42 motivational quotes for achieving your goals from outstanding and great people

Dear readers, today I would like to continue our spiritual conversations with a wonderful topic about dreams and desires. It seems to me that there is no person in the world who would never dream of anything. Dreams help us achieve our goals, because they are their starting point, the first stone in the pyramid of our achievements and successes.

Each of us has our own dreams. Moreover, they tend to change over time. We achieve the fulfillment of some ourselves, while others go into oblivion unfulfilled because we begin to dream of something else. And some, in fact, turn out to be not dreams at all, but simply desires to have what we lack at the moment. You can learn about all these contradictions and subtleties by reading our selection of quotes and aphorisms about dreams.

It all starts with a dream

A person needs a dream. It is with her that all great discoveries and inventions begin, she is the driving force of any endeavor. In it we draw our future, reveal our abilities and talents, and become convinced that we can do a lot. How vividly this is said in quotes and aphorisms about dreams.

“The poor man is not the one who doesn’t have a penny in his pocket, but the one who doesn’t have a dream.”


“You should never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul, just as food feeds our body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disaster and see our hopes dashed, we must still continue to dream.”

Paulo Coelho

“Dream big. Only great dreams have the power to touch human souls.”

Marcus Aurelius

“The absence of a dream destroys a people.”

John Kennedy

“For those who dream big and don’t doubt their courage, there is a place at the top.”

Sharp James

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

“Sometimes it’s worth chasing your dreams, especially if it makes you happy.”

Sarah Gio

“A dream is a rainbow connecting Today and Tomorrow.”

Sergey Fedin

“When you start to understand yourself, you finally understand that everything is in your power and you can control your life. But this can only be achieved by overcoming yourself. And many people do not like difficulties and try in every possible way to avoid pain.

When you work to make your dreams come true, at some point a turning point occurs. There is a power dormant within you that you have never tapped before. You learn to jump above your head and challenge your capabilities.

You don't need anyone to approve of your dream. Don't try to cut anywhere! Earn your dream! Do what you think is necessary!”

from the film “Train to Paris”

“We need dreamers. It's time to get rid of the mocking attitude towards this word. Many people still don’t know how to dream, and maybe that’s why they can’t catch up over time.”

Konstantin Paustovsky

“There is no need to be afraid of your desires, whether you are 20, 30 or much older. If you have a dream, be sure to try to make it come true.”

Nver Simonyan

“Dreams are not an escape from reality, but a means to get closer to it.”

“A man without a dream is like a bird without wings.”

Remember the story of the man whose action inspired the idea of ​​the marathon?

In ancient times, when the Persians landed on the shores of Greece, an envoy was sent to Sparta to ask for help in fighting the Persians. All hope was placed on this envoy, because there were simply no other ways of communication and help.

Legend has it that this man covered a distance of 240 kilometers on his own feet in just two days. And a little later he ran another 40 kilometers to announce the victory of the Greeks over the Persians. True, after that he died on the spot.

When your challenges seem too difficult and you feel like giving up, remember this story and think about the superhuman efforts that first marathon runner had to make to cover such a distance in such a short time. Don't try to repeat what he did, but use this story for inspiration.

Traveling along dream roads

It always seemed to me that dreams are akin to travel. Both there and there we seem to be living in the future. We see and feel something that we don’t yet have, but which will definitely bring us positive emotions, give us something new and definitely good. How beautifully this is said in quotes and aphorisms about travel and dreams.

“The journey to your dreams begins today.”

Joanne Rowling

“The world is a book. And whoever has not traveled along it has read only one page of it.”

Aurelius Augustine

“In 20 years, you will regret more the things you didn’t do than the things you did do. Therefore, raise the anchors and sail away from the quiet harbor. Catch the fair wind in your sails. Use it. Dream. Make discoveries."

Mark Twain

“Life while traveling is a dream in its purest form.”

Agatha Christie

“Life is a journey. For some it’s the way to the bakery and back, and for others it’s a trip around the world.”

Konstantin Khabensky

“If a person remains unchanged on a journey, it is a bad journey.”

Ernst Simon Bloch

“Travel reveals a lot to us, makes us think and dream about a lot.”

Dmitry Likhachev

“Move, breathe, soar, swim, receive what you give, dream, explore, travel - this is what it means to live!”

Hans Christian Andersen

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

Lao Tzu

“Don’t follow where the path leads, go further where there is no path and leave a path behind you.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The hardest thing is you know what? When you think you should do one thing, but they tell you: do something else. And they speak in unison, they say the most fair words, and you yourself begin to think: but, probably, they really are right. It may happen that they are right. But if there is even a drop of doubt in you, if in the very, very depths of your soul there remains a crumb of confidence that you are right, and not they, do it your way. Don’t justify yourself with someone else’s correct words.”

Vladislav Krapivin

Pull yourself out of the bottom like Chris Gardner

Have you seen the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”? It is based on true events in the life of Chris Gardner. This is a man who was able to pull himself out from the very bottom of a miserable life, when there was no work, no housing, no food. And yet, Chris found the strength not to give up where many other people would have given up, and to achieve his goal. He became a millionaire.

If thoughts about quitting creep into your head, I recommend watching the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring Will Smith.

About dreams and goals

How accurately and succinctly they say in quotes and aphorisms of famous businessmen about dreams and goals. Don't they know that, although sometimes these concepts are used as synonyms for each other, they are still different things. A dream is associated with our feelings and experiences. When we dream, we often think not about a specific event, but about how we will feel if it comes true. The goal is a more tangible concept, it is a concrete event that we desire. But a goal cannot exist without a dream, because a dream is the muse of a goal, its inspiration and influx.

“Obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”

Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company

“There are no lazy people. There are goals that don’t inspire.”

Tony Robbins, American entrepreneur, best-selling author of self-help books

“If people don’t laugh at your goals, then your goals are too small.”

Azim Premji, Indian businessman and philanthropist

“The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achieving a goal. The antidote to this is to think every evening that you can do better tomorrow.”

Ingvar Kamprad, founder.

Jim Rohn, author of 7 Strategies for Achieving Wealth and Happiness

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.”

Zig Ziglar, American writer, network marketing specialist

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit excuse you keep telling yourself about why you can’t achieve that goal.”

Jordan Belfort, American motivational speaker, author of The Wolf of Wall Street

“Sometimes I feel like a little boy. I quickly get bored with entertainment, and with the help of a computer I find new goals for myself. Who knows, maybe in a few years my work will lead me to meet Eskimo bloggers or you personally. It depends on how lucky you are."

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the social network Facebook

“Achieving your goals requires patience and enthusiasm. Think globally - but be realistic. I waited as long as thirty years to achieve some of my goals. Look at media mogul Rupert Murdoch: how many years did he wait for the opportunity to buy The Wall Street Journal? All his life he wanted to buy this publication - and knew that sooner or later he would buy it. Rupert is a true genius."

Donald Trump, American businessman, current President of the United States


One of the components on the path to success is motivation.

The psychophysiological process influences the subconscious, prompting it to action, manifestation of activity and firmness. Motivation can be defined as a goal that a person passionately desires to achieve.

The main types of motives that encourage action:

  1. External - independent of the main field of activity: the desire to receive an award, the approval of friends, superiors;
  2. Internal – related to the type of activity: the desire to earn a certain amount of money;
  3. Self-affirmation – the desire to become the best in one’s profession, sports, studies, business;
  4. Imitating a successful person is the desire to repeat someone else’s success;
  5. Thirst for power – career growth;
  6. Fear of losing something - for example, material reward, if you do a bad job.

Motivation can be considered as a powerful tool for inducing action. Therefore, you can try out the following methods of motivation:

Dream until your dream comes true...

Scientists have long proven the fact that the brain works more actively and with much greater productivity during our dreams. Maybe this is what the principle of visualizing desires is based on? After all, if you clearly and clearly imagine your dream, it will definitely help in its fulfillment. This is exactly what we are talking about in quotes and aphorisms that dreams come true.

“Dreams can come true if you want it bad enough. You can get anything in life if you sacrifice something else to get it.”

James Matthew Barry

“Everything that exists in the world was once a dream.”

Sheryl Kara Sandberg

“A good dream and an insatiable desire to fulfill it means that the dream will come true.”

Silovan Ramishvili

“If a person’s dreams come true, then this is part of his life plans.”

Juliana Wilson

“Dreams become reality when thoughts turn into actions.”

Dmitry Antonov

“If you confidently move in the direction of your dreams and make an effort to live the life you dream of, you are sure to meet luck that is unexpected in ordinary times.”

Henry David Thoreau

“The Universe always helps us achieve our dreams, no matter how stupid they may be. For these are our dreams, and only we know what it took to dream them.”

“When you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.”

Paulo Coelho

“At first dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable.”

Christopher Reeve

“Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to realize it. However, you may have to work for it.”

Richard Bach

“Our wildest dreams are coming true, it’s time for the timid ones.”

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“Don't complain that your dreams don't come true; Only those who never dreamed deserve pity.”

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

“When we can no longer dream, we die.”

Emma Goldman

"Dreams Come True. You just need to replace the words “dream” with “goal”, “desire” with “task”, “aspiration” with action.”

“Believe in your dream. It has a wonderful feature – it can come true.”

“If they tell you that dreams don’t come true, don’t believe them. They come true if you fight for them.”

About dreams and desires

Absolutely all people have desires. But man is designed in such a way that, having achieved what he wants, he immediately begins to dream about something else. And that is great! New desires, making plans, dreams and goals are what give our life meaning and move it forward. As it is correctly said about this in quotes and aphorisms about dreams and desires.

“The human mind is greedy. He can neither stop nor remain at peace, but rushes further and further.”

Francis Bacon

“It is in dreams that new ideas are born... To achieve a dream is the greatest meaning of a person’s life.”

Alexey Yakovlev

“The worst man among men is the man without aspirations.”


“Depriving the heart of desires is the same as depriving the earth of its atmosphere.”

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

“We are never further from our desires than when we imagine that we have what we want.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“There is no fantasy that the will and mind of people could not turn into reality.”

Maksim Gorky

“Whoever deprives himself of all illusions remains naked.”

Arturo Graf

“A person must desire good and great things.”

Alexander Humboldt

“You can judge a person much more accurately by his dreams than by his thoughts.”

“The one who dreams is the forerunner of the one who thinks. Condense all your dreams and you will get reality.”

Victor Hugo

“Do you really have a dream? What did you do today to make it come true?”

Andrew Matthews

“Desires are necessary to keep life in constant motion.”

Steve Johnson

“Human life would freeze at one point if youth did not dream.”

Konstantin Ushinsky

“Hope and desire mutually incite each other, so that when one grows cold, the other cools, and when one heats, the other boils.”

Francesco Petrarca

“As long as the heart retains desires, the mind retains dreams.”

Francois René de Chateaubriand

“If there is a desire, there are a thousand possibilities; if there is no desire, there are a thousand reasons.”

You never know how close you are to success.

Many people gave up, not even suspecting that they were just one step away from success. No one knows for sure when success will come. Perhaps this will happen tomorrow, or maybe in a year or two. But if you stop, stop trying and give up, you will not achieve it in 10 years, or even by the end of your life.

The next time you want to give up everything, think, because it may very well be that success is waiting for you just around the next corner.

All that is required of you is not to give up!

When dreams come true...

Sometimes it happens that a person who has achieved what he wants is less happy about it than he expected. How so? So much effort has been put in, but the result does not last long... Perhaps this is because this dream was not real, not yours, imposed. Or maybe the very process of overcoming obstacles to achieve a goal is life itself? This is very wisely said in beautiful quotes and aphorisms about dreams.

“If your dream has come true, check to see if this is what you really dreamed about.”

“A dream has two forms: a dream as a goal, and a dream as a diagnosis.”


“There are two tragedies in a person’s life: one is when his dream does not come true, the other is when it has already come true.”

Bernard Show

“There is no greater disappointment than a dream come true.”

Ernst Heine

“Every desire finds death in its very satisfaction.”

Washington Irving

“Happiness is one step before a dream, a nightmare is one step after...”

“Castles in the air are much stronger than real ones.”

Sergey Fedin

“There is disappointment in achievement when a dream led to destruction.”

Ali ibn Abi Talib

“To joke with a dream is dangerous; a broken dream can constitute the misfortune of life; chasing a dream, you can miss life or, in a fit of insane inspiration, sacrifice it.”

Dmitry Pisarev

“The coward’s eternal dream is to do something heroic and not get hurt.”

Leonid Krainov-Rytov

“When you finally get what you wanted, it turns out it wasn’t what you wanted at all.”

Gertrude Stein

“As soon as a dream disappears, it means that reality takes its place.”

Anna de Stael

“There is no return to dreams and years.”

Alexander Pushkin

“Nothing is more destructive to a dream than its realization.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

Don't stop dreaming! To dream like children - uncontrollably believing in miracles, and like adults - realizing that to get a result you will have to gather all your will into a fist and make a lot of effort. I hope this collection of quotes and aphorisms was interesting and useful for you, dear readers, at least for me, many of them became motivating and thought-provoking.

And I saved my favorite aphorism on this topic for last. "This is impossible!" - said Reason. "This is recklessness!" - Experience noted. "It's useless!" - Pride snapped. “Try...” whispered Dream.”

And for the soul, I suggest you listen to the composition by Ernesto Cortazar - River of dreams .

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