How to become a tough, strong-willed person and develop self-confidence: a detailed guide

One of the key success factors is developed willpower, which helps a person overcome difficulties and not succumb to the temptation to quit halfway. At the same time, many people are thinking about how to become a tougher person who, at the right time, can show strength of character and promote their ideas in a society of dissenters.

It is believed that a strong-willed person is firm in his beliefs, principles and ideals. He is self-confident, stress-resistant and copes with unexpected circumstances.

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However, to develop such qualities, everyone needs to make a lot of effort, comparable to daily trips to the gym to improve their physical performance.

Now we will tell you how to become a strong-willed person and develop self-confidence. If you listen to our advice and follow all the recommendations, you can improve your personality and become more successful in any business.

What kind of person can be called tough?

First of all, it is worth understanding who can be considered tough, because often the word “tough” is used to describe a rude and ruthless person who is capable of doing anything to achieve his goals. Naturally, a tough person can be just like that, but this is not at all necessary.

If you want to become tougher, you shouldn't go overboard and bury all your basic ideas about good and evil. Toughness can be manifested in the ability to firmly follow through, make important decisions, maintain composure in stressful situations, and take responsibility.

A tough person does not have to walk around gloomy with a stone face, looking at everyone from under his brows. He can be a cheerful and sincere person, but at the right moments he can show firmness and uncompromisingness.

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Typically, tough people are tempered by difficult life situations and working to overcome them. Over time, they develop a kind of immunity and psychological resistance to such circumstances, along with other useful qualities.

Thus, being tough can be useful in the following cases:

  • conflict situations at work, accompanied by increased stress;
  • unforeseen circumstances requiring a quick response;
  • disputes in which you need to defend your point of view.

It is worth noting that toughness directly depends on willpower, which can be trained daily in different ways. Moreover, like all great things, this path begins with the simplest things.

Is it worth becoming evil?

If your excessive kindness prevents you from living and achieving heights in your career, then it is definitely necessary to add anger to your character.

This does not mean that you should become completely evil and stop doing good deeds.

The main thing is to cultivate in yourself those character traits that will allow you to exist win-win in society and achieve your goals.

If you want to become evil, become evil, but you will have to go a long way to refract yourself and your attitudes.

It is likely that some people will turn away from you. You will refuse them, but they are not used to this. But these were energy vampires who took advantage of your gentleness and inability to refuse.

How to train willpower

Now we will give the most basic recommendations that will help you train your willpower. On the one hand, all this may seem easy, but you will encounter the real complexity of these recommendations in practice.

Spend more time with grumbling people

As with everything in life, a good mentor will help keep you on track and speed you toward success.

Make sure you surround yourself with resentful people who complain a lot about everything and do nothing else.

Sometimes you may have ideas to follow your own interests, desires, or simply make changes that will lead to a more enjoyable life.

Of course, this is not what we want. So talking to these people will most likely result in them opening your eyes to why these are bad ideas:

  • Are you going to the gym? Why worry?
  • You've always been fat, so stay that way. Imagine how people in the gym will look at you.
  • Why work on something outside of work or study something?
  • You don't know how to have fun.
  • All jobs suck, all bosses and coworkers are the same.
  • All jobs don't pay well, so why worry about your career? Why change your career?
  • Are you going to the doctor? Why? They still only want your money and don't know what they are doing. Just look at this forum I found on the internet and you will figure out your problem yourself.

You understand what's going on. These people are quite effective because their arguments still remain in your head.

Without them, you might be able to ignore your fears and actually do what you want to do or need to do. Don't pass by: 5 hacks you should learn from James Bond.

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What qualities are inherent in a tough and strong-willed person?

In addition to the basic recommendations for training your willpower, we have compiled a list of the main qualities inherent in a tough and strong-willed person. We advise you to pay attention to them.


Quite often, a strong-willed person is distinguished by the ability to clearly set goals and strive to achieve them, despite external and internal stimuli.


Persistence helps him not to give up at the slightest setbacks, obstacles and doubts.

  • Lifestyle Don't be shy: 7 steps to become more confident Yes, confidence can be boosted.


At the same time, it is very important to be ready to make a difficult decision as soon as possible, and not to shirk responsibility or shift it to someone else.


Without clear planning, it is very difficult to achieve a specific goal, because almost any complex task requires systematics, control and consistent actions.

If a person is constantly subject to sudden impulses, it is very difficult for him to concentrate on something important.


A strong-willed and tough person should always be able to control his feelings and emotions, while maintaining clarity of thought.

Don't change anything

Creative people tend to be more receptive to change than others, so if you are this type of person, be very careful in what you do.

We all fear change on some level. The greater the change, the greater the potential impact and the greater the fear.

Let that fear take over because he knows what he's doing.

It tells you that you are going to do things that you are not really familiar with. This means only two outcomes - the best or the worst.

In fact, there is no middle ground, because even if the conditions are the same, you still put some effort into the change itself, so you have already lost a little.

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On the other hand, if you are in a bind with something you are familiar with, you can still work around it because you know the leverage. And in any case, it's not that bad - it could be a lot worse.

Stay in any unpleasant situation you find yourself in and avoid opportunities to get out if they come your way.

Let all the bad feelings accumulate over time, and the cherry on top will appear when you begin to regret not changing things when the opportunity arose.

We tend to regret what we don't do more than what we do do, so this tactic will be a good boost to achieving results.

Judge yourself for what you can't change

There are things we can do something about. With others, no.

If you can't control yourself and you're working on your mistakes, your attitude, your career and your family, don't panic—there is hope.

There are many things that most of us cannot control - parents' divorce, the death of a loved one, an aunt's illness, various accidents, and so on.

Find something that bothers you, that you can't control, and just blame yourself for it.

You're probably doing this in some form anyway, so just keep doing it.

And that's why you don't deserve anything good in your life with all these things on hand.

It can drain you and make you give up any desire for a happy life. Doesn't matter. Now you don't deserve this, do you?

Just allow yourself to fall into darkness.

Even more interesting information in the collection “10+ ways to change your life in just 15 minutes.”

Tips for developing self-confidence

Along with completing the main training tasks, attention should be paid to some other general behavioral factors. Among them are the following:

  • Gestures and facial expressions - practice your poses, posture, gestures and facial expressions in front of the mirror. Role-play different situations in which you appear confident and personable. Such rehearsals should be given a few minutes before leaving the house, and, if possible, throughout the day. You can copy the behavior of any movie character or any real person, as long as their appearance eloquently testifies to determination, perseverance and confidence. Imitating the lifestyle of such people is a fairly effective way of teaching the necessary behavioral skills.
  • Constant self-hypnosis - you need to continuously give yourself additional confidence, repeating the words: “I am 100% confident.” Repeating this phrase out loud or silently should be likened to a kind of mantra, and the effect will not be long in coming. At first glance, there is nothing difficult about this, but in practice you have to work hard on yourself.
  • Cultivate healthy aggressiveness and learn to manage it wisely. The development of such personal qualities is facilitated by factors such as a lack of sweet foods, physical exercise, high physical activity, high testosterone levels, obscene language, and sensory sensitivity.

Read more: Developing self-confidence. How to improve masculine qualities?

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What can uncontrolled anger turn into?

Before getting an answer to the question “how to become angry?”, you need to clearly understand that this emotion must be used skillfully. Excessive anger and uncontrolled aggression can have the opposite effect: a person will lose the respect of others, good relationships with friends, they will begin to be avoided and feared. Instead of achieving goals, building partnerships, participating in discussions and defending their interests, a person alone will reap the fruits of his uncontrollable emotions.


For a good person to become evil, he needs compelling reasons. Of course, many people have sudden outbursts. So a person thinks: “That’s it, I’m tired, I won’t help anyone anymore and forgive nothing!” But then she somehow forgets about it and continues to be “Mother Teresa.”

Need motivation. How to become evil? Just remember the reasons that cause this “need”. You can even write them out: “Colleagues constantly leave all the “dirty” work to me. When they are having fun, I stay in the office late. I don’t get enough sleep, I can’t take care of my personal life. It's time to stop this. I still love myself." The principle is the same, even if it’s not about work. Here is an example regarding family: “I am 30 years old, but I still do what my mother wants. I can't resist her, she constantly tells me what I need to do. The situation needs to change - I don’t feel like a man and I can’t present myself as such in society.”

In general, in other words, a person must make a firm decision to change something. Plus, his confidence will be noticed by those around him who want to sit on his neck.

Ignore the "monsters under the bed"

Usually when you encounter a problem, you try to solve it. I would say that for most of us, life is simply a series of problem-solving scenarios at some level.

  • Of course, the sooner you solve the problem, the better , at least in most cases.
  • Some problems are easier to solve and more obvious, while others are more complex.

Chances are, those that have the most impact are also the most difficult to solve. They may require time and effort.

The correct course of action is to simply pretend they don't exist.

Of course, they won't actually go away, so while they linger in the back of your mind, they will continue to stress you out, affecting other aspects of your life.

Once this all blows up, your dark side will begin to rise to the surface even more. Fabulous! Go to the Land of Advice home page for more interesting stories.

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Become fearless

Fearlessness is a very important quality for a guy. You need to stop being afraid not only of the opinions of others about you, but also stop worrying about what girls will think of you, getting into fights with other guys and insisting on your position, turning to verbal insults.

Fearlessness - this causes sexual arousal in girls who see that a guy is not afraid of anything:

  1. They attack him with fists, and he defends himself and beats the attacker himself.
  2. They snap at him, but he does not allow himself to be offended.
  3. He is not afraid to defend his opinion.
  4. He always says what he thinks.
  5. He is ready to stand up for the girl if she is in the slightest danger.

Moreover, the guy is not afraid of the enemy, no matter how strong and huge he may be. After all, as you know, in nature everything is measured by muscle size. If a guy is smaller than his opponent, but is fearless, then he may be stronger.

Who needs it?

The question of how to become evil is usually preoccupied by very pleasant and tactful people, whose kindness is blatantly taken advantage of by others. At one point, their tolerance ends and they long to change the situation.

A person sets himself a very difficult task - to become the opposite of himself. Naturally, this cannot be done without difficulties. You won't be able to become very angry right away. It is as difficult as it is for an aggressive, irritable person to turn into a kind person.

By the way, you don’t have to become exactly evil. Many people confuse the concepts. It's better to just get tougher. And in this matter, the most important thing is to start saying “no”. It is difficult to refuse, especially when a person always said “yes”, agreeing to help, help out, save a comrade.

When a colleague once again comes up with a request that sounds like this: “Replace me tomorrow, my child has a matinee,” you just need to refuse. And to the surprise: “But you always agree?” - answer without smiling: “Actually, I have a day off, which I have already planned.” This will cause confusion for the person asking. Perhaps he will even whisper in someone’s ear: “He’s somehow angry today,” but he’s unlikely to come up with such a request again.

Ignore the beauty of the process, think only about the end result

Happy people say that life is a journey and that the destination is not that important. While this is certainly true for those who seek to experience life to the fullest, you may not have to believe this saying if you truly want to be miserable. On the contrary, remember to only think about your goals without enjoying the process of achieving them - focus solely on that future end that you want to achieve and it will surely prevent you from enjoying those beautiful moments that life can bring you.

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