Psychology of color: how do shades affect our perception?
Article for the “bio/mol/text” competition: Few people know that the biophysics of sensory systems has its own name
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What is a reference group: sociology helps marketing
marketing business development 07/30/2021 Author: Add a comment Rating: (No votes) From this material
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Establishing contact with people: features, techniques, rules and recommendations
Author: Gusar Denis Valerievich Higher education, graduated from the Belarusian State Technological University, faculty of TOV (technology
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We can't all be heroes because someone has to sit on the sidewalk
Psychological game as a means of developing a student’s personality
Student time is a time of unforgettable adventures, new discoveries and falling in love. Along with acquiring fundamental knowledge, we
Perceptual psyche. The lowest level of development of the perceptual psyche.
We live in the surrounding world, which consists of objects and phenomena. Anyway,
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Every person can face the need to join a new team in their life. We
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Hello, dear subscribers and guests of our blog! Julia Kel is in touch. What determines success
What to do if a boss finds fault with an employee for any reason
Unfortunately, reality turns out to be not as rosy as in dreams: many specialists, especially young
Conflict management: the essence of the process, main principles, basic methods.
Conflict management: the essence of the process, main principles, basic methods.
business development for managers 11/30/2021 Author: Add a comment Rating: (No votes) From this
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