Why does an unnatural smile cause the development of mental illness?

After all, if I don’t burn,

And if you don't burn,

And if we don't burn,

Then who will dispel the darkness?

Nazim Hikmet, Turkish poet

A smile is magic. A smile is contagious. A smile is the easiest and most effective way to establish contact. A smiling person is like a magnet that attracts positive people, good circumstances, brilliant ideas, luck, success, joy, prosperity and wealth.

A smile improves health, prolongs youth and gives happiness. The wider a person’s smile and the more contagious his laughter, the longer his life. When a person smiles

The body produces
the happiness hormone endorphin
, which creates a feeling of happiness here and now. When we smile, we feel happy. Smile = happiness!

An analogy can be drawn: in order to live, a person needs oxygen, and in order to be happy, he needs to smile as much as possible. A smile is necessary for happiness, like oxygen is for life.

Endorphin is produced and creates a feeling of happiness regardless of whether the laughter is artificial or sincere.

Madan Kataria, one of my teachers, who is also known as "Doctor Laughter", uses laughter therapy

to improve people's well-being. He started his practice many years ago and discovered all the secrets of a smile, all its magic, which he shares with people. Kataria organized the first Laughter Club in India, where people come just to laugh. After all, 15-20 minutes of laughter will charge you with energy for the whole day!

Now there are tens of thousands of such laughter clubs around the world. People come to these clubs to laugh, recharge with positive energy, and raise their emotional level. Group exercises begin with forced, artificial laughter, which then flows into sincere laughter, thanks to eye contact and the accumulation of endorphins. I practice many exercises in trainings and they work perfectly. This is a wonderful tool, by mastering it and taking control of your emotions, you can ensure a good mood at any time.

Laughter helps combat the negative effects of stress because it helps reduce levels of stress-causing hormones.

, improves the functioning of the immune system. Laughter significantly reduces the symptoms of coughs, colds, sore throats, and also helps lower blood pressure. The recovery process for a sick person goes twice as fast if he has a positive attitude and smiles! I experienced this myself. Even Charles Darwin said that the very act of smiling improves your mood, and subsequently your well-being. Our worst enemies are negative emotions!

We are born with a smile. The developing fetus smiles while still in the womb. This can be seen using three-dimensional ultrasound. After birth, the baby continues to smile. Pay attention to children, they smile just like that, for no reason. Children always smile - in the morning, during the day, in the evening and even in their sleep, and this is an incredibly sweet sight.

Children have amazing superpowers. They smile about 400 times a day, while adults smile about 17. And some don't smile at all. Pay attention to the people walking down the street, passing in cars... In places where there are a lot of them, they will be smiling. at best, 1-2 people, and that’s because they will see your shining, smiling face. The majority of people are gloomy and gray. They live in their own worlds that they have invented for themselves. People, what's wrong with you? Go down the Moscow metro and you won't see a single smile. In the city it is also very rare to see a smiling person walking or driving past.

A smile brings so much pleasure

that even
cannot compare with it. Scientists say that one smile causes the same stimulation as two thousand chocolate bars. Just think about this number! And no extra calories! The same study proved that just smiling is as stimulating as receiving $25,000 in cash. Children smile about 400 times a day. If we multiply 400 by 25 thousand, we get 10 million dollars. Looks like the kids are enjoying themselves like dollar millionaires!

As soon as a person grows up, magical transformations happen to him - he smiles less and frowns more. Society leaves its mark, and negative thinking aggravates the situation. One gloomy person in negativity is like a rotten apple in a basket that needs to be removed as soon as possible so that the rest do not spoil. The later this is done, the more apples will be susceptible to spoilage. It’s the same with people - one person can infect the entire team with negativity.

But if in the case of an apple the process is irreversible, then with a person the situation is simpler. It can be translated from negative thinking

a positive thinker.
To do this, he himself must want to change and start working on himself. The Holy Scriptures say that despondency is one of the deadly sins. We drive ourselves into a dead end, into a dark forest, into an abyss, and this is a person’s personal choice!

A smile can bring joy to other people too! When a person smiles, those around him also begin to smile. A smile is contagious and spreads instantly.

Experiments have been carried out repeatedly to confirm this. When Madan Kataria came to Moscow, he and his colleagues went down to the metro and showed in practice how it works.

Entering the subway car, he took out his phone and began imitating a conversation. After a short time he laughed, and after a few minutes all the passengers in this carriage were laughing loudly. First one laughed, looking at him, then another, and then everyone laughed without exception, some even to tears.

Agree, dear friend, it’s hard to resist smiling when everyone around you is laughing. No matter how gloomy, stern or serious you are at this moment. It's easy to explain. When we communicate with people who smile often, we also smile more often. Smiles are contagious, they weaken control over the facial muscles and a person cannot keep a smile. Like attracts like.

A person's laughter is like the fire of a single candle that illuminates the darkness. It lights up hundreds and thousands of candles. First, one candle lights the second, then two more will light up from these two, then four, and so on. As a result, it becomes lighter and warmer. A smiling man among the gloomy gray mass is like a sparkling light in the darkness, from which everyone strives to light up and sparkle. A positive person is 10 times more likely to become healthy and wealthy.

A smile is a passport to the world of happiness, joy, love and wealth. By smiling, we look better, more confident, more successful, happier in the eyes of others. We appear more likable, courteous and competent. Smile friends, smile as often as possible!

To assimilate and consolidate this law, perform the following exercises:

  • From today, start every morning with a smile. As soon as you wake up and open your eyes, smile. Then, before you wash your face and brush your teeth, looking in the mirror, smile at yourself a few more times and laugh.
  • Teach yourself to smile just like that, without any reason. Do the "lock" exercise. Imagine that your lips are two zippers from the lock, and you are holding the slider with your hand. You open the lock and smile, close it and stop. Do this exercise several times a day until you learn to smile for no reason and understand that smiling is easy and pleasant.
  • Perform daily at least 200 smiles per day, for advanced ones - 400 smiles per day.
  • Smile at 10 random strangers passing by. Give them your smile while looking into their eyes. Pay attention to how people react, what happens to them.
  • From today, when you meet acquaintances, friends, relatives, colleagues, as well as new acquaintances, you will smile!

Author: Dmitry Vasiliev

Training center of Dmitry Vasiliev

Veneers and Lumineers for a perfect Hollywood smile

It also happens that a person’s teeth are healthy, but he is still dissatisfied with their appearance. For example, there are old, darkened fillings on the teeth, there are chips, cracks in the enamel, fluorosis, or the color of the enamel is yellow or gray and cannot be lightened with regular whitening. Veneers and Lumineers can help solve these problems and get beautiful teeth and a Hollywood smile.

Veneers and lumineers are special types of prostheses that are used exclusively for aesthetic restoration of teeth. Veneers and lumineers cannot restore damaged teeth, but they are irreplaceable when a person wants perfectly beautiful teeth and a smile like that of Hollywood celebrities.

Veneers and lumineers are thin ceramic plates that are fixed to tooth surfaces and thus mask all aesthetic defects of the teeth in the smile area. Veneers can be made to match the color of the patient’s teeth or snow-white - if a person dreams of beautiful teeth like stars and politicians. The smiles of all media personalities are not a gift of nature, but the painstaking work of dentists!

THIS IS IMPORTANT: the advertising of some clinics directly states that lumineers can be placed on teeth without grinding the enamel, but such advertising is disingenuous: in reality, everything will depend on the individual structure of your teeth. It is possible that in order for you to get beautiful teeth and a perfect smile, even under lumineers you will have to grind down the enamel. Or it may turn out that installing veneers does not require preliminary work with the tooth enamel.

How can you get beautiful teeth and a Hollywood smile with the help of veneers and lumineers? You need to come to the clinic and undergo a dental examination. If during the examination no contraindications to veneers and lumineers are identified, then the aesthetic restoration of your smile will proceed according to the following scheme:

  • 1. Sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out, the need to grind down the enamel for the installation of veneers/lumineers is determined.
  • 2. If necessary, a thin layer of enamel is removed from the teeth. This procedure is carried out so that the veneers can be firmly fixed to the tooth surfaces and look natural.
  • 3. Impressions are taken from the prepared teeth, from which veneers are produced in a dental laboratory.
  • 4. When the veneers are ready, you will be invited to the clinic and the finished plates will be secured to the dental surfaces using a special adhesive composition.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Worried that you might not like your new smile with veneers? In our premium dentistry clinic in Moscow “Aesthetica”! — computer modeling technologies are used to see how your smile will change after restoration with veneers, orthodontic treatment or installation of crowns!

Fact one: a smile can be contagious

Experts say that a smile can be contagious. This means that a good mood can be passed on to others. The principle works like this: as soon as you start smiling at your interlocutor, he will start smiling back. This is how the “chameleon effect” works when a person unintentionally copies the behavior of another. “Indeed, the “chameleon effect” is associated with attempts to imitate the person with whom you communicate. Moreover, this can happen both consciously and unconsciously. This is usually expressed in gestures or body movements when speaking, in the tone of voice or in facial expressions. Depending on what goals a person is pursuing, this effect can either help - win over the interlocutor - or, on the contrary, harm. It’s better to be sincere in front of your interlocutor and give him a kind smile,” says Olesya Sudareva.

TEST: Do you go through life with a smile? More details

Why do people at work require you to smile?

A friendly smile is an important part of the dress code of many companies. This requirement is especially often imposed on employees of Asian organizations. For example, already in 2009, the Japanese construction company Keihin Electric Express Railway installed a scanner at the entrance to assess the smile on the face of employees. Workers could only begin their work when they looked as happy as possible. After going through the scanner, the printer would print out a photo of their perfect smile as a reminder.

Workers in the service sector are usually required to smile, and this is clearly harmful to their health.

How large companies subject the human psyche to strict rules is well written in Arlie Russell’s book “The Managed Heart: The Commercialization of Feelings.” According to an American sociologist, flight attendants at many companies are told to imagine that passengers are visiting their own homes. Employees need to create a welcoming atmosphere every day so that customers will buy plane tickets again. In fact, flight attendants provide passengers with not only food and drinks, but also their smile and laughter. They are real actresses, but they walk around with a forced smile not for two hours, but for eight or more.

Based on research findings, flight attendants are more likely than others to suffer from burnout.

And this happens even today. In 2021, Canon installed smile detection cameras at the entrance to its Chinese offices. Before entering the workplace, employees are required to smile for the camera - access is allowed only if they are in a sufficiently good mood. According to The Verge, the new cameras were announced a year earlier, but almost no one paid attention to them. This means that, at least in China, surveillance of workers has become so commonplace that it does not bother anyone.

Camera at the entrance to the Chinese Canon office

With all this, it is believed that a smile lifts your spirits. Partly, this is true

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