8 steps to help you enjoy life

You feel like you are in constant tension. You are constantly being bombarded with a huge number of tasks that you don’t have time to handle or simply can’t cope with. Not only you, but also your loved ones begin to suffer from this. How to get out of this vicious circle and learn to relax. And not only on vacation, but every day.

In this article:

Why do you stress? Perfectionism What to do if you’re always “on the horse” How else to relax Be alone Coaching as a way to plan your time A small conclusion

Program yourself to think positively

Feelings greatly influence thoughts and actions. That's why we don't feel like doing anything when we're upset or irritated. But there is no escape from negative emotions. But you can learn to think positively.

  • Keep a gratitude journal. Every day, write down what you are grateful for and try to worry less about what you don't have. Gratitude makes us happier, increases productivity and has a positive effect on sleep.
  • Repeat positive messages that confirm your progress in the area in which you want to improve.
  • Try to surround yourself with positive people. Don't forget that emotions are contagious.
  • Be active. When we are inactive, we begin to stress ourselves out and worry about trifles. But playing sports causes the release of endorphins.


Yes, many problems can arise from this. If you constantly strive to do everything perfectly, and this is basically impossible. And the motto of many perfectionists is: “it’s better to do it perfectly, never, than to do it so-so all the time.” What can you get in the end? Strong stress and lack of results.

In this case, we can advise you to try to do something without expecting a result. It may be difficult at first; your brain needs time to develop new neural connections. But over time, you will be able to let go of control better and better, which means you will become a little more relaxed.

Set your alarm half an hour earlier than usual

Many successful people get up very early. And while you don't have to be like Apple's Tim Cook, who wakes up at 3:45 a.m., try getting up at least half an hour earlier than usual.

This will give you extra free time to spend exercising, meditating, reading, having breakfast with your family, planning your day, or even working on something that interests you. You will no longer have to rush out of the house, feeling like you don't have time to do anything and have no control over your life.

Pleasure in human life is the basis of everything

In this article you will learn:

We now live in times of severe turbulence. When we are literally “trained” at an accelerated pace to shift our attention from past paradigms and fixate ourselves on a new reality, to enjoy life .

Yes, the allotted time for slowly “swinging” and imposingly guiding yourself millimeter by millimeter into the projection of new vibrations has already passed. Now the investigative and time processes have been accelerated significantly. Compared even to the reality of a year or six months ago. What can we say about the life we ​​lived three to five years ago.

The dimension has changed. From a rigid three-dimensional reality, which presupposes the foundations of cause and effect fixed over millennia, we have stepped into the fourth and, in part, even the fifth dimension. Where new spatial quantities - Time and Love - dictate their conditions. They open up not only for scientists, but also for everyone living on earth, a reality whose details are difficult to imagine even for science fiction writers.

Right now, before our eyes, the acceleration of cause-and-effect relationships is unfolding, when, it would seem, I just thought, did, experienced some vivid sensations and already received a real response in the surrounding reality. Be it a mention, a response, or even a specific result. Many who are not yet sufficiently aware continue to be surprised by the increasing frequency of coincidences or things that are inexplicable from the point of view of their understanding of life.

Don't take on overwhelming commitments

We often set big goals for ourselves and give up halfway. It is much easier to stick to and achieve your goals when they are simple and clearly defined.

Start small. Don't try to run a marathon if you have no training at all. At first, for example, do 10 push-ups and walk every day. If you want to take up meditation, do at least five minutes of breathing exercises every day.

This also applies to business. Don’t try to develop in all directions at once, improve in one area. Don't promise what you can't deliver.

Coaching as a way to plan your time

You've probably heard about coaching. Now everyone and everything is talking about it. But it works. If you find it difficult to organize your life, consulting a specialist will help you look at it from the outside. What else can a consultation provide:

  • Separate the important from the unimportant
  • Highlight goals to achieve the main thing
  • Focus on your strengths
  • Celebrate your successes to date
  • Stop devaluing yourself
  • Achieve new results without stress.

But deciding to go for a consultation can be difficult. Because the desire to change something in your life is not always followed by action. And you need to be determined to finally get zen.

Instead of complaining, express gratitude.

Be grateful for the good things that happened to you today. This will help you feel better. In addition, the researchers discovered Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life. , What:

  • Those who write in a gratitude journal every week exercise more and are more optimistic about the future.
  • Talking about what you're grateful for every day increases your alertness, sense of purpose, energy, sleep, and may even help fight depression.
  • People who think, talk, or journal about their gratitude daily are more likely to help others and offer support.
  • Those who feel grateful place less importance on material possessions, are less envious of others, and are more willing to share their possessions.

Thank your friends, family, colleagues, clients, because sincere gratitude is a great way to strengthen relationships. Don't you yourself enjoy being thanked for a job well done or simply for listening to someone?

The best pleasures in life

The best pleasures in life are the ones you dream about. Well, when you get stronger in these practices after a couple of weeks, give yourself permission to dream. Do not immediately set your sights on Santorini and yachts, so as not to feel the bitterness of impossibility. Although you now already know that you need to switch from depressing emotions right away. Choose any desired event that warms you up at least a little. And start thinking about it as if you are in it all. In the moment of complete real fulfillment.

It’s a mistake to try to build a path from the you that is now to the you that is “there.” This will nullify all efforts. Your task is to “see” yourself in the desired state. Concentrate on how you feel in the moment when everything came true. Understand how you feel. What an expression on your face. What do you see in front of you? How your body is positioned, what you might hear. What details surround you, smells and even taste!

Everything is real. The more details are presented from living these ideas in a state of lightness and joy, the more wonderful and sparkling energy of embodiment is generated. The more likely it is that your life will soon change its vector to a set of blissful turns. And you will begin to feel its taste again. We care about more than just ourselves. We build the surrounding reality and make this World better and more joyful. And this is already quite a serious mission. The importance of which cannot be overestimated. Enjoying life is the primary serious task of every person living on Earth.

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Types of hedonism

Hedonism is divided into two types depending on the level and type of pleasure: base and sublime.


Low hedonism is condemned by society and is built rather on physical satisfaction; unfortunately, there are more representatives of low hedonism now. It is characterized by such sources of pleasure as alcohol, sexual relations (in particular, a tendency to debauchery, possessing many, and so on), abundance of food, regardless of quality, power, vanity. The consequences of base hedonism are the emergence of addictions, deviant behavior, and personality decay.


Sublime hedonism is built on the achievement of pleasure of a moral nature. For example, a hedonist derives pleasure in sexual relationships from spiritual intimacy with a partner, unity and love for him, as opposed to base debauchery. Supporters of sublime hedonism do not run after prestige and material wealth; for them, true pleasure comes from spiritual values ​​and a sense of their own benefit to other people.

In addition to the base and the sublime, ethical and psychological hedonism are distinguished. Let's look at each of them separately.

Ethical hedonism

Ethical or normative hedonism is the enjoyment of life here and now. The essence of ethical hedonism is to seek and appreciate the positive things around you. In other words, this is an ethic of enjoyment. In ethical hedonism, the material value of the object that brings pleasure is not important. It could be simply the contemplation of nature, the smell of coffee, the sound of the sea or the rustling of leaves.

Psychological hedonism

Psychological hedonism refers to a person’s desire for happiness in the form of a combination of physical and spiritual pleasures. In psychology, hedonism manifests itself not only in the joy of obtaining a result, but also in the process itself. In psychological hedonism, satisfying needs and avoiding suffering are the only motives for all human actions. Also in psychology, infantile hedonism is considered; it is more destructive for society than all its other manifestations. Since it consists in a person’s desire to achieve personal pleasure by any means. At the same time, causing harm to other people in the process of obtaining pleasure, the hedonist or hedonist later begins to feel his own worthlessness. This is difficult for people to bear, even to the point of developing suicidal tendencies.

Psychology identifies many types of hedonism.

The paradox of hedonism

The paradox of hedonism or the paradox of pleasure is considered by both philosophers and psychologists. For example, the philosopher Henry Sidgwick noted that the paradox is that receiving pleasure is impossible directly. The separation of happiness and pleasure creates this paradox. In the process of achieving pleasure, if the end point is not a person’s happiness, the interest and meaning of this whole pursuit of pleasure is lost. And the unknown of the result does not justify the process itself - hence, dissatisfaction and mental suffering arise, which the hedonist himself tries to get rid of, but comes to them through his own actions.

Another side of the paradox can be considered an increase in personal demands. The fact is that the demands of a hedonist in terms of the level of pleasure are constantly increasing and sooner or later the achievement of pleasure is no longer considered pleasure.

Stress Relief Products

Proper nutrition helps our body cope with fatigue and stress faster and easier. Here are a few recommendations for increasing resistance to negative external factors:

  1. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. “Live” food greatly helps the nervous system.
  2. Include fish in your diet. The iodine it contains helps relax muscles, and phosphorus maintains hormonal levels.
  3. Eat foods rich in magnesium, a natural antidepressant. It is found in nuts, legumes, buckwheat and millet porridge.
  4. To compensate for glucose deficiency, which leads to nervousness, eat honey and potatoes.
  5. Herbal and green teas will help remove toxins and harmful substances from the body and restore strength.

Attention! I strongly do not recommend relieving tension with alcohol or pills. This method will only bring you temporary relief, but in the long run it will significantly worsen the situation.

And these foods in the diet contribute to the release of joy hormones:

  • bananas,
  • black chocolate,
  • strawberry,
  • raspberries,
  • blueberry,
  • apples.

Happiness and joy depend only on us

Research has shown that just as people have different levels of intelligence, they also have different levels of happiness. I have friends who have everything, but they are constantly unhappy with something. And I know other people who have almost nothing but are happier than most other people. One of my closest friends is a cheerful and positive person. He didn't even get depressed when he went broke. And he is truly happy living his normal life. Therefore, happiness largely depends on our internal state and on how we perceive certain circumstances.

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