Age periodization: periods of human life in psychology
A person’s age can be assessed from different points of view: chronological, biological, social and
Human sleep phases
Why people talk in their sleep: reasons and how to stop doing it
Statistics say that only 5% of adults and 30% of children have the ability to talk in their sleep.
We pronounce
How to get rid of parasitic words in speech? Parasitic words: list and their replacement
It often happens that a person cannot remember the right word. And then there are two
Eating disorder - symptoms and treatment
Anonymous Around the clock Overeating is something that every person has encountered: New Year's feast, hobby
basic ideas of Taoism
TAOISM - what is it (briefly). Basic principles and ideas
Features of the teachings of Taoism The date of appearance of Taoism is approximately the fifth century BC. Concept
stack of open books
About the benefits of reading. 10 reasons to read regularly (1 photo)
The benefits of reading books The importance of reading is due to the fact that it develops thinking, enriches
How to train your voice to sing beautifully: exercises at home
September 30, 2019 Lifestyle Svetlana Suleymanova How to train your voice at home? This
longitudinal method in psychology
Longitudinal method in psychology - studies lasting up to several years
The longitudinal method in psychology means the systematic study of one object over a long period of time. And, as a rule,
How to learn a verse easily
Training your memory: how to quickly learn a poem
Can't help your child learn a poem? And all because you may not press
Why do you need to separate from your parents?
Separation as an adult: how to separate from your parents
Lack of separation from parents or psychological immaturity causes self-esteem problems in many people,
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