Clinical psychologist
Clinical psychology - what it is, what it studies, main tasks, sections and main problems
Author: Elmira Davydova Clinical psychologist - a person specializing in psychological diagnostics, counseling, various types
Interpersonal relationships: concept, examples, classification
What are interpersonal relationships Interpersonal relationships are relationships that arise directly between individuals (two people
Exaltation in psychology: what is it in simple words, reasons
Updated July 23, 2021 693 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. IN
will and volitional actions
Willpower - what is it, the concept of will in psychology and how to develop it
Will determines the ability to achieve success: it reveals how easy it is to get down to work, resist temptations,
Suspiciousness: its causes and consequences, what a suspicious person is afraid of and how to become less suspicious
A suspicious person is a person who constantly and usually unreasonably experiences a feeling of anxiety about
men holding red and green arrow
Conflict of interest in business: when it can arise and how to prevent it
A conflict of interest sometimes lies literally on the surface and is clearly visible to others. Nevertheless
In the wake of schizotypal personality disorder: symptoms of the disease
“Schizotypal is diagnosed when there are not enough symptoms for pure schiza, but something happens to the person,”
The man is nervous
How to stop being nervous about little things: effective tips
How to stop being nervous: Depositphotos Does constant anxiety prevent you from enjoying life? Sometimes people don't distinguish between contrived
What is sentimentality and should we fight it?
Sentimentality is a special type of sensory mood when external events and impressions influence
Psychopathy in men - Summer
Character psychopathy, personality psychopathy in children and adolescents, how to treat psychopathy
In the system of modern international classification of diseases, there is no such concept as “psychopathy” - it has been replaced
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