13 scientifically proven ways to get a good night's sleep

Sleep 4 hours - oh, it's very simple. It’s much more difficult to stay awake for the remaining 20...

Haste, vanity... Purposeful people strive to achieve career heights and a decent level of well-being, to assert themselves or to prove something to someone. They pile on an unrealistic amount of work, find a sea of ​​new things to do and try to cope with them all. Ambition, ruthlessness towards oneself and circumstances, fortitude, perseverance - all this is positioned as the necessary properties of a successful person, and attention to one’s well-being and care for it are regarded as traits of an outsider.

As a result, life turns into a chaos of rapidly changing events, a bright rotating kaleidoscope, a frantic race with rare pit stops.

Those who have made themselves slaves to obligations are constantly looking for the most important resource that they always lack. Time to get everything done. How to get it? Business madmen quickly find an answer to this question - they decide to sleep less. Restricting sleep makes them more tired and spoils their mood, but this does not bother people who are eager to work. It’s possible to maintain more or less working condition – that’s nice. Although lack of sleep interferes, it interferes significantly...

Many super-busy people say that through experience they have calculated the optimal amount of time that they are willing to “sacrifice” for rest. Following the precepts of Napoleon, they are ready to allocate about 4 hours for their sleep. It is impossible to sleep less - turning into a zombie is guaranteed. Sleeping more – well, that’s already overkill...

How to get enough sleep in 4 hours and is it even possible?

Test online:

Assess how you feel during the day to see if you have sleep disorders

Determine how much sleep you need

We are all different: according to chronotype, people are divided into larks, owls and pigeons. The work schedule, as a rule, does not take into account individual biorhythms: traditionally, offices open at 8–9 am. A difficult test for owls, as well as for those who for some reason could not fall asleep on time.

The advice is simple: first study your body.

Go to bed as soon as you want. Turn off your alarm and sleep as long as you want.

In order to determine your natural biorhythms and habits, you need a few days off from work. These could be long holidays or at least weekends. In such “free swimming” a person usually sleeps from 7 to 9 hours - this is the same time during which the body fully recovers.

Determine what sleep rituals you have. Do you watch TV before going to bed? Do you wake up at night to drink water or eat something? You can't change your habits unless you study them.

Silence and coolness

Yes, this is exactly the atmosphere that should reign in the bedroom - quiet and cool. And you need to take care of this in advance - even at the stage of purchasing or renovating an apartment. There is no point in repeating how extraneous sounds interfere with sleep. Therefore, complete soundproofing of the bedroom, thought out in advance, is highly desirable. In this case, it must be done completely along the contour of the entire room (including sockets on the external wall) or not done at all - soundproofing only the floor and wall will not give you any results.

Be sure to take into account the location of your future bedroom: under no circumstances place it on the south side, otherwise it will always be very hot, which is not at all conducive to a good rest. Ideal conditions for good sleep are temperatures between 18-21°C.

Of course, this is not always possible, so it is advisable to provide air conditioning. You can also use well-known folk remedies - damp sheets and containers of water placed on the floor (preferably near a fan).

Interior life hack: always provide switches near the bed. If you need to get up at night, they will come in very handy, since you won’t have to walk across the entire bedroom, finally waking up, to turn on the light.

Choose your bedtime

Don't try to go to bed as early as possible. This is a vague goal that is almost impossible to achieve. Instead, clearly schedule your bedtime based on what time you need to get up.

Let's say the experiment described in the previous paragraph showed that you need to sleep 8 hours. And you need to get up at 7:00. Then go to bed at 23:00 or a little earlier.

To get into a routine, try to stick to it on the weekends as well. But sometimes, as an exception, allow yourself to sleep until lunch or go to bed later.

The mattress is the head of everything

You understand that even the most cunning life hacks - a well-thought-out room interior and properly selected wallpaper - will not be able to help you sleep soundly if you have a bad mattress. That is why you need to approach the choice of such an important thing for you as carefully as possible.

For this purpose, be sure to go to a specialized salon that sells products for healthy sleep. Lie down on mattresses of all degrees of hardness and listen carefully to your feelings - remember that you will sleep on it every night. It is better if you first visit a doctor, who will give a detailed consultation and advise which mattress is best for you to purchase.

Stop working in the bedroom

Once you've decided on the amount of time you need to get enough sleep, create your own set of rules that will help you relax. This could be dim lighting, not watching TV an hour before bedtime, and so on.

Keep in mind: work and rest should not happen in the same place! This is important for developing good sleep habits. Don't check your email in bed or finish an article or report. Otherwise, you will not be able to fully relax.

The main principle is this: the bed is for sleep and sex.

How to fall asleep quickly?

If you are physically healthy, go to bed at the same time, sleep in a well-ventilated room at a comfortable temperature, do not overeat and follow all the above recommendations regarding getting ready for bed, you will not even notice how you fall asleep. This usually happens within 20 minutes.

Everyone else has to count sheep, and this doesn’t always help either. Some girls manage to meet the shepherd, and then everyone certainly becomes sleepy, especially the sheep. Jokes aside, even physically healthy people who don’t drink, don’t smoke, and don’t go out at night sometimes face the problem of insomnia.

What to do? Let's see how doctors consider the methods to be the most effective [City Hospital ZATO Svobodny, 2020].

US Army method to fall asleep within 2 minutes:

  • Relax the muscles of the face and mouth.
  • Lower and relax your shoulders and arms.
  • Exhale and relax your chest.
  • Relax your thighs and calf muscles.
  • Imagine something pleasant for yourself that calms you down.
  • Repeat to yourself “Don’t think!” 10 Seconds.

There are no further instructions, because it is assumed that after completing the last step you will definitely fall asleep.

Method “4-7-8” (not for asthmatics and those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease):

  • Pull the tip of your tongue towards your front teeth.
  • Inhale, then exhale with a whistling sound through slightly parted lips.
  • Close your mouth and inhale slowly through your nose, counting to 4.
  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  • Exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds.

To fall asleep, four complete cycles using the “4-7-8” method are usually enough. Some people feel drowsy even faster.

Progressive muscle relaxation method :

  • Raise your eyebrows, tensing your forehead muscles, hold for 5 seconds, then lower your eyebrows and relax your facial muscles for 10 seconds.
  • Smile widely until your cheeks tense, hold for 5 seconds, then remove the smile and relax your cheeks for 10 seconds.
  • Squint your eyes closed for 5 seconds, then remove the squint and relax for 10 seconds.
  • Tilt your head back as if you want to look at the ceiling, hold for 5 seconds, then relax your neck and return to the original relaxed position for 10 seconds.

Using the same scheme, you need to tense and relax all other parts of the body, starting from the biceps and pectoral muscles, ending with the abdominal muscles, buttocks, thighs and calf muscles. Most people fall asleep earlier, without ever reaching their feet. Please note that in all these techniques, breathing plays an important role - calm and relaxed.

Meditation before bed is also believed to help you fall asleep quickly. It's very individual. If you are a calm, balanced person who can focus on a given object, we recommend checking out “Top 4 Meditations for Those Who Want to Try.” This is a selection of the simplest methods that are suitable for beginners who have not previously been interested in meditative practices.

If you are quite temperamental and prefer clarity, we can recommend you the video “Exercises for sleep: How to fall asleep in 1 minute”, which was prepared for its subscribers by osteopath and qigong master Danila Susak:

Don't be confused by the fact that the video dedicated to falling asleep in one minute lasts more than 7 minutes. The author bravely fights sleep in order to focus your attention on the nuances that are important for falling asleep quickly. Looking ahead, let's say that the author considers it important to relax the lower back and “unload” the area of ​​the hip joints, head and neck. This is why you need a pillow between your knees and a cushion in the jaw area when you lie on your side:

Let us note, by the way, that qigong master Danila Susak recommends placing a pillow under different parts of the body in other sleep positions, not just lying on your side. You can watch more details in the following video:

So if you want to fall asleep quickly, a second pillow under your feet may help if you sleep on your back:

If you sleep on your stomach, you can try placing a pillow not under your head, but under your stomach:

By finding a comfortable position, you significantly increase your chances of falling asleep quickly, getting a good night's sleep, and waking up easily.

Turn off gadgets 30 minutes before falling asleep

This is advice that we all ignore (I want to read an e-book, check social networks, and so on). But in vain.

The light that comes from the smartphone imitates the sun.

It signals the brain to stop producing melatonin. It is an important hormone that regulates the circadian rhythm (sleep and wake cycles) and signals when it's time to fall asleep and when to wake up.

Disruptions in the circadian rhythm not only lead to poor sleep: they are also fraught with vision problems, the development of depression and cancer. So it's better to put your gadgets away.

Optimal conditions for sleep

To decorate your bedroom, it is better to choose the quietest room, the windows of which do not face a busy street. The bed should be spacious and as comfortable as possible. Pay special attention to choosing a mattress. It should be neither too hard nor too soft, and should provide the body with the opportunity to relax as much as possible. It is better to choose a low pillow so that the spine remains in a straight position while sleeping.

When choosing bedding, give preference to natural, breathable materials. The best option is 100% cotton underwear.

Sleep will be healthier and more sound if you sleep in complete darkness. Always turn off the lights at night and cover the windows with thick curtains or blinds. If you get up to go to the toilet at night, try not to turn on a bright lamp. A night light with a reddish light is best; it will not interrupt the production of melatonin.

It is also very important to breathe fresh air, so the room must be well ventilated. Keep in mind that in 1 hour an adult processes about 3 cubic liters of oxygen. To refresh the air, it is better to leave the window ajar.

The optimal temperature in the bedroom is 20-22 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the body fully relaxes, but does not overheat. If this temperature seems cool, dress warmly and cover yourself with a warm blanket, but keep your head cool.

When going to bed, try not to think about problems, better think about something pleasant, or even better - completely get rid of thoughts and concentrate on your breathing.

What else needs to be considered

If you follow the above recommendations every day, you will fall asleep faster, sleep will become more sound, and in the morning you will feel cheerful and full of energy. If sleep still does not return to normal, there may be some health problems or a lack of certain substances. You should not self-medicate and resort to sleeping pills. They are aimed at fighting the effect, not the cause. In addition, sleeping pills quickly become addictive, and then the problems will only get worse.

To find out the cause of insomnia and find the appropriate treatment, it is best to consult a doctor. You can find a qualified specialist in Volgograd, Volzhsky and Mikhailovka at DIALINE clinics. We provide a wide range of medical services. All patients are accepted by appointment, eliminating the need to wait in line. To quickly and easily make an appointment with specialists and gain access to additional opportunities, we recommend registering in your personal account on our website.

Relax for 30–60 minutes

Here are some recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation of America.

  • Read a book or magazine (not electronic, but paper, and not related to work).
  • Write down your thoughts. Experts say journaling before bed can help manage stress and anxiety.
  • Follow rituals that will send a signal that you are getting ready for bed: brush your teeth, wash your face.
  • Try meditation. Research has shown that it promotes psychological well-being.

Rest for pregnant women

In the first 12 weeks, pregnant women are allowed to sleep in any position, but after crossing this line, they will have to think about organizing proper rest. For expectant mothers, the choice of position is modest and limited to the right and left sides. Doctors recommend paying attention to the second option.

This way, the baby receives the optimal amount of nutrients and oxygen, and the heart works well.

Attention! Sleeping on the right side is undesirable due to the fact that the fetus puts pressure on the liver, causing the organ to work in emergency mode. In the future, this may affect the woman’s health.

From 28 weeks you should not sleep on your back:

  • blood flow to all organs is disrupted;
  • lower back pain;
  • limbs go numb;
  • the baby's oxygen supply deteriorates.

Pregnant women need at least 10 hours of regular sleep. If you feel unwell, an additional 2-3 hours of sleep during the day will improve the situation. If the expectant mother is bothered by something in her sleep or has problems falling asleep, the following will help fix it:

  • charger;
  • healthy eating;
  • water aerobics;
  • aromatic baths before bed;
  • herbal teas;
  • yoga;
  • relaxation;
  • gymnastics for pregnant women.

Do morning exercises

Exercise coupled with sunlight will turn off the production of melatonin and make you feel more alert. A new cycle will begin that will prepare your body for sleep.

By the way, exercising in the afternoon will also help you fall asleep on time in the evening, just don’t load yourself up too late.

CrossFit after 21:00 is definitely contraindicated - replace it with yoga.

In any case, the load for good sleep must be selected individually.

The importance of quality sleep

Sleep is a state in which the body and all body systems receive maximum relaxation; it is in sleep that a person should fully rest. In addition, many processes take place in the body of an individual as a biological being that do not pause even in sleep. Therefore, sleep is also an indispensable component of good health.

So, when we sleep, the hormone somatotropin or “growth” hormone is produced. Only the lazy have not heard the phrase that children grow in their sleep. Thanks to this hormone, these are not just words. But for adults, its benefits are difficult to overestimate, because with its help the following processes occur:

  • regulation of muscle mass;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • tissue restoration.

Reference! For those who want to lose weight, night rest plays no less important role than proper nutrition and exercise. Indeed, during this period, leptin is produced - a hormone that affects appetite and, together with somatotropin, regulates fat deposits, promoting the breakdown of fat cells.

When a person sleeps, the amount of the hormone cortisol in the blood decreases, thereby reducing stress. During sleep, the brain assimilates the information accumulated during the day; the immune system is strengthened. The deficiency is fraught with the following consequences:

  • absent-minded attention;
  • slow reaction;
  • poor memory;
  • headache;
  • decreased brain activity;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • irritability;
  • deterioration in appearance (bruises under the eyes, puffiness, unhealthy complexion, saggy skin), etc.

Don't worry about whether you can sleep

Of course, this is easier said than done. There are those who look forward to the night with fear, look at the clock, worrying that they will not be able to sleep again today. And after sleep really doesn’t come, they experience negative emotions: fear, anxiety, anger. This can lead to chronic insomnia.

In this case, doctors recommend removing clocks and other objects from the bedroom that remind you of possible insomnia.

You don’t need to consider the fact that you can’t fall asleep a disaster. Instead of worrying about the hard day ahead, think about how well you'll sleep the next night. Set yourself up for this.

Polyphasic sleep: a way out of the situation or self-deception?

For a person who has a normal need for sleep, but wants to get enough sleep in 4 hours, the only way to realize his idea is to switch to polyphasic sleep.

Of course, you can simply limit your nightly sleep to 4 hours, but practice shows that you can sleep for that long, but it’s unlikely to get enough sleep. A few days - and it will end with falling asleep at the most unexpected moment - for example, falling asleep at the workplace with profuse drooling on the computer keyboard. Or passing out at lunch and getting burns on your face from soup - who knows where you will succumb to the spell of sleep!

And polyphasic sleep is, although not a panacea, but at least a hope for the preservation of performance and mental processes. There have been no official studies of polyphasic sleep (and sleep specialists do not recommend its use!), but there are people who practice this practice. Several polyphasic sleep modes have even been proposed.

Dymaxion mode a person sleeps for half an hour every 6 hours.

U berman mode : sleep every 4 hours for 20 minutes. Leonardo da Vinci used approximately this technique in his time - however, it is believed that he slept more often and for 15 minutes.

E veryman mode : sleep for 1.5-3 hours at night, during the day - 3 times at equal intervals of 20 minutes.

Tesla mode : 2 hours at night, 20 minutes during the day.

Siesta mode : 5 hours at night and 1.5 hours during the day.

Many people who want to learn how to get enough sleep quickly choose and put into practice their favorite schemes. The Internet is full of communities, groups, websites, discussions dedicated to polyphasic sleep and gathering its followers, sharing experiences and successes.

Do they manage to sleep 4 hours and get enough sleep? Often yes. People achieve the greatest success in the “one night sleep and one day sleep” pattern. Moreover, they do not necessarily follow the minute-by-minute schedule of the above modes; sometimes lovers of the polyphasic sleep technique simply sleep for 1.5-2 hours at night and during the day.

This is quite logical. 1.5-2 hours is the duration of one sleep cycle. After this time, the person is in the phase of light sleep, at the moment when it is easiest for him to wake up and move to an alert state, which will last for several hours. If you then sleep for the same amount of time, it helps to get another boost of energy. Thus, gradually “interrupting” with small portions of sleep, a person leads an acceptable existence.

Read the guest post: How to sleep little and get enough sleep. Personal experience

Waking up and morning routine

The entrepreneur offers two strategies to help you wake up earlier.

  • Immersion method. A person sets the desired wake-up time and immediately begins to stick to it. “This method has its merits, but you must take into account that such drastic changes will initially negatively affect your energy.”
  • Gradual method. The entrepreneur considers this method to be the most effective. The idea is to gradually get closer to your desired time, setting your wake-up time 10 to 15 minutes earlier every three to four days. “It will take time, but the impact on energy will be minimal.”

After the reader has decided on the method, the author of the material suggests checking a few more things.

  • Alarm. “The day should not start with a tune that scares or irritates you - this distorts the whole point of the new habit. You need to find a melody that gradually helps you wake up and that makes you happy. Over time, she may become hateful - then you will need to find another one.”
  • Responsibility. The author suggests telling one close person about your idea. He will have to make sure that he wakes up on time. “All you have to do is text or call that person 10 to 15 minutes after you wake up.”
  • Gamification using the Jerr and Seinfeld method. “Comedian Jerry Seinfeld says he has a one-page year-long calendar prominently displayed on his wall. Every day when he completes a task and writes something, he crosses it with a red marker. After a few days, a chain of crosses is formed. And you will have no other goals than to continue this chain.”
  • Activity. The entrepreneur helps you find something that will help you quickly get out of your sleepy state. “For example, try immediately drinking a glass of water, washing your face and brushing your teeth. Make your bed. Open the window and let light into the room (even if you get up at five in the morning, a little fresh air will not hurt." Then the author suggests doing something especially pleasant that you would like to wake up for - for example, drinking coffee and reading a book.

What to do after waking up depends on the goals and objectives of the person himself, writes the author of the material. The basic rule that he advises to adhere to is to devote about an hour to work. “Trying to devote three hours to new habits is likely to fail,” he says.

The entrepreneur offers several options for activities in the available time, but notes that the decision remains with the person himself - he can choose anything:

  • setting and reassessing goals;
  • physical activity;
  • meditation;
  • reading (or watching courses);
  • working on side projects;
  • communication with loved ones;
  • cooking food.

The author of the material notes that at first a drop in energy is inevitable - you should be prepared for this. If you start to feel sleepy in the middle of the day, you should take a nap for 20–30 minutes. He also recommends remembering that developing a habit is a long process, and you shouldn’t expect to be able to follow all the instructions right away. He insists on doing them sequentially - first setting goals, then sorting out evening chores, and then moving on to waking up early.

Putting the baby to bed

Children's sleep is very sensitive, so first of all it is worth protecting the child from any extraneous noise and bright light. In young children, sleep is cyclical, and it is common for the child to wake up several times during the night. This can be facilitated by hunger, colic, full diapers, teething, etc.

As your baby gets older, his sleep becomes more sound and interrupted less often. If the child wakes up too often (up to every hour) and the awakening is accompanied by crying and hysterics, you need to show the child to the pediatrician. Often the causes are various diseases: enuresis, anemia, apnea, allergies, infections.

The baby should be put to bed at the same time, excluding all active games 2-3 hours before falling asleep. Feed no later than half an hour before going to bed. Soothing baths with the addition of valerian, lemon balm, calendula, and oregano help.

A certain “ritual” that the child associates with sleep also works well. This could be reading a bedtime story, a massage, bathing, a toy, a kiss from a parent, etc.

The child must be provided with active leisure and regular walks in the fresh air. This also has a beneficial effect on quickly falling asleep without hysterics and tears.

Evening classes

“Many people think that you need to start by organizing your morning routine, but this is not so. Firstly, even before going to bed, you need to tune in to waking up early,” writes the author of the material. He suggests several ways this can be done.

Stop using your smartphone, tablet, or other technology devices before bed

Blue light, the entrepreneur writes, negatively affects the quality of sleep. Therefore, about an hour or two before bedtime, you should stop using any devices - smartphone, tablet, laptop - and devote them to other activities.

Prepare for tomorrow

The author suggests taking care of a few things in the evening so as not to have to deal with such problems in the morning and free up time for more important things. He believes that in the evening you need to answer three questions:

  • What are the top priorities for tomorrow?
  • What clothes to wear?
  • How to spend breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Evaluate your day and imagine your ideal morning

“Time flies quickly, and if you don’t learn to stop and think about the things that matter to you, you will feel like something is missing in life. Every evening ask yourself: what turned out the way you wanted today? What have you done? What are you grateful for? What made you happy?

The author then recommends imagining your ideal morning. In his opinion, this will help him not to put off getting up in the morning, but to get down to business right away.


“It’s difficult for a modern person to find even 30 minutes to read. But if you get rid of all the technological devices before bed, you can easily find time to read. And it doesn’t matter whether it will contribute to personal or professional growth,” says the author.

Goals and general attitude

“Humans are creatures that seek instant gratification. And so you will look for any excuse to sleep longer, especially in the first few days. The main thing you should know is that you really have to sacrifice a lot. And you must be prepared for this,” explains the author of the material.

Your productivity will suffer at first. And you'll have to let go of the idea that you're just not a morning person - that's a myth.

The most important thing, the author of the note believes, is to set your goals correctly. Goals motivate a person, he believes. And the more emotional the goal, the harder a person will go towards it. In addition, goals define activities—systems that must be followed to achieve them. “To start, you need to identify three main goals for the coming year and the systems that will help you achieve them.”

For example. Goal: lose 5 kg by April 1, 2021. System: eat less than 2000 calories a day, eat healthy - exclude candy, fast food and snacks. Do cardio training twice a week (swimming or running). Lift weights twice a week. Once - yoga.

Dream according to Feng Shui

Eastern sages insist that the main role for a healthy and comfortable sleep is played by the position of the body relative to the cardinal points, as well as a certain arrangement of objects in the bedroom. Chinese philosophers have an interesting view on the position of the body in a dream in relation to the door.

Any passage is a boundary between energy spheres. Everything that is behind the door is considered a “dead” zone, and everything in front is considered a “live” zone. Therefore, you should not lie down with your head or feet towards the exit. This will not lead to death, but it threatens lethargy and loss of strength due to weakening vital energy.

According to Taoist practice, the sleep ritual must comply with the following rules:

  • You shouldn't sleep on the floor. This is the place of maximum accumulation of negative energy.
  • Do not place household appliances near the sleeping area. Otherwise, a headache the next morning is inevitable.
  • Don't sleep on a bed that has already had owners. Any energy is stored for a long time on used things, but you can resort to a ritual of cleansing the energy.
  • The bedroom should be spacious, so you should not clutter it with furniture. It is especially bad if the sharp corners of the cabinets or tables are in the direction of the bed.
  • The sleeping person should not be reflected in mirrors. This also threatens the outflow of positive energy and a high risk of disease. Therefore, there is no need to hang mirrors opposite the bed, or make mirrored ceilings.

Attention! Doctors recommend that people with heart disease sleep on their right side, which will reduce the load on the heart by lowering blood pressure and the frequency of contraction of the heart muscles.

Well-being and other quality characteristics of life depend on which side the head of the bed is directed to:

  • north – characterized by stability and peace, so those who are tired of worries and stress, lying with their heads to the north side, will return life to a calm, measured course;
  • East - sleeping with your head to the east is useful for tired people with a catastrophically reduced vitality. This will give you energy and new strength to accomplish all things and tasks;
  • West – those who need variety, creativity, creative ideas and simply new sensations should sleep with their head facing west. After a few weeks of such a dream, a person’s life will sparkle with new colors, and his usual life will be supplemented with new interesting events;
  • south - a way to increase material well-being with the help of strong southern energy involves falling asleep alone, it is contraindicated for people who are impressionable and in difficult stressful situations.

To decorate a bedroom, it is good to use the color type of the yin sign (green, purple, blue) or light pastel colors

The body is being repaired in a dream

  • The brain does some vital things only in sleep. For example, it cleanses itself of harmful substances and restores blood pressure. It induces homeostasis, so to speak.
  • There is a hypothesis that during wakefulness, internal organs do not communicate much with the brain - they say, it has more important things to do. And at night, the brain pays attention to the intestines, stomach, liver, etc. And looks at what needs to be done: repair, cleaning, tissue restoration, hormone correction, etc. You can imagine that this is a doctor who visits the patient a couple of times per day to adjust medications.
  • If you don't sleep for a long time, cognitive abilities also decrease, but you don't die from it.
  • They die not from lack of sleep itself, but from diseases that have accumulated due to missed “examinations” by the brain - and they just happen in a dream. Rats that were experimentally deprived of sleep for several days died from intestinal inflammation. Most likely, the brain did not have time to diagnose the intestines, and it became inflamed uncontrollably.

Circadian rhythms: night for sleep, day for work

  • Scientifically, the biological clock is the suprachiasmatic nuclei in the brain. Every cell and even individual molecule in the nucleus knows that there are 24 hours in a day. The point is that they not only remember, but also maintain the same daily rhythm.
  • For suprachiasmatic nuclei, illumination is the main signal. They are directly connected to the visual center. When it gets dark, the cells in the nuclei receive a signal to put all other systems in the body to sleep. And, on the contrary, the sun has risen, which means it’s time to wake up.
  • The biological clock can be adjusted, but within a couple of hours. For the brain, frequent changes in rhythms are traumatic; an example of this is jet lag - a depressed state and insomnia after changing time zones.
  • The chronotype is a system of suprachiasmatic nuclei. It is determined by our genes: some people are indeed born more of a lark than an owl. But this only affects how quickly you get up with the sun and how traumatic a night without sleep is for you.

Who can't get enough rest?

It is prohibited to use short-term sleep techniques for persons with:

  • surges in blood pressure;
  • impaired coordination and memory;
  • lethargy;
  • impaired vision;
  • nausea, loss of appetite.

People with heart and vascular diseases need 8 hours of sleep. It will be difficult for a hypertensive person to cheer up if he does not get enough sleep. Energy drinks and coffee will lead to increased blood pressure. You can't exercise to reduce sleep time for a teenager. This may have a negative impact on his psyche.

They often complain that they sleep a lot and don’t get enough sleep. But you can reduce the time allotted for sleep and feel energetic. There are a number of techniques that every healthy person can successfully master.

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