The psychology of failure, or the art of falling: how to relax and have fun

When everything falls out of hand, when money slips through your fingers, when a loved one betrays you, and all this happens not in one day, but constantly, a logical question arises: “Why do I need all this?”

Failures are sent in the name of certain goals. So that a person understands and realizes that his (or not his - but more on that later) actions are wrong. As a rule, we perceive bad luck as a heavenly punishment; we believe that we do not deserve everything that happened to us.

However, it is not. We are not given challenges beyond our strength. And by going through them with dignity, you can find happiness, luck, and blessing. But first you need to find out what is the reason for the fatal bad luck. There are four of them in total.

Karmic failures

The reasons for failure may lie in one of your past lives. Perhaps you did something terrible, lived an unrighteous life, etc. But it may also be that you had to pay for the sins of your ancestors.

And it is not necessary that they behaved inappropriately in a past life. Let's say a grandmother or father cursed someone, was jealous, humiliated, or maybe stole something. We'll look at what to do about it below. First, let's define the signs of a karmic predisposition to failure.

  1. You and your family members have similar problems. For example, all relatives suffered from the same diseases.
  2. When someone close to you has minor troubles, you experience a whole bunch of negative emotions - anger, melancholy, hatred, etc.
  3. The harder you try to overcome bad luck, the worse it gets. For example, let's say you work three jobs to pay off debt. But this is of no use.
  4. You are unable to accept help. In the sense that if someone volunteers to help you (no matter what), everything turns out badly.
  5. You have a feeling that no one is to blame for your failures.
  6. Your thoughts are focused on failures

If three or more signs coincide, it means that the cause of bad luck lies in karmic debt.

As a rule, during the person's lifetime it is given automatically, as if a monthly payment was deducted from you. But you can pay off karmic debts faster if you visit the graves of all your ancestors, clean them up and ask the Higher Powers for forgiveness for all the sins that you and your relatives have committed.

After this, you need to clean up the abandoned graves that are located nearby. This is how you perform a righteous act that cleanses all energetic dirt. And the more often you practice this, the faster you will forget about total bad luck.

What to do when the habit of “avoiding failure” interferes with your life?

There are many techniques that help you change your attitudes and look at the world with different eyes. Here are three of them. You can apply them today.

EXERCISE No. 1. “Non-standard actions.”

This exercise is quite well known. It is both complex and simple. Simple because it does not require any investment. Only your initiative and action. Difficult because it requires courage when the worst thing is: “What will they think of me?”

This exercise consists of performing unusual actions in public places that go beyond the so-called normal. For example, reading poetry loudly and expressively at a bus stop. Or give flowers to passers-by. But practice shows that sometimes it is difficult for a person to even ask a stranger’s name. You can start small: ask to give you a seat on the bus, compliment the person next to you in line. Anything will do as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.

EXERCISE No. 2. Developing trust in the world.

The world is wonderful, isn't it? Or do you deeply doubt this, or are even sure of the opposite?

Internal attitudes begin to form from early childhood. A baby develops basic trust in the world when he is confident that his mother will always come to his cry. And instead of wet diapers and hunger, he will feel the warmth, dryness and sweet taste of mother's milk. Growing up, the child develops attitudes based on his own experience and the attitude of significant adults to the world. How do they talk about him? Is the world scary, evil? Or friendly, bright?

You can change your attitude towards the world as an adult. Trust in the world and in oneself is developed through positive attitudes.

Try today to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. At first, it may be difficult to catch the good. First, your intentions are brought to life. If you see people as evil, selfish, greedy, then you will meet such people everywhere, if only because you may simply not notice a kind and sympathetic attitude, because it does not fit into your vision of the world.

Failures caused by self-evil eye

It's very easy to jinx yourself. It’s enough to boast about something - and that’s all, goodness knows it’s gone. It’s one thing if you tell your loved one some good news, for example, that you bought a car. And another thing is, if you tell everyone how great you are, you have a car, and not just any car, but the best one.

That is, when you boast, you think something like this: “Ha, take a bite, losers!” This is especially true for those people who achieve goals in order to wipe someone’s nose.

And then they wonder - why is everything going wrong? The self-evil eye always manifests itself on the physical level, and it can be identified by 5 signs:

  1. frequent mood changes;
  2. every little thing infuriates;
  3. constant fatigue, apathy;
  4. deterioration of attention and memory;
  5. exacerbation of diseases.

You need to eliminate the self-evil eye using a special technique. Lie down, relax and remember what you feel when you boast to someone. Satisfaction? Feeling of superiority?

Try to mentally form all your emotions into a tight ball. Imagine that a portal has opened in the sky above you. Launch your “ball” there and close the portal.

Repeat the exercise as often as possible, and you will see how, firstly, your life has become easier. And secondly, that failures gradually leave you.

Openness to new things

The probability of catching luck will increase significantly when we leave the framework of the usual. For most of us, life moves at a routine pace. We get used to it, and it even seems comfortable to us. Communication with the same circle of people on the same topics, a standard daily routine, vacations in the same places - all this makes life monotonous and like a vicious circle. There is little room for surprises and spontaneous luck.

To increase your chance of luck, it is not at all necessary to destroy the usual way of things or leave your comfort zone. It is enough to be open to communicating with new people, to accustom yourself to introduce slight variety into the usual ceremonies of everyday life (for example, returning from work by different routes), and to stop being a prisoner of your schedule.

Settlement for failure

We all know that thought is material. The way we set ourselves up, the way we think, is what we get. If something like “I can’t do this” is constantly spinning in your head, “We haven’t lived richly, there’s nothing to start with”, “Who would love me like that”, etc., then you don’t have to wonder why everyone lives well, but you don't.

As soon as you have a negative thought, immediately change it to a positive one. For example: “I can’t handle this trivial matter!”, “I’m healthy and beautiful!”, “I’ll definitely buy it!” A week of such thoughts - and the world will sparkle with new colors!

Haunted by constant failures: treatment

To reduce the impact of failures, it is necessary to realize and work through your conditions, to better understand the cause of constant bad luck.

Do you want to get rid of constant failures? Register for the online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan. The training explains everything in detail and many people have received their results.

From the very first lectures, you will learn about the skin vector - this will give you a lot of awareness, which will help you better understand the causes of the problem and take the right actions to get rid of constant failures.

How to get rid of failures caused by damage

Any magical effect is aimed at something specific. For example, to take away health, happiness, luck. There are certain signs by which you can understand that your luck was taken away from you with the help of magic:

  • In a short period of time, you lost everything at once - your job, savings, friends, etc.
  • Bad habits have appeared.
  • Fears appeared that were not there.
  • It's like a wall between you and the world.
  • Whatever you do is in vain.
  • You are tormented by bad dreams.

If all the points match, you have a negative attitude. It needs to be removed in three stages. First - drink water for 40 days, saying: “The damage will be washed away from me, it won’t come back, it will disappear behind seven swamps, and it will leave me. Amen".

Second phase. Place a fresh egg under your bed for 3 days. Break it down and flush it down the toilet. You need to clean yourself with an egg for 9 days.

And the third stage is the restoration of positive energy. Do something kind for 21 days.

Movement “to...” or movement “from...”?

Imagine that there is a mountain in front of you. You stand at its foot, raising your head up. The grass tickles your feet, the sun hits your back. And up there, the snow-capped peak touches the very sky. “It’s so cool and fresh there,” you think, “I wish I could go there.”

And this is where the fun begins. Because at this moment a person makes a choice which behavioral strategy to choose: to apply his mental and physical abilities to reach the top, or to abandon this idea because it is dangerous, pointless or will require too many resources. You need money - you need to buy equipment. It takes time and effort - you need to learn how to use this equipment, find an experienced guide, and so on.

In different cases, people use different models of behavior, but each of us has a “favorite”, habitual way of acting.

Moreover, a person with the habit of avoiding failure can also decide to act. He will buy equipment, find an experienced climber, and ask for a vacation from work. And now everything was ready, and he resolutely set off on his way. But the higher he climbs, the more difficult it becomes. And it’s hard to breathe, and the mountain is getting steeper, and the ground is getting further away. And now treacherous thoughts begin to flash: “what’s the point in this?”, “what’s good there on this peak?”, “maybe it’s okay?”, “oh, something’s cramping in my stomach - perhaps in next time, but now I’m sick, and I need to do some repairs in the apartment.”

The brain helpfully begins to throw up options on the topic: “Why can’t I climb this mountain now.” Probably sometime next time, but now it’s absolutely impossible. And the person gives in. Yes, the money spent cannot be returned and the vacation is wasted, but the foot of the mountain is still very close, and it is better to retreat now than later, at a height. Moreover, “I won’t succeed anyway.”

If the leading behavior model is “striving for success,” attention is fixed not on obstacles, but on the desired goal. That is, you are moving towards the top. The staleness of the air, fatigue, fear of heights - this, of course, has not gone away. But the chain of thoughts is not aimed at how I can turn off the road in order to avoid all this, but at how I can overcome it all.

That is, from the moment the desire to reach the top arises, a person begins to choose a model of behavior: “striving for success” (movement towards...) or “avoiding failure” (movement from...). And in real life we ​​constantly make choices about how to act now. If the stakes are low, we may not even notice it.

For example, you bought a phone charger, but it didn’t fit. Well, you were wrong, it happens. By law, the buyer can return the purchase within 14 days. Someone will go and pass it without any problems. But it will be easier for someone to convince themselves that “it might still be useful” or “it’s not that expensive.” Maybe it will really come in handy, or maybe it’s just awkward in front of the seller? I'm afraid, what will he look at, what will he think? It’s easier to lose those unfortunate 300 rubles and store unnecessary things on the mezzanine than to experience the discomfort of returning an unsuitable product.

The desire to run away from failure is a defensive reaction. She is born of fear. Fear of failure, pain, humiliation, ridicule, disapproval. Sometimes this desire is justified. But sometimes it becomes fixed, turns into a bad habit, prompts a person to defend himself and interferes with the achievement of goals.

Characteristic manifestations

An unlucky person is an individual who has no luck in his life, he is often haunted by failures, and troubles happen to him, often for no apparent reason.

The following signs may indicate that you are facing an unlucky person:

  • complete disappointment in yourself and in the world around you;
  • hopelessness, the presence of a dead end, lack of faith in one’s abilities;
  • conviction that all undertakings are wrong;
  • low self-esteem;
  • fear of defending your point of view;
  • vision of the surrounding world in dark colors, inability to enjoy what is happening;
  • aggressive behavior towards other people - such a person may resort to excessive aggression, trying to throw out his negativity, dissatisfaction with his unsuccessful life on others;
  • fear of career advancement;
  • problems with members of the opposite sex.

If we consider what examples of bad luck are, these are, in particular, the following cases:

  • a woman, being late for an important meeting, breaks her heel;
  • a man, hurrying to a date, steps into the only puddle on the entire sidewalk;
  • a student’s diploma, which already needs to be taken for delivery, was decided to be chewed by a dog;
  • a person being struck by lightning twice (despite the fact that the chances of this happening are extremely low);
  • falling down stairs for no apparent reason.

Absent-mindedness or bad luck?

We might fall, we might lose our phone, we might fail an exam. What is it, absent-mindedness or bad luck?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, but if such unpleasant incidents occur on a catastrophic scale, then most likely this is pure bad luck, or, as it is also called, a bad streak in life.

Complete bad luck complicates life and lowers self-esteem. It gets to the point where before we start doing something, we ask ourselves: “Why? It won’t work anyway.” And it doesn't work.

And all because the goal for a negative result is set.

Why are you unlucky with money?

Every person sometimes has questions about why he can’t make normal money. It seems to work from morning to night, but the amount of funds only decreases. The main reason is that many of us grew up with negative beliefs related to money. They look like this:

  1. You can earn decent money only in situations where you work from morning to night. Moreover, the work must be hard and physical. If you choose a different lifestyle, you will have to starve.
  2. You can't make money if you do what you really like. This is especially true for people who are passionate about creativity. When trying to start a career in this field, a person thinks that everything is bought everywhere, and success depends on the right contacts.
  3. The whole family always worked very hard, but there was never a lot of money at home. Therefore, there is no point in trying to earn them.
  4. All rich people are unpleasant, have terrible characters, and are also very arrogant.
  5. If a person has a lot of money, then he definitely earned it through some kind of illegal fraud.
  6. Only incredibly lucky people can find money on the street, and you are definitely not one of them.

You can only break out of this vicious circle on your own. You shouldn't count on anyone's help. It is no secret that the individual creates his own world.

Where does chronic bad luck come from?

In addition to the usual black streak, or failures, there may also be chronic bad luck. It may appear after moving to a new place of residence, which turns out to be “unsuccessful” in the literal sense of the word. Due to karmic damage (in the present or past life), chronic bad luck is also possible.

Bad luck of this severity can hardly be gotten rid of as easily as ordinary bad luck.

When will life get better?

Everyone knows that thoughts are material, and bad luck only increases due to constant thoughts about it. Nothing works out, everything falls out of hand, the so-called streak of bad luck sets in.

And why all? Because we ourselves attract failures. There is probably a way to get rid of failures by simply stopping noticing them and trying to highlight the positives in everything. Then, if the negative attitude goes away and the unlucky person stops being a pessimist, life will improve.

We must also remember that bad luck always accompanies each of us. You can win the lottery and then fall and sprain your ankle. But don't dwell on failures.

A streak of bad luck is common for everyone. This is exactly what can happen to anyone at any moment. Some try to fix everything by turning to the Chinese art of Feng Shui, and it must be admitted that they succeed in their endeavors. If you are interested in how to improve your life with the help of Feng Shui, getting rid of bad luck, read several of our articles on this topic:

1. “Success according to Feng Shui? It's real!"

2. “We improve life by identifying and strengthening feng shui zones”

3. “Strengthening health with the help of Feng Shui”

Sod's Law

Each of us is already accustomed to the fact that, for example, when you think about a vacation in every detail, something will definitely go wrong. You can plan your schedule minute by minute and miss the train.

This is no longer a streak of failures, this is the law of meanness (Murphy’s law). Yes, such a law really exists, and has many formulations, such as: Of all the possible troubles, the one from which the damage is greater will occur, or if four causes of possible troubles are eliminated in advance, then there will always be a fifth.

[block_reclama1] This once again confirms that everyone will sooner or later encounter similar problems, understand that a dark streak has begun in their life and raise the question of how to get rid of failures.

Is it possible to fight bad luck?

Fear of the dark - what is this phobia called, why does fear arise and how to fight it

It is not only possible to fight bad luck, but also necessary. This does not require any magical rituals or expensive amulets and amulets. It is enough to simply analyze your worldview, behavior and attitude towards yourself and towards the people around you. Then turn off the “Cinderella syndrome” and stop waiting for a good wizard or a fairy-tale prince, who will immediately solve the problem of bad luck.

There are only 10 steps to take on the path to luck:

  1. They begin to love themselves as they are.
  2. They take responsibility for their lives.
  3. Overcome their fears.
  4. They set specific goals and think through ways to achieve them.
  5. They actively move towards the goal according to the planned plan.
  6. Intermediate results are monitored.
  7. They believe in themselves and in the results.
  8. Adjust actions aimed at achieving the goal, depending on the circumstances.
  9. Establish business and personal relationships with people.
  10. Encourage yourself.

Horseshoe for good luck

Important! Psychologists say that there are no chronic losers. There are people who simply do not try to become the architects of their own happiness.

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