Ask questions: how to help your child develop abstract thinking

In children starting school, “memory becomes thinking, and perception becomes thinking.” The statement of the outstanding child psychologist, author of original methods, D. B. Elkonin means the main thing: in the mental development of children of primary school age, an active transformation of the entire cognitive sphere (memory, attention, perception, speech) occurs. Psychologists emphasize that such improvement of the psyche is possible only with abstract logical thinking. Experts authoritatively state that abstract thinking is necessary not only for the further mental development of a child, but also for mastering such complex academic subjects as mathematics, natural history, and later, physics, geometry, and astronomy. It is important for parents to understand the diversity of their child’s mental development in order to come to the rescue in time.

What is this thought process?

Thinking in abstract terms is an important stage in personality development. This is thinking about objects or people that are not immediately present before the eyes. For example, instead of thinking about the red apple in the bowl in front of you, you think about the apple orchard you walked through in the summer. Abstract thinking is unique to the human species and is an ability that can be developed over time.

As children grow and their thinking matures, they begin to think more about what happened in the past and what might happen in the future. Today, artificial intelligence robots, which are used in many children's apps and games, threaten the development of abstract thinking. Programs cannot make decisions and see cause-and-effect relationships like humans. They clog the child’s brain, preventing him from thinking more broadly and abstractly.

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Abstraction is the abstraction of some properties of objects from others in order to identify their features. The definition of abstract thinking is almost the same. This phenomenon refers to a type of intellectual activity during which a person thinks about a situation, separating it from some details. Abstractness has a significant impact on the physiology of thinking and allows you to cross certain boundaries, discovering new knowledge.

This type of thinking develops in parallel with ontogenesis from an early age. It first appears at the moments when the child begins to fantasize, composing his own stories or acting out unusual situations, and abstracts himself from toys, preferring to think about their certain properties.

Abstract thinking is divided into forms, each of which corresponds to the characteristics of the thought process accompanied by abstraction. There are 3 of them in total:

  1. Concept. Involves defining one common property for different objects. A very important point is the significance of this unifying feature. For example, the legs of tables or green leaves of different trees.
  2. Judgment. In judgment, an affirmation or denial of a certain event occurs. Everything is usually described in a phrase or short sentence. Judgments can be simple or complex. In the first case, they relate to one active object or person (for example, “the boy bought milk”). In the second, the judgment affects several sides at once (“clouds appeared, it became dark outside”). It can also be true, based on subjective conclusions, or false, based on personal interest.
  3. Conclusion. Inference is understood as a thought, the formation of which occurs on the basis of several judgments. It consists of premises, conclusion and conclusion. All three processes occur sequentially in the human head. It all starts with initial judgments (premises), then moves to the stage of reflection (conclusions), and ends with the formation of a new judgment (conclusion).

Abstract thinking can be used in any of these three forms. An adult uses them all in everyday life. Nevertheless, it is necessary to develop them even for those who are good at abstraction.

Modern artificial intelligence is endowed with abstract thinking that is superior in quality to human thinking.

AI threatens abstract thinking

A few centuries ago, scientists may have compared our intelligence to that of animals. But today we measure human intelligence against artificially intelligent robots. The better we design robots, the more we risk that they may threaten human individuality. At the same time, they help solve problems in many areas.

The main thing that AI is not yet capable of is supporting abstract thinking. Gadgets develop children's visual perception of information, simplifying it as much as possible. But, spending too much time on the phone, the child forgets how to think abstractly. Therefore, you need to engage with it more often, and not allow yourself to be entertained for days with smart electronic “toys.”


Logical thinking games for preschoolers

If you've ever tried to reason with a three-year-old, you know that a child at that age doesn't think logically. Young children are very concrete and literal in their thinking, and only as they approach school age do they begin to demonstrate a readiness for tasks that require more abstract thinking. However, preschoolers often make surprising connections as they explore and make sense of the world, and there are several fun logic games that will answer your child's question: What is logic?

Reading and making up stories as a means of abstract thinking

Good stories create tension between concrete and abstract thinking. On the one hand, stories have a specific plot (something happens to someone), which is often followed by a moral lesson. On the other hand, stories have an aesthetic quality that gives them the power of art. While storytelling is grounded in lived reality, art tends to be more abstract.

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Quality children's books provide educational and aesthetic experiences for both parents and children. For example, picture books may have illustrations with dual meanings, one relevant to a young reader and one relevant to an adult reader. It is also helpful to listen to audiobooks, where the voice-over does not automatically start, but creates moments of silence that parents and children can fill with their own words.

What does logic use?

What is logical thinking and what basic concepts does logic use?

Logical thinking is thinking that involves reasoning and using what you know to draw conclusions. Logical thinking is the basis of cognition. This requires an understanding of attributes, relationships and sequencing, and is not only important for formal learning; it is a necessary life skill. Logic is, in simple words, the rational mental activity of a person. And logically it is consistent. Logical-reasonable.

Ask the question “why?”

When reading books with children, ask them the question along the way: “Why is this?” For example, ask: “Why did Little Red Riding Hood go into the forest?” Parents can draw on the child's previous experiences or wishes for the future, encouraging them to reason and reflect. If your digital book contains an AI feedback system, it can also prompt some reasoning, but it is unlikely to cope as well as parents with leading questions.

But you shouldn’t answer your own questions or explain absolutely everything to your child. Abstract thinking requires more effort than quick, concrete thoughts. Many adults think they are helping their children when they explain and detail every aspect. However, research shows that when children think about things on their own, their thinking develops better.

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So, the next time you read stories with young children, don't just say, “The boy is crying,” but start asking questions: “Why is the boy crying? What would you do in his place? Your child may come up with different reasons, and you can discuss their likelihood together. An AI robot would immediately give the correct answer, but you and your child can talk about different options and hypotheses.

Games and exercises for the development of imaginative and logical thinking

  • “What does it look like?” Show your child a picture of a fancy blot. Let the child come up with as many original associations for it as possible.
  • "The fourth is odd." Invite your child to look at 4 pictures, three of which can be combined according to some characteristic. The child must understand which picture is “extra” and explain why he thinks so.
  • “Call it in one word.” This game consists of an adult offering the child a set of words or images that can be combined into a concept. The child’s task is to name objects in one word (for example, tit, nightingale, woodpecker, crow, hawk - birds; raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, watermelons - berries).
  • “Put it into groups.” An adult places pre-prepared objects or their images on the table and mixes them. The preschooler must sort them into groups according to some characteristic.
  • “Fold the picture.” This didactic game is an analogy to puzzles. The child’s task is to put together a whole picture from several parts.
  • "Sudoku". This puzzle, popular all over the world, in its simplified version (2x2, 3x3 or 4x4), is also suitable for preschoolers.
  • “Who eats what?” Select pictures depicting animals and their favorite delicacies, mix them, and then ask the child to make pairs (feed the animals). By analogy, you can play games such as “Moms and Their Babies”, “Who Lives Where?”, “Signs of the Seasons” and so on.
  • “Continue the row.” Draw long beads and start a sequence of bead colors (for example, red, yellow, blue, red again). The child must color the rest of the beads, following the pattern.

To make it interesting and fun for your baby, try to introduce your child to new games and exercises every time.

  • "Opposites". In this game, the child needs to come up with a word with the opposite meaning. For example, you say the word “big”, and the child says “small” (“cheerful” - “sad”, “loud” - “quiet”, “fast” - “slow”, and so on).
  • "Guess what it's about." This game will help develop not only thinking, but also attentiveness. Describe one of the objects in the room, and the child must guess what it is about. For example, a fragile, glass, beautiful vase.

For other useful games and exercises, watch the video:

Board games (checkers, chess, strategy games), mazes and puzzles are also suitable for developing the thinking of preschoolers. Such games allow kids to learn how to make decisions, think through moves, and assess possible risks. Role-playing games, communicating with peers, reading and discussing books are also great for developing creative thinking.

How else to develop abstract thinking

Count everything around with your child more: birds, steps of the stairs, plates on the table, and so on. Teach him the rules of counting, starting with small numbers. While walking around the city, discuss the sights you see. Later, ask your child to create models of these landmarks using toys. Play searching for hidden objects in the house using a drawn map.

Prepare counting materials (sets of molds, construction set parts, buttons, pebbles) for mathematical games with your child. Young children sometimes cannot apply their knowledge of numbers, although they can recognize and read them. Also teach your child how to make different shapes from cubes and encourage problem solving. Encourage children to use counting material for arithmetic, creating geometric shapes and modeling.

Classify objects according to characteristics using different characteristics and categories. When cleaning, put together items of the same shape, color, and purpose with your child. For example, divide them into those that can be rolled or not. All this will also develop abstract thinking.

Types of abstractions

Images formed without the participation of the content side of the concept:

  1. Insulating. Its goal is to highlight a characteristic feature of an object and increase attention to it. For example, there is an apple on the table. A person notices that it is green or sour.
  2. Generalization. Here the brain receives a complete picture of the appearance of the entire image. Let's use a mathematical equation as an example. The goal is a solution without taking into account individual numbers, pluses, minuses and other signs.
  3. Idealization. Discarding unimportant elements. A method of obtaining knowledge, without which exact and natural sciences cannot do.

In reality, there are no separate, unrelated elements. They cannot be touched or measured in isolation.

Talk to your child more often

Discussion is necessary so that the child can switch from what he heard and saw to himself, his thoughts. Be sure to discuss with him the events that happened to you, what you saw on a walk, on TV. This will help the child operate with symbols abstractly and learn to represent ideas. This may be difficult at first, but as skills develop, the baby will learn to operate with abstract concepts.

Let the child try to think about his upcoming day and tell him what he will do tomorrow. When solving a problem, let him look for different available methods and approaches. Ask your child not only to speak his thoughts, but also to sing them, play them like an actor, and express them using all children’s “languages.” The next stage of development is the child’s creation of his own crafts, stories, and music. Such activities will develop his abstract thinking as effectively as possible.

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Exercises for adults

It is quite difficult for an adult to develop abstract thinking, because... his intellect has long been formed. However, with the help of some exercises you can still achieve results. It is recommended to perform them daily for several weeks.

The most effective exercises:

  1. Representation of emotions. You need to mentally imagine exactly how different emotions manifest themselves in a certain person. It is recommended to use the full range of people's possible feelings.
  2. Reverse reading. You need to turn the book over and read it in reverse order. In parallel with this, it is necessary to establish logical connections between various events. It is best to choose simple works written in easy language.
  3. Analysis of communication. You should remember all the people with whom you had to communicate during the day. It is necessary to analyze not only the conversation itself, but also the facial expression, gestures and voice of the interlocutor. It is recommended to do this with your eyes closed.
  4. Inventing contradictions. You just need to come up with different phrases that seem contradictory. They can be absolutely anything (hot ice, bitters, etc.).
  5. Compiling abbreviations. It is enough to come up with any phrase, shorten it to the first letters, and then decipher it throughout the day. For example, independent development of thinking (SDM).
  6. Listing the functions of objects. You need to select any existing item and list all its functions. You can even come up with unusual purposes that are not usually used.
  7. Brainstorm. You need to choose any letter of the alphabet and write it on a piece of paper. The task is to remember the maximum number of words starting with this letter in a limited amount of time, writing them all down on paper.
  8. Combination of words. You need to write nouns on one piece of paper, and adjectives on the second. This does not need to be done right away. It's best to start with just one noun. You will need to select suitable, as well as completely incompatible adjectives for it. All of them should be written down in different columns.
  9. Title of a painting from life. It is required to visually record any event that happened in reality and give it an unusual name. It should be what an artist might call a painting.
  10. Painting. You need to paint any pictures using colored paints. During the process, the characteristics of all present items should be presented. If it is not possible to use paints, you can start with regular pencil drawing.

The listed methods will help develop abstract thinking also in a teenager or an elderly person. You just need to apply them on a regular basis, without missing regular classes.

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