authoritarian parenting style in the family
Parenting in the family: authoritarian, liberal and other styles
Family education styles are different systems of educational influence of parents on children. Depending
Does the brain remember everything? Conversation with neurophysiologist Olga Svarnik
March 19, 2012 Scientists are still arguing about how the human brain works.
How to quit smoking?
Hypnosis against smoking: desire and faith work wonders
To avoid having to quit smoking, it is better to never start. And if you did start
Healthy sleep for an adult means falling asleep within 15 minutes and not getting up at night to drink or pee.
The other day I listened to a 2-hour speech “Healthy Sleep” by neurologist and somnologist Elena Tsareva. I pulled out the most important ones
Types of emotions in psychology - classification of human emotional feelings in the table, brief examples of the main types, definition of the concept
One of the most interesting and mysterious areas of our psyche is the world of emotions. Studied
HealthLifehack: How to wake up and cheer up in 5 minutes
It took me four years of research, experimentation, and excuses, but I was finally able to
Reviews of the book “Man is a manipulator. The Inner Journey from Manipulation to Actualization" Everett Shostrom
How do manipulators behave? And what types of manipulators exist? E. Shostrom identifies eight
Food alcoholics. 5 ways to break the habit of overeating
You can struggle with excess weight for years, look for a magic diet, exhaust yourself with physical exercise, visit
Over the Settled Graves" by Jess Walter.
Will change your outlook on life: 17 books every woman should read
Wisdom is, first of all, a concept that includes many different aspects.
9 best books for speech and vocabulary development
To develop your own speech, to speak beautifully, interestingly and competently, you don’t have to be a philologist or
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