How to find happiness. 15 steps to the top of a prosperous life!

What person does not dream of his life being filled with happiness, love, awareness and serenity? Almost everyone wants to find their place in this world, gain recognition at work, meet their soulmate, build a family nest and have the opportunity to see the world. But what if all this seems like an unattainable goal? Is it possible to get hold of such a “magic wand” that will help turn your mind around and teach you to look at this world with a completely different perspective? Psychologists identify 15 conscious steps that anyone can implement. These 15 points will help you find happiness, achieve everything you want and change for the better.

Let go and forget

The very first rule on the path to true happiness is the ability to let go of the past, all grievances and worries, situations, negative experiences, people who once offended you. Think about how much time you waste on empty worries when you could be enjoying what you have now. Also consider whether this problem will play any role in your life in 5, 10 or 20 years? Surely you will completely forget about her, so why ruin your current life with past disappointments?


Learn to draw some conclusions at the end of a certain period of time. For example, at the end of each day, spend literally 5 minutes remembering what good happened to you, what new things you learned, who you helped, whether you learned something new and useful, whether some time was wasted. Make it a daily, weekly and monthly habit. A little summing up will guide you towards achieving your goals, allow you to notice significant moments and refuse what is wasting your free minutes during the day.

Keep an eye on your appearance

A person will not feel truly happy if he stops paying attention to his appearance. Being unkempt doesn't look good on anyone. It is not known who you will meet today, when, for example, you go to throw out the garbage, but what if this turns out to be your fate? The man or woman of your dreams? Oh, will you look like a slob in their eyes? Try to review your wardrobe, think about what you can improve in your appearance, what you can adjust to look more attractive.

15 psychological tricks that work on most people

You create your own happiness

Happiness is only your choice and your desire. No one can create happiness for you or instead of you. True happiness cannot be obtained through external means.

It only starts within you.

Remember to be mindful, take a break. Understand that you are happy here and now. Grasp this wonderful feeling and develop it in yourself more and more every day.

If you can’t do it yourself, come to Elizaveta Volkova’s master class.

You will understand how you too can become happy here and now, even if it seems to you that this is impossible.

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I hope this article gave you an idea of ​​how to stop worrying and start living. Create happiness within yourself. And you already have all the tools for this. So, go for it!

Stop complaining

If you analyze most of human conversations, you can accurately conclude that most people spend a lot of time whining and complaining. Constantly complaining about fate, bad work, stupid children, an awkward husband or wife, and so on in a circle, day after day. And, naturally, the more a person complains about this, the more negativity he receives from life in response. Everything really ceases to please him and seems terrible in life. Just try to change your own perception of reality. Be kinder to people, thank fate for what you already have, and eventually you will notice how the world will become cleaner and better.

What do you need to get rid of to become happier?

Fear. It prevents you from doing not only dangerous, but also successful things. “Where there is fear, there is no happiness” Seneca.

Anger. What irritates us in others is what is in us. Just understand it, accept it and start improving. Then the people who made you angry will either correct themselves or disappear from your life.

Bad habits. They take away your health and time.

Grievances. Forgive all the people who hurt you. Research has shown that letting go of grievances improves well-being, reduces anxiety, and strengthens the immune system.

Understand that everything passes.

Go to the cemetery and make sure everything goes well. This reduces the significance of any problem, calms emotions and increases awareness.

Envy. Stop wasting energy on this destructive activity!

Dependence on other people's opinions. Give up the desire to impress others and you will be much happier.

Comparing yourself with others. Instead, compare your present self to your past self.

Low self-esteem. Do you still think that you don't deserve to be happy?

The position of the victim . “I’m so/so unhappy”

Shifting responsibility. “Everyone is to blame for my misfortune except me.”

Total control. You can't control everything, accept it. There are simply things that are beyond your control. They must be accepted as they are.

Attachment to things. “I will be happy when I buy this phone/car!” The euphoria will pass soon after the purchase, and then you will again feel empty. We need things, but they do not bring lasting happiness.

Construction of “castles in the air”. Don't create illusions or expectations. The discrepancy between reality and our expectations is often a source of disappointment and unhappiness.

“Creating” due to past mistakes. Draw conclusions and let go of the baggage of the past if you want a happy present.

It will be useful to read: How to get rid of guilt

Start changing right now!

Explore the world

Start traveling, leave your home at least once or twice a year and go explore the world. Someone will skeptically note that this requires a lot of money and not everyone has such an opportunity. But, you can choose travel to the best of your ability, go on an excursion by bus to neighboring cities. You can start saving for a vacation to the sea a year in advance, think about a part-time job to make your dreams come true. Anything is possible if a person really strives for it.

Movement is the key to life

Life moves forward and it is advisable to move with it. A person should spend every day at work. This does not refer to a person’s professional duties, but to engaging in any activity. It’s good if a person can devote time to other things besides work.

Sports have always been an important component of an active life. It allows a person to maintain health and strengthen their own self-esteem. Sport allows you to make your figure ideal: thin waist, strong muscles. In this form, there is no shame in going to the pool, visiting the beach, or walking in your favorite dress.

By attracting the attention of others, a person realizes his importance.

Good health, which is also achieved through exercise, will allow a person to live longer. During this time, you can correct mistakes, make dreams come true, and realize your ideas. But an important component of sports will be motivation.

A person learns self-control, patience, discipline. Sport makes a person more organized. This helps you plan your daily life and use your time and energy rationally. A successful person in life and business begins to feel confident in the future. Confidence will bring a feeling of relaxation and then comes happiness.

Know how to make a decision

Learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Sometimes it’s so hard to decide to take some step, for example, change jobs, start building new relationships after a previous failure, learn a new profession. But, you are an adult and capable of much, be firm, do something, but do not stand still in thought and confusion.

What should a person be like to become happy?

Happy man:

  1. Loves himself. Always
  2. Shows more persistence in important matters
  3. Controls his emotions in all situations
  4. Gives gifts to family and friends (sometimes even for no reason)
  5. Walks every day
  6. Watches motivational films
  7. Got a pet and takes care of it
  8. Spends time with family
  9. Confident in my abilities
  10. Keeps promises
  11. Learning something new
  12. Finds happiness in little things
  13. Gets rid of bad habits
  14. Parting with negative emotions
  15. Sincere
  16. Give up mindless consumerism
  17. Knows how to be surprised
  18. Awakened the child inside me, thirsting for discoveries and miracles
  19. Avoids negative people
  20. Looking for inspiration
  21. Not afraid to ask for help
  22. Able to respond correctly to criticism

Thus, happiness is a choice, since it largely depends on a person’s behavior and on how he manages his emotions and builds relationships with others. You control your happiness. Follow these tips to become happier and more resilient.


Only that person can know happiness who believes in something. And, this is not just a matter of religion. This concerns your inner feelings, sensations, the ability to see the good in every day you live, to believe in the best. Therefore, just live every day positively, live and believe that you will definitely achieve your goals and desires.

Implement these 15 simple points into your life and you can very quickly achieve everything you want, change for the better and find inner happiness.

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I want happiness, but I don’t know where to get it, or 5 simple tips on the path to your happiness.

“We build our happiness with our own hands” - we hear this phrase often, but why then are there so many unhappy people around? Why do people so often complain about “villainous fate”? What do you need to do to become happy? Let's figure out where happiness comes from. I will give several definitions of the concept of “happiness” from dictionaries: 1. Happiness is a human state that corresponds to the greatest internal satisfaction with the conditions of one’s existence, the fullness and meaningfulness of life, the fulfillment of one’s human purpose (Wikipedia). 2. Happiness is a state of contentment, well-being, joy from the fullness of life, from satisfaction with life (according to Ushakov). 3. Happiness is an accident, a desired surprise, talent, luck, success, a challenge in business, not by calculation (Dal).

In my understanding, happiness is simple human joy, when I am surrounded only by positivity, when there is no room for quarrels either in the family or with people around me, love, self-realization, harmony within me and around me, and where there is harmony, there is my health and that of my loved ones. me people.

There is much more that could be listed here, but I think the meaning is clear. We see that everyone who tries to write a definition for such a concept as “happiness” ends up with their own set of characteristics, because we are all different, we came into this world with different tasks and live in different conditions. I will be happy to communicate individually and tell you how to find happiness in each individual case. Well, in this article I will give some general advice, based on my own knowledge and experience, which have made my own life happy. And I will be glad if my advice coincides with your life line, with your feeling and understanding of your own life. In this case, my advice will certainly be useful to you.

First step . Take a piece of paper, disconnect from your daily routine, sit down and write an answer to the question: “What is happiness for me?” This will be the step by which you can clearly see your goal.

When I worked as a teacher, I was always short of a teacher’s salary, my colleagues and I complained about the government, and somehow life passed more in complaints about someone than in joy. Soon this situation no longer suited me. In addition, I wanted to revive the fading relationship with my husband, I wanted to be liked by others as in my youth, to expand my social circle... I suddenly realized that I really wanted to have and drive my own car, I wanted to update the furniture in the house and many other “wants”. I wanted it so much that without thinking about who or where I worked, I convinced myself that all this was available to me in the very near future.

My intention began to come true very quickly and directly inspired me, but, I must say, they tried to clip my wings throughout the entire flight (sometimes they still try to do this to this day, although rarely and with doubt). Oddly enough, first of all, these were people close, loved and dear to me, acquaintances, and my closest circle in society. Later, when analyzing where I began to build my happiness, I realized that we all live in stereotypes, closed in our own minds. Even if we dream a little, there will always be those nearby who will “bring us back to earth.”

I in no way encourage you to turn away from your loved ones. But you need to understand and accept that now you will live the way you want, because you want to live your own life, and not someone else’s, as if it were a carbon copy. And at first, until you gain sufficient self-confidence and firmness in your thoughts and actions, you should not discuss this with those who live within narrow limits and are not ready for change.

Here comes tip #1 . Let's go back to the first step and expand it a little. Dream on! What is happiness for you? Imagine your personal happiness! Live with this fantasy, in as much detail as possible, again and again, reproduce your dreams - your task is to immerse yourself in them as if you were already living with what you are dreaming about. This is called creating an intention. The universe is multifaceted and comprehensive, it is abundant. There is enough goodness and love in the Universe for everyone. The Universe understands us through the creation of intention. And it accepts this signal for execution. Subtle bodies begin to clear themselves of blocks created by your fears, energy channels begin to allow more energy to pass through, and the energy space around you begins to change. All dreams and desires begin to come true, but not always quickly. What determines the speed of fulfillment of desires?

Tip two. As I already wrote above, do not share your dream-intention with your loved ones. Let me explain what happens in this case. The vast majority of people around you live within the framework of judgments like: “I was born poor, which means I have to live poor all my life,” “Money can’t come from anywhere, we don’t have rich relatives,” “Only acquaintances and relatives are hired for high positions, but we have such no...", "My mother was unhappy with men, men left me, which means my daughter will be unhappy - this is fate, this must be accepted"... There are many such examples of narrow boundaries and they apply to absolutely all areas of a person’s life. And so, when you create your intention and share this intention with your mother, friend, acquaintance, who immediately tells you that you were born in a poor family or you will never have a man, you mentally have time to experience emotions, mentally have time to try on yourself these frames.

From the point of view of subtle plans, you form blocks (negative emotions and thoughts) on your astral and mental bodies, which are installed in front of your positive intention and block it. Now, for it to come true, it is necessary to cleanse the emotional plane and the mental (thoughts), it will take a certain time for you to return to your dream-intention again, some effort, some never return, some try and again stumble upon a stone “ narrow-mindedness."

So - tip No. 2 - we don’t talk about our intention to people with limited thinking. If there is no person next to you at the moment who is really close to you in spirit, who cares specifically about your well-being and happiness, it is better not to tell anyone at all. Believe me, you have enough existing blocks to add any new ones to them.

Tip #3 - surround yourself with positivity, surround yourself with successful people, happy in family life, in society. In the era of new technologies and the development of social networks, there are many ways to meet and find such people. First of all, take a careful look around you. It is very likely that there are such people among your friends. Make friends with them. Don’t discuss your intentions with them, just communicate, watch them, how they manage to build their happiness. The most necessary food for the soul is joy.

Another important factor is to start appreciating and loving yourself. Often, in the cycle of life, we don’t think about the fact that we also need to devote time to ourselves. We often try to keep track of all our loved ones, we try to do good for them all, but we don’t ask the question: “Do they need this? They asked for such total control over them, even if from your point of view, it is for their good? And this despite the fact that our own desires and aspirations still remain without our attention.

Therefore - Tip No. 4 - Observe the basic rule of the Universe: “Do not interfere with human free will.” This applies to everyone except your own children under 18, but even this intervention should be very limited. But the issues of raising children, and up to what age a person can generally be considered a child, are a topic for a separate discussion. Your non-interference will save a lot of your energy, which will be for your benefit, give you strength and will harmonize the space around you, and from this space it will be good for your loved ones.

Think about how your daughter or son, your husband will feel if they see their loved one with bruises under their eyes, covered in soap, sick, always tired, or a beautiful well-groomed woman who manages to be both a mother and take care of herself, who allows children to follow their own path in life. Such children are more successful in society, they quickly begin to provide for themselves, and if their development is not hampered by their “narrow thinking,” then they get a chance to become happy people. This is the kind of family that will be happy, not just the mother - the WHOLE FAMILY!

Don’t scatter your attention, save your energy resources, and then you will be able to provide significant help to those family members or acquaintances who really need it. In this case, an energy exchange will occur, which not only will not waste your energy, but will create a stronger energy flow.

Tip #5 - start today by giving yourself at least 10, and preferably 30, minutes a day. Find an opportunity to spend this time alone with yourself (this could be a separate room or a walk in the park). If you are at home, light aroma candles, sticks, a lamp, play calm music for relaxation (without words), try to sit without thinking about anything, you need to sit without crossing your arms and legs so that the energy flows freely. If you are in the park, then do the same meditation, only without candles and without music. In nature, during meditation, contemplation of trees, flowers, and water is recommended. If you can’t immediately meditate without thought, then do the next meditation. Take a photo in which you really like yourself (it could even be a photo where you are 16-18-20 years old). Look at him, try to catch the emotions and feelings that possessed you then. Your state of love for everything, your dreams and that confidence that your life will be successful and you will achieve a lot. Imagine yourself as a young, slender beauty (in case you are not happy with your appearance now). And try to live in this state while the music is playing. You won’t even notice how your life will begin to change. Happiness is nearby, it is in you. Find him, get to know him and live happily.

I wish everyone love, harmony and abundance.

The author of the article is an expert at the Academy - Nadezhda Fedorova
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