How to overcome softness and become a tougher person?

Gentleness is a positive quality of a person’s character, which is manifested by the ability to Feel, act Wisely, and remain calm, both in ordinary and difficult life situations

Manifestations of Gentleness and what is a Soft Heart?

A soft heart, responsive to people, it sincerely empathizes with their feelings, is alien to condemnation and accusations. Everything that is vulnerable causes a response of gentleness - sympathy, support, approval, tenderness, caring and affection. In popular sayings there is such a thing - Meet and see off with a Soft heart. In our memory, this evokes certain images, usually very close ones, which left such a memorable image. These are usually women who have a soft heart and are always desired and loved.

Soft woman quotes. About women: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings.

We don't meet people just like that, we only meet those we are meant to meet.

Two things should be beautiful in a girl: her eyes and her lips, because with her eyes she can make you fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves you. Author: Marilyn Monroe

When a woman asks something, it is better to answer the truth, since there is a very high probability that she already knows the answer. Author unknown

If you leave a woman alone for a long time, she gets Thoughts and thinks them. Due to female characteristics, this does not lead to anything good. Author unknown

It is very important for a woman how a man treats her. A woman first falls in love with her attitude, and only then with a man. Author unknown

The happiest morning for a girl is her wedding day. When she wakes up, she knows what to wear... Author: unknown

Good girls become good wives, bad girls become amazing lovers, smart girls become loyal friends, and wise girls manage to combine it all! Author unknown

One is not born a woman, one becomes one. Author: Simone de Beauvoir

Women are smarter than men because, knowing less, they understand more. Author: James Stephens

Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great. This is why enterprising men are usually so successful, even though they are by no means the most attractive. Author: François de La Rochefoucauld

A woman should be like ice cream - white, sweet and melt in your hands, and a man should be like coffee: strong, hot and not allowing you to fall asleep. Author unknown

Biologically speaking, if something bites you, it's probably female. Author: Scott Cruz

If a woman has sparkles in her eyes, it means the cockroaches in her head are celebrating something. Author unknown

They only quarrel with those with whom they want to make peace. The rest are simply sent. Author unknown

A woman loves to win over a man who belongs to another! Author: Honore de Balzac

I want to take my hat off to a smart woman, and my panties to a beautiful woman. Author unknown

The most difficult war I fought was the war with my wife Olympia. Author: Philip of Macedon

There are few honest women in the world who are not tired of this craft. Author: François de La Rochefoucauld

When a woman who has something to say is silent, the silence is deafening! Author unknown

Being a woman is very difficult because you mostly have to deal with men. Author: Joseph Conrad

Woman is God's second mistake. Author: Friedrich Nietzsche

The woman hangs on her neck - and it’s already easier for you. Author: Vladislav Grzeszczyk

To calm down, a woman needs to take herself into strong male hands. Author unknown

For a woman, a man is like a pie: some like it with cabbage, while others like it with eggs. Author unknown

There is only one way to a woman's heart - honesty. Author unknown

Silence is the only thing made of gold that women do not consider gold. Author: Sergey Yasinsky

A woman loves a man because he loves her. A man loves women in general... Author: unknown

And I found that woman is worse than death, because she is a snare, and her heart is a snare, and her hands are fetters. Author: from the Old Testament (Ecclesiastes 7:26)

Since mostly men knew how to write, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women. Author: Samuel Johnson

A woman knows perfectly well the four operations of arithmetic: she divides the bed, multiplies the gender, adds beauty to herself and subtracts her age. Author unknown

Women think that two and two will not make four if they shed copious tears or scream for a certain amount of time. Author unknown

The woman is unique! Only in it can two hearts beat... Author: unknown

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls. Author unknown

A woman is interesting as long as she is mysterious. Author unknown

The true beauty of a woman lies in the meekness of her character, and her charm lies in the brevity of her speeches. Author: Ahikar

Men are convinced of the weakness of women, and they themselves are their slaves. Author: Jean de Laybruyere

And there is no need to convince yourself that He is not worth tears. If you're crying, it means it's worth it. Author unknown

If you want to know a girl's flaws, praise her in front of her friends. Author: Benjamin Franklin

A girl will flirt with anyone if the right person is looking at her at the same time. Author unknown

Sometimes, looking at a woman, you understand that remaining “just a friend” is a feat. Author: Sergey Yasinsky

A woman is a delightful instrument, giving inexplicable pleasures - but only to those who have studied its structure, its timid keyboard and the changeable, whimsical placement of the fingers in order to play it.

The material world and technological progress give rise to merciless mechanical hearts

Gentleness always emphasizes an attentive attitude to the needs of another person, his intentions and desires; it touches people and inspires them with its respect. Gentleness of heart is the desire for everyone to feel good. Gentleness creates Strength and Generosity, helps strengthen one’s inner strength and self-confidence, and gives peace of mind in thoughts and actions.

Courage and courageous actions are very often combined with gentleness of character, and a courageous person is more capable of Generosity than others. One can envy a gentle person - he experiences and feels the unforgettable taste of Happiness that appears through selfless activity, the desire to help people, guided only by the voice of the heart.

How to stop being soft and strengthen your character

It makes no sense to deny the benefits of tough behavior, but not every person is able to develop this trait. Many representatives of society are distinguished by softness and compliance, which can serve poorly in situations that require the ability to defend one’s point of view and make the right decisions.

In order to achieve real success in developing internal rigidity, you should pay attention to the recommendations of specialists.

  1. Awareness of the need. Before you begin to develop strength of character, you need to clearly accept the fact that natural meekness is the cause of many different problems in everyday life. A great way to weigh the pros and cons is to list in writing all the possible consequences. For example: “Colleagues are accustomed to using my reliability to solve the most unpleasant tasks.”
  1. An example to follow. When working on yourself, it won’t hurt to have before your eyes an example of a person who fully corresponds to the concept of a standard. Perhaps among your friends there is a person who successfully combines all the desired traits. Pay attention to his manner of keeping himself in company, facial expressions and vocabulary. But be sure to remember that each character is a unique and very complex combination of various traits, the thoughtless copying of which can lead you to lose yourself.
  2. Gradual changes. Don't think that you can turn into a completely different person in a matter of days. In fact, the entire process of forming rigidity can take more than one month. Take your time, start small and over time you will achieve significant results. Otherwise, those around you may consider your changes to be some kind of whim that they should simply endure, or they will begin to actively try to return you to the “true path.”
  3. The art of refusing. Learn to say a calm and firm “no” to people. This skill can be called one of the main signs of a strong character. If your colleagues are used to chasing you around with small errands or turning to you for help, knowing that you never refuse anyone, then be prepared to disappoint them. Your attempts to stop being a “pack horse” will only cause reproachful glances and pursed lips from them. But don’t even think about giving up and backing down. Don’t show weakness and remember why you started all this in the first place.
  4. Work on gaze and gestures. Everyone knows very well that a tough person can be distinguished even in a noisy, noisy crowd. He is given away by his behavior, namely, verbal and non-verbal signs. The gaze should be direct and confident, the posture should always be straight, the gestures should be rather stingy. Particular attention should be paid to the intonation of the voice. A confident person always has an even and calm voice. A tough person is distinguished by the ability to eloquently remain silent. With his entire appearance, he can show his attitude to a particular situation; he does not need to raise his voice to defend his position.
  5. Sports activities. Sport helps achieve amazing and sometimes stunning results in character building. And it doesn’t matter what kind of sport you are going to do. Regular exercise will not only help you improve your fitness, but will also become the basis on which discipline and determination will subsequently develop. The right motivation and positive changes in appearance will significantly increase your self-confidence.


Remember that you cannot become tough in a couple of days. But with a strong incentive and a clear understanding of the need, you have every chance of achieving your goal.

Who are the Soft People?

Only people with a firm and Strong character can be truly soft. The most common form of gentleness in modern society is Imaginary Softness. Most often this is a different concept, it is simply Weakness, which easily turns into Bitterness.

Gentleness frees a person from rudeness, straightforwardness, embitterment and bitterness

Gentleness is very important for a harmonious family union. Gentleness builds a subtle relationship between two people who love each other, both physically and at the subconscious level.

Why is it sometimes worth being tough?

As mentioned above, rigidity is most often formed under the influence of external factors. This quality is in great demand in cases where it is necessary to focus on solving a problem, casting aside worries and possible doubts. This personality trait can become entrenched under the condition of predisposing factors, for example: demandingness, high organization, responsibility, straightforwardness and a tendency towards perfectionism.

Rigidity as a character trait is urgently needed for people holding leadership positions in any business sector. Such a boss will be an ideal leader for a work team, since he can optimally organize the work process and discipline his employees. Under the leadership of a tough boss, subordinates clearly know their responsibilities and strengths, understanding that they should not count on groundless concessions.

If we talk about toughness of character as a sought-after trait in everyday life, its benefits are especially noticeable in critical situations. If a person has difficulties at work or financial problems, then it is internal rigidity and composure that helps to pull oneself together and begin to look for a way out of the current situation.

In the process of raising the younger generation, parents often have to show firmness, and sometimes even harshness, especially in cases where it is necessary to establish certain rules and restrictions, for example, for a teenager.

Recommendation for showing Gentleness in family relationships

When someone comes home from work tired and hungry, it is forbidden to talk about anything. First you need to feed the person, let him rest, and then ask. THIS IS A CLASSIC OF LIFE that we all sometimes forget about! The beloved wife, without showing gentleness with her Husband, turns into an irritant and an Enemy, and receives in response irritation, anger and negative Emotions accumulated over the whole day. The simple truth is to let irritability and negative events go to the liver and kidneys for the natural disposal of these negative Hormones.

This is a soft woman. The soft power of a woman

There is an expression: “a woman’s strength is in her weakness.” To be more precise, it is rather not in weakness, but in softness. In the softness of looks, speeches, movements, in the tender ability to love and accept others. When a woman is soft, gentle and beautiful, events begin to appear in her life that are practically inaccessible to a demanding and determined lady. However, we should not forget about the second part of the phrase – strength. Because if a woman is soft, but without awareness of her own feminine strength, then this softness risks turning into softness.

To understand what this “soft power” is, it is worth first considering the phenomenon of “simply power”, which exists separately in the life and behavior of a modern woman much more often than in a reasonable combination with softness. As you know, one of the most common female types in our country is a decisive and strong-willed woman. She has everything sorted out, she knows who needs to do what, why and why. The motto of such a woman is: “Who, if not me!?” And indeed, in fact, it is people like her who move countries and continents, distribute responsibilities, give instructions, being the first to rush into the embrasure of life in order to show by their own example HOW one should live. Such a woman is busy with a variety of things, she is burdened with family, work, relatives, a bunch of projects and undertakings that she does not always need, and at the same time does not have a minute of free personal time.

By the way, she doesn’t need this time, because by stopping for even a minute, she risks facing the unpleasant truth that she has long ceased to be a woman and has turned into a horse, a man in a skirt, the breadwinner of all Rus', into a strong iron lady.

The reason for this life strategy is fear of men and of life. In fear that in the absence of all the feats being accomplished, no one will love her. And upon closer examination, it becomes clear that behind such a strong lady in all respects is hidden a little girl who, as a child, knew neither love nor joy. And all that remained for her was to gather her will into a fist and, as compensation, begin to take care of those around her. But she didn’t take into account the fact that doing this was not at all feminine. That her universal responsibility and concern for others takes on a masculine face. That the result of such intense attempts are bulging eyes and an unhealthy blush, which could have been avoided by allowing yourself to relax and let that very femininity, naturalness and softness into your life.

But in order to see and understand this, you first have to face your own fear of dislike and loneliness, which is exactly what a “strong woman” cannot do - she is not accustomed to being attentive to her feelings, to her own pain and vulnerability. And therefore, she will move along a given trajectory until someone or something stops her: be it poor health, problems in the family, a suddenly revealed truth about herself or about the world of people close to her. When and if this happens, a feeling of total injustice and resentment towards life is born inside. However, it is precisely at such moments that a woman has a chance to finally see: What has been driving her through life all this time, what conviction was at the head of the non-feminine strength she borrowed, and on what other grounds she can continue her life’s path. If she is lucky, and she is ready to face the significant truth about herself, her life will reach a new level of being, illuminated by the understanding that feminine strength lies in softness, and softness lies in strength. That these two qualities are not only possible, but also necessary to combine in order to realize your wildest and brightest desires.

Soft woman signs. Femininity. What is she like?

You've probably met a real Attractiveness. Her image caresses the eye. She is soft and tender. Men love her so much! And men are not drawn to a beautiful body in its pure form. In all ages, a man wants, seeks and loves, first of all, Femininity, and only then a smart girl, a beauty and just a good person.

Despite such pleasant sensations, we lose feminine qualities, we simply forget what it is...

Femininity will not argue with a man. She will gently wrap him in her acceptance and agree. And if she has a different, different point of view, she can always get her way naturally and even pleasantly. And he will think that this is his decision.

Femininity does not humiliate a man (neither one’s own nor someone else’s). She idolizes him. Always. And for the sake of his sweetheart, full of pride, strength and determination, he will achieve all the blessings and conquer all the peaks. And strength and masculinity will be given to him by her boundless faith, relaxation, calmness and tranquility next to him. Any man strives to make such a passion happy.

Femininity agrees to be weak. She allows herself to be protected, protected, patronized. She does not fight, but submits. And her chosen one, feeling his responsibility, becomes stronger. He likes being a man surrounded by this kind of attitude. He will always look for this feeling.

Femininity is the energy of wisdom, intuition and something high. This is not manipulation, but true faith, acceptance, consent. This is not a desire to achieve one’s own at any cost, but a desire to take care of loved ones, take into account their desires, give them the opportunity to develop, to be who they are.

It would seem that passive energies that we are not used to using are actually deep and effective.

Which representative of the strong half of humanity will raise his hand against a defenseless, but self-confident and gentle girl who will not even argue? Who can yell at you when you agree and wrap yourself in peace and grace? A man will never be aggressive towards true femininity. And there will be a natural desire to protect, take care, help, show your strong qualities, in a word.

Femininity can coexist with a career. But, not at the same time, but in turn. Our main task in this is to be able to switch from one state to another, the opposite one. Let you be a leader, a professional, a competitor or a colleague at work. But then, at home, you must become one. And then everything will be fine in the family: harmony, warmth and comfort. And the husband will not run away from such a house.

Some representatives of the weaker half of humanity successfully use their softness and attractiveness at work. True, it is important here not to get too carried away and not to replace professionalism with coquetry.

Femininity wants her man. But it doesn't require it. And her sensual desire will always find a response in his courageous patronage.

Femininity is not movements or even behavior (external appearance is a consequence). This is a state of unity with one's nature. Here there is relaxation, sensuality, harmony, lightness, velvety, fluidity, smoothness. It’s you, so dear and cozy, and he so wants to plunge into you and feel your goodness always!

Feminine energy in the presence of several representatives with the appropriate attitude increases and strengthens. If you find friends who are close in spirit, and you, for example, get together over a cup of tea not to cry, but to grow your energy, feel it and enjoy the state of inner harmony, then everyone will be able to feed off this common strength, at the same time nourishing those around you.

Where does this femininity come from?

In ancient times, the ability to be a woman was passed down from generation to generation from mother to daughters. Now we have lost a lot. They began to feel ashamed of their nature, forgot about it, lost it... They began to look for something new, different. And during these searches, something important was missed. And they forgot about this too. And then they began to take offense at men for becoming so weak and weak-willed. But in many ways we, women, make men!

Femininity is in the nature of each of us. You can feel it in yourself. To do this, relax, let Mother Earth fill all your space. Don't be afraid of her. And don't be afraid of others. Don't defend yourself and no one will attack you. After all, your softness is not only weakness, but also strength.

Grow your nature, love your nature, accept your essence. And then your life will be filled with harmony and a special, fabulous space.

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