Farewell SMS to your beloved man, in your own words to tears

Goodbye. I don’t want to say a lot of unnecessary words, they won’t make anyone feel any better anyway. Just know that you will forever remain that special person who managed to touch the most intimate thing - my soul. Do I love you? I will answer, without thinking for a minute, that yes, and even very much so. But the problem is that my love is not enough to save our relationship. It always seemed to me that two people should fight for the strength of an alliance, but apparently, the opinion turned out to be wrong. Remember, all the best things are connected exclusively with you, and if you suddenly find yourself in trouble, I will undoubtedly come to the rescue. Only as a good friend, just an acquaintance, but nothing more. You are in my heart forever, and this is perhaps the saddest thing. After all, I can’t love anyone the way I love you. I sincerely believe that everything will be fine for you, that you will find your happiness. I'm sorry that everything turned out so that mutual dreams remained the sweet dreams of those who were once one.

Everything in our life has a beginning and an end. Our love with you had a happy beginning, a beautiful story, but, unfortunately, it’s time for this story to end. Forgive me for everything, please. And may our parting add strength and confidence, freedom and tranquility to both of us. Goodbye.

I vaguely imagine all this time that I will have to spend without you, because you are my long-awaited soul mate, whom I have been looking for for so long. My joy, idolized, beloved, come back quickly. Without you, your whole life will fade away, and all your days will become completely uninteresting and dull. You are the reason for my smile, which, unfortunately, I have to let go of, at least for a little while. I look forward to our next meeting with great impatience.

It's sad to know that we have to part. But I hope that this will not lead us to negativity and resentment. May each of us find our own happiness, may we be lucky on our life’s journey. All the best to you.

My beloved person, I’m very sorry, but it so happened that we have to part. May your heart not cry, may your soul not be sad, may everything in your life turn out wonderful, may there remain warm and kind relations between us.

I'm sorry, but we need to separate. You are a wonderful person who helped me see this world from all its beautiful sides, you are a ringing song and a kind fairy tale, but not mine. Let our separation put an end to our relationship, but leave us the opportunity to be good friends.

From today, it’s time for me to stop, because you won’t be around. I understand, work, circumstances, affairs, but with your departure, it’s as if a part of me is leaving. I know it won't last long. Time will pass and you will return to me, but until that moment, I will count the minutes, dreaming of the upcoming meeting. I will think about you constantly, returning to you in thoughts and dreams. I will ask heaven and all kinds of saints to take care of you and return you to me safe and sound. You are my happiness, and as you know, it is impossible for a person to live without happiness. Come back to me as quickly as possible, I'm looking forward to it!

The time for parting has come, my soul is somehow sad and empty. But, we will cope with all the troubles, with all the problems, thoughts and obstacles of time. The main thing is to believe in the best, and everything will be fine.

Dear sun, I miss you already! I want these days, until we meet again, to fly by in an instant. I miss you madly, hug you and look forward to meeting you.

Today will be an extremely sad day, and all because today I say goodbye to you. It might not be for long, just a couple of days, but this time will seem like an eternity to me. Please come back as soon as possible, because without you my whole life is in turmoil. My day begins with your smile and ends with your kiss. Don't deprive me of this for long. I will miss you beyond belief, the love of my life.

Source: PozdravOK.ru

Farewell SMS to a guy when breaking up, in his own words

If you decide to break up, then choose suitable farewell SMS for your boyfriend, written in your own words, so that he not only understands, but also remembers this moment, because he will never meet someone like you.

  • By sending this SMS, I will erase you from my life, and, overcoming mental pain, I will look into the future with an open heart. And you go into the night...
  • Just recently I went crazy from your touch, but today it’s hard for me to remember everything that happened between us. Our dreams are not destined to come true and sadly, this is the end!
  • I want to plunge into routine everyday life in order to forget you as quickly as possible. Thank you for the wonderful moments you gave me, but my heart cannot give you a second chance.
  • The wind of change has blown away my addiction called love. The scarlet sail will no longer appear on the horizon, because I choose freedom - freedom from you!
  • After this SMS, I will put up an invisible wall that will protect me from all the lies in which my love for you drowned. I’d rather say “Goodbye” now than continue to torment my soul.
  • I am no longer happy with our relationship, in which understanding has disappeared. The game of love ended with this SMS!

The time has come

Not everything that is broken can be fixed. Hint about this to your boyfriend - a farewell SMS to your loved one who doesn’t want to admit the obvious.

  1. Do you remember how we swore eternal feelings to each other? What idiots we were...
  2. I'm tired. I'm leaving. Sorry…
  3. Our love is not sick, it is already metastasizing at the last stage... Goodbye.
  4. I will remember you all my life... remember you as a pleasant memory that made my life hell!
  5. The pain will go away over time, don't worry. Everything will work out, we will be happy... but not with each other.
  6. Your indifference ruined us... I decided that you should know this. And now goodbye...
  7. I know that you really loved me... but that's enough.
  8. He wants to climb the wall in pain... What an asshole you are! You ruined the best thing in our lives...
  9. I will live. I will laugh... And you will be sad and smile through the pain.
  10. I warned you that I would never run after you... Well, I didn’t. Good luck, dear...
  11. Stop calling me already... It's over, be a man and leave.
  12. You yourself understand that everything was leading up to this... Goodbye, kitten.
  13. Leave the past in this SMS. We were, we loved, we forgot...
  14. Things don't always work out the way you want... Sometimes you have to sacrifice something. This time you were the victim.
  15. I don’t want someone else to know your taste... But what can I do about it? Goodbye…

Farewell SMS to your loved one when parting

It’s difficult to come up with farewell SMS messages when breaking up with a loved one on your own, because emotions affect intelligence. Choose ready-made words that are close to your soul...

  • Let someone else get you, not me. But our flower of love, which until recently was fragrant, was destroyed by envious people. Now we have tickets for different life flights!
  • I no longer have the feeling of wings behind my back, which means that the waterfall of love has already dried up. Now I am increasingly visited by the desire for loneliness and so be it. Goodbye!
  • The ball of our love has ended, unraveled to the end. My eyes no longer know the sparkle of life. The flowers of happiness released sharp thorns. I close the door to the world of our relationships, already past.
  • The dam of our river of love has collapsed. I have no desire to restore anything anymore. Sorry and goodbye!
  • The field bells no longer ring in my soul and the birds of paradise have stopped singing loudly. It's all over, there is no more “us”!
  • The branches of our once lush lilac have withered, every single flower. We won't see a rainbow together and won't run towards each other. The colors of love no longer have bright colors!

Essay plan

When choosing this method of breaking up a relationship, be prepared in advance for the fact that you will not part as friends. He will be offended. After all, an SMS will not explain to him all your thoughts, hopes, plans, disappointments and moods. This is just a statement of fact with a brief explanation. Therefore, after breaking up, feel free to delete his number from your address book, he definitely won’t call again. Well, if only in a state of drunkenness, to quarrel a little.

The brevity of the text still obliges you to include certain points in the message. That is, “Sorry, we’re breaking up!” obviously not suitable. Indeed, in this case, the natural question for a young person will be “Why?”, but this is what we want to avoid. Therefore, here is the optimal plan for a short essay on the topic “Dislike”:

  • recipient's name
  • topic of separation
  • cause
  • apologies
  • please do not disturb

Farewell SMS to your loved one when breaking up, in your own words

It would be more correct to say farewell SMS in your own words when breaking up, because your loved one will better understand the feelings that overflow your “scale.”

Don’t come to my doorstep anymore and don’t look for meetings with me. Move on in life your own way, because we are not on the same path.

I will never forget our dates, but I also don’t see a future with you. My train left without waiting for you.

Love is the engine of life on Earth. But our mechanism of eternal feeling is broken and cannot be repaired. Be happy, but without me!

  • Sublime relationships crashed against the rocks of reality and left us with pain inside, which will echo in our souls for a long time. Thanks for the experience and goodbye!
  • Our book of love will have to be closed and placed on a shelf to gather dust. The last chapter of the novel has already been written and cannot be changed!
  • I imagined our love to be completely different. Instead of a paradise oasis, I see an impenetrable jungle. Complete disappointment in you cuts me to the quick. I will extinguish the relationship candle forever and right now!
  • I’m not looking for beautiful forms of big words - that’s of no use. The hour has come when our relationship has exhausted itself. I hope that my experience with you will help me become happier.



In total, we get the following construction:

Seryozha! I can't and don't want to be with you anymore. Sorry that I am not reporting personally. I won’t name the reasons, you already understand everything - for some reason we felt cold and bored together. I'll look for warmth and joy elsewhere. Thank you for what happened. Try to be patient and not answer. It will be easier this way.

This is a model for a beautiful parting; you don’t need to follow it exactly. The main thing is to meet 3 conditions:

  • politeness
  • literacy
  • objectivity

Such a breakup SMS will not cause a deep insult to the guy.

Polite refusal

Next you need to apologize. Banal and pretentious “Sorry!” Not okay. He won't forgive. But “I’m sorry that I’m causing you pain, grief, resentment” - this is quite human. Another good option is “I feel deeply guilty before you.” You can also write “It was a good time in our lives. It’s a pity that we couldn’t save the feeling.” When coming up with your own option, imagine yourself in his place, think about what formulation would not cause you additional suffering.

And be sure to ask at the end not to make contact again. “Don’t write or call me again!” - this is a classic of bad taste. Come up with something original but polite. For example, “My decision is final. It is not subject to appeal. Don’t get in touch, it’s not worth it” or “You shouldn’t convince me. Try to painlessly delete your phone number and address from your memory.”

Honesty is the best policy

This should be a good, honest letter so that he, imbued with your mood, understands that you have serious intentions and the decision is irreversible.

Next, indicate the reason. Again, it has to be fair. If there is already another one, say so. Then his pride will not allow him to insist on further explanations.

If you are in love, you need to report this too. It is clear that without names and surnames.

It is more difficult with the formulations “we are too different”, “I had a good time with you, but...”, “we are not a match for each other”, “I am unworthy of you” (or “you are me”), “I don’t love you anymore” . It is advisable to never use the last thesis at all. It’s very offensive for a person to hear this; it’s easier to even hear about another man. You can somehow soften it, for example, plagiarize: “our love’s battery has run out.” A little humor won’t hurt, after all, the moment is difficult, we need to defuse the situation.

Well, it’s better not to list the full list of simmering grievances, firstly, your now ex-boyfriend will have a desire to argue with each point, and secondly, why spoil your nerves?

We offer the best phrases that will help you break up with a man with dignity.

Don't be afraid to take decisive action

The understanding that your relationship no longer has prospects, as a rule, does not come immediately. But one day a moment comes when you realize that parting is the only way out of this situation. It would seem that you just need to explain to the person the reason for your decision and go to different sides without mutual claims and insults. However, in practice everything turns out to be much more complicated. Not every woman can calmly say, “We can’t be together anymore,” preferring to delay this moment, thereby causing the man even more pain.

Family and interpersonal relationship psychologists advise acting as decisively as possible in such cases. There is no need to put off the farewell meeting, and even more so, there is no need to give a person false hope. Parting is like a point in a story after which there can be no continuation. Often women choose the most painless phrases for saying goodbye, for example, “Now I want to be alone,” “Let’s break up for a while,” “Let’s just be friends,” etc. At first glance, these phrases seem ideal for a civilized breakup. But in fact, they cause great harm to both you and your partner. The meaning of these phrases is that you have not yet finally decided whether you want to break up with the person or not. Accordingly, you will not be able to put a firm end to the relationship, and the man will live with the hope that very soon everything will be as before.

The farewell phrase should be unambiguous, decisive and uncompromising. Having heard it, a man must understand that separation is an inevitable fact that has no alternatives. But, at the same time, there is no need to part on a negative note, thereby crossing out everything that connected you previously. Even if you leave a man because of his mistakes and actions, try to pacify your resentment without bringing the situation to a scandal.

An example of successful phrases for breaking up with a man

  1. “Right now I’m not ready for a serious relationship, neither with you nor with anyone else.”
  2. “I realized that I don’t love you.”
  3. “We have different paths, we cannot be together.”
  4. "My feelings for you have changed."
  5. "We do not understand each other".
  6. "We are too different to be together."
  7. "We have little in common."
  8. “Sorry, we can’t be together. Thank you for being in my life."

Breaking up with a man at a distance

It is especially difficult to break up with a person who is far away from you. If possible, still try to organize a personal meeting where you can explain to the man the reason for your action and dot the i’s. However, if no alternatives exist, for example, the person is in another city or country, and you will not see each other in the near future, you should not postpone the separation “for later”. Under any circumstances, you need to say goodbye to a man when you realize there are no prospects in the relationship.

When a personal meeting is excluded, you are left with several options to say the last “goodbye” - video communication, telephone conversation, email or SMS. Choose a method of communication that will allow not only you, but also the man to speak out. For example, by writing a farewell SMS or letter to a young man, you will, so to speak, “drive him into a corner,” because he will not be able to fully fend off your accusations. In addition, your words may be interpreted by him in a completely different way than you intend. If you want your breakup to be as beautiful and dignified as possible, talk to your man via video or phone. This way you can not only speak out, but also listen to his opinion.

If your relationship developed primarily at a distance, emphasize the fact that you can no longer live alone and want your loved one to be near you. But, at the same time, let him know that you are not ready to change your life for his sake, and therefore you have made the final decision to break up.

For example, a farewell phrase ending a long-distance relationship may have the following meaning:

  1. “I need a person who will be next to me. Unfortunately, we cannot be together."
  2. “Relationships cannot always continue at a distance. Our feelings have faded."
  3. “I can't be alone anymore. Since we can’t change the situation, it means we need to break up.”
  4. “Unfortunately, our feelings could not withstand the distance. I do not love you anymore".
  5. “You're never around. This can't go on any longer."

The most important thing is not to delay your decision. The sooner you break up with a man, the sooner you and he will have a chance to start a new happy life.

Source of the article: https://signorina.ru/2710-luchshie-frazy-chtoby-rasstatsya-s-muzhchinoj.html

Knight's move

When breaking up with a guy, the SMS can be much shorter. Just a short SMS about the fact without explanation. After this, the SIM card must be disposed of, and you start a new life with a new phone number. In a week or two he will be able to recognize him, but most likely he will no longer want to. Here's what it might look like:

  • I left you. Do not search.
  • She left for someone else. Ciao.
  • Getting married. Bye!
  • Started another life. Without you.
  • We won't see you again. Tired of it.

It is advisable to change your place of residence for the same 2 weeks. The best thing is to leave the city. Friends and girlfriends will definitely tell him a lot of things about you, so that he himself will not want to look for a meeting.

What could happen after?

Doubts after such a breakup are a natural psychological phenomenon.
The initiator will re-read the correspondence more than once, analyzing every printed letter.

Was it worth using this word, was the intonation understood correctly, was the partner very offended, etc. The more serious the relationship, the longer the pangs of conscience will be.

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