Every person is familiar with the phrase “Truth is born in dispute.” But is this really so?
Loss aversion, priming effect, Baader-Meinhof phenomenon: we have selected 10 psychological effects that are actively used
Developmental psychology is a promising, relevant area of scientific research aimed at studying facts, mechanisms
Each person has an individual internal state consisting of emotions, feelings and thoughts. Starting from
A very large number of people around the world are concerned about the issue of polygamy. And this does not apply
Read: 5 min. The best reward in our life is the opportunity to do something that
From this article you will learn why sudden changes in mood occur and with what diseases
Either a lot has been written about the Myers-Briggs personality typology and it is incomprehensible, or little and even more incomprehensible.
Depending on the mood and neuropsychic state, each person has different associations with
Sadness is an emotion from the negative spectrum that appears as a result of serious or prolonged personal dissatisfaction.