Features of the hyperthymic type of character (personality) accentuation

Not all people have a stable psyche. An individual who has an unstable mental state is called hyperthymic or hyperthymic personality. Its weakness is the high risk of psychopathy under the influence of stress or psychological trauma. However, this type also has many good qualities that are important for successful communication with others and interaction with the world.

Such people are very interesting

Character traits of such people

Personality orientation - what is it in psychology, its types

The hyperthymic type of character accentuation has its own strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons. Hyperthymic character traits are, first of all, a love of freedom, independence, and activity in all its manifestations. They are described in all books on psychology. Among the negative features associated with this definition are:

  • Non-obligatory and unpunctuality;
  • Hyperthyms often change decisions, and this is not justified;
  • They are quick-tempered and often get angry over trifles;
  • They easily succumb to the influence of others and often take the life position of a person “going with the flow.”

The last feature deserves special attention. Due to the malleability of their character, teenagers with this mental characteristic often end up in organized criminal groups. There are cases when a child from a well-to-do family, who has everything he needs, decides to steal food from a supermarket “just for company.” The desire to do everything together with someone is a characteristic feature of such a person.

Hyperthyms are responsive and friendly, but unpunctual

Attention! Such individuals are more susceptible to depression than other personality types.
However, you should not be afraid of this - this condition usually goes away on its own, without requiring treatment, and does not last long. Hypertim is not one of those who likes to worry or be sad for a long time.


To establish contacts and interpersonal relationships, special importance is given to the extent to which psychotypes are combined with each other in marriage, in communication and at work. Therefore, it will be useful to know how compatibility develops - hyperthymia and...

  • ...schizoids are antipodes in terms of interaction with people, marriage is possible only if the schizoid is a man and the hypertim is a woman;
  • ... emotive - stability for this couple is provided by the emotive radical, while hypertim is not adapted to family relationships, although in the second half of life it calms down and already gets used to marriage;
  • ...epileptoid - marriage is possible only as a misalliance: an old and rich epileptoid - with a young and poor hyperthymic (for example);
  • ...hysteroid - the relationship begins as a bright and passionate romance, but quickly ends, since the hysteroid will definitely not tolerate cheating on its partner.

On the one hand, hyperthymic accentuation allows you to get along with almost any other psychotype. Its representatives rarely express complaints to their partner. But only until they infringe on their freedom or begin to claim their leadership. But others are not ready to tolerate their superficiality and frivolity. Hence - a huge number of subscribers on social networks, many friends, but with real friends and soulmate - serious problems.

Varieties of hyperthymic psychotype

Personality qualities - what is it in psychology, characteristics

Hyperthymia in psychology is a general concept that characterizes the instability of the psyche and its susceptibility to constant changes. There are many descriptions of a hyperthymic character, all of them are similar in one thing: such a person is distinguished by an increased level of physical and intellectual activity. Hyperthymas are divided into several types; below is a brief description of them:

  • Hysteroids (inappropriately react to stress);
  • With an unstable psyche (they love pleasure, are prone to alcoholism and drug addiction, often cannot quit smoking);
  • Cyclical (mood and attitude towards the world around you constantly change);
  • Affective (hot-tempered, overly emotionally reactive to any stimulus).

Working with each specific psychotype requires an individual approach.


Since hypertims often become public people, there are many of them among celebrities. There are such types in art: fiction, cinema, animation. Some of the most striking examples:

  1. Examples from literature: Khlestakov (“The Inspector General” by Gogol) and Nozdryov (“Dead Souls” by Gogol);
  2. From animation - Masha (“Masha and the Bear”), Carlson (“Kid and Carlson”).
  3. Famous people: American actor Jim Carrey, Russian comedians Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov, Ivan Urgant, ancient Roman commander Gaius Julius Caesar, circus performer Oleg Popov, US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
  4. Examples from the film: Captain Jack Sparrow (“Pirates of the Caribbean”), Popandopulo (“Wedding in Malinovka”), Savva Ignatievich (“Pokrovsky Gate”), Truffaldino (“Truffaldino from Bergamo”).

Age characteristics

Personal self-esteem - what is it in psychology

The main characteristics of a hyperthymic temperament largely depend on how old a person is. In psychology, hyperthymia can clearly manifest itself at different ages. The hyperthymic personality type is not only a diagnosis, it is also a way of life. Typically, such people love to travel and have a penchant for adventurism. A hyperthymic personality in adulthood is characterized by an increased desire to communicate with young people.

Children who show a tendency towards this type of temperament from birth are characterized by:

  • The desire to become an informal leader;
  • Frequent change of hobbies and interests;
  • Frequent changes of friends and girlfriends, a large number of friends;
  • Good study at school without the appearance of obvious interest in any particular field of knowledge (they know everything about everything, but a little of everything).

With age, these features only intensify.

In adolescence, there is a high probability of falling into “bad company”

Interesting. People of this type from early childhood love to speak in front of spectators and are not afraid of the public, so they often make outstanding representatives of public professions. An example is the famous American artist Jim Carrey, a true hyperteam by nature.


The hyperthymic type has divisions into separate types based on certain characteristics.

  1. Hyperthymic - hysterical. A non-standard reaction to stress is characteristic. When a person is in trouble, he makes every effort to prove his exclusivity and superiority.
  2. Hyperthymic - unstable. An individual with this type tries to do everything to get maximum pleasure from his life. He does not think about what could harm his main activity. This commitment may result in the development of alcoholism.
  3. Hyperthymic - cyclical. Such individuals are characterized by frequent mood changes due to external influences. The changes are cyclical in nature.
  4. Hyperthymic - affective. Such individuals are characterized by increased aggression. They often have outbursts of anger. Finding yourself in a difficult situation in which conflict flares up, unable to stop, accepts everything as a personal challenge to action.

Raising a hyperthymic child

The hyperthymic personality type manifests itself from childhood. Hyperthymic sthenic temperament implies a pronounced desire for leadership, so such a child will always be the center of attention. In order to properly raise a son or daughter with such a temperament, it is necessary:

  • Teach your child to strictly adhere to the daily routine by developing a brief reminder of the routine;
  • Gently, unobtrusively teach commitment and punctuality, and prevent lateness to school;
  • Choose the “right” friends with good characteristics for the child, who will teach only good things, because hyperthym quickly follows someone else’s example;
  • Monitor who the teenager communicates with in order to prevent crime and the development of alcoholism and drug addiction.

If behavior correction is necessary, you should contact a child psychologist; he will help parents find a common language with the child and better understand his characteristics.

A hyperthymic child demands attention and intends to achieve it by any means.

Insight of the hysterical personality type

He sees right through the interlocutor, communicates in non-verbal language. But, as a rule, he does not hear the words. If there is a mismatch between the verbal and nonverbal messages in the interlocutor’s words, then the hysterical will respond only to the nonverbal message. What matters to him is not what a person says, but how. A hysteroid would rather believe an incoherent and emotional speech than a clear and short, but “dry” speech. In this regard, we can say that it is useless to argue with a hysteroid with words; they simply will not hear you. For a hysteroid, it is not the answer that is important, but the reaction.

In hysterics, emotional-figurative thinking predominates. “Love is love, you feel it!”

If you ask him to logically justify the phrase that the hysterical person said, he may look at you in surprise and say something like this: “Well, isn’t it clear, I’m showing you!”

Methods of self-control, communication with hyperthymia

The hyperthymic psychotype is quite difficult to communicate with . To communicate constructively with such a person, you must:

  • Be calm about his optionality and not take his promises seriously (most likely, hyperteam will not fulfill them);
  • React calmly to sudden outbursts of anger; they quickly pass and the person calms down again;
  • Do not be jealous of your many friends and girlfriends;
  • Find him something interesting to do (people with this type of mentality cannot stand monotonous, monotonous routine work).

If you follow these simple recommendations, establishing contact will not be difficult at all. It will also be useful to find out as much as possible about what exactly hypertim is currently interested in. With hyperthymia, people usually happily talk about their hobbies and expect support from others in these endeavors. Even if the activity of a hyperthymic person seems strange and absurd, under no circumstances should this opinion be voiced, otherwise the interlocutor’s reaction may be inadequate. When starting a partnership with such a person, you should keep in mind that he is rarely a monogamist and is prone to cheating (both men and women).

It is not easy to communicate with such a person. However, if you want to establish contact with hyperthym, this is quite possible. The main thing is to positively perceive his increased activity and fussiness. Having met an understanding person, a hyperthymic person will happily begin constructive communication. Then it will be possible to profitably use the best sides of his character.


  • Provide opportunities for your child to release energy. If various clubs tire other children, then on the contrary, they will give this one strength and motivation to develop. And he will cause less trouble if he is passionate about sports and creativity.
  • Entrust him with organizational matters, for example, let him film a video congratulating one of the family members, when everyone who knows him says warm wishes in honor of his birthday. In general, you shouldn’t force him to do something he doesn’t like, namely, hard work. Create conditions for him in which, on the contrary, he can realize his potential.
  • If you have this character, be sure to play sports, meditate, swim, run. It is important not only to realize the accumulated energy, but also to learn to relax.
  • Keep a notebook in which you will write down your ideas, plans and accumulated feelings. It is necessary to gradually accustom yourself to reflect, that is, to engage in self-knowledge. This will increase the level of self-control and discipline.


If you want to correct some shortcomings in the character of hyperthyma, you can try to work through them by practicing the following activities:

  • “finish to the end” - being carried away by many things, hyperthymic individuals often abandon their projects, so they should concentrate on completing previously started tasks. You should not grab onto everything at once, let each undertaking wait for its time and be completed in the order of priority that the hyperthymic person himself determines, which will never be completed;
  • "maintaining cleanliness" - not distinguished by neatness, hyperthyms often live slovenly, in chaos, which has a very bad effect on their mental activity, as it becomes scattered and disorderly. To form the right habits, you should start small - every day, first put things in order in one area (table, closet), then expand it, while at the same time trying to get rid of unnecessary unnecessary thoughts;

  • “making plans” is another technique that allows you to remove chaos from the life of hyperthyms. Its essence is that you need to learn to isolate the main thing, making plans for the day in writing and ranking them in order of importance.

Preferences of the hysterical personality type

They love music, art, romantic movies, passionate dancing, beautiful things.

As a rule, hysterics consume and enjoy what they have. They are cheerful and love everything bright.

In a hysterical personality type, the whole body “talks” - they are theatrical in their manifestations.

They prefer bright sex. Gentle. But they can “eat the brains out” of their partner after it’s over.

Hysteroids love their every whim to be realized immediately. At the same time, they require complete emotional commitment and exaltation from the partner.


In general, the first general impression of hyperthyma is good. They are smart, charming, talkative, and know how to win over and be the life of the party.

However, with closer communication, not the most pleasant qualities may appear:

  • optional;
  • lack of punctuality;
  • coarseness;

  • superficial attitude towards people and life in general.

It is easier to make friends with such people for those who have a similar type of character and are themselves hyperthymic.

Hyperthymic people are helped in life by their energy, resistance to stress and optimism. They are not inclined to give up and give up where others would have stopped fighting long ago.

General concept of neurasthenia

According to scientific research, almost 50% of people leading active lives are susceptible to various mental disorders, the main part of which is neurasthenia - asthenic neurosis. It refers to an unhealthy deviation of the nervous system that occurs as a result of exhaustion after prolonged mental or physical stress. Therefore, this anomaly is more common in people whose age range is 20–40 years. Men are more susceptible to such deviations than women.

The causes of neurasthenia can be: prolonged overexertion, stressful situations, poor nutrition, personal tragedies, protracted conflicts, etc. In addition, the trigger for the development of the disease is somatic factors and chronic intoxication. To improve the patient’s condition, it is necessary to identify the root cause of the pathology and eliminate it. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to self-medicate; an appropriate specialist should work on the diagnosis and treatment of the resulting neurosis.

A neurasthenic person may perceive all the symptoms of the disease for a long time as a sign of temporary fatigue. But accumulating irritation can be aggravated by depression, which knocks a person out of his usual life. This subsequently requires longer and more complex treatment.

Timely contact with a psychotherapist at the stage of the first manifestations of the disease, which worsen over time, will help prevent possible complications. This will avoid the negative consequences of the disorder.


Timely diagnosis of neuroses makes it possible to make favorable prognoses for their treatment. The main role in this is played by activities that help eliminate or minimize factors that have a negative impact on the human psyche. At the same time, the doctor optimizes the patient’s activity schedule, paying special attention to proper rest.

The psychotherapeutic work that a specialist conducts with a patient is aimed at explaining and teaching all constructive forms that make it possible to counteract external factors that are irritants. The specialist coordinates all manipulations with the patient: he identifies the negative circumstances that provoked the onset of the disorder, minimizes their impact on the person, using constructive methods for this.

Among the recommended activities that have a beneficial effect on neurasthenics are the following:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • periodic, high-quality and sufficient rest;
  • compliance with nutritional recommendations. The menu should contain products that contain the maximum amount of nutrients;
  • the presence of daily physical activity, which must be performed regardless of the patient’s wishes;
  • a contrast shower has proven itself well, which invigorates and tones;
  • breathing exercises that allow you to relax without losing concentration. It helps you focus on yourself and your feelings.

In some cases, drug treatment is also used. It consists of taking vitamin-mineral complexes, sedatives and tonics of plant origin. For hyposthenic neurasthenia, tranquilizers and antipsychotics may be prescribed. The wide spectrum of action of such drugs requires a qualified and competent approach, which can only be provided by a professional doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.

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