What is the Law of Attraction? Open your eyes to a world of endless possibilities

In simple terms, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we focus on.

It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious beliefs, we are all subject to the laws that govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction.

Important! The Law of Attraction of the Universe uses the power of the mind to bring everything that is in our thoughts into reality.

Do you know how this works? Here are just a few examples >>> This is why our world is amazing and beautiful. Thanks to the Law of Attraction, anything you can imagine and hold in your mind can be achieved. And if you work diligently with your own thoughts, you will get everything you dream of.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Infinite Law of Attraction is one of life's greatest mysteries.

Very few people are fully aware of the impact the Law of Attraction has on their daily lives. Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, every second of our existence, we act as magnets, sending our thoughts and emotions out into space and attracting more of what we sent out. Unfortunately, many of us are still blind to the potential which is locked deep inside us. Consequently, it is all too easy to let our thoughts and emotions run wild and run our lives chaotically.

Most of us, every minute, unknowingly continue to send out wrong thoughts into the world and attract more unwanted emotions and events into our lives. And each of you, the day you discover that the Law of Attraction is working in your life, should celebrate this day as a big one. crucial moment! Once the power of gravity is understood and accepted by you, you will discover the source of inexhaustible benefits and reveal the biggest secret of the universe. Moreover, once you learn to effectively apply the Fa in your daily life, your future will become your own creation.

How to learn to attract what you want into life

The General Law is based on 3 principles, each of which needs to be worked out:

  1. Principle of Gravity : a person’s desires and expectations are converted into signals that are constantly broadcast into the Universe, attracting situations. Both cherished dreams and hidden fears can come true.
  2. Principle of Conscious Creation : man himself creates his own world. Activate the Law of Attraction through visualization. First you need to clearly define your desires - regular meditation will help with this. Creation sessions are another useful technique. Spend at least 10-15 minutes a day imagining your new life in the smallest details (for example, if you want to buy a house, you first need to see it, furnish it, imagine how you will feel in it).
  3. Principle of Permission : a person allows or does not allow desires to come true. Often people subconsciously resist their dreams and sabotage their success, because... consider themselves unworthy.

Desires and expectations are broadcast into the Universe.

Changing your own thinking is not easy - it requires daily practice, constant self-monitoring, and developing new habits.

History of the Law of Attraction

You may be surprised if I say that the Law of Attraction goes back thousands of years in history, but it really is.

Even Buddha in 3000 BC. said:

We are all the result of what we thought!

The first known document on the law of attraction can be traced back to 3000 BC. and is mentioned in the writings of Hermes Trismegistus. His famous work, The Emerald Tablet, speaks of the obvious connection between all that exists in the science of one unity. Philip Harris in his book Jesus Taught This Too: The Early Origins of the Law of Attraction writes: “Jesus by no means first introduced the concept of the law of attraction.” The author claims that the first mentions are found in Ancient Egypt and Babylon.

Other documents about this universal law can be found in the 7th century Hindu holy scriptures called the Upanishads. And again the force of attraction is mentioned in the 19th century by historians such as Anquetil Duperron and such masters as Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

In the 20th century, such popular American authors wrote about the Law of Attraction as:

  • William Walter Atkinson - Thought Vibration and the Law of Attraction in the Mental World (1906)
  • Ernst Holmes - Basic Ideas of the Science of Mind (1926)
  • Raymond Halliwell - Working with the Law (1949)

In the early 1990s, information about the Law of Attraction became widely available through the books of Jerry and Esther Hicks.

Since 2000, many articles and books have been published about the Law of Attraction, and thousands and thousands of people have experienced its appeal.

The law of attraction has always existed, and will exist as long as the Universe exists.

Law of Constant Vibrations

This law continues the first. Since the entire Universe is energy, each element of the Universe is represented by a certain type of energy with its own vibration. The vibration level of an object ultimately determines what the object will be like.

Infrared radiation is at one of the lower levels. The highest are high-frequency vibrations. Physics studies the wave nature in more detail.

In the Universe, the most powerful and high-frequency vibration is human thought. Everyone should think about this.

Is the Law of Attraction true?

As you read above, the Law of Attraction and how it works have been observed thousands of years ago and have been used by humanity throughout history.

And many women and men who have left their mark on the history of this world have proven that the Law of Attraction is one of the greatest foundations on earth; and many famous poets, artists, scientists and great thinkers such as Shakespeare, Blake, Emerson, Newton and Beethoven have conveyed this message through their numerous works of art and science. There are many modern advocates of the Law of Attraction. These include Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, Denzel Washington, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and many many other athletes, writers and teachers. The most difficult part of accepting the Law of Attraction for a person is accepting the truth that every situation in his life, both good and bad, was shaped by him alone.

For many, this can be a bitter fly in the ointment, especially if you or your loved ones have had to endure great blows and hardships in this life.

However, once you truly understand the Law of Attraction of the Universe and how to use it, you can be filled with incredible energy and great hope from the knowledge that you are free to take charge of your life and be free forever from the fears, worries or negativity that have been keeping you unhappy too long.

The Science of the Law of Attraction: Fact, Not Fiction

The work of quantum physicists in recent years has helped shed light on the incredible impact that the power of the mind has on our lives and the universe as a whole.

Read about some experiments and research in my previously published articles:

  • 11 indisputable evidence of the materialization of thoughts and the power of thought that will surprise you
  • The Observer Effect: Quantum Physics and Human Consciousness
  • Film on brain neuroplasticity provides scientific evidence for the power of thought

The more this idea is explored by scientists and great thinkers, the more we understand how important the role consciousness plays in shaping our lives and the world around us. But it doesn't really matter if you never fully understand how the science works Law of Attraction. You will still be able to enjoy the many benefits that this generous law offers us. Let's be happy that the universe is always on our side! After all, this is how the Law of Attraction can be interpreted.

My world takes care of me.

(c) Vadim Zeland.

The more time you devote to learning how to effectively use the Law of Attraction, the more fulfilling and happy your life can become. There are no restrictions! Open your mind and enjoy the natural abundance of the Universe.

Gravitational interaction

The earth is a big magnet.
Moreover, it is actually a magnet, with a real magnetic field. But now we will talk about another phenomenon that attracts bodies to the Earth - from a cat jumping from a tree to an asteroid flying past. This phenomenon is called gravity. The Earth is a large magnet. Moreover, it is actually a magnet, with a real magnetic field. But now we will talk about another phenomenon that attracts bodies to the Earth - from a cat jumping from a tree to an asteroid flying past. This phenomenon is called gravity. Let's take two bodies - one with a large mass, the other with a small one. Let's stretch a giant sheet of fabric and put a body with a larger mass on it. Then we put a body with a smaller mass there. We will see something like this:

The small body will begin to be attracted to the larger one - this is gravity. Essentially, the Earth is a big ball, and all other objects are small (even if they are not balls at all).

Gravitational interaction is universal. This is true for all types of matter. Gravity manifests itself only in attraction; gravity does not provide for the repulsion of bodies.

Of all the fundamental interactions, gravity is the weakest. Although gravity acts between all elementary particles, it is so weak that it is usually ignored. The thing is that gravitational interaction depends on the mass of the object, and for particles it is extremely small. This dependence was first formulated by Isaac Newton.

How does the law of attraction work?

Once we come to understand the amazing possibilities that the Law of Attraction can offer us, we realize that we are akin to artists. We create pictures of our expected life, and then we make choices and take actions that assume what we have envisioned in advance. So what if you don't like the picture?

Change it!

Life is a blank canvas of possibility; you can choose how the finished image will look.

The Law of Attraction really is that simple. There are no other secrets. All laws of nature are completely perfect, and the Law of Attraction is no exception. But how does the Law of Attraction work? No matter what you want to have or achieve or who you want to be in life, if you can hold an idea and see it in your mind, you can make it yours... with some effort on your part. Here are just a few areas in your life, that you could improve using the Law of Attraction.

Basic provisions

These are axioms that should simply be accepted, and not challenged or tried to change. And then you will be able to see the opportunities they provide you. The fight against the system is exhausting and can only give one thing - an understanding of one’s boundaries and the absence of omnipotence.

1. The laws of the world are unchanged

And this means that you should not wish for something that will affect the foundations of the universe. Well, for the weather to change, for example. After all, we and our planet exist for one reason - because the laws of physics are the basis. If the slightest changes occur in them, the resulting consequences will not be long in coming, turning harmony into chaos.

2.Common sense

It is necessary to approach your life responsibly, being aware of your every action and desire, periodically checking how much it coincides with reality. Because sometimes people don’t understand the most important thing - that only they are responsible for every day, for every choice they make and for the consequences of their actions. And if a woman lives with an alcoholic husband, then this is her choice, and not fate punished her this way or that he was caught so bad, and that now there is only one way out - to ask the Cosmos to lead a sober life. What if he is comfortable and happy with everything, and doesn’t want any changes?

3. Strength in sincerity of desire and intention

And also in the belief that it is possible to influence events with the power of thought. It's about confidence, the importance of trusting yourself and your strengths, as well as knowing yourself and the ability to rely on your resources. Do you think the shooter will hit the target if he doubts his accuracy? I will say more, if he has doubts, he may make technical errors, not pay due attention and control at the moment of pressing the trigger, as a result of which the hand will tremble... Or he will do it with effort, because at the moment he wanted to run with the ball... In general, It is unlikely that in this case it will hit the target exactly.


If suddenly something doesn’t happen for a long time, try to think, do you really want this? The Universe is not a kind wizard who makes dreams come true that you just have to voice. Such orders will not be heard. She herself will determine what you need, and at what moments you yourself do not understand why you need something to come true. Have you noticed what chaos sometimes happens in your head? A swarm of feelings and thoughts confuses the mind, so it is very important to be able to weed out false ideas.

5. Thoughts are material, so try to think positively

After all, what you direct your energy to comes true, the Universe is objective, and it does not evaluate your ideas. Therefore, if you are afraid of something, it will happen to you. Learn to transform negative thinking. For example, if you are very afraid of losing a loved one, you should not focus on anxiety and fear, rather think about how great it is that he is in your life, how valuable and important he is to you. After all, in essence, the fear of loss is precisely about love for someone you don’t want to miss.

If you are grateful for the opportunity to be close to this person, believe me, you will have a future together, or another person will appear in life who can become closer than this one. Have you heard the saying that money just “sticks” to rich people? I wrote about this effect in this article. So, if you don’t know how to accept them with gratitude from fate, then they won’t really “come” to you.

6.Develop yourself

Spiritually rich people will receive more, but for those who are limited inside, who already have little of something, according to the law of attraction there will be even less. This is an axiom that at first glance seems unfair. But, if you think about it, it’s very true. Spiritually limited people have no values, no priorities, they are capable of breaking rules and ignoring other people. They rarely wish good things to others, rarely help those in need, are jealous with negativity and are angry at fate.

And because of these thoughts, they attract even more difficulties, obstacles and trials. Remember, in the article about 10 methods of attracting success, I talked about charity and mercy? Most millionaires in the world help those in need because they know that by giving, they will get even more back. And they learned this rule back in those years when even they themselves did not have enough for food, but they managed to share.

7. In addition to positive thinking, action is necessary.

Do you know that water does not flow under a lying stone? That's it, the Universe can help you with the implementation of your plans and desires, but it will not do anything for you.

“If you really want something, let go of this idea, and then it will come true”

Yes, this is how the law of attraction works, the more you desire something, the further it will be realized. For example, a couple really wants children, but the woman cannot get pregnant, despite the fact that there are no contraindications or restrictions. And day and night, with this idea of ​​a baby, she equipped the nursery, bought things, actively visualized her dream, consulted with the best specialists, but the long-awaited pregnancy did not occur.

And so years can pass until, without despair, she comes to terms with the fact that it is still impossible to give birth, but life not only does not stop there, but it turns out to be also beautiful. And then, when she lets go of this already obsessive idea about the child, she suddenly discovers that the long-awaited miracle has finally happened, and another heart is beating under her heart.

How to Start Using the Law of Attraction Today

I understand that you have read a lot of information in this article. Perhaps now you don’t know where to go or what to grab onto to start learning the Law of Attraction. I'm going to make it easier for you...If you're ready to create the life of your dreams, you'll need the tools to develop a positive outlook. There are many methods, techniques, and tools to do this.

By the way, from time to time I conduct a master class “How to learn how to quickly materialize desires,” where I share in detail my experience and the techniques that I use.

You can find out the nearest date here>>>

general information

In this world, absolutely everything has an energy field, that is, in fact, everything that surrounds us, even ourselves, is energy. This is what quantum physics tells us, and we cannot ignore it. In fact, human consciousness is what is obtained as a result of impulses that arise in the cerebral cortex. By the way, I already talked about this in the article about alpha visualization.

We know how to establish contact with the Universe only at the subconscious level, and everything that happens in our lives is a product of our thoughts. What our attention is drawn to will be attracted. Well, for example, has it ever happened that you haven’t seen a certain person for a long time? And suddenly you remembered him, and then suddenly a couple of days later you meet him? I had, and I did not find an explanation for this phenomenon until I began to study this issue in more detail.

Further development

Since the creation of the theory of attraction, many scientists who did not share Newton's scientific views sought to improve his law. And the emergence of difficulties in the 19th century, which questioned the fundamentals, required adjustments that could explain the discrepancy between what was observed and what was calculated. In 1915, Albert Einstein created the general theory of relativity (GR), which explained the shift in the perihelion of Mercury and today is the most promising theory of gravity, proven by many experiments.

General relativity has clearly defined limits of applicability, which is expressed, for example, in the impossibility of its application when considering quantum effects. Therefore, a new theory was required, in which today they strive to combine Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. The two indicated theories are based on different sets of postulates, but despite this, quantum gravity is one of the main and promising directions for physical research.

In what cases is the law of universal gravitation valid?

The dependence identified by Newton has limitations in its scope. Thus, the law is fair only in cases where:

  1. bodies can be taken as material points, that is, their sizes are so small in relation to the distance that they can be neglected;
  2. the bodies have a spherical shape, which indicates a uniform distribution of mass inside them;
  3. one of the bodies is a ball of large diameter, and the second has incomparably small dimensions.

when is the law of universal gravitation true?

The relation is not applicable if it is necessary to describe the interaction of a ball and a rod of infinite length. In this case, the force of attraction will be proportional not to the square of the distance, but to its modulus. And if there is a need to determine the gravity between an infinite plane and a body, distance will have no effect at all.

Law of Energy Accumulation

There is a law of the Universe in esotericism that relates to the properties of energy. And energy, as we know, has the ability to accumulate and create its own likeness. The Universe gives back everything it receives in double size, therefore we should treat those around us in such a way that they give back to us in kind. Consciousness creates feelings, and feelings generate action. This action generated by us will ultimately be directed towards ourselves.

Law of Constant Change

When we study the laws of the Universe, we must take into account the possible transmutation of every condition, the constant mobility of all things and continuous change. The only thing that never changes is the indestructibility of energy with its forms constantly changing.

This law, otherwise called the law of Alchemy, can be formulated as follows: any condition in our life can change for the better to a state of divine beauty, regardless of its original state. Acceptance of this condition, blessing and continuous gratitude to the Universe allows you to transmute the worst experience towards spiritual perfect beauty. This law gives us the power to transmute all our desires and aspirations into a material and tangible form.

Law of Constant Change

In conclusion, it is worth answering the most important question: how to learn to use the laws of the Universe, understanding all its clues and signs. Everything is simple here. You just need to be an attentive and diligent student. Every event should serve as a guide to action. If we renounce the path of constant knowledge, and assume that we already know everything, our ability to learn will be blocked over time.

We must have a desire to receive answers from the Universe to all our questions - and the Universe will provide all the necessary textbooks for this. It is important to remember that any event in our lives happens for a reason. And there is an answer to any of our questions. You just need to be able to find it and not let it pass you by.

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