What is Sublimation in simple words, examples from life
Sublimation (sublimation), from lat. sublimo – lift up – transition of matter from solid
development of skills and abilities
Knowledge, skills, abilities and habits in the second year of life
What determines a person’s life outcome and success? Of course, these are skills and abilities that
Confucianism and Confucius - philosophy, teachings and basic ideas
Confucius is one of the most mysterious and influential historical figures in the history of the world. Having been born
the influence of television on people
The influence of television on humans. Why is TV addiction dangerous? How long can you watch TV?
Our expert is family psychologist, art therapist, business coach Olga Zavodilina. There's nothing wrong with
Communication on a social network
Features of communication in the modern world. Levels of Communication
The concept of communication methods There are two main options for organizing communication: verbal and nonverbal communication. Also,
Pleasant awakening in the morning
What time should you get up in the morning to feel great?
The physiology of sleep is the same for everyone, but some people easily wake up early in the morning, and for
How to improve relationships with parents if it didn’t work out before
When a child appears in a family, the lives of both parents change 180 degrees. Some parents
#7 Eat, Laugh, Love - Confidently: Smiling Styles
Down with stress Changing facial expressions sends appropriate commands to the brain. Corners of lips downturned, sour expression
caring for others
Caring: How to distinguish it from various types of manipulation?
Caring for someone, helping, providing, feeding, listening, protecting, hugging... To do all of the above
What is called social interaction and what is its typology?
In all existing sciences there is a simple model, for example, in physics - an atom, elementary particles,
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