Fear, anger, anxiety, panic and worry are accompanied by muscle tension, and if it is removed, then
Society12/25/2014 © www.beliefnet.com You probably know people who seem so charming that you like
Causes and provoking factors The main cause of emotional problems is considered to be organic damage to brain structures.
School years are not only about the daily routine, books, breaks, homework... It's time
Greetings, friends! Every person knows and periodically uses the word “instinct”. For example, explaining
Definition and age periodization The term “leading activity” was introduced into psychology by Vygotsky. Underneath this
An optimist is a person whose main feature is belief in a positive outcome of all events.
Consciousness – in philosophy, this briefly characterizes the process of the emergence of automatism. A person remembers certain actions
We, as responsible parents, want to raise our child as prepared as possible for independent life in
A reference group is a social real or imaginary association that is a reference standard in consciousness