Become a psycho: how to deal with irrational people

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Look around and you will notice that many people around cannot be called adequate. Simply put, there are crazy people out there. How to verify this - introduce yourself as a correspondent and ask some simple question to people on the street. Be sure that you will come across several comrades from whom you will simply want to run away. In uncertain times, the number of people who lose their minds increases. The first step on the path to insanity is the atrophy of the ability to think critically.

How do people become crazy?

Evangelina from the city of Ramenskoye wants to know: How people become crazy.
After all, such people, in the past, could have been successful and wealthy. This is what the upset girl says. I speak in simple language. They say that an inadequate old woman appeared in their neighborhood. She shouts terrible things at passers-by.

At the same time, she can pray like a woman possessed. Crazy, you say! No problem! The old woman remembers everyone she once met. In the dark, she sees better than a mole.

It's winter now. She is wearing a mink coat. And a stick that grandma doesn’t lean on. She holds the stick like a shovel. One day, a wretched abomination threw a poor grandmother into the snow.

Tough guys don't get bullied. But everyone unanimously insists that she is crazy. Admin, I'm waiting for an answer to the question in the title. But only without demagoguery and moralizing.

Hello, Evangelina. I'm already starting. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to leave comments.

How to become a crazy person

* Applicable to your case. The old woman you are talking about most likely personally deserved this kind of madness. There is a category of people who do evil. They revel in it. They crush those who stand in their way.

* To become a crazy person with a phenomenal memory, you need to read a lot of books and memorize.

* Those who have experienced a terrible shock become crazy. But! I repeat that the grandmother with the stick has nothing to do with it.

* In order for things to go crazy, it’s enough to get fixated on something. Let go of fanaticism. And not only religious. In this case, the madness is that for an abnormal person, ordinary people become potentially dangerous. Hence the aggression towards them.

* To become a crazy person, you must first get rich, then sell your mother. And a little later, go to hell. The method is expensive, but proven.

* There is such an unspoken concept as alcohol and drug madness. Similar to withdrawal symptoms and delirium tremens.

* And again I am forced to repeat myself coherently. Often, people who have acquired greed, cruelty, love of money and unspeakable power become crazy. Having lost all this overnight, they were left with a phenomenal memory and a mink coat, as an echo of the fact that the person was, is and will be a grinning bastard.

And those who have lost loved ones and relatives, as a rule, remain sane.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.



Insanity is an outdated name for insanity, which is a severe, potentially incurable mental pathology. Until the end of the nineteenth century, madness was the name given to behavior or mental functioning that exceeded the boundaries of the accepted norm in a certain society. For example, types of insanity included convulsions and suicide attempts. Also, epileptic seizures, consequences of brain injuries and concussion were considered signs of insanity. So what does the word madness mean? This term means loss of mind. A madman is an individual who has lost his mind or gone crazy. Since historically the concept of “madness” was applied to many different mental illnesses, today it is used extremely rarely in modern medical and psychotherapeutic practice, although it is also popular colloquially.

Causes of madness

Madness in life is a severe mental illness that is characterized by a distorted perception of reality. Scientists claim that mild insanity is caused by a disturbance occurring in the unity of the human soul and body. It is believed that the main factor provoking the onset of madness is the lack of possibility of adjustment and acceptance of reality. That is, insanity, in simple words, occurs when reality ceases to correspond to the stereotypes formed by the brain. Due to the fact that the varieties and forms of insanity are very diverse, today it is quite difficult to identify common causes that can lead an individual to loss of reason.

Most medieval psychiatrists, wondering what madness was, attributed to this concept such manifestations as banal deceit, lack of patriotism, as well as everything that made individuals different from the bulk of people. They were ready to recognize great artists, who are in a fit of creativity and inspiration on the verge of madness, as mentally ill.

In ancient times, there were two categories of causes of insanity: supernatural and physical. Our ancestors often associated madness with divine punishment for sins. In other words, by making a person mad, higher powers thus tried to punish him. However, divine madness often provided knowledge and therefore carried positive content.

Demonic possession was also considered a common supernatural cause of the condition at that time.

Often, problems of a moral and spiritual nature can cause symptoms of insanity. For example, loss of reason can be triggered by daily repetition of troubles, great grief, anger, and strong rage. Physical factors that cause insanity include head injuries.

The medicine of ancient Greece, based on the research of Hippocrates, explained insanity as an excess of “black bile”, the vapors of which settled in the brain, corroding it, which caused insanity. An excess of “yellow bile” led to an increase in activity, that is, choleric madness, mania and epilepsy. During the reign of the Renaissance and humanism, the described concept acquired a second life.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the theory of positivism was firmly established, which stated that the soul is just a puppet of the brain, therefore all the symptoms of madness are of a physical nature and are completely curable. Due to the influence of this concept, the word “mentally ill” went out of use, since it meant that the human subject has a soul that has the ability to “get sick.” The definition of “madman” has finally become established in everyday life.

Today, all symptoms previously generalized by the term insanity are designated as mental disorders. After all, what does the word madness mean? It means without reason, that is, a complete loss of rationality in behavior. The actions of a madman become unpredictable, as in a number of mental pathologies.

Modern psychiatry is convinced that mental illnesses occur as a result of a disorder of the neurotransmitter balance, in other words: the structural and functional elements of the nervous system - neurons are not connected to each other, the distance between them is called the synaptic cleft, in which there are neurotransmitters that transmit impulses between neurons. Mental disorders occur precisely because of the imbalance described above.

Method 2[edit]

Fermi and Dirac? Restless guys, I tell you...

~ Physicists' Neighbors about Physicists

So, dear friend, to become a mad scientist, you first need to become mad - the rest will follow. If nature has deprived you of this wonderful gift (madness), then this too can be corrected.

Getting crazy[edit]

There's sawdust in my head - no problem!

~ AvtoVAZ engineer comes up with a new car

Let's start with the fact that, since you are here, the situation is not hopeless - the infernet dissolves the brain according to the Schrödinger equation and this is to our advantage. But just sitting and waiting is a waste of time, so crazy people invented emergency methods, namely:

  • everyone knows - accelerate and hit the wall (carefully calculate the speed - our goal is not to get killed!)
  • pull out the brain with your hands or improvised means and throw it into the sea, and Cthulhu will take care of it
  • the most effective, but the most dangerous
    is to turn on the TV and watch Dom-2 (not recommended for people with weak psyches)

If one method doesn't help, try another. Believe, and everything will work out!

Mastering skills[edit]

Give him a brain biopsy and you'll see he has lupus.

~ Dr. House about Einstein

The first step has been taken! Now let's move on to the second one. We need to master the great sciences sent by the Dark Force, without which we can’t go anywhere. Again, there are quick methods to study the required sciences. Let's start with physics

Physics is learned by summoning some terrible creature, in the past of a person. Namely Gaia-Lussac
There are rumors that he is sleeping with Cthulhu. Nothing special - just nearby. It is caused by a drawing of the Collider on the floor (from which it will appear), a Zverev song (any) and a reading of field theory. When Lussac appears in front of you, the main thing is not to let him get close to your back. When you wake up in the morning, you will find that you can easily calculate flight trajectories and other physical crap. We will also need mathematics
Here you will have to delve into the mysteries of tangents yourself. Electrical engineering
is learned by sticking fingers into a socket, licking a USB wire, and by reading the book
“Me and the Diode

Treatment of madness

In the dark ages, they often tried to cure insanity with the help of magic and the reading of various spells. After all, what is madness for medieval people? This is possession, the possession of a demon. In Catholicism, the means of healing were masses, prayers and pilgrimages; in evangelism, the additional reading of the Bible to the mentally ill was used.

In the Stone Age, according to evidence from numerous excavations, a procedure such as craniotomy was used for treatment. Medieval psychiatrists believed that a hole in the skull could be used to free the demon in the head and give it a path to freedom. And although the diagnosis of insanity is unlikely to be cured in this way, it suggests that already in the medieval era, insanity was associated with the presence of pathologies in the brain.

The ignorance of psychiatrists and the underdevelopment of psychiatry as a science gave rise to its dark sides in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was then that such savage surgical treatment methods, which had no theoretical basis, began to be used, such as hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), female circumcision (removal of female genitalia: clitoris, lips), lobotomy (excision or separation of one lobe of the brain from other areas), and also a method of shock therapy.

Physician and philanthropist F. Pinel, heading an institution for the insane in Paris, introduced humanitarian methods of therapy and classified them according to the form of the disease and the severity of the disease. He divided all categories of patients into zones in which the development of individual forms of the disease can be compared and directly studied. Pinel outlined all his acquired experience in a monograph, which became the basis for the scientific classification of insanity.

Dr. G. Cotton was convinced that the main causes of insanity were localized infections. He is considered the founder of the “surgical bacteriology” method, which became widely used on mentally ill patients being treated at the Trenton hospital.

Cotton and his team performed many operations on mentally ill people, often without their consent. First, they removed the patient's tonsils and teeth; if a cure was not achieved, then they removed the internal organs, which, in their opinion, were causing problems. Cotton believed in his own methods to the point of fanaticism, as a result of which he removed his own teeth and also performed a similar operation on his wife and two sons.

Modern medicine treats mental illnesses comprehensively, including drug therapy and psychotherapeutic techniques.

Shock therapy is still used today, but in a modern variation (under anesthesia). She has successfully proven herself in the treatment of bipolar disorders.

In addition, to this day, “mentally ill” individuals are isolated from society. But modern clinics, fortunately, have nothing in common with the houses where the mentally ill were kept until the end of the nineteenth century.

Author: Psychoneurologist Hartman N.N.

Doctor of Medical and Psychological


Human MADNESS - what is it. Why does a person become mad?

The word "madness" is used by many people. While psychiatrists use this word to define a mental disorder, ordinary people call everyone who does not fit into their picture of the world crazy. To understand whether we are talking about madness, you need to know the signs through which it manifests itself. Madness has many causes, but there are very specific treatments.

The common man likes to throw around the word “crazy”, not always understanding what it means. Speaking about madness in the literal sense of the word, we are talking about a serious mental deviation from the norm, when a person simply loses his mind. This is a severe mental disorder that deprives the sick person of reason, and rewards his loved ones with suffering and torment.

Madness can be called the loss of any knowledge, understanding of the world around us, its real perception, the ability to think logically, communicate with people around us, adhere to social norms, etc. Previously, the term “madness” meant absolutely all mental disorders, which today are distinguished as individual diseases:

Now only people who do not understand the meaning of this word misuse this concept. In order not to be crazy due to our own ignorance, we suggest considering this disease in the article.

Is it necessary to become reckless?

Those who ask the question: “How to become a demon?” They rarely think about the fact that such a life is not for everyone. She entails a lot of troubles, and most likely people will be wary of such a person. But shyness won’t get you far either, and that’s why you need to make a choice by asking yourself:

  • Do I want to be the one who is always afraid, worried and embarrassed?
  • What will my life be like if I continue to live as I have lived?
  • Will having a crazy character help me?
  • Will I be able to live without giving a damn about the opinions of society?

There is no way without introspection. Take a pen and a piece of paper, and then honestly answer these questions, weighing the pros and cons.

What is madness?

The concept of madness has been used for a long time. Its modern equivalent is the term “madness.” What do they mean? They mean loss of mind. An individual suffering from insanity has gone crazy or lost his mind. He goes beyond the boundaries accepted in society with his behavior and mental activity.

Today, the term “madness” is practically not used in psychiatry and medicine, since it is an old definition of many mental disorders. However, in colloquial speech, many ordinary people use this word as an insult to people whose ideas or actions they do not agree with or are unable to understand.

The classification of insanity depends on many factors in its manifestation:

By influence on others:

According to the nature of the flow:

By severity:

Madness is often attributed to people who think outside the box. Let us recall events known in history when scientists made some discoveries, but society did not recognize them. Only after the death of the scientist did people come to understand that his research and theories were correct. However, while he was alive, he was considered crazy.

Madness is often combined with the word genius. For example, Einstein is considered a mentally ill person who suffered not only from insanity, but also from unreasonable aggression and autism. However, it was he who made serious discoveries in the field of physics.

Not every brilliant person is mentally ill with madness. It’s just that society may not understand his ideas. However, this does not make him sick and in need of treatment.

A New Look at Mental Disorders

Public organizations began to increasingly fight for the observance of human rights, which also affected the situation around the clinic. In the 50s, an anti-psychiatric movement emerged, the work of which contributed to the closure of many psychiatric hospitals and the transfer of care to patients on an outpatient basis. Since the second half of the twentieth century, antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) and antidepressants have appeared and entered medical practice, which began to be used in conjunction with psychotherapy.

The conversation about madness acquired new meanings: it was not only about ethics, but also about a philosophical revaluation of the very foundations of “reasonableness.”

The focus of the social sciences and humanities has been on the study of structures—large-scale theoretical models that include a set of connections and relationships. Soon the question arose about how the structures existing in society - invisible, but at the same time dominant - constrain a person. As a result, it became important for structuralists to discuss what was madness and what was normal, and how normality was established.

Michel Foucault drew attention to how this construction took place: in the period from the 16th to the 18th centuries, a repressive system arose that isolated those who thought and felt differently from others. Madness was opposed to new European rationality, which designated itself as the norm. It was perceived not only as a social, but also as a philosophical threat, calling into question the connection between personal sensory perception and truth. From Foucault's point of view, the desire to catalog, order, and divide is not only a way of knowledge, but also a way to exercise power and master chaos.

Quoting Descartes, who, when discussing cognitive abilities, casually mentions madmen opposed to himself, Foucault notes that this is exactly how demarcation occurs in the public consciousness: they

not us, but we are not
. That is why it was necessary to exclude the “abnormal” from society, to place them where they are subject to correction through supervision and discipline (the same can be said about all institutions of social normalization: schools, prisons, the army).

Jacques Derrida criticized Foucault, suggesting that everything is much more neglected: the mind can be mad in its desire for order. The desire to categorize is similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the active defense of rational thinking can resemble mania.

According to Derrida, the structure of madness and insanity is more complex than the rigid cultural codes that Foucault himself operates with, even if he opposes repressive practices.

With the experience of studying other cultures, it became clear that the understanding of madness may differ from society to society. There is even such a thing as cultural syndrome - a form of pathological behavior that is characteristic of a particular country and is almost not observed in other cultures.

For example, the Japanese cultural syndrome of taijin kyofusho is the fear of offending others with a look, smell or action. Part of the general Japanese national code of ethics is the desire not to cause disturbance or inconvenience to others (meiwaku).

Meiwak can be caused by talking on the phone in a public place, a strong smell of perfume and cosmetics, or public display of emotions. Thus, the fear of being inconvenient or annoying is confirmed in a culture where everything around convinces: do not attract attention to yourself, be quiet, smell neutral.

According to experts, multiple personality disorder is practically not found in Asian cultures, which tend to be collectivistic. But the Western tendency towards individualization implies a response to trauma by multiplying the individual (and the willingness of diagnosticians to detect such a disorder).

How does madness manifest itself?

Madness comes in different forms, as do its manifestations. However, the most important signs by which it can be recognized are:

Madness manifests itself in a special way, but it cannot be confused with anything else. The patient may attack others, frighten them with outbursts of anger or aggressiveness, and may himself be in fear, not being able to explain the reasons. A person in a state of insanity performs repetitive actions. His consciousness is turned off, he does not think at all, does not reason, although he does all this, however, there is no logic or consistency in his mental activity.

Melancholic madness appears in the following symptoms:

To some extent, the person suffers from hallucinations and various manifestations of perceptual disorder. He lives in his own fictional world, which can only partially coincide with the real one. The patient may not know what date it is today, what city he lives in, who he was and what he did before his illness. Hallucinations are vivid: the patient can hear, see or feel something under his skin.

Doctors cannot identify the general symptoms of the disease, since everything depends on the type of madness that is observed in a person. The onset of the disease is determined by the following symptoms:

A person becomes unable to control his emotions (anger, rage, fear, malice), which manifests itself in the form of affective behavior. The patient becomes unable to control his actions, which are meaningless and aimed at satisfying instinctive needs. At the same time, it becomes unimportant what consequences they will lead to.

A person may be confused about where reality is and where he thinks and sees something. Perception becomes distorted and confused, causing disordered thinking and loss of sanity.

Become a psycho: how to deal with irrational people

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We all sometimes have to communicate with completely unbearable people. How to build a dialogue with them correctly? Why don't calls to act wisely in these cases work? Psychiatrist and consultant Mark Goulston answers these and other questions in his book “How to Talk to Assholes: What to Do with Inadequate and Insufferable People in Your Life,” a Russian translation of which is published by Mann, Ivanov and Farber. We publish several interesting fragments from it.

This book is about principles for dealing with people who behave irrationally. But when planning a conversation with such a person, do not forget to ask yourself: why are you even interacting with him? Do you have a good enough reason? And wouldn't it be better for you to stay away from him? Often the answer is obvious: because you love this person. Either you depend on him financially, or are connected by some other circumstances. But sometimes things are not so simple. A relationship with such a person may not be very important to you, and then it turns out that you are just wasting your time. In this case, your behavior should also be considered insane...

Having worked as a psychiatrist for decades, I can say that I understand crazy people, including deeply ill people. What I mean? For example, one of my patients chased Britney Spears, and another jumped from the fifth floor because he believed he could fly. Another one once called me from a prison in the Dominican Republic and told me that he had been there intending to start a revolution. In addition, I have worked with anorexics who weighed less than 40 kilograms, heroin addicts, and schizophrenic patients who experienced hallucinations. I taught negotiators how to get murder-obsessed terrorist hostage-takers to surrender. Now I show directors and top managers of companies how to deal with people who threaten the business. Simply put, the abnormal people and I have long since switched to being on first-name terms.

But recently an interesting thought came to me: I expect to meet a psycho every day, because this is my job. However, I suddenly realized how often you have to deal with crazy people - not those jumping off balconies or intimidating Britney Spears, but what I call everyday psychos.

The epiphany struck me when I went to a meeting of developers and their lawyers who needed advice on helping families in crisis. I expected a boring meeting, but their stories fascinated me. I discovered that these people "talk to crazy people" on a daily basis - just like me! Almost every situation discussed involved clients who behaved completely crazy. These lawyers had no problem drafting a will or setting up a trust. But they didn't know what to do if a client turned into a psycho - and they desperately wanted to find out...

By the way, about the word “crazy” : I understand that it sounds provocative and politically incorrect. But when I use it, I don't mean mentally ill people... All of us are capable of acting crazy at some point. When I say “crazy” or “crazy,” I mean that the person is behaving irrationally. There are four signs that the people you deal with are irrational:

1) they do not have a clear picture of the world;

2) they say or do things that don't make sense;

3) they make decisions or take actions that are not in their own best interests;

4) when you try to bring them back to the path of prudence, they become completely unbearable...

The tools I will discuss require courage to use. Because you won't just ignore the psychos and wait for them to go away. You will not argue with them or try to convince them. Instead, you will have to feel the madness and start behaving the same way.

Many years ago, someone explained to me what to do when a dog grabs your arm . If you trust your instincts and pull your hand away, the dog will sink its teeth even deeper. But if you use a non-obvious solution and push your hand deeper into the throat, the dog will loosen its grip. Why? Because the dog will want to swallow, for which he needs to relax his jaw. This is where you pull your hand out.

You can interact with irrational people in a similar way. If you treat them as if they are crazy and you are not, they will only fall deeper into crazy thoughts. But if you start acting like a crazy person yourself, it will change the situation dramatically. Here's an example.

After one of the most disgusting days of my life, on the way home, I concentrated on the troubles that had befallen me and drove the car on autopilot. Unfortunately for me, this all happened during California's extremely dangerous rush hour. At some point, I accidentally cut off a pickup truck in which a big guy and his wife were sitting. He beeped angrily and I waved my hand to show that I was sorry. But then - just a couple of kilometers later - I cut him off again.

Then the man caught up with me and abruptly stopped the truck in front of my car, forcing me to pull over to the side of the road. As I slowed down, I saw his wife frantically gesticulating, asking him not to get out of the car. Of course, he didn’t pay attention to her and a few moments later he already found himself on the road - two meters tall and weighing 140 kilograms. He sharply approached me and began knocking on the glass, shouting curses.

I was so stunned that I even rolled down the window so I could hear him. Then I waited for him to pause so he could pour more bile on me. And when he paused to catch his breath, I said to him, “Have you ever had such a terrible day that you just hoped that someone would pull out a gun and shoot you and end all the suffering? Is that someone you?”

His jaw dropped. "What?" - he asked. Up to this point I had been very stupid. But suddenly I did something brilliant. In some incredible way, despite my foggy mind, I said exactly what was needed. I did not try to negotiate with this intimidating man - most likely, instead of answering, he would have pulled me out of the car and hit me in the face with his huge fist. I didn't try to resist. I just became just as crazy and hit him with his own weapon.

He stared at me and I spoke again: “Yes, I'm serious. I don't usually cut people off and I've never cut someone off twice before. It's just that today is the day when it doesn't matter what I do or who I meet - including you! - everything goes wrong. Will you be the person who will mercifully end my existence?” He immediately changed, calmed down and started encouraging me: “Hey. “What are you doing, guy,” he said. - Everything will be OK. Honestly! Relax, everyone has bad days."

I continued my tirade: “Easy for you to say! You didn't ruin everything you touched today, unlike me. I don't think anything will ever get better for me. Will you help me?" He continued enthusiastically: “No, really. I am not kidding! Everything will be alright. Have a rest". We talked for a few more minutes. Then he returned to the truck, said something to his wife and waved to me in the mirror, as if to say: “Remember. Calm down. Everything will be fine". And he left.

Now I'm not proud of this story. To be fair, the guy in the pickup wasn't the only irrational person on the road that day. But here's what I'm getting at. That big guy could have taken my lungs off. And, perhaps, he would have done this if I had tried to reason with him or argue with him. But I met him in his reality, where I was a bad person and he had every reason to hit me. Instinctively using a technique I call aggressive submission , I turned him from enemy to ally in less than a minute. Luckily, my reaction was natural, even on that really bad day. This happened because over many years of working as a psychiatrist, I put myself in the place of crazy people. I've done this thousands of times, in different ways, and I know it works. Moreover, I know it will work for you too. The Psycho Mask is a strategy you can use with any irrational person. For example, to talk:

- with a partner who yells at you or refuses to talk to you;

— with a child screaming “I hate you!” or “I hate myself!”;

- with an aging parent who thinks you don't care about him;

— with an employee who is constantly slacking off at work;

- with a manager who is always trying to hurt you.

No matter what type of crazy person you're dealing with, learning to become a crazy person yourself will allow you to get rid of failed communication strategies and reach people. As a result, you will be able to engage in almost any emotional situation and feel confident and in control.

1. Understand that the person you are confronted with is not capable of thinking rationally in this situation. Realize that the deep roots of his irrationality lie more in the distant (or not very distant) past, rather than in the current moment, so now you are unlikely to be able to argue or convince him.

2. Identify the other person's modus operandi - the unique set of actions they resort to when they are not themselves. His strategy is to throw you off balance, make you angry, afraid, frustrated or guilty. Once you understand the course of action, you will feel calmer, more focused and in control of the situation, and will be able to choose an appropriate counter-strategy.

3. Realize that crazy behavior is not about you. But it says a lot about the person you are dealing with. By ceasing to take his words personally, you will deprive the enemy of an important weapon. At the same time, use the necessary psychological tools during the conversation; they will keep you from falling into madness. These tools will help you avoid “amygdala hijack”—an intense emotional reaction to a sudden threat. This term, coined by psychologist Daniel Goleman, describes a condition where the amygdala, the part of your brain responsible for generating fear, blocks rational thinking.

4. Talk to an irrational person, plunging into the world of his madness, calmly and objectively. First, accept the person's innocence as a given. This means that you must believe that the person is actually good and there is a reason for his behavior. Try not to judge, but to understand what caused this. Secondly, imagine that you are experiencing the same emotions: aggression, misunderstanding, threat.

5. Show that you are an ally, not an enemy: listen calmly and carefully to the person while he is blowing off steam. Instead of interrupting, let him speak. this way you will surprise the person who is waiting for a retaliatory attack and get closer to him. You can even apologize. And the more carefully and sensitively you reflect your opponent’s emotions, the sooner he himself will begin to listen to you.

6. When the person calms down, help him move on to more reasonable actions. These steps are the basis for most of the psychological techniques I teach you (although there may be variations, such as when dealing with bullies, manipulators, or psychopaths). However, keep in mind that going through the cycle of prudence with an irrational person is not always easy or fun, and this technique does not always work instantly. And, as with everything in our lives, there is a risk that it will not work at all (and there is even a possibility that the situation will get worse). But if you are desperately trying to reach someone who is difficult or impossible to control, this method is probably the best choice.

Is there a cure for madness?

In ancient times, people could not explain madness, so they saved themselves from it by believing in the gods or God alone. Religion was supposed to protect what, in the minds of many peoples, is ugly. Madmen caused fears and concerns. Then no one could heal them except through prayers or spells. Only in rare cases was madness viewed positively when a person in this state created or brought benefit.

Madness has existed for many centuries, and therefore various methods of treating it have been developed:

Many of the treatments used to treat any type of insanity can be compared to abuse and torture. The use of shock therapy, the use of various instruments, cutting, piercing or mutilation of the body. Each scientist tried to find his own way to rid people of madness, thereby depriving them of their sanity even more.

Modern medicine includes drug treatment and psychological therapy. Shock therapy evolved from the use of anesthesia. Some mentally ill people are placed in psychiatric clinics, which have nothing in common with the homes in which the insane were previously placed.

Results of madness

Every person is a little crazy simply because he tries to be an individual, to look at the world differently, to see something new. It doesn't need to be treated. On the contrary, it is encouraged. However, morbid forms of insanity should be treated or given the right to exist, excluding such forms of torture as were previously used to treat the mentally ill.

Depending on society’s attitude towards madness, certain methods are used to treat patients. If we talk about a healthy person, then his madness can become a form of genius.


Several main signs of psychopathy

One day for me. This is a very popular topic on LiveJournal. Bloggers take turns telling what they do in one day. What they ate and drank, how they went to work, etc. Boring, in general. I’d rather tell you about one of my days that I remember well.

It was getting dark. I was going home. I’m a scientist young lady, I watch TV shows about maniacs, I read news reports, so I walked alone, through courtyards and in heels. I didn’t immediately notice the noisy snoring behind me.

If you have it, you are able to approach the situation from one side, and when new circumstances are discovered, you can think about another option and successfully cope with some task in a new reality. Psychopathy is a borderline mental state between normality and deviation. At the same time, psychopaths differ from schizophrenics in the absence of hallucinations and delusions.

How to lose control and become crazy. The test is not for the faint of heart

The doubts and devaluations of a neurotic person can completely destroy any logic with their intuitive feelings and assumptions. But is it possible to just go crazy like this? This test will help check.

Let's imagine that you received the following task: You need to go crazy in a week. How can you achieve this? What can you do to make this happen? Let's start with why such a task might be needed at all. After all, I’m not kidding, this is a real task that periodically has to be used in the correction of anxiety disorders.

How to go crazy voluntarily

The purpose of this task is to empirically test the fact that it is simply unrealistic for an anxious person to go crazy voluntarily

Check and make sure, more than once, that all your efforts (even the most pronounced) cannot lead to a loss of control, to the fact that your mind ceases to be reasonable.

You may say that the same thing can be explained logically. Yes, you can. But the anxiety, doubts and devaluations of a neurotic can completely destroy any logic with their intuitive feelings and assumptions. Therefore, let’s immediately put logic aside and move on to practical experiments. Let me clarify right away - all these experiments were invented by my clients, solving the original problem of this publication.

Experiment 1. Sensory deprivation.

Experience 2. You stand on the edge of the bed or mattress, turn your back to it and... fall with your back backwards.

For a brief moment (if you allow yourself to) you will lose control of the situation. But it will be 1 second of free fall. After a second, control will be restored. If you don’t believe me (although everything is obvious here), check it out!

Experience 3. Visualization.

You can imagine how you behave inappropriately in broad daylight, right on the street. For example, how you approach passers-by and call on them to repent. How you shake hands with people and call yourself the New Krishna. Or you run around in your underpants from hallucinations until an ambulance picks you up. Imagining all this can set off alarm bells, no doubt about it. But nothing more, your brain will continue to live peacefully.

Experience 4. “Uncontrollable” aggression.

You can throw everyone out of the house and spend some time expressing your aggression in an animal way. You can howl, growl, crawl on all fours, grab a pillow with your teeth and throw it with your head. You may even have a veil before your eyes. Until your fuse runs out and you go to the kitchen for tea.

What makes you shy?

First, you need to understand yourself and understand what prevents you from turning on such a state of madness at the click of a button? What are you afraid of?

  1. Fear of being misunderstood and being judged by others.
  2. The importance of other people's opinions.
  3. It’s impossible to be yourself as a result of the previous points.

This is the most important thing that distinguishes you from crazy guys. You need to put aside your exposure to other people's opinions.
Don’t adapt to others and come up with your own life credo (set of principles).

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