Mental and psychological health of a person and personality


Health is considered as a complex phenomenon that combines many diverse aspects. In addition to medical indicators, health can be characterized by pedagogical, psychological and other characteristics.

Previously, when studying the characteristics of the human body, a mechanical approach characteristic of the natural sciences was used. The separation of humanistic psychology into a separate direction was marked by the appearance of the term “psychological health.” The fundamental concept is the result of the development of humanitarian methodology, focusing on human knowledge through psychological research.

The phrase “human psychological health” contains two categories: “human psychology” and “health psychology”. Both terms have proven their promise in expanding the boundaries of psychology, considered as a scientific and practical discipline.

“Mental health” is understood as a set of normally functioning mental mechanisms and processes. The term “psychological health” characterizes the personality as a whole and evaluates the manifestations of the human spirit. This approach makes it possible to separate the psychological aspect from other facets, which include philosophical, sociological and medical. According to experts, without psychological health it is impossible to talk about the self-sufficiency of an individual.

Possess self-awareness

A healthy person is self-aware. The ability to introspect, self-evaluate, and reflect helps a person become more aware of their strengths, weaknesses, feelings, thoughts, values, abilities, and areas where they can improve.

Knowing yourself gives you clarity of mind, a focused attitude, and the ability to make good choices in life. Emotional awareness helps us express a wide range of emotions.

A mentally ill person has poorly developed self-awareness. Most of the time he doesn't understand how he feels or what he wants.

He does not know how to express his emotions, keeps everything to himself and accumulates dissatisfaction. Such people experience stress, anxiety, lack of motivation and depression, and as a result are susceptible to various psychological problems.

Levels of psychological health

When assessing the state of psychological health, the adaptation approach is most in demand. From this point of view, a healthy individual is considered to have the skills of successful adaptation and does not experience difficulties in establishing contacts with other people. Within this approach, psychological health is associated with a dynamic balance of two sides: person and environment. For preschoolers, the criterion of psychological health is the harmony of the child and society. Based on this, three levels of psychological health were identified:

  1. higher (creative), which is characterized by stable adaptation, an active creative attitude to reality and the presence of reserve forces expended in stressful situations;
  2. medium (adaptive), suggesting adaptation to society as a whole in the presence of increased anxiety and isolated signs of maladjustment;
  3. maladaptive, the distinctive feature of which is reflected in the imbalance “child-society” due to the presence of failures in regulatory processes.

Children whose psychological health is at the highest (creative) level do not feel the need for psychological assistance. Work with them may be limited to developmental areas.

With relatively “prosperous” preschoolers who make up the second group, it is advisable to systematically conduct group classes focused on prevention, development and strengthening of psychological health.

Children classified in the third category feel the need for serious correctional work that requires an individual approach. These students exhibit two types of behavior:

  • The predominance of accommodation processes leads to the development of opportunistic traits. Such preschoolers tend to infringe on their own interests and needs. They are focused on meeting the demands of the outside world. Diligence and effort in the learning process, calm behavior are characteristic features of children who are prone to silence. Children who are “comfortable” in almost all respects not only do not cause problems for their parents, but are also the object of their pride.
  • Affective moodiness, an abundance of conflicts with peers and shocking behavior are clear signs of maladaptation in children, which are characterized by the predominance of assimilation processes. These preschoolers are overwhelmed by the desire to change reality. At the same time, they are not capable of changing themselves, which implies compliance with the interests of others and submission to demands coming from outside.


Even writing down a list of things to do every day creates positive feedback. Your mood will improve and it will give you a feeling of satisfaction, programming your brain to take further beneficial actions.


is one of the common characteristics of a mentally healthy person, and
it is the key to success and happiness

At the same time, a mentally healthy person does not force himself to adhere to a regime and a certain order. Rather, it comes naturally to him and he likes it.

Organization allows a person to do what is important and necessary, even when he doesn’t really want to do something.

A mentally ill person finds it difficult to maintain self-discipline; he succumbs to laziness, procrastination, suffers from chronic indecision, helplessness and does not feel that he is in control of his life.

Psychological aspects of the health of preschool children

The correct course of processes that are significant for the child’s future life is impossible without general mental development, based on a new system of mental functions for the body. Among the latter, memory and thinking skills received close attention. From now on, the child is subject to both orientation and implementation of actions that are important at the moment, as well as the construction of a chain of connections that unites general ideas and concepts that go beyond the scope of the baby’s personal experience.

Thanks to this feature, thinking manages to soar above the visual basis, as a result of which the transition from visually effective reasoning to visually figurative one becomes possible. Unique features of the development of memory and thinking give children access to new types of activities, including types such as constructive, playful and visual. From now on, ideas and thoughts can serve as starting points, and embodiment and specific situations can act as logical conclusions, whereas previously the child was guided by the only chain “situation - thought” available to him.

Speech is a harmonious continuation of thought processes that are at the stage of development. Before the child enters school, this skill is assigned the function of planning and regulating the child’s activities. During this period, there is a replenishment of vocabulary and the assimilation of the simplest principles of grammatical structure of speech. From expressing the desires overwhelming him at the moment and commenting on specific events, the child moves on to thinking and talking about the people around him, animals, plants, etc. Not the least role in these thoughts is given to the awareness of one’s own “I” and determination of one’s place in the world.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the influence of adults, whose daily presence affects the entire development of a preschooler. Full communication is the key to normal physical and psychological development. The circle of close people is limited to parents, grandparents, etc. They are the ones who are next to the baby at an early stage of life’s journey and introduce him to the realities of the world around him. Their lips pronounce the first crumbs of words in their lives. Under the guidance of relatives, the baby learns to interact with objects and masters the skills of using tools that can be understood. In the near future, the support of loved ones will be useful at the stage of comprehending the complex system of human relationships. Numerous examples indicate that children who were deprived of communication with adults in the first years of life subsequently failed to learn either to speak fully or to think fully. In such cases there could be no discussion of adaptation in the social sphere.

Features similar in strength to brightness are inherent in the phenomenon of “hospitalization,” which is characterized by limited interaction between the baby and the adult. Formal child care in its essence does not provide for full emotional communication.

The majority of children do not experience a lack of care and attention from adults. At the same time, even among children raised in families, a significant percentage of mental illnesses is recorded. Neuroses occupy one of the leading places in the sad list. Their manifestations are often associated with social factors determined by the characteristics of relationships.

You adapt to environmental changes

The ability to adapt to people, situations and one’s environment is one of the hallmarks of a mentally healthy person. Through adaptation, plants and animals survive in their environment.

In the same way, a person with a healthy psyche changes his environment for the better and adapts to changes if the situation requires it. These healthy behaviors promote development, success, and well-being.

For someone with poor mental health, new changes and situations easily become overwhelming. He fails to fit into society due to his victim mentality and ends up staying in an environment that does not improve his chances of success.

Components of psychological health of preschool children

The staff of every preschool must make every effort to achieve the vital goal formulated in three simple words. As you might guess, we are talking about raising a healthy child. The priority of this task is confirmed by numerous studies that took several decades. Developed and healthy children are not afraid of harmful environmental factors, they demonstrate excellent physiological and social adaptation, and are not prone to fatigue.

During the period of preschool childhood, the basis of the baby’s health is formed, the intensity of development and growth is recorded, posture and typical movements are laid. These days are devoted to acquiring basic physical qualities, developing habits and learning skills, as well as developing character traits that contribute to leading a healthy lifestyle.

The priority for adults should be the formation and maintenance of interest in health improvement. The beneficial influence of personal example cannot be underestimated. It is not for nothing that it is the parents who are assigned to lay the foundations of not only the intellectual and moral, but also the physical development of the child, and the parents themselves were awarded the title of first teachers, which is reflected in paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation.

Children should grow up in a friendly and calm psychological atmosphere. Mutual understanding and agreement are considered as the main aspects of relationships. Swearing in the presence of a baby is fraught with the appearance of neurosis. In some cases, there is a worsening of existing nervous system disorders. Such manifestations contribute to the deterioration of the protective capabilities of the child’s body. Good mood and positive thinking are prescribed as a medicine aimed at preventing harmful consequences. Psychologists are convinced that preschoolers need at least eight hugs per day. A smile decorating an adult’s face teaches a child to rejoice, while a frowning forehead and irritability cause feelings of disappointment and guilt in a child.

Eliminating unwanted exposure factors is the first step aimed at protecting the child’s body. The second involves the creation of conditions that have a beneficial effect on increasing efficiency and strengthening protective forces. Thanks to a properly organized daily routine, it is possible to achieve an optimal combination of periods of sleep and wakefulness, which involve satisfying nutritional, motor and other needs. Following a routine teaches children discipline, sets them to a certain rhythm and facilitates the process of mastering useful skills.

In addition to proper sleep, children need quality nutrition. The diet of preschoolers should contain vitamins A, B, C, D and mineral salts. It is advisable to take food at clearly established time intervals.

Staying in the fresh air is considered one of the most effective types of recreation, which has proven itself as an excellent means of restoring performance and replenishing resources expended as a result of performing certain actions. Walking strengthens the body's resistance, thereby promoting its hardening. Normalization of sleep and appetite is another important aspect of the beneficial effects of outdoor activity. Walking is recommended in almost all weather conditions, with the exception of the most unfavorable ones. The latter included strong gusts of wind, heavy rain, abnormally high or low air temperatures. The choice of clothing and footwear should be made taking into account hygienic requirements and climatic conditions. Teachers and parents should remember the harmful effects of staying in one position for a long time. It is possible to change the situation for the better by changing the location of the game, changing activities, etc. The combination of outdoor sports games with leisurely walks has proven beneficial.

Parents and teachers should not forget that childhood is a special period. It is important to take into account that the activities carried out by preschoolers are limited to gaming processes. The absence of educational and educational games in a child’s life takes away his childhood. The trauma inflicted during these years will come back to haunt both the stage of growing up and after it ends. Preschoolers who underplayed in childhood may subsequently experience problems with adaptation in society, feel their own inferiority and demonstrate ineptitude in the area of ​​expressing feelings.

Creating a psychological atmosphere suitable for a child in the family requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  1. Preschoolers should not be present during scandals and proceedings. Direct participation in them is considered completely unacceptable. It is advisable to postpone the clarification of the relationship until the child is absent.
  2. Building a relationship with your baby should initially be based on agreement and mutual understanding.
  3. It is advisable for adult relatives who are in a stressful state to be able to control their own emotions. Many parents do not think about how often they throw out their overwhelming resentment and anger on an innocent child.
  4. Relatives and loved ones surrounding the preschooler should realize the importance of time spent with the child. At such moments, you can entertain your child with stories about memorable moments of your own childhood, victories won during that period and disappointments that befell you. A preschooler should have the opportunity to speak out. During a conversation that is informative for both parties, you can give your child some useful advice and explain why you should do this and not otherwise.

Methodological framework focused on supporting psychological health

Psychological health is based on three key components: resistance to stress, spirituality and harmony. Improving the psychological health of children is a priority for both parents and staff of preschool institutions. The degree of success of its implementation depends on the effectiveness of the methodological framework involved. Among the latter are:

  • A person-centered (person-oriented) approach that takes into account the subjective, individual and personal characteristics of the child. It allows you to determine the priority of goals, needs and values ​​for the development of the child’s personality.
  • A project approach that involves organizing psychological, social and medical support. This approach is aimed at creating suitable conditions in the educational environment that facilitate the rapid cooperation of disparate subjects in the event of problematic situations affecting the educational process.
  • The theory of pedagogical support, focusing on the vital importance of the process of individualization of the individual and expanding the boundaries of self-awareness. At the same time, the need to create conditions that push the preschooler to self-determination, self-actualization and self-realization through subject-subject relationships is emphasized. With this approach, the joint creativity of a child and an adult is considered as the result of cooperation based on an exchange of personal experience beneficial for both participants. Interestingly, the dominant party acts as an equal partner.
  • After becoming acquainted with the concept of psychological and mental health of children, it becomes clear that it involves the study of problems of personal development within clearly defined boundaries of a specifically chosen space, the features of which affect the state of psychological health of the individual. Psychological prevention continues to be the most popular means of preventing the occurrence of problems. Monitoring of the educational space is used as available means, providing for its subsequent correction.
  • The developmental education paradigm focuses on developing an education system that does not limit its capabilities to teaching children and acquiring the necessary skills. Preschoolers who rotate in this environment develop personal qualities. In addition, children acquire fundamental human abilities. With this approach, pedagogical practice is subject to serious “psychologization.”
  • The anthropological paradigm implemented in psychology and pedagogy is based on a holistic approach to man. The child's development is assessed from the point of view of the integrity of the situation, which involves the study of relationships and connections with peers, relatives and other people. The analysis of individual properties and functions fades into the background. Thinking, memory, and attention are given the status of secondary categories.

Factors affecting the psychological health of preschool children

The materials classified as psychological literature identify factors affecting the psychological health of children. The predominant part of them has socio-psychological, socio-economic and socio-cultural features.

The factors of the socio-cultural aspect include the factors of lack of time, the acceleration of the pace of life and the lack of conditions conducive to relaxation and relieving emotional stress. Overly busy parents, under nervous tension, develop personal problems, the solution of which is impossible without the appropriate knowledge. In the course of the research, it turned out that many adults are not able to cope with intrapersonal conflicts on their own. The situation is complicated by the fact that most of them are unaware of the possibilities of psychotherapeutic and psychological help. Parents who are in a state of personal disharmony negatively affect the fragile child’s psyche.

Among the socio-economic factors, we should highlight those that worsen the emotional climate in the family and depress the psyche of household members. In addition to the busyness of parents and unsuitable living conditions, children may also suffer due to the mother’s early departure to work, which is accompanied by the placement of the child in a nursery or the transfer of the baby to the care of a nanny. For children under three years of age, separation from their mother acts as a traumatic event, the impact of which can be felt for several years.

The first three years of life are spent developing a sense of self. During this period (provided that the normal emotional background between mother and child is maintained), the baby learns to recognize himself as a separate individual. The depth of the feeling of dependence on parents gradually decreases. Neurotic reactions that arise at such a young age are provoked by an increase in the need for affection. They are the visible result of long-term systematic separation from the mother.

The desire for independence is demonstrated mainly by children who have crossed the three-year threshold. It is during this period that children begin to slowly get rid of parental care and shift part of their attention to peers, communication with whom takes place through joint games. Because of this feature, it is recommended to send children to kindergarten after celebrating their third birthday. With this approach, the risk of damage to the mental health of the baby is minimized. The group of socio-psychological factors covers violations in the sphere of relations between parents and children, studies contradictions in family relationships and inconsistencies recorded within the framework of family upbringing. A detailed examination of the disagreements that arise within the family allows us to determine the causes and essence of conflicts, after which we can begin to search for the most appropriate corrective solution in this situation.

Criticism of oneself and one’s own mental production (activity) and its results.

This criterion can be designated as the ability for introspection and introspection, for reflection. The ability to evaluate what a person says and does and evaluate the consequences of those words and deeds.

For example, “I know that I am a hypochondriac (a person extremely fixated on the sensations of his own body, looking for diseases in himself) and for any reason it is easier for me to go to the doctor than to self-soothe. I don't believe in psychotherapy, although I know that I am physically healthy. I am ready to pay for consultations and tests, and these people in white coats with attentive eyes are my most effective psychotherapy. And this is the price of my hypochondria.”

Parenting styles

Many experts are convinced that the psychological indicators of a preschooler’s health reflect the parenting style chosen by the parents and the type of relationships established in the family.

The controlling parenting style is based on assigning to parents the function of controlling children's behavior. Restrictions on any type of activity are accompanied by an explanation of the essence of the prohibition. Children brought up in such conditions listen to the words of adults. They are not prone to aggression and decisiveness.

A distinctive feature of the democratic style is the high level of perception of the child. Adults do not experience problems with verbal communication with the baby. Parents and relatives perceive the baby as an independent unit, demonstrating at the same time their readiness to provide help at the right time. Children perceived from this position easily find a common language with their peers. They do not allow themselves to be manipulated, which does not prevent them from attempting to establish control over other preschoolers. As a rule, such babies are well developed physically. In some situations they can become aggressive.

A mixed parenting style develops a tendency towards obedience in children. Their imagination is at a low level. Curiosity and aggression are not typical for such kids. At the same time, preschoolers can be called emotionally sensitive.

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