Russian language: how to become literate. 9 ways and fun memories

“On the boardwalk terrace, the well-known freckled Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate assessor Apollon Ippolitovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes.” This tricky dictation was written by our grandmothers to prove their literacy. As a rule, few people managed to get by without making mistakes the first time. But the examinees remembered for the rest of their lives the spelling of those words that they failed. Today, children need to first translate a passage from classical Russian to modern Russian. Because, as philologist teachers assure, the vocabulary of today's children and teenagers is rapidly declining.

Recently, in one of the Moscow schools, eleventh-graders, while taking dictation from a passage, unanimously wrote “with the rokobes” instead of “Griboedov fought with the obscurantists.” Because “rock” and “demons” are somehow understandable, but no one has heard of “obscurantists.” As well as about “threshing” or, say, about “brochure”.

So if you want to raise a literate child, first of all inspect your home bookshelves: after all, in addition to the spelling dictionary ed. V.V. Lopatin, it would be good to include, at a minimum, an explanatory dictionary and an orthoepic one. And, of course, teach the child to use them.

But let's return to the unforgettable freckled Agrippina: it turns out that the relevance of the text remains to this day. After all, almost every word in this dictation is based on some specific rule.

Judge for yourself:

  • “cobblestone” - suffix -chat- (the suffix -schat- does not exist);
  • “not unknown” is written together, because it can be replaced with the synonym “well-known”. And after Russian prefixes on consonants, instead of and, it is written ы;
  • “regaled” - if in the 1st person the verb ends in -y (I regaled), then we choose the suffix -eva-.

Well, you need to know the spelling of such names and patronymics as Agrippina Savvichna and Apollon Ippolitovich, because today old names are in great fashion. So, in 20 years, this knowledge may come in handy when you have to write to your partners, colleagues, and even more so to your superiors.

Where are the literate ones?

“Recently, a 5th year student of the philology department of a well-known and respected university came to our practice.
Her notes for the first lesson began like this: “Hello children” - without a comma or a comma! — the director of a Moscow school says indignantly. And many are ready to share this indignation. After all, it’s already somewhat banal to say that universal literacy is falling. Why is all this happening and what to do about it?

Causes of illiteracy


  1. The first, which is always cited by teachers, psychologists and sociologists, is the lack of reading habit. And it’s not just children and teenagers who don’t read, but everyone in general. Or they read, but that’s not it: in the “literary waste paper” not only will you not find examples of literate speech, but also with proofreading things are very bad.
  2. Internet communication also makes its contribution: the abbreviations, slang, and careless handling of spelling involuntarily transferred into normal written speech.
  3. We have to admit that training in schools and universities has deteriorated.
  4. Much depends on the fact that parents are looking for the problem in the wrong place. A child gets bad marks in Russian, but is scolded for laziness. He can’t put two words together, but with all his might they push him into a strong class with a complicated program: they say, it’s better to be a lagging student there than in a regular class - an average student. And as a result, they trigger possible speech therapy problems, which tend to manifest themselves as illiteracy.

Lessons on correct speech - rhetoric exercises

It is important to breathe correctly when speaking

Surely, while listening to the smooth speech of an announcer or some charismatic presenter, you caught yourself thinking that you yourself would like to be able to speak like that. Of course, this can be achieved if you develop your speaking technique. However, first of all, for this you should learn to breathe correctly - deeply, calmly and imperceptibly.

Please note that speech breathing is different from normal breathing. This is a controlled process. As you know, diaphragmatic-costal breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhalation and exhalation are performed using the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. In this case, the shoulders and upper chest remain practically motionless.

You can learn to control your breathing on your own. Place your palm between your stomach and chest - on the diaphragm area. When you inhale, the abdominal wall will rise slightly and the lower part of the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by contraction of the abdominal and chest muscles. When speaking, the inhalation should be light and short, but the exhalation should be smooth and long (the ratio is approximately one to ten).

When the process of speech occurs, the importance of exhalation increases to a large extent. Before speaking, you should take a quick and deep breath, which is taken both through your nose and mouth. Meanwhile, during speech exhalation, only the mouth is involved.

Correct speech breathing can be called the basis for a beautiful sounding voice. If you breathe incorrectly, this will lead to instability of your voice.

Speak confidently, clearly and clearly

When speaking, try to avoid muttering - speak clearly, distinctly and confidently. Practice reading books out loud - do it slowly and with expression, sometimes speed it up, but continue to speak with expression. Gradually, you will develop the skill of speaking this way in everyday life.

You need to constantly train your gestures and facial expressions

Gesticulation and facial expressions can be called non-verbal means of speech, which should also be trained. Try speaking in front of a camera or mirror to see if you are gesturing too much and “out of line.” At times, this can greatly distract the interlocutor from the topic of conversation. It is also important to observe your facial expressions - both an indifferent facial expression and excessive expression of emotions are unacceptable. In the second case, it may simply look ugly.

Your gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smooth and natural, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of what was said. It is important that the listener still focuses on the meaning of the text, but not on your face or hands.

Why is it difficult to learn Russian: we go to a speech therapist

So, in the pursuit of literacy, the first thing you need to do is show the future student to a speech therapist. And the sooner, the better.

“By the age of four,” says speech therapist Olga Kovalevskaya, “it is possible to determine whether a child is at risk. And this is precisely the age when treatment will be most effective.”

What should alert parents and become a reason to go to a specialist:

  • the child does not pronounce all sounds clearly, replaces some with others (r - l, s - w);
  • does not distinguish speech sounds by ear (voiced - dull, hard - soft, whistling - hissing);
  • skips syllables in words: for example, instead of “ve-lo-si-ped” he pronounces “ve-lo-ped”;
  • the baby has insufficiently developed fine motor skills (cannot tie shoelaces, fasten buttons, etc.);
  • visual-spatial representations are not sufficiently formed (cannot copy an image, confuses right - left, top - bottom, etc.).

Reading and writing impairments appear already by the middle of 1st grade. For example, a student with dyslexia rearranges or skips letters and sometimes syllables when reading aloud.

And those who have dysgraphia write lowercase y instead of lowercase d, and f instead of v. He also skips or rearranges letters in words. And even if he learns all the rules, he will make many mistakes in dictations. The last problem is faced by those who can be diagnosed with dysorphography by a speech therapist.


Write every day, this way you will increase your literacy level in the near future and develop the skill of recognizing mistakes at the level of intuition. Constantly, a lot, interesting! Not everyone can boast of innate literacy; you will have to work hard to get such a useful advantage. The more we write, the fewer mistakes we make. Tested in practice!

There is another way to improve language skills like calligraphy. Calligraphic handwriting develops concentration, helps to fix a phrase in memory and even remember the rule! Write slowly - this method also works when typing on a computer. Think, and not rush at full speed.

It's interesting that the initial misspelling sticks in the memory. A persistent skill in writing with errors appears. To get rid of it, you will have to spell the word correctly at least a hundred times. After about a hundred repetitions at one time, I stopped writing “Hello” - I constantly missed the letter “v” at the skill level.

You know, even without being super literate, you can make good money on the text exchange. The higher your knowledge of the language, the higher your earnings.

The Myth of Innate Literacy

It happens that it is not possible to find a test word due to a poor vocabulary. But a speech therapist will no longer help with this problem - if children read little, where will rich vocabulary come from?

For some reason, it is generally accepted that love for books should be cultivated from the moment children learn to read, and literacy only when they begin to write. This is mistake!

Respect for books has been instilled since the age of 3. And it starts with how often the child sees mom and dad with a book. And how often and how much they read to him.

“Sometimes I hear a person boast: “I never learned the rules, but I write without mistakes!” I have innate literacy!“ says psychologist Andrei Sokolov. - From this we can conclude that there is also congenital illiteracy. So, study or don’t study, the result is the same? I’m afraid to upset those who believe in this, but the ability to write without errors is still an acquired property. It was simply acquired by those who seem to be able to do it automatically, at an early age.”

What is necessary for the so-called “innate literacy” to appear?

Firstly, you need to have excellent visual memory.

Secondly, read a lot. And the sooner a child picks up a book, the better. By the way, even those “naturally literate” still make mistakes in really complex rules and are not always sure of punctuation.

How to develop visual memory? There are many ways. Let's name the most common ones:

  1. work with pictures “Find 10 differences”;
  2. game “What’s missing?”: place 7-10 objects on the table, and when the child says that he remembered them all, ask him to turn away and remove something or rearrange it. The challenge is to determine what has changed;
  3. One of the most effective exercises is to show your child a piece of paper on which simple figures or patterns are depicted and ask them to try to draw them from memory.

We attend courses

If you cannot achieve good results on your own, take literacy courses. With the help of specialists, things will go much faster. Such courses are also available online.

There are also assistant services for improving literacy, for example, Leave a request and study with a Russian language or literature tutor via Skype.

Compliance with Russian language requirements is mandatory by default in any field. So, we remember or learn the rules. In the case where the work is checked by a proofreader before sending, why not ask him to report any violation of language norms? If you learn the rule, you improve your literacy. If you do this all the time, you will be able to compete with the inspector.

But not everyone has a colleague who is a proofreader. Then your salvation is textbooks. Don't be lazy, open them more often, read the rules yourself!

How to improve your Russian without a tutor

Let's assume the best case scenario: your child does not have any speech therapy problems, and there is a cult of reading in the family. All this does not mean that the child will become literate on its own. The process must be controlled and directed.

Before school

  1. When reading aloud, pronounce all words clearly.
  2. Talk to your child more. Every time you read fairy tales, have a conversation: who the main character is, where he lives, what he does... And make sure that the child does not answer in monosyllables, but constructs sentences logically.

Primary School

  1. In 1st grade, we look at which words the child makes mistakes and always work on the mistakes.
  2. We set tasks: find in the text, for example, proper names (including animal names, names of cities). We ask: “How would you write them?”
  3. In grades 2–3, everything is the same, but we also ask you to find, for example, all the adjectives. Or all words with an unstressed vowel, etc.
  4. To consolidate what has been learned, the so-called “letter with holes” is useful. That is, let him write words in which there are stressed vowels and vowels that the child is sure of, and skip those that he doubts. So that later you can think about it and choose test words with the same root. For example, say...ko. The test word is “milk”. This is a great technique for developing self-control.
  5. When arranging home dictations, first be sure to read the text out loud and ask the child to close his eyes and, while listening, imagine what the text says. And only then start writing.

high school

  1. The biggest mistake parents of frequently ill children (and these days, are the majority) is forgetting that homework is only a third of what students learn in class. That is, simply completing everything that was assigned at home is not at all enough: you must also complete all the exercises that are in the textbook on the missed topic.

And in general, the golden rule of an excellent student: it is not the most capable, but the most diligent who passes the exams best. That is, someone who is not lazy to complete the entire routine of daily tasks. Then the spelling rules will be followed automatically. Moreover, there are not many really difficult ones among them. And if they are not given, you need to turn to the teacher for help.

  1. As in primary school, working on mistakes remains the most important weapon in the fight against illiteracy. It must be inevitable and mandatory! With a good teacher, all students have a special notebook where they write down words in which they made mistakes. Then dictations are compiled from these words: it is quite enough to write them 2 times a week for 5 minutes.


Interactive dictation

Platforms : web.

Dictations based on the works of outstanding Russian writers appear on this resource of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education. Each text has gaps - you need to insert the missing characters, choosing them from the options provided. Upon completion, the system counts the number of errors made and displays the result.

“Interactive dictation” →

Video tutorials on the topic

On YouTube you can find many useful channels that explain the rules of the Russian language in a clear and accessible form. Check out the examples below and you can find something to suit your taste.

There is a YouTube channel “Russian Language”, where new short videos with an analysis of the rules are posted every week. Very helpful and detailed. You can see an example video below.

In addition to this, there are other videos in which they prepare for the Unified State Exam or simply review a separate section with the rules.

Studying Russian language and grammar can be endless, because there are so many little-known and difficult words that you can learn something new every day. But the most important thing is that you can write correctly in everyday life and not blush for your texts. And you can reach this level in a month or two of daily training.

Charging for lips and cheeks

Charging is completed within 2-3 minutes. When performing it, it is important to keep your back straight. You should rub your earlobes with your palms, and then begin to lightly bite your tongue, starting from its tip and ending with the base. Then the lips curl into a tube and try to smile. The next exercise is to move your lips clockwise and counterclockwise.

To develop the muscles of the cheeks, they make movements that imitate gargling: they tilt their head back and try to make movements with their tongue and larynx that correspond to the gargling procedure. In this case, no sounds should be made.

To relax the larynx and ligaments, you can yawn several times, quickly say several tongue twisters for different sounds, or read poetry by heart.

How to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts correctly

Writing articles is much easier than speaking. When you write, there is always the opportunity to think about a thought, type it, and then correct it or completely erase it from the page. In conversation, unfortunately, there are no such opportunities. You need to immediately correctly express your thoughts, be able to tell an interesting story and speak clearly and clearly so that the interlocutor enjoys listening to you. Since my speaking is far from ideal, I decided to find out how to learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Information that helped me personally is collected in this article.

Do you want to be not only listened to, but also heard?

Still from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street"

The question of how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully may be relevant to you for several reasons, because public speaking skills are useful in a variety of areas of our lives - from career advancement and increasing self-confidence to successful communication with the opposite sex .

And if you want to improve your eloquence skill, then you have already taken the first step towards the goal! And now we will tell you exactly how to effectively achieve results, regardless of how you speak now.


Platforms : Android, iOS.

“Spelling” is a program from the developer of the already mentioned “Punctuation”. The applications are very similar, but if the previous one was devoted to punctuation marks, then this helps improve your spelling skills.

The system shows sentences with missing letters. You fill in the blanks, and the app points out your mistakes and provides spelling rules associated with them.

25 offers are available to every user for free. A few hundred more can be purchased for a small amount.



Price: Free


Price: Free

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