Personal identification is a concept in psychology that is considered as the identification of an individual with another,
Phrases with deep meaning for all occasions from famous people. Modern opinion leaders
Pattern is a term that denotes a repeating pattern, it can also be called a pattern, model,
Lesson plan: Man’s place in society Prescribed and achieved social status Diversity of social roles
Where does boredom come from? Boredom is a condition characterized by a lack of interest in something, melancholy, languor
Every fifth Russian every year donates money at least once to charities and other non-profits.
The color red undoubtedly attracts the attention of society, as do all its shades. For most people
A feeling of embarrassment for other people comes when we witness ridiculous things that happen to us.
Chinese Yin-Yang symbol What does the Yin-Yang sign mean Masculine and feminine in everyone
The term “trigger” is now actively used in many areas. A very capacious concept that denotes pain