the art of negotiation
The art of negotiation: basic rules. How to negotiate with people?
People must learn to hear each other, accept the other’s position and be able to negotiate. Otherwise human
The importance of a person’s image and the rules for its formation
Image is an image, a stereotype, a set of certain qualities that has developed in people’s minds that are associated
how to become a millionaire - tips, methods and recommendations
15 Billionaire Tips for Those Who Want to Succeed and Live a Happy Life
Hello, dear readers of the business magazine “”! In this article we will touch on the topic - how to become
What is megalomania and how does it manifest itself in adults?
Megalomania is a mental disorder in which the patient feels like a great person without having
workers listen to their colleague
Professional communications: means, functions, principles of organizing the process
Professional communications are a prerequisite for allowing company employees to effectively interact with each other. From
How to make a text plan
Article outline: how to write a logical and useful text
Writing informative and useful articles is not such an easy task. Before writing the material
What does purple, lilac color mean in human psychology, men, women, in the interior, craving for purple and lilac colors?
Few people think that colors, just like circumstances, situations
Abraham Maslow: major achievements and research
Psychology as a science has a long history of development, which was created by the works and research of various scientists
mint and pink watch stress and fear at a new job
11 circles of hell for those who lack experience in a new job
Adaptation is the process of adapting an employee to work in a new organization. Every person, student
Human food needs
Let's look at the factors that shape needs in more detail.
What are needs? Every person has a need to have something. That is, he has
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