What are your strengths and weaknesses: interview question, sample answers

“What are your strengths and weaknesses?” One way or another, you will have to hear this question at one of the interviews. At this moment, the main thing is not to get confused, but to give an honest and thoughtful answer with the right subtext that will emphasize your professionalism and impress (in a good way) the employer.

The question about strengths and weaknesses is one of the most common interview questions. Therefore, try to prepare an answer to it in advance.

Why is it important to prepare for an interview?

Even if during the interview the question “What are your strengths and weaknesses” is not asked in this way, it will indirectly affect all the topics of your interview with the employer. Therefore, a pre-thought-out answer will be very useful to you.

Read the articles:

“How to correctly answer the question “Tell me about yourself” at an interview: what to tell the employer, examples of successful answers.”

“Why do you want to work in our company: 5+ best answers to the employer’s question.”

“Why should we hire (choose) you: 7 examples of answering an interview question.”

“What questions can and should be asked to an employer during an interview: 10+ correct questions.”

In any case, an interview is a kind of advertising, only you yourself are the advertised product. Therefore, you must be able to present yourself to the employer, focusing on your strengths and professional qualities.

Further in the article you will find tips on preparing the correct answer to the employer’s question, a list of strengths and weaknesses, recommendations and examples of successful answers to the question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

Don't spend all your time on weaknesses

Trying to get rid of all your weaknesses is like plugging holes in a sinking yacht with your fingers in order to reach the shore. Either leave it to the professionals, or go do something with the sail.

You shouldn’t spend all your energy trying to improve your weaknesses and level out your shortcomings. As one Chinese said:

I'm not afraid of someone who studies 10,000 different strikes. I'm afraid of the one who studies one blow 10,000 times.

In other words, if you spend all your time focusing on your weaknesses, you will become mediocre at everything. Professionals, successful athletes, businessmen and all sorts of superheroes are those who have found their strengths and innate talents, then developed them, and simply kept their weaknesses under control.

Developing your strengths is perhaps the only effective way to realize yourself in self-development. Find your superpower, in other words.

“What are your strengths?”: a list of strengths and examples of answers to an employer’s question

Surprisingly, many people find it difficult to talk about their strengths. After all, maintaining a balance between modesty and self-confidence is not easy, especially during such a stressful situation as an interview.

The first thing you need to do before you start preparing a story about your strengths and weaknesses is to study the basic requirements for the position. You will use these requirements as the basis for your answer in the future.

Instead of telling the employer the banal phrase “I am very hardworking and responsible,” try to prepare a short story about yourself. Emphasize those strengths and skills that are necessary for this position. Be sure to provide specific examples from your professional activities.

During the interview, tell us what your strengths are, what skills and knowledge you have as a professional, and don’t forget to mention your personal qualities.

Convince the employer that you are not only an excellent specialist, but also a good person.

A little independent work to find out your strengths

The main flaw in our career choices is that we ignore our talents and try to get a position that does not suit them. We spend a huge amount of effort and energy to match our strengths to the position we receive. But we end up jumping from one position to another feeling that this is not what we want to do. All this is the reason for not knowing your talents.

Your talent includes three things: gift, love and skills, where:

  1. Your gift is something you were born with, an aptitude you have from the very beginning. These tend to be areas where you do better than other people. This is something that has always been given to you without much effort. Every person has at least one or two gifts;
  2. Love is something you do with passion and pleasure. A person may be gifted with something, but he does not necessarily have to love this gift. Let's say someone is good at math, but he doesn't like doing it. Thus, love as part of talent considers what you enjoy doing at any time. When you work, time just flies by because you enjoy it;
  3. Skills represent the knowledge and abilities you have acquired over time. You acquire them with education, courses, hobbies or work practice.

Try to think of talented people you know who have achieved success in their careers and you will find that they have a natural gift in this field, they love what they do, and they have also worked and studied hard to improve their skills over time.

So, the first step to discovering your talents is to understand your gift. Your gift is something you are born with or something that comes naturally to you. It has always been with you and is part of your personality. Identifying and strengthening your gift will give you the greatest growth and benefit in the shortest possible time.

To find out your gift as your strength, you will find a form with questions, the answers to which will give you an initial understanding of your gifts. There, you will find the second part, where one of your loved ones or friends will fill in their impressions of your gifts. When answering questions, try to write the first thing that comes to mind.

1) What comes easy to you? Write here what you do with ease;

2) When you were a child (before 10 years old), what seemed easy to you then? Think about an activity that you spent a lot of time doing and enjoyed;

3) In what areas have you received awards, won competitions or received praise? This is external confirmation of giftedness and abilities. This means that some person or group of people recognized your gifts and rewarded you for them;

4) When do people tell you, “I wish I could do it like you.” How do people recognize you as a role model?;

5) Take 5 minutes for quiet self-reflection. This means doing nothing other than sitting and thinking and focusing on this question: What are your natural gifts? After 5 minutes, write your answer. Many people like to quickly answer questions with only a superficial definition of innate qualities, which may be less useful;

6) A question about the results that you have already received on a similar topic from other sources.

Once you and your “witness” have completed the required sections, you can move on to the “Other” column. This indicates any overlap between your responses and the other person's. For example, if you received an award for public speaking and your assistant responded the same way, then you check the box. This means that you and someone else have agreed that this is your gift.

After you have answered and marked everything, go to the “Multiple Mentions” section. This is where you list the areas that both you and the other person have mentioned. If you both mentioned that you are good at sales, then write “sales” in this section, etc. After doing this work, you will be left with an understanding of what your gifts are or areas in which you excel.

It's not always possible to be successful at what you love. Sometimes, there are not enough skills for this, or there is huge competition in this area. But doing what we love allows us to be more resilient and persistent. Try answering the following questions about your hobbies:

  1. What part of your current job do you enjoy most?
  2. If money were no object, what career field would you choose?
  3. What job makes you lose track of time?
  4. If you have any hobbies or interests, please list them?
  5. Do these elements of your hobby apply to your work? You may be able to find a job equivalent to your hobbies. For example, attention to detail, categorization, evaluation, all these things have very strong equivalent values ​​to stamp collecting.
  6. Think for 5 minutes in a calm environment about the question: “what job do you love most?” Allow your mind to replay all the work you have done since your earliest memories.

After you have answered all the questions, look at the activities that you mentioned 2 or more times.

After identifying your gifts and activities that bring you joy, consider the skills you have been taught. Our skills consist of the knowledge we acquired during our studies, the experience we acquired from our parents or mentors, and the work we have done in the past. In this case, you need to answer the following questions about your skills:

  • What kind of education did you receive at college, university, courses?
  • What professional atmosphere did you grow up in? Perhaps when you were younger, you heard your parents talk about this or that field of activity, the history of their professional experience. When you are present at someone's place of work, or you overhear conversations at lunch, it naturally affects your skills.
  • Who were your mentors? These are people who have had a profound impact on you and your life. What have they done for their careers? Mentors can have a significant impact on your skills, perceptions and understanding because you look up to them as an example. So list some of these mentors and what careers they had.
  • What positions have you held in the past?
  • What do you study or read in your free time? Think about the magazines you subscribe to, the books you like, the blogs you visit, or even the podcasts you listen to.
  • What additional training have you received? For example, maybe your job required you to attend some workshops, or maybe you acquired some skills through volunteer work or in the communities you were part of.

Now, based on the answers you received, determine your true talents. To do this, open the list of talents, where you will see three columns: “Gift Mentions,” “Hobbies Mentions,” and “Skill Mentions.” As you fill out this form, remember what you mentioned most often under each section. These things matter a lot in your life. Your worksheet should look something like this.

Then find the commonality between the three columns. If you listed your sales ability as a gift, and you enjoy selling, and that you were trained in sales, then put it all together with a line. This is a very likely indicator that you have sales talent. You may see phrases that are related to each other, but not exactly the same. Consider whether you can link them. For example, you might mention that one of your gifts is public speaking, and in your hobbies and skills you mention teaching people. They are closely enough related to each other that you can combine all three and draw a line connecting them and count teaching people as one of your talents.

Please note that this form has space for a maximum of three talents. This is done so that you do not spend your time on developing all your talents, scattering it, but focus on the most important ones. It is also very good if you have identified just one talent. This will allow you to focus on it fully. Remember that the people who are most successful in their careers are those who naturally focus the majority of their time, training, and effort on their talent. Next, we'll look at how to match your strengths with the work you're currently doing.

List of strengths

Your strengths may include qualities such as:

  • Ability to make decisions;
  • Creativity;
  • Integrity;
  • Honesty;
  • Communication skills;
  • Performance;
  • Initiative;
  • Ability to work for results;
  • Hard work;
  • Integrity;
  • Punctuality;
  • Discipline;
  • Self confidence.

There is no need to list all the qualities from this list at the interview. You must clearly understand which strengths are necessary for the position you are applying for.

To learn about what skills and abilities to include in your resume, read the article “Guide: how to write a resume for a job correctly (resume components, examples, sample resume).” And to create a presentable and high-quality resume, try using the Canva program. This is a very convenient and simple visual editor with many ready-made templates.

What else should you pay attention to in your application or resume?

During the interview, we recommend that you also indicate “general” strengths.

  • Be sure to indicate in your resume that you always set goals for yourself and achieve them, that is, you are a goal-oriented person. At the same time, you show persistence and always follow the pre-drawn plan.
  • It is also worth pointing out that if unforeseen circumstances arise, you will be able to find a way out of the current situation - you have creative thinking.
  • Another important component of any successful applicant is self-confidence. This will characterize you as a confident person who is not afraid to take a step forward. You are not inclined to panic due to unforeseen circumstances; you are calm and confident in your abilities.
  • The ability to communicate with people is also very important. Let it be clients, colleagues, subordinates, suppliers. You just need to be able to find a “common language” with them, accept their point of view and correctly present your opinion.
  • Another positive character trait that must be indicated in the employment application is responsibility. Whatever position you apply for, you must always be responsible for your actions. Otherwise, you will become a burden to the company, which will ultimately lead to your termination.

Also, when applying for a new position, indicate that you are highly trainable. You can give examples from your past work or university practice. When you come to a new company, at first you will need to study: learn about the company, the features of its activities and learn how to fulfill your direct responsibilities.

Examples of successful answers to the question “What are your strengths”

Example 1

Strength: leadership qualities

“I have always shown myself to be a born leader. I have 10 years of experience in finance and sales and have exceeded all key performance indicators at the end of each reporting period. Over the past 4 years, I have been promoted three times.

Of course, this is not solely my merit. I always select only highly qualified specialists for my team. And I am proud of my ability to see potential in an employee.

I never stand still, I work on myself and develop my management skills. In this position I plan to further improve my leadership skills.”

Example 2

Strengths: communication skills and result-oriented:

“I prefer to work in a team, I make contact easily, I know how to collaborate and work together with colleagues.

At Company X, I worked in various project teams that were creative and performed a variety of technical tasks. But this did not stop me from achieving a promotion - for the last 2 years I was in charge of the technical department. During this time, I was able to achieve an increase in the company’s production capacity by 20%.”

Example 3

Strengths: responsibility, organization and discipline:

“I consider my strengths to be responsibility and discipline, I easily obey the rules, and I work conscientiously. I just can't do it any other way.

I remember there was a case when my colleague forgot about the project, and there was only one day left before the deadline for submitting the material. The editor-in-chief asked me to at least try to somehow rectify the situation. Since the article was important for our newspaper, I immediately set to work and was able to complete it on time. By the way, the article turned out to be of high quality and our reader received it with a bang.”

That's all it seems

I have given only some ways to find your talent. As for me, everything is quite logical. If you know other ways or disagree on something, write in the comments, let's discuss!

Have you ever had a time when you unexpectedly discovered a strength you didn’t know you had? I think such cases can inspire others, so share.

And in order not to miss the next articles, subscribe to updates or join on social networks.

See you later! Yours Alexander Gorokhov

“What are your weaknesses? ": what to answer to an employer at an interview

The question of strengths and weaknesses is quite complex. You are already prepared for one part of this question (about strengths) and know what to answer to the employer.

But what do you say when you are asked to talk about your weaknesses? After all, if you answer that you have no shortcomings, you will seem arrogant to the interviewer. Conversely, name too many negative qualities and it will ruin your chances of getting the job you want.

In the eyes of the employer, you should look quite modest and at the same time show that you are working on yourself. For example, tell a relevant story about what steps you are taking to turn your weaknesses into strengths.

Organize your answer using the following outline:

“weakness - > context, example, or story of how this aspect manifests itself in your professional work”

How to Know if Your Job Responsibilities Match Your Strengths

If you want to improve your strengths, it is important to understand the responsibilities your job requires. Ability and responsibility go hand in hand. You use your abilities to perform the duties assigned to you by your employer. If you are going to deliver what they expect, it is important to understand these responsibilities as clearly as possible. To do this, you need to know what your client or employer's expectations are.

You can determine your employer's expectations by looking at the list of jobs or responsibilities your position entails. If you do not have such a list, you can always contact your supervisor or HR department for a complete description of the responsibilities included in your position. If you notice that you are doing work that is not required by your position, you can note this fact to mention it in a meeting with your manager.

Let's say your responsibilities don't include meeting with clients or training new employees. After a certain time, when you notice that you are doing more of this type of work, ask your boss if he would like you to include this work in your list of responsibilities. This will let your manager know that you actually do more work than your job title suggests. This will not only increase your value, but will also give you an advantage in career advancement. In our case, this will give you a clear understanding of what the employer expects from you.

Now we will establish how well you combine your current job with your strengths. Let us turn to the form of correspondence between responsibilities and talents. At the top, indicate your talents (no more than three). Write down your job responsibilities at the bottom left. Now look through your list of responsibilities and check the “Talent” column for any activity that matches one of your talents. For example, if you do accounting and your talent is working with numbers, then check the box next to this responsibility.

At the end of this simple exercise, you will begin to see how your current job aligns with your strengths. In an ideal situation, you will have check marks for each responsibility, meaning that everything you do aligns with your strengths. However, it is likely that there will be areas where your responsibilities are not your talents.

What if many of your job responsibilities don't match your natural talents, or you've discovered through the exercises you've taken that you spend most of your work time doing things you don't enjoy doing? Control of the situation and job satisfaction are in your hands. The best approach to finding a match between your strengths and responsibilities is to look for opportunities at the company you currently work for.

The more you understand your business, the more valuable you become. If you move into a new business, you lose time, energy and become weaker and less knowledgeable in the new field for a while. Transition time from one company to another is very costly. Instead, you can work on a job description that better suits your strengths. To do this, answer yourself a few questions:

  • Are you ready for change? You may not want to change anything if you are satisfied with your career. If you want to increase your value or job satisfaction, then be determined.
  • Is your company flexible? The larger and more stable companies are, the less flexible they will be. From their point of view, they have a job to do and you are either the right person for it or you are not. In SMEs that grow very quickly, there is usually a higher degree of flexibility. There may be an opportunity to move to a different position or even change your current job description. Understanding your employer's flexibility is the first step to aligning your work with your strengths.
  • Is there a position within the company that best suits your strengths? The opportunity to change positions within a company is ideal because you already understand the culture and how it works.
  • If you have identified a position that is a better fit for your skill set, ask yourself what is the next step to moving into that position? If you have a good relationship with your manager, you can tell him that you would be a better fit for another position and ask what steps he would recommend for the transition.
  • If you can't find a position in your business that matches your strengths, what position or career outside of your current company would be a better fit for you? Don't try to change yourself to fit the position. Instead, find a position that suits you.

Learning whether you are in the right position sometimes takes weeks or even months. But if you're willing to put in the work to understand your talents and work toward the right job, your career satisfaction will improve significantly. No one wins when an employee is in a position they don't like or don't suit their skill set. Companies are more successful when their people are highly talented and well-suited to their positions. Employees are more motivated and productive when they are in jobs that match their strengths.

An important part of improving your abilities is to continually evaluate your performance. Open the “Performance Evaluation” form and rewrite your job responsibilities that you have already noted in the previous table. On the right, you mark your performance in the responsibilities you specified: below expectations (poor performance), meeting expectations (good performance), and above expectations, which is overperforming.

For example, if you create reports for your manager or another team, but you consistently do it reluctantly and with delays, then mark it as a below-expected activity. But if you train employees, you enjoy it, spend your energy with pleasure, and your bosses constantly ask you to provide these trainings to employees, then mark it as above expectations. Your job is to evaluate your performance for each responsibility on your list.

It's important to be honest about areas where you are performing below expectations. Each of us has a couple of areas of work where we put in less effort. This self-assessment is an important step towards improvement. At the bottom of the form, you'll see a section for one action to improve low-performing areas. Think about what step are you willing to take to move forward? Once you have identified an action, write it down and decide the next step you are going to take and set a deadline for completing that commitment.

To improve your abilities, it is important to understand the growth opportunities that exist in the employee-manager relationship. Develop a positive relationship with your manager. Ask him to continually evaluate your abilities, give you opportunities to improve them, and provide any resources that will help you succeed.

Examples of answers to the employer’s question “What are your weaknesses”

Example 1

Weakness: self-criticism

“I can be overly critical of myself. Throughout my career, I have noticed the same pattern: no matter how well I complete the task, I still feel that I could have done it even better. The result is burnout.

I decided I needed to do something about it and started working on my self-confidence. Therefore, over the past two years, after I finish working on a project, I try to take a break: I celebrate my achievements and praise myself for the work I have done. This also helped me in that I began to treat my colleagues differently, notice their successes and rejoice in common victories.”

Example 2

Weakness: procrastination or tendency to constantly put things off “until tomorrow”

“I have a negative character trait - putting everything off for later. I used to always think that procrastination was just my problem. But while working as an engineer at company X, I realized that my entire team began to suffer because of my habit. Colleagues were stressed about whether we would be able to complete the project on time. And, as a result, the atmosphere in the team became tense.

At that moment, I realized that it was time to change something, it couldn’t continue like this, otherwise I would lose my job. I began to make myself a list of tasks for the day and complete them in strict sequence. Thanks to this kind of planning, I became much more organized.”

Example 3

Weakness: fear of public speaking

“Completing a project and preparing a presentation for it is a piece of cake for me. But when it comes to speaking in front of colleagues or potential investors, all my confidence evaporates.

Our department head knew about this problem and usually asked someone from the team to come forward and present the project. And then one day, listening to the speech of my colleague, I realized very clearly that only I myself, its author, can present my project, my brainchild in all its details, with all the details and nuances.

I began to prepare for the performance in advance, rehearsed and even recorded myself on video. This helped me look at myself from the outside and notice mistakes - my voice trembled, my intonation was wrong, there was no eye contact, etc. Now, the more I speak in public, the more confident I become.”

Strengths according to Gallup researchers

  1. Adaptability (changing oneself depending on environmental requirements, adaptation, flexibility).
  2. Activation (energy to get down to business and do it).
  3. Analytical thinking (understanding causes and consequences, critical thinking).
  4. Faith (the presence of deeply rooted values, ideas, the search for the meaning of life).
  5. Inclusion (helping others become whole and successful).
  6. Imagination (creativity, originality, new ideas and concepts).
  7. Harmony (ability to find common ground, avoid conflicts).
  8. Discipline (organization, ability to meet time, order and structure).
  9. Achievement (pursuit of goals, productivity, satisfaction with what has been achieved).
  10. Significance (great desire for recognition, hard work).
  11. Individualization (perception of other people as individuals and recognition of their talents, attention to differences).
  12. Intelligence (ability to think in many directions, intellectual discussions, decisions).
  13. Information (active acquisition of knowledge, curiosity).
  14. Correction (recognizing problems and being able to solve them).
  15. Communication (explanation, clarification, ability to speak well).
  16. Competition (hard work to achieve high results, success, desire to win, comparison with others).
  17. Context (see historical parallels, objectively assess what is happening).
  18. Maximalism (increasing personal and group skill levels).
  19. Learning (enjoying the learning process, focusing on improvement).
  20. Future orientation (focus on the future, the ability to see opportunities, encouraging others to act).
  21. Responsibility (being someone you can rely on, many responsibilities and obligations).
  22. Relationships (establishing close relationships with people).
  23. Positivity (enthusiasm, optimism, excitement, stimulating others).
  24. Consistency (equal treatment, fairness, concern with issues of good and evil).
  25. Development (see potential in others and help them develop it).
  26. Judgment (making the right decisions, being thorough, considering all options).
  27. Leadership (ability to cope with conflicts and crises, ability to bear responsibility).
  28. Self-affirmation (self-confidence, independent thinking).
  29. Coherence (connecting ideas or events into a meaningful whole).
  30. Strategy (seeing the pros and cons, understanding the situation as a whole, developing an adequate action plan).
  31. Focus (prioritization, direction, efficiency).
  32. Ability to win favor (quickly establish contact with people, create groups/relationships).
  33. Arranging (organizing, coordinating, determining the right combination of people and means).
  34. Empathy (understanding others, establishing supportive relationships).

© Elena Timoshenko, BBF.RU

List of weaknesses

Of course, it’s not at all easy to admit your shortcomings, much less tell a stranger about it. But still, nothing can compare with a truthful and sincere answer.

It is important to follow one rule here :

talk about a shortcoming that will not directly affect the performance of job responsibilities at a new place of work, or about a negative quality that you are actively working on and trying to improve.

Examples of shortcomings or weaknesses:

  • Disorganization
  • Perfectionism (if you notice negative consequences)
  • Self-doubt, shyness, fear of public speaking
  • Procrastination
  • Increased anxiety
  • Excessive scrupulousness
  • Self-confidence
  • Emotionality
  • Lack of experience
  • Fear of air travel
  • Excessive trust in people
  • Restlessness

Some weaknesses for one profession may be advantages for another.

But it’s better not to talk about the fact that you are lazy, unpunctual, don’t take responsibility and don’t like making decisions at an interview with your potential employer.

How to differentiate yourself from other candidates

It often happens that a person has experience and education.
He offers his services to various companies, sending resumes several times a day. But there is no response. Why is this happening? This will be a revelation for many, but one of the strengths of a resume is the photograph. It makes sense to entrust the shooting to a professional photographer. The center of the frame should be the face and shoulders. The dress code is business. Photos from a corporate event, full length, are not suitable.

Another advantage of any candidate is literacy. According to statistics, 77% of employers reject resumes due to errors and typos. But recruiters immediately pay attention to applicants with perfect knowledge of grammar.

Even when describing strong character traits on a resume, you need to use numbers as much as possible. 34% of employers will not consider resumes if they do not contain specific indicators.

Resume template

Self-knowledge and its role in our lives

Self-knowledge is a constant process that begins from the moment a person is born and continues throughout life. Knowledge that reflects the essence of a person forms his value for society [Dictionary of a practical psychologist]. Simply put, the better a person understands his uniqueness (character, abilities, thinking, motivation, etc.), the more satisfaction he receives from life.

Self-knowledge offers a path to realizing your own desires and aspirations. Knowing ourselves, discovering step by step the depth of our personality, we begin to move towards self-realization. And this helps to find a place in the vast outside world. There's room for everyone. Otherwise, why were each of us born?!

When knowledge about ourselves is not enough, we can:

  • Feel insecure, anxious and easily unsettled. If we do not know ourselves, we are always in danger. After all, the lack of a clear set of values ​​puts us in an uncertain position and forces us to waste more energy and even nerves. Additionally, we will be easily confused by events that seem negative and worry about insignificant things. Knowing what is important to us, what we are willing to put up with and what we are not, will make our life more comfortable and calmer.
  • Create unreasonably tense and difficult relationships. We cannot establish relationships with other people if we do not establish relationships with ourselves. Understanding your motives and behavior patterns in certain situations (after all, you are probably familiar with repeating situations when you seem to step on the same rake) will help interrupt their cyclical nature. Cyclicity occurs precisely because of a lack of information about oneself. We tend to project our own traits onto other people, and if we do not accept our shadow sides, this causes us to react negatively and, as a result, have a negative attitude towards the other person.
  • Choosing a job that is not suitable for us and pursuing false goals. When it comes time to choose a profession or at least a direction of activity, most likely, most of us are guided by the thoughts of other people. For example, a specialty is chosen according to the instructions of parents or at random, just to get a diploma. When we focus on the needs and desires of others, we are more likely to miss our own. Of course, you should listen to advice, but you need to be guided only by your own well-founded beliefs and desires. And in order to be guided by them, they need to be defined.
  • Spending your time and money on things that don't bring you happiness. Without self-knowledge, we will make poor choices. Again and again. Spending time with the wrong people, buying the wrong things, doing things that don’t bring us joy. We may even sincerely try to communicate more and better, but the feeling of dissatisfaction will still leave a mark. We can buy more expensive things, but the hole from the inexplicable shortage will remain. And this will continue until we understand what we really need and what needs remain unmet. By knowing ourselves, we will stop wasting time on people who make us feel inferior or with whom we are simply not interested, and we will stop doing useless things, such as buying unnecessary clothes at sales.

Self-knowledge helps change ineffective behavior habits into effective and useful ones. With the help of self-knowledge we have the opportunity to:

  • make positive changes in life;
  • create and maintain relationships;
  • be less frustrated at work;
  • succumb less to general panic and other people’s emotional reactions;
  • be more empathetic and show compassion towards others.

An insufficient level of self-knowledge significantly reduces the quality of life and makes it more difficult [BASICS OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND SELF-DEVELOPMENT]. When you can’t find a place for yourself, when you realize that you’re not doing what you need and what you’re predisposed to, it twists you on a physical level, not only on a psychological one. Scientists have long established a connection between emotional pain and physical sensations.

In other words, when we experience emotional pain, the same neurons are activated as when we experience physical pain. And emotional pain is very real. Dissatisfaction with oneself, one's activities and one's whole life leads to a drop in self-esteem, self-criticism and passive behavior. Negative emotions accumulate and can cause very serious illnesses. Over time, unexpressed emotions are transformed into diseases and ailments of our body.

If we understand at least the features of our character, many other things will also become more understandable and even obvious. So let's talk about character in more detail.

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