Mental disorders in adolescents: how to notice and help in time

  • Organic mental disorders
  • The mental health of each person is a very delicate matter, the slightest fluctuations of which can lead to a number of negative consequences for the subsequent full-fledged social life.

    In the modern world, according to statistics, every fifth resident of a large city is a carrier of a certain type of mental disorder. This is caused by an overactive rhythm of life, chronic fatigue and frequent stressful situations. The danger is that some people may not be aware of their illness for many years, attributing everything to fatigue and workload. And only at the moment when a failure occurs, it becomes clear that the reasons lie much deeper and it is necessary to look for them with a qualified specialist. Treatment of mental disorders. Symptoms and signs

    Today, medicine knows many mental illnesses, which differ in different types of manifestation. However, there is one connecting link between all disorders - this is a combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions and behavioral reactions aimed at the patient himself or at people around him.

    The most common mental health disorders are:

    • depression;
    • schizophrenia;
    • panic attacks;
    • eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia);
    • mental retardation;
    • autism;
    • bipolar affective disorder;
    • psychoses.

    The specialized clinic “Salvation” provides a wide range of services and high-quality treatment for mental disorders. The symptoms and signs of each individual disease have their own character, which is why a competent approach and properly selected support guarantee significant improvements in health in the shortest possible time. Therefore, if you find that the behavior of your relatives has changed, they forget the names of objects, dates, faces, you should not self-medicate. Such signs indicate mental disorders and require the experienced eye of a specialist.

    Symptoms of mental disorder

    Each mental illness begins with the appearance of various symptoms, which, as a rule, one at a time do not raise any special questions from others and it can be difficult to collect them all into a single picture. However, careful observation of a person over several days will allow us to draw conclusions for taking further measures.

    Symptoms of mental disorders in most cases are closely related to a person’s depressed state, which prevents him from performing daily routine activities. These symptoms include:

    • physical (sleep disturbance, both in the direction of insomnia and vice versa, constant loss of strength even after proper rest; headache, etc.);
    • behavioral (abuse of pills, cigarettes and other substances in large quantities, inability to perform work);
    • cognitive (inability to think clearly, memory problems);
    • perceptual (obsessive thoughts);
    • emotional (constant feelings of anxiety and sadness).

    The presence of several symptoms immediately indicates a problem and the need for professional consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist. Identifying the causes and the possibility of making a diagnosis in the early stages will help quickly get a person out of such an undesirable state.

    Causes of mental disorders

    Some deviations in mental health can be caused by absolutely understandable reasons, for example, damage to a certain area or the entire area of ​​the brain, traumatic brain injury, intoxication or problems with blood vessels. While depression, schizophrenia and a number of other diseases are not tied to a specific factor, and even with numerous studies, it has still not been possible to establish an unambiguous cause for the development of pathologies.

    The causes of mental disorders are:

    • internal (genetics; developmental disorders at a certain stage of pregnancy; developmental abnormalities at an early age; somatic diseases that affect the functioning of the brain; immunological disorders; hormonal imbalance, etc.);
    • external (chronic stress; alcohol and drug intoxication; consequences of encephalitis or meningitis infections; traumatic brain injuries; exposure to radiation).

    Most often, the causes of mental disorders are a combination of various factors when, for example, an organism weakened by infections finds itself in a highly stressful environment. The presence of each factor and its level of effect on a particular person must be assessed by an experienced specialist.

    Most doctors approach mental health disorders as a multifactorial disease, since even if the main cause of the problem is known, related issues also play an important role and must be taken into account in the treatment process. These include:

    • human living conditions;
    • features of upbringing and traditions in the family;
    • surrounding society;
    • general health;
    • work and family environment;
    • originality.

    What is mental health

    Mental health is a concept that characterizes the internal state, reflecting the emotional and mental well-being of a person, the absence of mental problems.

    We are talking about a spiritual or mental level of health, indicating psychological maturity. What is mental health ?

    1. integrity of mind and body;
    2. the presence of healthy self-criticism (I know what is good and what is bad, I comply with the law and moral principles);
    3. constancy of one’s own identity (I know who I am, what I am, why I am);
    4. lack of internal tension (fears, anxieties, prolonged mental suffering);
    5. harmony with yourself and the world around you - satisfaction from relationships with people and within yourself;
    6. the ability to plan, set goals and achieve them;
    7. good mood, optimism;
    8. control over your behavior, the ability to consciously change it;
    9. calmness, confidence.

    If the mental level of an individual is, as they say, “in order,” then he has the opportunity to maximize his potential - to actualize his inclinations and turn them into talents.

    Such a person has a high degree of stress resistance, therefore he easily adapts to changes in the environment and successfully copes with difficulties. A person’s work activity brings him pleasure, and at the same time represents a quality contribution to society.

    Signs of mental disorder

    The peculiarity of mental illness is that there are no conditions, ages, nationalities or races for them. Absolutely every person, especially in the current world of multitasking and constant stress, is susceptible to threat. You can recognize the signs of a mental disorder with some careful observation of the behavior of others and your own.

    1. No matter how crazy you go. Everyone has fear - of newness, forgetfulness, a pressing deadline, natural disasters and other similar things. Constant thoughts around what a person is afraid of, together with a series of nervous situations at home or at work, can cause neurosis and panic attacks. And when mental health is shaky, psychosomatics can also get involved. In such a set it is difficult to find the root cause, and the neglected process can result in a more serious mental illness.
    2. Absent-mindedness. Conditions of constantly tight deadlines have a strong impact on the nervous system. It’s simply physically impossible to do everything, and you become distracted and forgetful. The nervous system cannot cope with overstrain and fails. As a result, the development of a mental disorder.
    3. Not good enough. Beauty standards, fashion canons, and high standards lead to the emergence of a whole complex of mental illnesses. This includes depression, eating disorders and psychosis. N
    4. Addiction. In addition to addiction to various alcoholic and psychotropic substances, which cause many mental disorders, psychologists have found that workaholism can also lead to unwanted diseases. Constant immersion in work matters, sleep disturbances and emotional burnout are slowly and surely preparing another person who needs the help of a psychotherapist.

    People with mental disorders

    As already mentioned, every person is susceptible to mental illness to varying degrees. Unfortunately, a healthy lifestyle and careful treatment of the nervous system cannot always guarantee the effect of “vaccination” against such diseases. People with mental disorders are not always the ones you often see in films. Not everyone wears white straitjackets, hears voices and sees things that others don't. Most people suffering from mental disorders are ordinary passersby whom you can meet on the way to work, neighbors at the nearest table in a coffee shop, and even friends and family. However, there are also more serious forms of the disease.

    Mentality (mental) is...

    The word “mentality” translated from Latin (“mens”) means mind, disposition of the soul, consciousness , way of thinking. In the modern explanatory dictionary, this concept is synonymous with the term “mentality” (from the Latin mentalite - mental).

    Both are deciphered as a plexus of mind and feelings, reflected in the complex of mental and spiritual attitudes of an individual person or an entire group of people.

    In simple words , mentality is the prism through which a person looks at the world. It contains moral values, a set of psychological and behavioral reactions, adaptation features, upbringing, attitude towards religion, and culture.

    It is important to note that the mentality of an individual is the experience of many generations of his family, nation, country, and therefore is a mixture of the deep, collective unconscious and individual consciousness.

    Mental means mental or psychic.

    From the point of view of psychology , mentality is a reflection of the contents of a person’s psyche: in what categories he thinks, how he interacts with the environment and what kind of life he leads. Habits, actions and actions speak about mentality.

    The determining factor is the individual’s environment – ​​family and society.

    What does “mental” mean in philosophy: there is no specific definition of this concept, since such a category does not exist in the context of this paradigm. However, some theories, implying mentality, speak about the spiritual mood of individual social groups.

    Mental disorders in adults

    Most mental health problems in adults arise and develop against the general background of dissatisfaction with life, as well as particular stressful situations that can be accompanied both in the family and at work.

    Bipolar disorder has gained widespread popularity because the number of patients it reaches is frightening. The disease manifests itself through frequent uneven mood swings, when a person, from vigorous activity, is transferred to a period of complete powerlessness, with the inability to eat, move and continue a full life.

    Another most common mental disorder in adults is depression. Despite the fact that psychologists have long been trumpeting the danger of this disease, modern society still does not pay due attention to it and subsequently specialists have to treat more advanced forms that the person himself is not able to cope with.

    Schizophrenia. May arise from dissociative identity disorder or as a separate disorder. As a rule, the disease develops against a background of disharmony and a tense nervous state over a long period of time, but schizophrenia can also develop on a completely stable neurological basis.

    Women, as a separate category, are more susceptible to mental disorders than men. The most common diseases include manic-depressive psychosis, eating and sexual behavior disorders, delirium and alcohol addiction, nervousness and panic attacks.

    Generalized anxiety disorder

    • How common: 284 million people worldwide experience mental health symptoms of anxiety disorders.

    We all experience anxiety from time to time, but usually the anxiety goes away Generalized anxiety disorder as soon as the stressful situation ends. But people with generalized anxiety disorder do not. Fear and anxiety are constantly present in their lives, making it difficult to carry out daily activities. At the same time, they do not always need a specific reason for their experiences. Things may be going well, but a person will still look for reasons to worry. For example, thinking through negative scenarios for your actions or worrying that something bad could happen to your loved ones at any moment.

    The diagnosis is made if Generalized anxiety disorder similar symptoms persist for six months:

    • strong feelings that clearly exceed the seriousness of the situation;
    • long thinking about minor events, constant assessment of possible unsuccessful outcomes;
    • fear of making decisions due to the risk of making mistakes;
    • inability to relax and let go of the situation;
    • a permanent state of being “on edge” - when every little thing can make you angry;
    • sleep problems;
    • pain in the head or stomach in the absence of physical illness;
    • nausea, diarrhea, need to go to the toilet more often.

    Mental disorders in children

    As every child goes through certain stages of his life, he faces a lot of problems and challenges. Some people endure all the difficult periods, but there are also those who are not ready for such conditions. Mental disorders in children can begin under the pressure of various factors.

    1. The formation process is often accompanied by the child’s rejection of himself and his own body. This causes various behavioral reactions, such as overeating or, conversely, refusing to eat. This eating disorder can lead to anorexia or bulimia.
    2. Peer bullying. Once one person stands out, he becomes a target for others. School bullying causes nervousness, psychosis, and depression. Suicidal thoughts may appear.
    3. Tense situation in the family. A very common cause of mental disorders in children is an unhealthy environment. If constant violence occurs in front of a child, then a mental disorder is guaranteed and can subsequently cause the development of schizophrenia. In an attempt to escape from reality, children invent a different life for themselves and stop this process, especially in an advanced stage. It can be extremely difficult.
    4. Congenital mental disorders of children can be caused by genetic predisposition, as well as unacceptable behavior of parents at the time of bearing the baby.


    We also have activities on psychoprophylaxis, including primary psychoprophylaxis for children and adolescents in schools and universities. There are measures for secondary psychoprophylaxis when a person is already sick, but we must prevent relapse. There is even tertiary psychoprophylaxis - for those patients who have been suffering from mental illness for many years, and their illness threatens them with social maladaptation and disability. And this psychoprophylaxis is aimed precisely at rehabilitating their capabilities and restoring what they have already lost during their illness.

    All these activities require the active participation, first of all, of psychiatrists, as well as other specialists; in order for this preventive care to be provided, you need to overcome your embarrassment, your complexes and still seek an appointment with a psychiatrist when you feel that you it's necessary. Contact our center, we are always ready to help.

    Levels of mental impairment

    When diagnosing mental health diseases, doctors identify levels of mental disorder, depending on which decisions are made on further treatment and stabilization.

    The first level is neurotic, which represents the appearance of various phobias, fears and neuroses, which can be caused by illness or some external factors. Divided into several types:

    • neurasthenia (this implies nervous exhaustion of the body, weakness, apathy and irritability);
    • obsessive-compulsive disorder (accompanied by an obsessive state when a person thinks that he hears or sees something that is not actually there);
    • hysterical neurosis (refers to conditionally desirable types of disorder and begins when a person may benefit from it, although he himself may not be aware of such a reaction of the body).

    The first level of violations is characterized by the beginning and end of the process in approximately limited periods. Such disorders most often affect people who have such a predisposition. However, various mental traumas can also trigger neurosis.

    The second level is called psychopathic and is a reflection of all human personality disorders. These are certain nuances in behavior, as well as character traits that are present with a person throughout his life.

    And the last level of disorders is psychosis (psychotic). This stage of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of hallucinations and delusions. Various manias, catatonia and mental confusion may also occur.

    Signs of a mental disorder

    Human life is filled with unexpected difficulties and negative phenomena that can be difficult to cope with.

    It’s good when a person has flexible thinking, is able to adapt to circumstances, without focusing on his suffering due to failures. But often in such situations there are simply not enough internal resources: then homeostasis in the body (what is that?) is disrupted, which is a mental disorder.

    Mental illnesses are disorders at the mental level, manifesting themselves in the form of neurotic symptoms (we are talking about initially mentally healthy people).

    When a person is faced with force majeure circumstances that he cannot bypass, like water bypassing stones, the following happens: conscious or unconscious disagreement with the situation is resistance. And as we know from physics lessons, any resistance gives rise to tension, which grows every day.

    Excessive stress is a large amount of mental energy that requires release.

    And she finds it in the form of the following symptoms of mental disorder:

    1. a person feels causeless anxiety - anxiety;
    2. he either cries or laughs - his mood changes very often during the day;
    3. either you constantly want to sleep, or it is not possible to fall asleep;
    4. attacks of aggression are replaced by depression;
    5. reactions become inadequate: irritability over trifles, excessive sensitivity, vulnerability;
    6. a person may experience a feeling of shame, guilt - reproach himself for his condition, but not know how to change it;
    7. mild anxiety, which was initially, takes the form of panic attacks and various phobias (fear of open space, knives, loneliness, etc.);
    8. emotional outbursts lead to the body becoming depleted: a feeling of chronic fatigue appears;
    9. mental functions suffer - attention, thinking, memory, logic, etc.;
    10. gradually the circle of contacts with society narrows (the individual is embarrassed to appear “like this” in public - in case they take him for a crazy person), only family members remain nearby.

    Treatment of mental disorders

    Depending on what disorder the patient suffers from, completely different treatment methods may be needed. In addition, it is worth considering that the treatment of mental disorders in each individual case is deeply individual and requires a careful approach.

    The early stages of most diseases are not accompanied by severe problems, so doctors do not recommend placement in clinics and the use of aggressive therapy. If a person is independently able to recognize the presence of a problem, then the treatment process is based on consultations with a psychologist and psychotherapist and work to identify the causes that gave rise to the disease.

    Diagnosing mental disorders in a mild form allows you to get by with “little blood” and build recovery in such a way that the patient will recover in a short time and can easily restore his mental health.

    Treatment of mental disorders in adults

    Mental disorders for different age categories differ in many ways, so the right approach to recovery is also selected taking into account the differences. For example, treatment of mental disorders in adults is often accompanied by the use of a group of antidepressant drugs, which is completely unacceptable when treating children.

    Each disorder, be it autism or initial neurosis, requires its own techniques.

    1. Depression. Treatment methods should be selected based on the severity of the disease. Depression in the early stages can be cured using traditional methods, as well as through the processes of socialization, the introduction of an active lifestyle and periodic visits to a psychologist. If we talk about advanced cases, treatment includes constant observation by a psychotherapist, in-depth study of the causes of occurrence with a psychologist, hypnosis and drug intervention.
    2. In the first stages of development, doctors suggest treating bipolar disorder by restoring sleep patterns and giving up all substances that have a psychotropic effect on the human body (alcohol, drugs, tobacco). There are also effective medications that help prevent relapses. They are designed to stabilize the mood, protecting a person from depressing thoughts. Psychosocial support plays an important role in the treatment of bipolar affective disorder.
    3. Dementia is one of those types of mental illnesses that cannot be completely cured. Today, there are a large number of medications that are only undergoing clinical trials. Treatment methods for this disorder come down to an integrated approach and careful care of the person.
    4. Schizophrenia and neuroses in modern medicine can also be treated with medications, regular visits to psychologists and human socialization programs. Thanks to the correct management of the healing process, people suffering from this type of disorder can lead a full, happy life.

    Principles of Personality Disorder Treatment

    Usually they practice an integrated approach: a combination of psychotherapy and medication. The exact tactics to cure the disease largely depend on the specific variant of the disease. Typically, preference is given to individual or group sessions with a psychologist. At the same time, our specialists have sufficient qualifications and many years of experience to establish close, friendly contact with the patient. In some cases, family therapy provides good results.

    Drug treatment

    The role of drug use is controversial. For example, with the paranoid subtype of the disease, any attempts to prescribe medications are viewed with great suspicion and sabotage the prescribed treatment. Therefore, medications are used when there are pronounced signs of a personality disorder.


    • antidepressants;
    • neuroleptics (outpatient or inpatient, for borderline form);
    • sedatives;
    • anxiolytics.

    Based on their own practice, medical doctors are convinced that personality disorders are treatable in most cases. Our doctors know very well what to do to improve the quality of life not only of the patient, but also of his loved ones. Call us by phone +7 (495) 268-09-02!

    Treatment of mental disorders in children

    Most mental disorders in children are caused by adolescence and the stage of personality development. If symptoms indicating the development of deviations are detected, it is necessary to stabilize the atmosphere in the family as much as possible, spend more time with the child, talk about topics that concern him and support him in the first uncertain steps without criticism and intimidation. A visit to a psychologist and obtaining an expert point of view will also not be superfluous and will help you correctly plan the process of dealing with an unwanted illness.

    Some diseases, such as schizophrenia, which appear already in adolescence, require mandatory drug intervention. However, many other disorders do not require the addition of medications to the treatment of mental disorders in children, therefore, the creation of harmonious relationships with oneself and society should be taken into the hands of parents or psychological professionals.

    Illustrative examples

    What is mentality using simple examples.

    1. In Russia, at the beginning of every spring, Maslenitsa is celebrated: pancakes are baked for a week, then festivities are held, during which an effigy is burned, which symbolizes farewell to winter. In India, they don’t know about this and, perhaps, its inhabitants would twist their heads if they heard about such a tradition.

    2. Russian platforms are filled with people hugging and kissing goodbye. In France, such behavior at railway stations is strictly prohibited - you can even get a fine. And all because their platforms were once very narrow, and those hugging interfered with the movement of others.
    3. If they come to visit you, then most likely, as a sign of hospitality, you will offer them tea with something tasty, or maybe you will set a rich table with something stronger. In China, a mug of tea is served to a guest instead of the words “Isn’t it time for you to go home?” This is what different mentality means.

    Organic mental disorders

    Mental illnesses that occur when a particular area or entire area of ​​the brain is damaged, due to various factors, are called organic mental disorders. This type of disorder includes multiple diseases that can occur due to external influences on the brain (traumatic brain injury) or internal processes (dysfunction). The main syndrome of organic disorders is damage to short-term memory. In such cases, a person remembers only those events, emotions and information that just happened. When repeated attempts are made to remember what happened, even after a few minutes, complete amnesia sets in. Often people “remember” certain moments in their lives, but when checked, this information turns out to be fictitious. The process of treating organic mental disorders includes an integrated approach, which involves medications, work with relatives and caregivers, as well as psychotherapy and psychopharmacotherapy.

    Munchausen syndrome

    Named after a famous liar, this syndrome is characterized by pathological lying about one's health. A person exaggerates, feigns, or deliberately causes symptoms of illness.

    A person goes to great lengths to achieve medical procedures of varying complexity, including surgical interventions, insurance payments, foundation support and - most importantly - support, sympathy, attention and help from others. A related disorder, Munchausen syndrome by proxy, involves a relative (usually a mother or spouse) causing symptoms of the disease in a loved one (usually a child).

    Still from the documentary Mommy Dead Dearest

    An example of the full scale and tragedy of this disorder is last year’s story of Dee Dee Blanchard and her daughter Gypsy: her mother spent her entire life instilling in her child that she was seriously ill with a whole “bouquet” of serious diseases - from epilepsy to muscular dystrophy. The grown-up daughter could not stand it and persuaded the young man to kill his mother. Now she is under investigation - and she does not have a single symptom of any of the diseases that she “suffered from.”

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