crack a little stereotypes and various thoughts about human adulthood. The fact is that I know a woman who is already forty years old, and her daughter is already an adult (relatively), and she, unfortunately, is still forced to live with her parents. She is a housewife and has a young son.

Talking to her, I see that she is an adult. She thinks like an adult mother, and no external “non-adult” cliched circumstances prevented her from doing this. Therefore, it is important to conclude that an adult is not someone who lives in “adult” conditions. An adult is what we will now consider.

Who are adults?

Adults are, first of all, those people who have come to the realization that they are adults!! That is, they have a desire to become an adult and recognize themselves as such, despite what they are told. They know their pros and cons, and do everything to become an adult and independent. It doesn’t even depend on the conditions in which they now live: for example, with their parents. Or they can’t fully provide for themselves yet.

The fact is that they are trying to become self-sufficient. Become confident individuals. After all, confidence is a quality of an adult. An adult understands that he must take full responsibility upon himself. He doesn't blame all the problems on others. He solves them himself because it interests him. Because he himself is eager to understand his situation.

An adult is one who knows his goals and follows them. He knows his worth. He knows what he wants, with whom he can communicate and with whom he cannot. Others do not decide this for him. He makes his own decisions and all their consequences.

An adult is endowed with self-discipline. That is, this is a person who made a decision and immediately did it. His demeanor differs from that of a human child, and inner freedom is a worthy quality of an adult.

An adult provides for himself and his family. Takes care of them and helps them with everything. You can find an adult by what and how he says.

How to grow up? How to become an adult?

  • Take responsibility. We have already discussed this briefly. The fact is that until a person takes all his thoughts, actions and actions under his own responsibility, he will not be able to grow up. Because we ourselves remember this childhood expression: “He was the first to start...” It’s funny if an adult says this. You must know what you want and what you need to do. Everything that happens is the result of an adult decision you made. By taking responsibility, others do not decide for you what and how you need to do. Parents used to do this. Now your decision is your choice.
  • Admit to yourself that you are an adult. This is important to do because there are people you can ask, “Do you think you are an adult?” Here you can hear the following answer: “No, what are you talking about?! I do not wanna grow up". Therefore, it is important to take such a seemingly small step. But he is important!
  • Reconsider your beliefs. The fact is that everyone has their own theory of growing up and their own answers to what an adult is. Here you need to look at your opinion and what you believe in. All people are different, and as they say: “How many people - so many opinions.” It’s just that for some you are considered an adult, and for others you are considered just a child. Therefore, it is important to take into account your beliefs. If you are convinced that you are an adult and are taking the right steps towards growing up, then you are an adult.
  • Do everything yourself. An adult is one who is able to take care of himself. This is a fact and it is worth accepting. You need to train yourself to do everything yourself. For example, a woman at the age of 18 should already be able to cook. A man too, but it will be better if he is already able to provide for himself. You can't rely on others. You can and should rely only on yourself. We all know how life can give you a “magic” kick-off. A woman has not worked all her life, but only took care of the children, and suddenly her husband leaves her. So what can a woman with children do? She is forced to adapt and begin to provide for herself and her children. Therefore, I recommend that you do not wait for life to give you such a kick. Better prepare yourself for everything right now.
  • Your surroundings. Your environment greatly influences you: “Whoever you get along with, you’ll get along with.” You should think about your surroundings. Do they make you think and act like an adult?! But I’m not talking about the environment that believes that the path to growing up lies through tobacco smoke and alcohol consumption.
  • Consistency in conditions. The tougher the conditions, the more mature you will become. You will gain intelligence and wisdom, and form a character in yourself. But here, too, consistency is needed. Why? Nothing stands still. Just like our development. If you ride your bike up a hill and stop, what happens? You'll go downhill!!!

I remember how my brother and I opened a business (by weight ice cream). We were 19 years old then. Those conditions and people made me an adult. Because the environment and conditions were such. But, unfortunately, in the summer we had to close down the shop, and everything returned to normal. After a while, I noticed that I was acting just as childish as before. And I came to the conclusion that only constant conditions can make an adult out of us.

This is where all the methods and advice end. You can become an adult at 15 years old, or you can become an adult at 25!!! Everyone has their own path. It all starts with the desire and awareness of oneself as an adult. I recommend watching the video!!!

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