The state of nirvana: how to achieve it? Types of Nirvana
The brain in nirvana: what neuroscience knows about enlightenment and how to achieve it without drugs
Tips What is nirvana? Types of Nirvana How to fall into Nirvana? The concept of nirvana is found in
accept yourself
What is respectful attitude towards a person and how is it expressed?
We live in a society. We interact with society. By coming into contact with different people we
Daily routine: why is it needed, what is it
A daily routine that will help you get everything done and stay healthy
A healthy lifestyle is the most important condition for happiness, well-being and active longevity. One of the main
Jerusalem. The legendary king of Israel on the meaning of life
Wise sayings about the meaning of life. What do great people say?
Wise sayings about the meaning of life. Lev Tolstoy. This question worried Tolstoy seriously throughout
Albert Einstein
What is the essence of Occam's razor principle and is it worth applying it in life?
What is Occam's Razor? The postulate in question is expressed in the words “Do not bear fruit.”
Ions and molecules
Dissociation: a protective mechanism of the psyche and a means of psychotherapy
"Being detached", "not being yourself", "standing next to your own body" or "seeing yourself as
Black and white photographs in the hands of a man
The déjà vu effect: what is the Universe trying to tell you?
Memories and déjà vu: Pixabay Sometimes there is a feeling of repetition of the situation: I have already been here, with
Girl on fire tries to grab money out of greed
What is greed: concept, examples, reasons for its appearance
Greetings, friends! Each of us strives to improve living conditions for ourselves and our
Prude with many masks
Hypocrisy in the modern world or how to continue to remain human
Updated July 24, 2021 599 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Often
Why is it important to treat bulimia and how to do it correctly
Bulimia nervosa is a mental disorder with an eating disorder. Characterized by recurrent bouts of overeating, due to
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