Treatment of anxiety To get rid of an obsessive state, psychologists and psychotherapists use a therapeutic complex,
The concept of social adaptation Social adaptation is an integrative indicator of the state of an individual, reflecting his ability
Benefits of a healthy lifestyle A healthy lifestyle has a significant impact on immunity. According to a survey of those who
Do you know what role each person plays on your team and
Definition of personality in different sciences In sociology, the concept of personality is studied in the process of relationships between people
Anyone who is interested in psychology, studies people and wants to learn how to influence them will probably realize
Man is endowed with a huge range of feelings and emotions. These are reactions to certain life events.
Conflicts in the family are a fairly common phenomenon today. The conflict can be considered ordinary
Speech technique, exercises. Speech breathing - Whistle of the wind: SSSSSSS... Noise of the forest: SHSHHHHHH... Sound
ama... This word is pronounced with warmth and tenderness. Everyone has a special connection with him.