How to find inspiration for life and creativity: 14 proven methods + life hacks from great people


  • What is inspiration and why is it needed?
  • Where can you find inspiration to write a book?
  • How to find drawing inspiration?
  • Look for sources of inspiration
  • New powers for inspiration

The feeling of an all-consuming routine is familiar to many. A new day happens the same way as the previous one: the same things, at the same time. No matter what projects you are involved in, there comes a time when you want to lie on the couch and relax. The reluctance to get up and do things raises the question of how to find inspiration and motivation for work?

Self-doubt and lack of motivation create a feeling of worthlessness and emptiness. At this moment, it is important to pull yourself together and find a source of inspiration in yourself or in those around you. The article will tell you how to implement this.

What is inspiration and why is it needed?

Explanatory dictionaries give the term a definition - a specific state in which a person experiences the greatest emotional uplift.

People of creative professions, when describing moments of inspiration, compare it to a flow. It carries forward and the person is not able to feel and perceive the surrounding reality. A person does not notice the time of day and hours. A burst of inspiration makes a person charismatic and capable of influencing others.

Experts explain this by a special acceleration of all cognitive reactions. Memory, perception, thinking will increase. The condition is comparable to obsession, when a person is able to engage in only one activity, pushing sleep, food and the needs of others into the background.

This state is useful not only for creative processes, but also for other activities. How to clean an apartment well or organize documentation and create a business plan or presentation. Each of these activities will be completed much faster if you feel a surge of new strength and inspiration.


Inspiration is a very subtle feeling that arises in a person on a subconscious level. Often it is impossible to control it, but you can try to achieve a comfortable state and peace of mind, thanks to which a creative impulse will appear. This is what we call inspiration.

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Author: Articles from readers (KadrofID: 10782) Added: 12/06/2017 at 19:16

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Where can you find inspiration to write a book?

This problem is known to many creative people. At one moment, X’s consciousness leaves all the developments that so passionately warmed the soul. Images remain in your head, there is an idea, but it is impossible to write even one sentence.

To get started, you can use standard phrases and familiar writing images. But you decided to create a new masterpiece, splashing out your emotions on paper. And at this moment a question arises that torments the soul of every writer: where to find inspiration?

Experienced people testify that lack of inspiration is a consequence of doing nothing. This state of mind occurs if there are only plans in thoughts, but internal resistance kills their implementation in the bud.

  • Start writing meaningless text , sentences that come to mind. Within 5 minutes you will begin to realize that interesting ideas are awakening in your head. The most difficult thing is to overcome internal resistance.
  • To have enough energy for such a step, change your usual rhythm of life . Go outside to get some air. Enjoy nature: winter or summer landscape. It doesn't matter. It is important to change the situation. While walking, think about a plan for your future life or book. Perhaps you will come up with completely new ideas inspired by the surrounding beauty.
  • Another way to find inspiration is brainstorming ; there are many ways to generate new ideas and everyone chooses their own.
  • Meditation: calm down and discard unnecessary thoughts. Focus on just one topic.
  • Work through ideas . An effective way is to say each of them out loud. Ask yourself questions, what topics are interesting to write about? Say out loud the first ones you come across and argue, pronouncing your strengths and weaknesses. Write down everything new in a notebook so that you can develop them later.
  • Find inspiration by reading books or blogs on a topic that interests you. You can learn a lot of new things from foreign resources.

Immerse yourself in the stories of leaders

Emotional burnout, lack of self-confidence, feelings of helplessness - all this can be treated with books and videos that can motivate you. Studying other people's success stories in business, politics, family life, we experience the emotions of people who were able to achieve victory, no matter what. And we are infected by their enthusiasm. Live meetings and communication with successful leaders in your field of interest are even more effective If there is no possibility of a personal meeting, read real stories about rich people who achieved everything themselves.

Seven stories of billionaires who started businesses from scratch

How to find drawing inspiration?

Inspiration is necessary to express your own thoughts in artistic images. It can sometimes be difficult to tune in to the right wave and catch the creative impulse.

  • If you are drawing clothing models or cartoon characters, watch the corresponding videos . Users post videos online that show various techniques in detail. To draw portraits, you will find inspiration by looking at old photo albums and pictures on the Internet.
  • Select and bookmark a couple of portals for artists, where interesting articles are frequently updated or there are “live” forums . Turn on music, create a pleasant atmosphere with bright lights and quiet sounds. Turn off all sources of the outside world, and inspiration will definitely come to you.

Get distracted

This method will help restore the spirit of those who feel that they have worked too hard. People associated with business cease to perceive anything other than calculations of income and expenses . The corridor of perception narrows greatly, and many interesting ideas and opportunities pass by.

A short-term change of activity will allow you to distract yourself, relax, and begin to see the world in all its diversity. Anything you like or liked before, when you weren’t so focused on work, will do. Favorite music, sports, comedy programs, light TV series, romance novels or detective stories with a primitive plot.

And don’t think that you are now sharply degrading if you are distracted from constant development. A couple of days of rest won’t hurt, and inspiration will definitely return to your empty head.

Look for sources of inspiration

A paid hobby is the dream of many. We think that you can pursue your favorite hobby endlessly; inspiration and new ideas will help you develop. Every new day will bring joy from conquering new heights. But man is designed in such a way that even his most favorite activity becomes boring.

  • I want to relax and recuperate . It seems that the desire to work has completely disappeared, but this is not so. Take time out for a few days to be alone with your own thoughts and take a break from daily projects.
  • Books about great people can give a serious impetus to the movement . Their exploits show that even an ordinary person can leave his own mark on the pages of history. As an example, consider Candice Lightner, a daughter who was hit by a drunk driver. After the accident, he fled the scene of the accident. Lightner has made every effort to increase the penalties for drunk driving in the United States. Another person, the Persian Ziryab, created many inventions, but the main thing that people use every day is three meals a day. In addition to inventions, he was engaged in painting and science.

  • Read motivational books , quotes, listen to your favorite tracks, watch movies. These forms of expressive art have the power to inspire and uplift. When your mood is at zero and your working condition leaves much to be desired, stop forcing yourself.
  • Listen to good music , such as Somewhere Over the Rainbow; watch a film where love, friendship and family ties are at the forefront. Light, pleasant sounds and pictures will help you relax and recharge with new energy. Motivational products, publications or individual articles serve as excellent incentives. They reveal secrets on how to find inspiration in order to achieve your goals.
  • If you recharge your batteries while relaxing outside the city, try to catch the same feelings in the park , looking at the green trees. Listen to the sounds as you walk your usual route on a Sunday afternoon. Try to walk not along the usual path in the park, but along a new one. You might see an anthill or a squirrel jumping from branch to branch.

Unusual life hacks from great people

How did immortal geniuses solve the problem of lack of inspiration? We'll find out now.

Apples by Friedrich Schiller

The famous German writer used a rather strange method of attracting inspiration. Apparently, his muse was a very extravagant girl. When work wasn't going well, he asked for a few rotten apples to be brought into his office and put them in his desk drawer. They exuded a sweet, musty smell that helped the prose writer concentrate.

I have not yet decided to repeat Schiller's experiment. If you try it, be sure to share your impressions in the comments!

Mark Twain's Place of Power

The American writer had a real place of power. Almost like the ancient shamans. And this place is a gazebo in the courtyard of the house. There Mark equipped an office in which he created his masterpieces. It was strictly forbidden for all family members to enter there. The writer could not leave her for several days.

Vladimir Nabokov's car

But Vladimir Nabokov preferred the cramped back seat of his car to a cozy and spacious office. Only there was he able to escape from the world and focus on creativity. By the way, he wrote most often at night, which was an additional factor that increased the discomfort. Nevertheless, such great novels as “Lolita”, “Feat”, “The Defense of Luzhin” came from Nabokov’s pen. So his method definitely has the right to life.

Dirty boots of Johannes Brahms

The German composer also experienced interruptions in inspiration. In moments of decline, he began to clean his dirty shoes. Surprisingly, this activity helped him catch the flow and get into the right state.

Nudity of Victor Hugo

While writing “Notre Dame de Paris,” the writer experienced a real creative crisis. To bring himself to his senses, he ordered everything to be taken out of the room except the desk, chair, pen and paper. Even his own clothes were left behind the door of the room - Hugo continued to create naked.

Richard Wagner's dog

The great composer wrote music only in the presence of his spaniel Peps. Moreover, the pet was not only a generator of inspiration for the musician, but also a kind of critic. Wagner tested each excerpt on a dog: he played and looked at the reaction. If the dog reacted with anxiety, then it turned out badly. The composer rewrote the passage until Peps was at peace with what he heard.

Coffee Honore de Balzac

The French writer achieved the desired state by drinking very strong coffee on an empty stomach. It is also known that he drank more than 50 cups of the drink a day and even ate dry ground coffee beans. According to Balzac, it was coffee that helped him polish his thoughts and put them into beautiful form.

If you decide to use the Balzac method, be careful! It would be a good idea to consult your doctor first.

New powers for inspiration

  • Find something that isn't boring for you . Boredom is often behind a lack of motivation. It is difficult to cope with it, because to do this you need to leave your comfort zone. Find new activities. Go from the opposite. These could be new directions in music and art. If you often spend time at the office, take time to try your hand at sports. It has been scientifically proven that active movements provoke the release of endorphins into the blood and make a person’s heart beat faster with happiness.

  • If you spend more time alone, visit the fitness room, find clubs of similar interests that exist in your city.
  • Meet new people to get inspired by them. If you don’t know how to meet people, look for relevant information on the Internet or in literature. The main rule of acquaintance is to go to places where you meet people whose interests are in harmony with yours. A conversation with a stranger can inspire no worse than communication with acquaintances. You can’t think that everyone you meet radiates positivity. There are enough people in life who are symbols of pessimism.
  • Try meditating . This can distract you from everyday activities. Spend about 15 minutes on the exercises and you will notice how inspiration and ideas will flow in an endless stream. There is a theory about a full glass. While it is full, it is impossible to pour anything into it. Once you empty it, you can put new filler in it. You will forget about your bosses, work, obligations, your thoughts will begin to be filled with completely new plans.
  • Change your environment radically . If you have the financial means, go travel. A new environment triggers new thought processes. You will begin to think in a new way, look at the boring situation from a different position. It is known that consistency is boring, so add a touch of variety to it and you will see that change is beautiful.

  • Get out into nature more often , discover new places outside the city. Go with friends to a nearby city to visit a museum or see the sights. Look around - there are so many interesting things that you don’t notice in the daily bustle. If you have the means to visit another country, even better. Plan an extravagant trip, see new people, show yourself off. You will find many new sources for inspiration.
  • Laugh more . Laughter is a great way to calm down and put you in a positive mood. Laughter evokes positive emotions and opens a person’s mind to new things. It is unlikely to give you a new idea or a brilliant conclusion, but laughter will completely calm and relax you.
  • There is another interesting way to discover previously unknown resources - silence . Every minute our brain is attacked by thousands of sounds: the noise of passing cars, speech, the sound of playing devices and other household appliances. Sometimes sound fills our consciousness so much that we are unable to find the strength to listen to our own thoughts. Set a goal to give your mind a rest every day - 5-6 minutes of complete silence. During this time, you cannot speak or think, or have internal conversations. Feel the immediacy of the moment. Just be quiet and listen to the silence. You will see your thoughts change as a result of this exercise. You will find new strength for inspiration.

  • Remember your dream . Everyone has a dream, and the path seems unrealistic, try to make it come true. Remember that it is not victory that is important, but participation! Many will say that this is the excuse of losers, but the wise see the deep truth in it. For some, just the thought of taking a step towards their dreams causes uncertainty. Others achieve their goals in small steps. This becomes a real inspiration for new achievements. Try to discover your talent, write a book, try to publish it. Small publishers will be willing to take on this. Record a song, or maybe you have the talent and patience to record an entire album. Make a movie. In the age of modern technology and the Internet, perhaps your work will become successful. If you know your own strengths, reveal them and show them to the world.


Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue are some of the main reasons why people lose the desire to do something. If you haven’t gotten enough sleep for months and perfectly understand the saying “just got up, you’re already tired,” then it’s unlikely that any of the remaining nine methods will help.

Inspiration, the desire to actively do something is always an excess, a fountain of energy. A chronically tired person has insufficient energy. And it needs to be restored. You may not be able to get enough sleep right away; your body will need time to exit energy-saving mode. Just go to bed before 11 pm for at least a week.

Meet like-minded people

Meeting fellow artists can be a great source of inspiration.
There were days when I wondered if anyone else had gone through the same struggles that I had. It was difficult because I had few like-minded colleagues involved in the arts. I always had the feeling that it should be easier for others. Once I decided to become an artist, I began to communicate with many creative people, meeting them for lunch to gain experience from them.

I wasn't looking for advice on technique - instead I wanted to know how they dealt with mental problems and see what they were like as people, not as artists. I'm lucky to have so many creative people in my life. I usually host weekly lunches at the local mall. It's nice to be able to see the many challenges that life throws at an artist in different fields and at different stages of their career. This is a great way to become more educated, build relationships, teach yourself and gain experience from others.

Don't forget to dream big

Never stop dreaming
I have been a dreamer all my life. I guess this is the reason why I got stuck in art. I would imagine all kinds of grandiose events that I could afford as an artist. But once I made art my career, I noticed that I stopped dreaming the way I once did. The spark I had as an aspiring artist was lost. It became more difficult to find the dreamer within. I didn't want him to get hurt. Sometimes it's easier to just pass by, avoiding risky actions.

The birth of my daughter challenged this approach to life. I realized that it is the dreamer inside me that keeps me going, even when I don't like everything I create. This dreamer gives me the opportunity to move forward in my creativity in a positive way. This dreamer's imagination gives you some idea of ​​the artist you want to become and feel the joy of it now. Take the risk of nurturing that dream.

Have the mindset of a hobbyist

Thinking of your art as a hobby can help you look at your work differently.
I know that when I decided to make art my profession, I started taking it seriously...too seriously, to be honest. As a child, I loved toys, Saturday morning cartoons, video games, and comics. When I got tired of all this, I started drawing.

Starting late in my career, I spent my early years excited about what the end result would be. Soon, however, I began to see it as work. I never imagined that I would think about it in this way. Especially because I never thought I would get this opportunity. I did enough to get the job done, but I lacked the love that would push me to improve myself.

Adopting the stereotypical mindset of a hobbyist helped me cherish the time I had to “make art.” Even when I work with clients, I try to arrive in this mood. I trained myself to get excited at the mere thought of art. This made me more productive and willing to explore new avenues that could benefit my creative process. This is the basis of why I continue to hold on!”

Explore a topic that will stimulate you

Milton focuses on getting the anatomy of the female form right
. I usually paint portraits of women (see tip #6), and I've been working on this topic for about 18 years now. It had nothing to do with work or making money. It became something of a long-term goal. I always felt like I wasn't smart enough to understand anatomy. So I hid this weakness from everyone, drawing monsters, creating my own anatomy.

I then settled on portraits because I thought that if I could capture the subtleties of a woman's face and shape, I would have more control over the lines and shapes. All my fictional heroes could draw women well and make them strong in nature while maintaining their feminine appeal. What I have learned (and am still learning) from just one subject is that over time I may have a better understanding of it, but I know that I will never fully know everything about it.

This helped me realize that I wouldn't have to look for things that I didn't know about when I first started. I am now applying these observational skills to other areas of research that challenge me to explore issues that I would not typically explore before.

Set time limits for yourself

Sometimes, with less time, you can create more, or create better.
When I decided to stay home and raise my daughter, I limited my time on art, allowing myself to be a real father. I always felt guilty doing art. Short bursts during breakfast or bedtime have become the norm for me. The benefit of this was that my inner critic would tell me things ranging from, “Your art will never be good enough,” to, “Come on!” Fifteen minutes? You can do more than this! I have a lot of amazing ideas for you to try if you find some time!”

My desire to fit into the limited time frame for painting continued to grow and became quite noticeable. The sudden stop also helped me carry that anxiety into the future. I've noticed that I don't suffer from artistic burnout as often, and that my mind is working on how I can do something even easier the next day. Nowadays I have a little more time to devote to my art, but most of my time is divided into short periods, being extremely excited every time I pick up a pencil.

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