motivational books
Effective planning and organization of the working day: methods, rules and why it is important
By opening an online store and working from their own apartment, many entrepreneurs think that they can now
Psychogenic mutism as a reaction to psychological trauma, stress and anxiety
Mutism is like a dog: I understand everything, but I can’t answer. The condition is characterized by loss
Psychological help after an abortion: how to deal with depression
Consulting a psychologist before terminating a pregnancy is recommended as a way to prevent the psychological consequences of abortion. Psychological counseling for women
Theories of motivation and their significance for personnel management
In this article we will talk about theories of motivation and how to apply them at work.
Required minimum in psychology for a manager
In different companies and teams, a team lead can perform different functions: project manager, architect, tester,
General concept of communication - Main types of communication
It is worth noting right away that it is a mistake to use the words “communication” and “communication” as synonyms. Communication
examples of responsible people
Study of responsibility as a quality of a highly developed person
Recently it has become fashionable to talk and write about responsibility. Everything in a row, starting from
Changing your image: where to start? Tips from an image stylist
Changing your image: where to start? Tips from an image stylist
Getting rid of timidity What does it mean to change your image? So you want to get rid of the past, manifest
What is atychiphobia and how to overcome the fear of failure?
Atychiphobia is a fear of failure that can occur in early childhood. Often the desire to receive praise
16 years
Rights and responsibilities of a teenager at 14 and 16 full years of age
Sixteen-year-old children can bring both joy and disappointment to their parents. For example, it could be like this
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