How to put your thoughts in order: psychological practices, concentration exercises, working on yourself and advice from psychologists

We all produce thoughts.
Every day. From morning to evening. There are days when they unexpectedly get into your head and don’t want to go away, they spin, get confused, in a word - they create a mess in your head. But we don’t know what to grab onto, where to run, we don’t think well. Oh, if only we had the opportunity to sort our thoughts in alphabetical order or into the categories “good, kind thoughts”, “thoughts about the essence of earthly existence”, “thoughts about money”, “thoughts about love”, “thoughts about cats”, “thoughts about problems at work”, etc. We clutter our heads with thoughts, and they take away our energy and time (well, for example, it’s time to sleep, we go to bed, but we can’t sleep, because thoughts don’t let us sleep). We stumble everywhere with scattered thoughts. Such internal turmoil makes life much more difficult. I suggest choosing ways to cope with mental chaos that are suitable for you.

Way of thinking

Publications in newspapers and magazines, self-development literature, even posts on social networks - everywhere you can find simple articles marked “The Mind of a Rich Man.” Therefore, we can confidently say that it is precisely the characteristics of thinking that distinguish happy people from unhappy people, and rich from poor.

To change your life, you must first understand the reason why you are not happy with it. And for this you need to put your thoughts in order. How to do it? To be honest, it's not that difficult. This is necessary so that, having gained strength, you can rush into battle again, but not step on the same rake, but actually change something in your life and achieve your cherished goal called “happiness.”

Some people mistakenly believe that to achieve their goals you need to develop willpower. But you can’t go far on it alone, it’s good for a “sprint,” but life and the process of achieving a goal is not a marathon. Therefore, first you need to understand yourself and your thoughts, understand what you really want. In pursuit of your true dream, you cannot fuss; only daily small steps without violence against yourself gradually give results.

Deep breathing

Qigong is not only the least traumatic gymnastics, but also one of the most successful techniques for overcoming stress.
Shallow squats are accompanied by arm swings and special breathing. The technique is easy to master without preparation at any age and after the first lessons you can feel how your physical and emotional state improves. Eighteen basic exercises help you control your breathing and stop your internal dialogue. If you exercise once or twice a week, then in a stressful situation it will be enough to restore your breathing rhythm and imagine yourself doing the exercise in order to quickly come to your senses and tune in to the work atmosphere.

Get Zen

Interesting fact: a person does not even suspect that he is thinking negatively until someone rubs his nose into this problem. Only then does he begin to wonder how to put his thoughts in order.

Firstly, you need to isolate yourself from everything for 1-2 days. Down with the phone, the Internet and work. Secondly, clean your house. Order in thoughts begins with order in your living space.

There are 10 ways to do all this. The following actions, which will be discussed further, will help you put your thoughts in order.

Speak out

It’s good if there are people in your environment with whom you can “talk”, communicate mentally, who are able to listen to you. With them, you can not hide what bothers you, but, on the contrary, share what worries you and prevents you from living a normal life. Often such conversations begin chaotically, but soon you can put your “scattered” thoughts into clear words, and, accordingly, sort them out. Just don’t abuse the goodwill of your family and friends, don’t overload them for minor reasons. If you still need to talk it out because you can’t cope with the situation, contact a psychologist: listening to clients is part of his job (as well as unraveling thoughts).


Getting rid of trash will help you put your thoughts in order and calm down. Surely everyone has things that “may come in handy someday.” Don't lie to yourself, they won't be useful. The same goes for old notes, drafts, notes to yourself, and so on. Psychologists say that by freeing oneself from this garbage, a person prepares his subconscious to create something new.

The second thing you need to do is mentally prepare yourself for change. To do this, you need to imagine an ideal image of your future life. Try to feel like the person you once wanted to become - healthy, successful, loved and truly happy.

Causes of development of mental disorders

The main cause of all of these mental disorders is the extensive death of cells in the cerebral cortex, caused by the toxic effects of ethanol and leading to a large-scale breakdown of existing neural connections.
In addition, with large volumes of alcohol consumption, rupture of blood vessels in the brain often occurs, followed by hemorrhage, additional death of neurons and prolonged disruption of the blood supply to brain tissue. When capillaries rupture, this occurs relatively unnoticed by the drinker, but if larger vessels are damaged, a stroke can occur.

Thus, mental disorders after binge drinking occur due to a disruption of the information signal exchange system and a persistent lack of nutrition of brain cells.

No fuss

To put your thoughts in order, before going to bed you need to make a plan of action for the next day. While a person is sleeping, his subconscious processes the assigned tasks, and he will be able to solve them much faster.

It is worth remembering one important thing: everything that is done is for the better. It often happens that a person desperately wants a certain event to happen in his life. But all his efforts are in vain. The Dalai Lama said that not getting what you want is that unique gift of fate that no one pays attention to. So don't get too hung up on this or you'll miss out on a lot of excellent chances.


Man's best friend is nature; it is she who best helps to put thoughts and feelings in order. Just as hundreds of years ago, it still calms, inspires and fills us with strength. Therefore, you need to walk more often, and even better, arrange short trips for yourself. Why not take any train on a Friday evening and explore the next village, town or region?

No one returns from travel, even such a small one, the same. A person learns something new, he is filled with positive emotions, and time spent alone with himself makes it possible to better understand his inner world. It may be that while carelessly walking the streets of another city, a person will suddenly be illuminated by an amazing idea that will help radically change his life for the better.

Habit of negative thinking

In fact, a negative perception of reality is completely natural for a person - you shouldn’t blame yourself for it. After all, our brain has retained a lot of mammalian features. And for animals, it is important to focus on dangers and worst-case scenarios in order to survive and ensure the safety of their children. [1]

The good news is that the habit of perceiving the world in black is really just a habit, neural connections that have been built over many years. This is a consequence of a variety of factors:

  • education and parental attitudes;
  • fast pace of life, and as a result - frequent stress and lack of time for oneself;
  • characteristics of character or temperament: for example, melancholic people are fearful and naturally prone to pessimism;
  • hormonal imbalances that can cause depression and other mental disorders;
  • the influence of the media, which more often publish bad news for the sake of high traffic.

Simply put, pessimism is a learned behavior, not something innate that cannot be eliminated. How to stop thinking negatively? You just need to build new neural chains. It is quite possible to cultivate an optimistic outlook on the world, because it is built according to the same laws as a negative one.

Let's learn to be an optimist


Books and stationery

How to put your thoughts in order? A book is the best helper. If you are overcome by difficult thoughts, read. A book can take a person from everyday life to another reality, and there, you see, all the answers will be found.

Psychologists also recommend using a method of putting thoughts in order called freewriting. You need to retire to a quiet place, take a piece of paper, a pen and write. Just write. These can be individual thoughts, incoherent words, sets of phrases. The main thing is not to think about what you write. This is such a unique way to express all the painful things, ask questions and get answers to them.

You need to continue this session for about 40 minutes. After that, put the pen down and read what happened. As practice shows, a person really finds the correct answers among a meaningless scattering of words.

Imagine your own head from the inside

When you have the opportunity to lie down or sit comfortably in a chair, close your eyes, do an interesting exercise. Imagine that your head is a warehouse, a repository of thoughts. Among them there are necessary and important ones, and there are also those that are better to get rid of. Imagine that you have started to put things in order in your own warehouse. Draw pictures of how you sort your thoughts, throw unnecessary ones into the bin, put everything on shelves. And, by the way, you find a lot of valuable things in the warehouse, which you place on the most important shelves.


To put your thoughts in order, you need to take care of your health. Often, a feeling of anxiety appears due to the fact that the body lacks some vitamins, there is not enough (or excess) physical activity, the body suffers from nicotine, alcohol and caffeine (in fact, this is not uncommon in the modern world).

Therefore, you need to give up bad habits, go in for sports or meditation (the best option is yoga), include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, while eliminating fried, too spicy and salty foods.


Psychologists sometimes advise playing games to calm down and distract from obsessive thoughts. These can be the most common children's yard games, as well as computer shooters, puzzles, racing, etc.

Research has shown that gaming allows a person to abstract from reality for a while. While he is playing, the subconscious is actively working in search of a solution to the problem. In addition, games help relieve nervous tension and release pent-up aggression, which is important if you need to put your thoughts in order.

Concentration exercises

To put your thoughts in order in your head, as practice has shown, you also need to learn to abstract yourself from public opinion. We mentioned above an exercise called freewriting, which helps to throw out all the negative and obsessive thoughts, and then find answers to questions among this chaotic flow. In addition to it, there are special exercises for concentration. Here are a few of the simplest and most interesting:

  1. Concentration with water. You need to pour water into a glass, take it with your fingers and hold it at eye level. Attention must be focused only on the water - it must remain motionless. You can start from a minute and then increase the interval to 5-6.
  2. Calm body. The essence of the method is to completely relax while awake. The exercise begins by choosing the most comfortable body position - sitting. Afterwards you need to completely relax so that not a single muscle moves. It's difficult, but over time you will get used to it. It is important to concentrate on the stationary object, and not on the problems. Session duration is 5-15 minutes.
  3. Listen to the body. The best exercise for concentration is the ability to listen to your body. You need to relax, take a sitting position and start counting your heartbeat. You can hear how it slows down its rhythm, starting to work more slowly and calmly.

You should always do what you like, fill every day with bright emotions and impressions, give up work you don’t like and people who make you feel unhappy. Then you won’t even have a question about how to put your thoughts in order.

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