Some of you have probably heard that simply smiling is enough to get rid of a bad mood. And it doesn’t matter whether the smile is sincere or forced - many sources claim that this simple action, although slightly, still improves your mood. Such advice did not arise out of nowhere, but are the result of real scientific research. Many groups of scientists have repeatedly proven that activating certain facial muscles can trick the brain into thinking that everything is fine and the person is happy. Recently, Australian scientists decided to go further and conducted a study, the results of which showed that a tight smile not only improves mood, but also makes a person more optimistic. We can say that people who constantly smile seem to wear “rose-colored glasses” and have the ability to notice only the good.
Even a fake smile can affect your emotional state
You will be appreciated
Yale University researchers concluded that attractive people always earn more than average-looking individuals: handsome men by 9%, pretty women by 4%. At the same time, one of the main ingredients of attractiveness is a smile - this is evidenced by data from numerous surveys.
In addition, management obviously perceives open, smiling employees as more ambitious, success-oriented, self-confident, sociable and able to work in a team. Therefore, they are always considered valuable personnel and are often given advantageous personnel positions.
Fact two: smiling improves your mood and relieves stress
It is argued that even if a person is in an extremely bad mood, he should try to stretch his lips into a smile. And do this even if it turns out very badly. This measure will allow you to switch your brain, and your mood will automatically begin to improve. In addition, it is believed that endorphins begin to be produced.
“The hypothalamus, a section of the brain that performs a number of autonomic functions, is responsible for all emotions and behavioral reactions. When a person experiences happiness or joy, the hypothalamus receives a signal from another area of the brain - the amygdala, which processes information about the emotions experienced. The mechanism for producing the hormones of joy and satisfaction - dopamine and serotonin - uses neural networks that were previously formed in the brain under the influence of individual experience.
Smiling also stimulates the production of endorphins, hormones that are largely responsible for a person’s feelings of euphoria and happiness. Endorphins, in turn, suppress the production of another hormone, cortisol, associated with negative emotions, anxiety and fear. It follows that by influencing the functioning of the brain, smiling and laughter literally have a healing effect on the body. These positive emotions promote relaxation and muscle relaxation, which, in turn, leads to faster recovery of the body,” says the neuropsychologist.
How to smile correctly so that you look good in old age? More details
Important role
In general, imitation of a smile plays a huge role in our socialization. Oddly enough, it is by a smile that we usually unconsciously determine whether a person is sincere or not, whether we can expect a dirty trick from him or whether he can be trusted. The thing is that our brain analyzes the facial expressions of the interlocutor and immediately makes a comparison with previous experience. For example, in this case, a person smiles barely, the corners of his lips and the brain give us a signal that no, we shouldn’t trust him, because a sincere smile looks different. But the corners of the lips are only the most superficial sign. In fact, our brain notices so many nuances that we ourselves cannot voice them and do not understand why this or that person’s smile seemed insincere to us.
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Fact four: smiling keeps you healthy
This means that a smile, by activating the production of endorphins, spurs the activation of the body's immune system. A person begins to relax, blood flows through the body better, tissues and organs are nourished with oxygen more correctly. If we talk about laughter, then it becomes clear that it generally promotes fat burning and improves the relief of body muscles.
“To maintain health, a person’s emotional mood in relation to his own life, other people, and the reality around him is of particular importance. A physically healthy, confident and cheerful person smiles and laughs with pleasure.
Question answer
Why do Russian people smile so little? When laughing, the body uses up to 80 muscle groups, mainly the muscles of the face, abdomen, back and legs. Laughter has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous, cardiovascular systems of the body, and the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating metabolism. On a neurochemical level, it stimulates the production of endorphins. Laughter lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, improves blood circulation, normalizes breathing, and clears tear ducts. In addition, laughter has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, synchronizing the interaction of the left and right hemispheres, which increases a person’s creative abilities. So be sincere, kind, give smiles, laugh, like children do, just from the heart!” - says the neuropsychologist.
So you should smile more often, because it helps you feel better and stay in a positive mood. And when a person is tuned to the positive, he is less susceptible to illness, since he does not stress, does not get upset and does not worry about various reasons and trifles.
The importance of a smile
Having a smile on your face is very important, both for the person smiling and for those who see it. She energizes and infects those around her with positivity! Smiling people stand out as attractive and people often pay attention to them. It is noted that such a person arouses greater interest among the opposite sex. According to research, men like smiling girls more than serious and sad ones. In an unfamiliar company, if there is fun and laughter, it will be easier to get used to it. This contributes to the emotional disposition of the people present in it.
It is much easier to work with optimists. A smiling person makes his family and friends happy. With the help of laughter, you can quickly get rid of fatigue and overwork, and drive away disturbing thoughts.
Free Value
Smiling is a great way to improve the mood of those around you. It costs nothing, but gives a lot. The main thing is that the smile is sincere and honest. We use it consciously or spontaneously, but in each case it transforms the atmosphere in which we find ourselves. The psychological climate of the situation improves, even if there are people unfamiliar to us in it.
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A smile is not just a facial gesture. It is an important signal of friendliness and a reflection of a good emotional state that we share with others. It has a healing effect, while at the same time attracting people to us.
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In a professional environment, the beneficial factor of a contagious smile can also work. Such a message from the leader to team members can charge all participants with motivation and optimism, which is very important when carrying out complex and responsible projects.
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An honest smile can defuse a tense situation. This small gesture radiates calm and positivity, which is transmitted to everyone around.
Experts highlight three reasons why you should use a smile in your work and personal life.
Productivity increase
The association of smiling with positive emotions affects a person's performance resources. In a good mood, people work better and try to improve their effectiveness, setting higher professional standards. In a team, this applies to each individual employee and the atmosphere as a whole. In a toxic stressful environment, even a person who came with a good attitude will sooner or later feel depressed. Conversely, a healthy environment with a positive psychological climate will improve the emotional state of an employee who was initially in a bad mood.
The leader has a strong influence on the team, and his emotional messages can ultimately set the mood for the work environment. One smile is enough for managers and ordinary team members to be inspired and reveal their full potential at work.
A smile can indicate the good qualities of its owner
People tend to genuinely change their facial expressions, making them more good-natured, in an attempt to show their best intentions. For example, kindness and integrity are also considered attractive qualities. The study found that this turned out to be an important factor for many women when choosing a long-term partner.
A 2021 study found that a good-natured smile and soft demeanor make unattractive men more desirable when it comes to building long-term relationships.
Observations of scientists
Scientists conducted a series of experiments and found that when a person smiles, special muscle groups are activated that release neurotransmitters, namely, they are responsible for the emotions of joy. Simply put, the logic is that modeling an emotion can cause that very emotion.
This applies to both bad and good emotions. Just for fun, conduct an experiment: lower the corners of your lips, close your eyes, that is, imitate the behavior of an upset person or a capricious child. Soon you will really feel like you want to cry, that you are sad about something. Now go to the mirror and smile - voila, long live a great mood!
Here's an interesting statistic: children smile up to four hundred times a day, while an adult barely reaches twenty times. Significant difference, isn't it?
Smiles help us communicate with other people
Lifting the corners of the lips is the way we communicate with each other. People signal with their faces that they acknowledge us, that we are important, that we are not just objects to be turned away from. A sincere smile has great meaning and influence.
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smile more 
- Interesting
- Seal
Smiling is one of the easiest ways to express a positive attitude towards the world around you.
From the moment of birth, a person has the ability to rejoice: newborns try to smile already in the first weeks of life, and a 5-year-old child laughs and smiles up to 300 times a day. Unfortunately, with age we lose this ability, and the number of smiles decreases to 10-15 per day. Look around - people are so immersed in everyday affairs and worries, making plans, rushing somewhere - more often you can see a puzzled or tense expression on their faces. We seem to have forgotten the benefits of smiling. It's time to remind about this.
A smile is the most important thing for our sense of calm and comfort.
When we can't smile, we feel awkward and restless. This is a very important part of nonverbal communication.
Scientists also described the experience of a woman who underwent a face transplant after being attacked by a chimpanzee. “After the operation, the woman regained her ability to smell and smile. This woman will be blind for the rest of her life, but it's wonderful that she can lift the corners of her lips. This will be important for her life,” the doctors said.
Smiling not only helps people communicate, it can be reassuring and calming, and therefore beneficial in relationships.
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A curious exercise
There is a simple exercise that psychologists recommend doing when you are out of sorts, when you are sad, sad, lonely. You need to go to the mirror and smile at your reflection. At first, you will experience mixed emotions due to the absurdity of the situation. You just somehow involuntarily imagine how you look from the outside and how the people around you might perceive such behavior if they were nearby.
And this is how you need to smile at your reflection until you start laughing and until your mood lifts. The most interesting thing is that such a seemingly stupid exercise really works, and even more effectively than those affirmations. If you repeat to yourself or in a whisper, “I’m having fun, I’m in a good mood,” then it’s unlikely to do any good.
But if you smile at your reflection, then be sure that your mood will really lift. And this phenomenon has been proven by experts.
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Mirror neuron
There is also an assumption that a smile is contagious. This is not a mirror exercise. The benefit of a smile is that we can give a great mood not only to ourselves, but also to those around us. How does this happen? Let's turn to science again.
It turns out that we have a so-called “mirror neuron” in our brains. It is responsible for recognizing faces and facial expressions. It is this neuron that forces us to copy the facial expressions of our interlocutor. That is, if a person smiles, then we begin to do the same. Well, then your mood improves, you want to laugh. A huge number of experiments, or rather pranks, were carried out by pranksters on this topic. And all the time the result was the same: at first people looked at the cheerful man with bewilderment, and then they themselves began to laugh.
The beauty of a child's and woman's smile
The soft expression on the face of a baby, child and woman is as natural as their tenderness, fragility and beauty. They are naturally gifted with these characteristics, they do not need to learn to smile sincerely, they have this skill from birth.
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Significant benefits
In general, the benefits of a smile are difficult to overestimate. People who smile often are statistically more successful and often live longer. It is a smile that helps to make a pleasant impression on a stranger, establish contact with the interlocutor, and gain trust.
Smiling people move up the career ladder faster and are more easily realized in their profession. There are fewer difficulties encountered on their life path. A person who shows an open and sincere smile is always asked for help. And such a person is popular with the opposite sex. And it doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman.
So the conclusion is simple: smile as often as possible, give yourself and those around you a great mood. And remember that laughter is the best cure for stress and blues.
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