Virtual relationships: types, pros and cons, expert advice
Our world is becoming more and more virtual. The Internet has become a place of recreation and entertainment,
We're all wasting time
How to manage time using the Pomodoro method: explained using tomatoes
25:00 We're all wasting time. Each of us spends a huge amount of time every day
Problems of psychology, understanding the complexities
Psychological problems: symptoms, prevention of development
Problems of psychology are more relevant than ever for modern people striving to achieve heights in life under the most severe
the science of the power of thoughts
11 indisputable evidence of the materialization of thoughts and the power of thought that will surprise you
The materialization of thoughts is a proven fact and you will soon see this for yourself. Already several
Features of communication between preschool children and adults
Organization of communication between the teacher and children Communication between children and adults occurs spontaneously in all areas
Mental development and educational success
Article: From a very early age, children show an extraordinary desire to understand the world around them. As if
Logotherapy by Viktor Frankl: Finding the meaning of life is the key to mental health
Modern news is filled with reports of teenage suicides, religious suicides, acts of self-immolation, and suicide bombers. It has become
Is it possible to develop intelligence?
How to develop intelligence: a detailed guide for those who want to become smarter
Is it possible to develop intelligence? The human brain is a complex system of nerve cells (neurons).
Little people
Subculture: what it is, its types and examples (list of subcultures)
Updated July 23, 2021 291 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Subcultures
Friedrich Nietzsche: “What does not kill us makes us stronger” - meaning
September 12, 2018 Psychology of thinking Yulia Shishkina Probably every person at least once in his own
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