How to live if you feel worthless
How to Stop Being a Loser in 10 Simple Steps
Author of the material: Igor Lyadsky geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). A man convinced that he
Doctor writes a prescription
How to stay awake if you really want to: 23 effective ways
Every person encounters situations that require them to stay up all night. When preparing for exams,
How to find inspiration?
How to find inspiration for life and creativity: 14 proven methods + life hacks from great people
Tips What is inspiration and why is it needed? Where can you find inspiration to write a book?
Emotional lability in psychology: symptoms and causes
Greetings, friends! All people experience emotions, but they are expressed differently in everyone.
Loss of consciousness: causes, first aid, symptoms of disease, treatment
Why does a person faint and what is this condition? The brain is not capable
How to learn to write correctly and do it as quickly as possible - I explain and give practical advice
Many consider competent speech to be a talent that is given to a select few and is necessary only in some situations.
How to develop intelligence
Development of intelligence: effective ways for every day
In this article I will talk about how to develop intelligence. Here we will talk about
Symptoms of gastric neurosis
Calm the nerves and intestines: flatulence due to nervousness
Neurosis of the stomach and intestines is a sign of a psychological disorder. Many people confuse it with gastroenterological
Modesty: does it adorn a person?
Modesty: what is it in psychology, examples, pros and cons
Tips What is modesty Modesty and shyness Modesty in religion Pros of modesty Disadvantages of modesty
hypnotic look
Hypnotic gaze: how to determine, how to learn to possess it, tips
Hypnosis is a separate direction in psychotherapy, which involves a targeted effect on consciousness and
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