How to get rid of the fear of surgery
“Don’t bury it in advance!” Psychologist on how to support a seriously ill person
12/08/2020 Your doctor claims that it is useless to continue conservative treatment of the joint. You seem to him
How to make your voice lower and why is it necessary?
How to deepen your voice and improve its sound: exercises and tips
How often do we think about what would be very nice if we could produce
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Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy
Authors: Mukhin K.Yu., Petrukhin A.S. Part 1: Introduction Definition, classification of epilepsy Idiopathic generalized epilepsy
"Experiment. Laboratory and natural experiment." material
Man and the characteristics of his personality have been the object of interest and study for centuries.
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Laws of perception in psychology. Basic types and properties of perception
Features of human development Some laws of perception of the surrounding world have been established through simple experiments and
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How is lethargic sleep recognized and distinguished from death?
Lethargic sleep is a pathology characterized by an almost complete absence of signs of life. The human condition in
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Abusive parent: signs, what to do, consequences
Join our Telegram Dysfunctional families are a breeding ground for the formation of unhealthy behavior in
The basics of meditation, or how to learn to do nothing usefully
“The same rake again,” my wife told me when I was delayed again
Useful review. 28 Books That Influenced, Inspired, or Made Me a Better Person
We all have moments when we get tired of routine and experience a drop in motivation.
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“Spiritual and moral education - as the basis for the harmonious development of a student”
Where does the upbringing and development of modern society begin? Several
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