How to soothe your skin: skin soothing treatments and products

Skin is the largest organ of the human body, which performs protective (barrier) functions. She is exposed to various environmental influences that can cause her harm. If there is strong external influence, the barrier may be damaged. The consequence is irritation such as redness, inflammation or eczema.

Sensitive skin of the face and body does not always make itself felt - symptoms can manifest with varying intensity. Many people wonder how to soothe their skin? To prevent or eliminate problems, it is necessary to resort to effective cosmetic procedures. They can be carried out at home using natural remedies.

The online store offers a large selection of high-quality skincare cosmetics developed based on natural ingredients. Skin soothing products do not contain chemical compounds, which eliminates the possibility of developing negative consequences from use. The Salt of the Earth brand develops cosmetic products for the face and body using unique, trustworthy recipes. All products are previously tested for effectiveness and safety.

Causes of skin irritation

Increased sensitivity of the epidermis occurs when the natural skin barrier (protective film with lipids) no longer performs its intended functions. Thus, substances that irritate the skin may be more likely to penetrate inside and cause inflammatory processes.

The following predisposing factors contribute to irritation of the epidermis:

  • age (the older a person is, the more skin problems arise);
  • negative environmental impact;
  • contact with allergens (for example, nickel in jewelry or cosmetics);
  • alcohols and anti-aging active ingredients in creams and cosmetics (eg retinol);
  • intensive scrubs for body and face;
  • components of decorative cosmetics, for example, glitter particles in eye shadow;
  • contact with cleaning agents, disinfectants, laundry detergents and softeners;
  • air pollution and high exposure to abrasive particles;
  • hot or cold climate;
  • insufficient humidity level in the room;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • wearing synthetic clothing;
  • preservatives and flavorings in cosmetic products.

In addition to external irritants, internal factors influence the condition of the skin. We are talking about insufficient hydration, excessive sweating and intoxication of the body. Bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse have a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

The epidermis becomes thinner and takes on a painful appearance with insufficient consumption of minerals and vitamins. The cause of increased sensitivity and irritation of the skin is stress and emotional overload. Also, fluctuations in hormonal levels lead to disruption of the production of sebaceous glands. Skin prone to irritation may react to insufficient body hygiene, for example, if makeup is not removed in the evening.

When exposed to negative effects, epidermal cells cannot recover naturally. In this case, there is a need to take additional measures - to carry out complex cosmetic procedures aimed at cleansing, nutrition and healing. Incorrectly selected care products only aggravate the situation, increasing irritation and worsening the condition of the epidermis. Before soothing itchy skin, you should study the recommendations of experts in the field of dermatology and cosmetology, given below.

Types of pathology

In total, there are four types of irritability, and each of them has been continuously studied for several centuries:

  • depressive - characterized by constant bad mood, loss of strength and mental retardation;
  • asthenic - the patient feels fatigue, depression;
  • anxious irritability - based on the emergence of fear, especially in cases where a person has experienced certain situations;
  • bulemic - based on the principles of nutrition. The patient cannot restrain himself from eating high-calorie foods, and therefore becomes irritated by his own weakness;
  • hysterical irritability - originates from childhood. A person feels his own uselessness, he has low self-esteem, so he tries to attract attention to himself with hysterics and whims.

When to sound the alarm

The cause of dryness and irritation of the epidermis can be a lack of subcutaneous fat. The problem can be identified by flaking areas, small cracks and inflammation. Accordingly, the skin becomes rough.

If the following symptoms appear, you should contact a cosmetologist:

  • severely itchy or painful skin;
  • the appearance of inflamed or reddened areas, rash;
  • care products do not relieve discomfort;
  • Dry and flaky patches of skin appear suddenly.

If these symptoms occur, the cause may be a skin condition that needs to be treated. It is easier to prevent problems than to carry out long-term drug therapy later. You should not bring the matter to the point of seeing a doctor. Prevention is the best remedy for healthy and beautiful skin.

Cosmetic procedures help to quickly soothe the skin and maintain it in normal condition. The main thing is to choose the right cosmetics. Experts advise giving preference to natural products developed based on natural ingredients. The active substances are fully absorbed by the body without being deposited in the internal organs and tissues. This eliminates the possibility of developing undesirable consequences from use and allows you to get quick and lasting results.

The Salt of the Earth brand offers special natural cosmetics for the skin of the face and body, which will replace procedures in beauty salons. The minerals included in the composition easily and quickly penetrate the cells, nourishing and restoring them, as well as improving the protective function of the skin. Minimum components – maximum effect due to complete digestibility and high activity.

Meeting the inevitable

Irritation occurs when we encounter something that puts pressure on our sensitive areas.
And we begin to react, often too sharply and painfully. Irritation turns into an outburst of anger and can escalate into a huge scandal. To prevent this from happening, people are often advised to control their discontent. This is not a completely correct strategy. If you carry negativity within yourself for a long time, it will slowly begin to poison you from the inside. The best way to get rid of an unpleasant feeling is to try to understand it and express it correctly.

Prevention of skin irritation on the face and body

The main rule for preventing skin irritation is to treat it with care. As far as possible, any external irritants should be avoided.

Some tips on how to soothe the skin of your face and body:

  • You should exclude cosmetics with irritating components (sodium lauryl and laureth sulfate, parabens, formaldehydes, fragrances, etc.);
  • wash and shower only with warm water;
  • refuse highly foaming shower gels and products containing mineral oil in the form of paraffin (creams, lotions, etc.);
  • opt for hypoallergenic products, refuse cosmetics with dyes and fragrances;
  • drink enough fluid - at least 1.5-2 liters per day;
  • Apply sunscreen to your skin before going outside during the hot season, if the SPF index is above 2.

To prevent the skin from losing a lot of moisture, you should take water treatments using natural care products that cleanse and soothe the skin. They do not contain active substances that attack the skin's natural acidic protective membrane and do not dry it out. Natural bath salts with oils, shimmers with dried flowers and bombs developed exclusively from natural ingredients are the right approach for skin care. They can be used separately from each other or combined with each other to obtain a complex effect. The main thing in this matter is regularity, since natural products have a cumulative effect.

When taking relaxing procedures, the body is saturated with essential vitamins, the immune system is strengthened, and waste and toxins are eliminated. As a result, the condition of the skin improves: it becomes soft, moisturized and smooth.

Tranquilizers (minor antipsychotics)

Tranquilizers are weaker and milder drugs compared to antipsychotics. They are used mainly once or in short (several days) courses, since long-term use can cause addiction (dependence).

Used for aggressiveness caused by overwork, neurotic and depressive disorders, as a rule, with unexpressed aggressiveness.

Basic tranquilizers:

  • brodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine;
  • diazepam;
  • alprozalam;
  • Hydroxyzine.

How to relieve irritation

Irritated skin should not be constantly exposed to negative factors. She needs soothing care and protection. It is also important that the agents used have an anti-inflammatory effect. Since itching can be very unpleasant when the skin is irritated, it is recommended to use soothing products. Natural salts with plant flowers (calendula, chamomile) are effective. Herbs help restore and heal the skin. Salts saturate with minerals (magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus) and increase the protective properties of the epidermis. Itching is eliminated, which reduces the likelihood of skin damage, for example, at night through unconscious scratching.

Cosmetologists advise using tea rose oil when acne or irritation appears, because it has an antiseptic effect. But it can also dry out the skin, so long-term use of this product is not recommended. Combined with natural Himalayan and Epsom salts, as well as lavender flowers, tea rose relieves irritation without negative effects on the skin.

All skin needs a combination of oil and moisture. The appropriate ratio varies depending on skin type. Itchy skin and a feeling of tension usually lack moisture. Oil emulsion-based care products are ideal:

  • Slim Citrus. Accelerates metabolism, activating the lymphatic drainage effect. Normalizes the skin's water balance, cleansing it of toxins and impurities, improving its appearance.
  • Muscle Care. Relieves stress and relaxes muscles, minimizing negative factors that worsen skin condition. Provides nutrients and restores the protective barrier, preventing acne and irritation.
  • Balance & Calm. Smoothes and tightens the skin. Effectively eliminating peeling and eliminating dehydration. Quickly relieves irritation, fights peeling and acne.

You should also pay attention to the “Perfect Skin” set, which contains Dead Sea salt, Coffee Cocktail scrub and salt with essential oils. Comprehensive care promotes restoration - the skin becomes smooth, even and radiant. After 1-2 weeks of regular use of the products included in the set, you can forever forget about irritated skin prone to peeling. The tools included in the set complement each other. The complex effect will definitely be appreciated: relieving fatigue, relaxing and improving skin condition.

You can treat dry skin at home, for example, with magnesium oil, which will soften by delivering nutrients to the deep layers of the dermis. If the epidermis is excessively dry, a burning sensation is possible. You just need to rub a few drops into the affected areas of the skin. Magnesium oil has a pleasant consistency, is quickly absorbed and forms a transparent protective film that retains moisture in the layers of the skin and at the same time allows it to breathe. Thus, irritated and damaged areas of the epidermis are restored.

Overview of Soothing Natural Remedies

Products that soothe facial skin should be developed based on natural ingredients. The main thing is to approach home care wisely. Don't overdo it and take daily baths or use too many cosmetics. Active substances may begin to “argue,” which will only aggravate the situation and increase irritation. In this case, such a statement as “I’ll put more in, I’ll sit longer” doesn’t work. Everything is good in moderation.

If you don’t know how to soothe your skin from irritation, check out the list of the most effective and safest products:

  • Salt scrubs. Suitable for sensitive skin, because abrasive particles dissolve in water, exfoliating gently and without damaging the epidermis. They have a pronounced regenerating and antiseptic effect. The essential oils included in the composition nourish the skin, increasing elasticity and maintaining water balance. They will have an antibacterial effect and soothe the skin. The result is softness and silkiness without inflammation or irritation.
  • Tropical Touch Coconut Milk Scrub. A delicate product suitable for dry, thin and sensitive skin. Formulated with Epsom salts, grape seed oil, coconut flakes and coconut milk powder. At the same time, it cleanses and nourishes the skin, improving its structure and increasing its protective properties. Organic ingredients rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, restoring its natural beauty.
  • Home SPA. Mixes of sea, Himalayan and Epsom salts, dried chamomile and calendula flowers and bath bombs developed on the basis of baking soda have a complex effect, effectively eliminating the problem of irritated skin.
  • White Velvet Blend. Contains three types of natural salt, dry cream, jasmine buds, macadamia and almond oil, white clay and coconut milk. The recipe was developed based on the ancient recipe for Cleopatra's bath. The unique composition provides hydration and nutrition.

  • Set of bath salts. Epsom salt eliminates swelling and has a lymphatic drainage effect; pink (Himalayan) – contains 84 minerals, nourishing, moisturizing and increasing skin elasticity; Dead Sea – rejuvenates and increases the protective barrier; Crimean - moisturize and smooth the epidermis.

To ensure complete skin care and prevent irritation, it is recommended to use a dry massage brush. The procedure gently exfoliates dead cells, stimulating blood circulation. Dry rubbing helps restore not only the upper but also the deep layers of the skin. Dried cactus fibers help prevent skin irritation by stimulating the protective properties of the epidermis. As a result, the skin becomes silky and toned.

Cosmetics without fragrances, parabens and preservatives are much safer and more effective than the products that many of us are used to using. You can achieve ideal skin condition with the help of natural oils and salts. Natural products created by nature are effective for the beauty of the face, body and hair, and also help achieve peace of mind.

Natural cosmetics replace salon procedures, solving problems quickly and comprehensively. Natural monocomponent products, with regular use, give visible and lasting results. If there are a lot of substances in cosmetic products, then this only worsens the situation, confusing the skin. Cosmetics should contain only those substances that are really necessary (panthenol, hyaluronic acid, vegetable oils, etc.). This approach allows you to quickly cope with irritation, soothing and restoring the skin.

Popular questions

Irritation on the pubic area under the hair.
What to do? You need to understand what caused this: an allergic reaction, a bacterial, fungal or viral infection, or an injury during depilation. For this, a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, and in some cases a dermatologist, is required. Only then will it be possible to recommend suitable treatment.

Severe itching on the labia, irritation. There is nothing to worry about in the vagina itself. What could it be?

This may result in an allergic reaction or inflammation. I recommend using Ginocomfort gel with mallow extract, applying it once a day to the discomfort zone for 7 days. If you do not notice relief, consult a doctor.

I am 69 years old. I am concerned about vaginal irritation and dryness. I was treated once with Triozhinal suppositories. The result was positive for 1.5 years. Now this problem has arisen again. But now these candles cause a strong burning sensation. Today I am flying to the sea, and I am afraid that I will not be able to swim, since the salt water is making the problem worse. Please advise what I can do. Thank you! Hello! During the postmenopausal period, inflammatory processes develop in the genital tract against the background of atrophic changes in the mucosa caused by hormone deficiency. Its layers become thinner, elasticity decreases, and the number of lactobacilli decreases. In this situation, a study is required: a smear for flora, oncocytology. The first step is to prescribe drugs with anti-inflammatory activity, and the second step is to moisturize, restore microflora, and, in the absence of contraindications, local hormone-containing suppositories. A feature of treatment in this age group is continuous maintenance therapy. At this stage, before receiving the results of the study, you can use Ginocomfort gel with mallow extract, which will have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects. The gel is applied in 1 dose 1 time per day for 10-14 days.

Hello! Is it possible to feel a burning sensation and irritation when using Gynocomfort?

A slight tingling sensation may be felt immediately after administration, but will quickly subside on its own. If this happens, then you should continue to use the gel. For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist

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