Useful phrases will help you adequately respond to an insult

How to respond to an insult beautifully? Assess the situation, psychotype and level of intellectual development of the opponent, and then select one of the pre-prepared phrases. The answer can be witty, simple and offensive, or complex with a veiled offensive meaning. In any case, it is important not to stoop to the level of your opponent, that is, not to resort to direct threats and personalities, and not to resort to obscene words and expressions. Today we will learn to respond to insults, rudeness and rudeness with dignity and grace.

Calm is the best response to insult

Every person, at least once, has experienced verbal abuse from a stranger. How to answer him correctly? Psychologists advise: do not react to the behavior of a boor. That is, you need to be calm so as not to give the offender a reason to continue to express his insults.

From personal experience:

A friend of mine is often bullied for no reason. She told the nun at the monastery about this. The nun replied that it should be taken as medicine. This means that the Almighty wants to raise you to a new level of spiritual development. That is, do not perceive it as an insult, but as a spiritual treatment.

This may be useful to some, but to others this answer will not suit them. It's hard to resist when they touch a nerve. Is it possible to learn to respond without rudeness and insults in response?

To make it clear that the insults did not offend you, it is better to remain silent. But I really want to answer in such words that the offender will be “beaten” and discouraged.

Do you always have to answer? Many people, as a result of rudeness towards them, lose their ability to work, feel good, and lower their self-esteem. To prevent this from happening, do not become a victim of boors, learn to respond witty and beautiful.

There are different ways to answer. Try to keep a few smart phrases in your head just in case. You also need to be able to protect yourself smartly.

The following warning will also come in handy: answer so beautifully that the offender is stunned, but does not become enraged and does not start fighting, this also happens. If a person is on edge or drunk, then it is better to remain silent. Stay away from such people.

Remember these phrases:

  • I would have offended you, but nature has already mocked you.
  • Are you really a socially unadapted Pithecanthropus or is it just me?
  • For some people, the head is a decorative addition to one place. Is this yours by any chance?
  • I had a doll, and her name was Fublya, she looked so much like you.
  • The only thing you can do is turn a cigarette into ash.


In a conflict situation, it is useful to put aside emotions and think soberly

This may be very difficult, but remember that later you will have reason to rejoice at your prudence and foresight. First of all, it is important to realize that you do not need to take seriously what your opponent tells you. Most often, when insulting someone, a person rarely resorts to logic and common facts, because his only goal is to “hurt” as much as possible!

It is also important to clearly differentiate whether the person is dissatisfied solely with you, or if he is simply going through a sad period, and you just “caught the wind”. If we are talking about the second option, then it is better to avoid showing any emotions. Mentally feel sorry for the offender, and abstract yourself from this situation.

Ignoring is a very useful skill in many unpleasant situations. It is important to understand that insults are usually resorted to by a weak-willed person who has serious problems in his upbringing. This understanding is especially appropriate if we are talking about a person whom you are unlikely to see again. Think carefully - is he worth wasting your energy on him or is it better to ignore this pathetic boor? Of course, some people believe that such behavior only benefits them, and begin to become even more inflamed in their insults, then look carefully at your interlocutor and say: “By what right do you allow yourself to behave this way towards strangers, you yourself understand How unworthy do you look?” Such a question may well “sober up” your opponent.

Of course, if a conflict is started by a person close to you, then ignoring is not always the right response. It’s unlikely that your interlocutor just wanted to insult you out of nowhere. Most likely, something is seriously bothering this person, and it would be appropriate to talk about it directly. Just say: "Let's stop these vile insults and try to solve the problem." Most likely, after this you will really be able to close the conflict, and your interlocutor will be grateful to you for your prudence.

Motivated by reason, not emotions, you will always be a winner

If you have started to wonder how it is offensive to answer a person with obscenities or how to bring someone to tears with your insults, then you are clearly not on the right track. Be more reasonable, do not succumb to other people's emotional influence. If you yourself stoop to such unworthy behavior, it may bring you a feeling of satisfaction for just a few seconds - then the situation will not be so rosy.

Most likely, if you resort to rudeness towards another person (especially if he is close), you will then feel empty and depressed. As a rule, various verbal skirmishes bring satisfaction only to energy vampires - it is difficult to please other people with a conflict situation.

Remember that people who have learned to control themselves, as a rule, always remain in an advantageous position. At the same time, those people who easily attract additional negative events and emotions to themselves.

Not giving in to emotions is very useful in many cases, and one of them is a quarrel with higher management at work or simply with a person on whom you depend. Recognize that the person arrives feeling upset, and your counter-attacks may make the situation even worse. To avoid such a development of the situation, it makes sense to mentally distract yourself from the conversation. That is, outwardly you seem to listen to everything that your opponent says to you, but in reality your thoughts wander somewhere far away. You can remember pleasant events in your life, think about your upcoming vacation, decide what dish would be appropriate to cook for dinner.

Think ahead about the consequences of your actions

If you understand that you yourself partially provoked the flow of insults, although you did not deserve such unflattering words, then you should partially admit your guilt. For example: “You are, of course, right in your indignation, but your words could be chosen more softly.”

When getting into a verbal argument with someone, remember that this may result in some problems for you in the future. It’s one thing if we are talking about a person you are unlikely to meet on your life’s path, and a completely different thing when a clash happened with a loved one, friend, neighbor. Such a conflict could lead to a protracted war. Even if you make peace almost immediately, the offensive words spoken can remain in the memory for a long time, and sooner or later they will still lead to a cooling in the relationship. Therefore, in such cases, if you feel even the slightest ability to restrain yourself, be sure to try to use it.

Decent responses to rudeness

How to respond to a boor's rudeness so that it gets through to him? The sad thing is that for some reason most people are unable to understand your clever phrases and are almost immune to humor. But if you decide to answer, and even if people are crowded around, then get ready to answer with humor.

If the offender does not appreciate it, the audience will laugh. And this can be worse than verbal insults. But don't stoop to his level, be above it. Answer politely and without swearing, even if his words were full of swearing. This will stun him.

  • Your performance impresses the audience! Well, play, play. Otherwise you don't have enough PR.
  • I thought that all your stock of stupidity had been exhausted, but you surprised me.

The easiest way to answer is with obscenities

Surely everyone has encountered people who are rude, use foul language or even threaten for no reason.
Such aggressors retreat only if they hear harsh words and threats in response. But it is also possible that the offender will become even more angry and the verbal conflict will transfer to the physical plane. The easiest way is to answer the insulter with obscenities. But before that, you need to objectively assess the environment


  1. Are there two or three more of his friends nearby with the aggressor?
  2. The conflict occurred in a busy place or in a deserted wasteland.
  3. What are the physical parameters of the offender (perhaps he is a beefy big guy, and you are a fragile programmer about sixty meters tall).

Stooping to obscene language is the last thing, but in some cases you can’t do without swearing; this is the simplest and only effective method.
How to Insult a Person Smartly

How to disarm a presumptuous person

Sometimes it is enough for the person who offended you to say one word.

  • "Thank you"

This one word contains both destruction and politeness, and therefore has a significant impact on a person. He is rude, and you are taller than him, so you answer with a simple word: “thank you.” Most often, the interlocutor immediately gets stuck and begins to think what it was. This short word shows him what an unworthy creature he is.

  • “Thank you for the conversation”

A very effective method is to tell your interlocutor:

“You always say the right thing,” and not get into an argument with him, trying to defend your opinion. The person will receive satisfaction from his rudeness, and you turn around and go about your business. Even if you start convincing him that you are right, the presumptuous person will not understand you. Why waste time. Think of it as furniture. You won't be redoing the furniture, will you?

  • “Are you being rude or what?”

Sometimes a person does not understand that he is offending you. Then tell him directly that his words sound offensive. Perhaps he will think about his phrases and will not act like this in the future.

  • "Let's change the subject"

Many people are born impolite. Don’t get into an argument with them, just avoid the conversation that is unpleasant for you or leave. Do this as soon as your interlocutor starts saying things that are unpleasant for you. You can't change people like that. It is their nature to insult people. If you walk away or strictly stop the conversation, you will preserve your dignity and, perhaps, teach the insolent a lesson.

  • “You never miss an opportunity to be rude to me, right?”

If they start insulting you, then smiling, tell him this phrase. Or say this: “I know you have something unpleasant in store for me, save it for another time.”

Is it possible to civilly send a person without swearing to shut up?

To some extent, this is possible, although not without difficulty. For example, if a person begins to forget himself, and you understand that he is clearly minding his own business, you can remark: “It seems to me or does this really not concern you?”

In addition, the following phrases will cool the interlocutor’s ardor:

  • “Your opinion is very valuable, but not in this situation”;
  • “If I need your advice, I will seek you out”;
  • “What makes you think that I’m interested in your opinion?”

Answer boor with humor

When your responses to rudeness sound funny, as if by chance, the interlocutor may not immediately understand what you are talking about. After all, he's cool!

  • Do you always look funny or just today?
  • Coming from a brat like you, that sounds like a compliment.
  • You know, I would listen and listen, you babble so smoothly.
  • You talk so interestingly, but at least once say something smart.
  • Thank you for the advice, but most likely you need it, not me.

Another great way to discourage your interlocutor is to simply laugh in response.


Yes, silence, as we all know, can be equated in value to a precious metal, and the saying about gold has more than once proven its truth. However, in some situations you really want to find smart answers to insults and put the upstart in his place!

If an unpleasant remark addressed to you comes from, for example, someone on public transport, it is best not to pay attention to the challenge. What's the point of spoiling the mood for yourself and your fellow travelers? It is best to remain silent and calmly wait for your stop. Don’t forget, the person’s dissatisfaction will only intensify after your rude answer, and in this case the passengers will witness a boorish dialogue, because there is a very high probability that the boor or boor will continue his attacks.

The best behavior when meeting an insolent person

You can disarm an arrogant person like this: repeat the same phrase several times: “So what?”; "So, what is next?". Such a reaction will infuriate your interlocutor, and will help you maintain calm.

Just don’t get involved in mutual insults, because your opponent is just waiting for you to start getting annoyed. Don't give him pleasure.

If a coworker is constantly trying to get under your skin, be prepared to respond with sarcasm.

Sarcasm works like a cold shower.

  • You say everything correctly, but it’s boring.
  • You think you're insulting me, but you're just hiding your insecurities. I guessed?
  • How primitively you think, I don’t even want to answer.
  • Well, well, talk, talk, maybe something smart will come out.
  • And this is all your vocabulary? You don't even have to pretend to be stupid.

If you answer the insolent person competently, he will probably be taken aback and fall silent, because he is ready for a skirmish.

  • Should I answer you politely or tell you the truth?
  • How primitively do you speak, but you are no longer able to express yourself more intelligently?
  • What do you eat? Looks like carcinogens are destroying your brain.
  • Are you using your shortcomings to try to hurt my dignity?
  • If there is no intelligence, then insults begin.
  • To get on the same level as you, I will have to lie on the floor.

Sometimes a person understands only when he is told harshly and rudely.

  • Such a stinker can only communicate with flies.
  • Have you even washed yourself today?
  • You know, it would be better if they planted a tree instead of you!
  • You see, your head is big, but you don’t have enough brains in it.
  • Haven't you been sterilized yet? It is harmful to reproduce like this.

You can culturally reject the offender.

  • Are you trying to offend me? It’s a shame to hear from an intelligent person, but from you it’s funny.
  • Wow, how did you learn to speak smartly? Tell me where they teach this.
  • It’s a pity that you can’t save the world with your intelligence and beauty.
  • How interesting it is to watch you. I haven't been to the circus for so long.
  • You do not like me? And so do you.
  • Beware that fate will answer you in kind.

You are underestimating!


I've already talked to the principal about how you purposely ruined my daughter's annual evaluation because you don't love her.

What the teacher can answer:

I try to treat all students objectively and evaluate their actions and work, not themselves. I treat your daughter very well, but her results in my subject deserve the grades that I give. The annual assessment has not yet been set and there is time to retake some of the assignments so that the assessment suits both your daughter and you. Let's discuss how you and I can help your daughter correct her assignments.

How to reply to your friends

Some men can be rude to any woman. There are such! A male offender must definitely fight back. But be careful, if he is drunk, then you should not mess with him. It’s especially offensive when, in a fit of anger, your boyfriend insults you. If you want to put him in his place, then you can answer the guy rudely and offensively. But be prepared to part ways. Not every guy will tolerate an insult to his manhood.

  • They say that when dignity is small, they try to cover the gap in this matter with another part of the body. In your case - with a long tongue.
  • Your dignity has sunk to the bottom. Pick it up before it's too late.
  • Don't you notice that you are falling lower and lower? But others can see it.
  • I'm ashamed of my choice.
  • You are morally impotent.

A man doesn’t need to be taught how to respond to a woman’s insult, they already know how.

It's harder to respond to a friend when she's trying to humiliate you. If you don’t want to lose your friendship, then just remain silent. If you don’t value friendship, then hurt it with phrases. Example: “You’ve never been very imaginative” or “How bad you look when you get excited!”, “Did you rehearse this or just came up with it”?

Petya is to blame!


, then just get to work! A boy must be able to stand up for himself.

What the teacher can answer:

You know, maybe you're right if it's a street fight where you're being attacked by attackers. But at school we prohibit physical and psychological violence and teach children to get out of conflicts in other ways. I now propose to involve the school reconciliation service in the situation; good specialists work there. They will help the guys understand each other and prevent such situations in the future.

How to teach a teenager to defend himself

Teenagers at school often resort to insults. You can, of course, answer boldly and harshly, but why, to hear a continuation? Isn’t it better to answer coolly: “And you turn out to be smart”? If the opponent continues, you should praise again: “Well, you’re showing your intelligence again!”

In general, at school it is difficult to immediately find an answer to rudeness. Simple questions should be asked, for example, “Is that all?”, “So what?” If the boor does not calm down, you can torture him with monosyllabic questions, then proudly leave.

You are putting pressure on my child!


My child is very vulnerable, so there should be no criticism of him.

What the teacher can answer:

I try not to criticize students, but only analyze the tasks they have completed. I cannot refuse debriefings, this is part of the educational process - this is how the children learn their mistakes, can correct them and better master the material they are studying. Please tell me in what form I can tell your child about mistakes in assignments. And please tell me that criticism is necessary for learning and a teacher who criticizes work does not criticize the student himself.

How to avoid online abuse

On the Internet, people can write anything to their opponent, because they do not see the person. Is it worth responding to rudeness and insults? Indeed, you can ignore such appeal. Better yet, do it in official, “dry” language so that the person understands that he did not offend anyone.

If it continues, you can of course answer impudently, rudely: “Are you a boor”? "I got what you mean"! But try listing to him the rules of politeness that you yourself come up with. If the insults continue, list the rules of politeness again.

By the way, the same technique can be demonstrated at school. List while bending your fingers. This will be a shock!

Dear friends, you have seen how to adequately respond to insults. Your right to choose something for yourself or come up with your own answers to offenders.

You are asking too many tasks!


Why do you assign so many homework assignments? Ask less, studying is not the only thing my child is busy with.

What the teacher can answer:

I have no right to ask more than It states how many hours a student in each class should spend on homework. Perhaps your child does not have time to complete them on time. Let's think about how to help him - you can set up his daily routine, and I can answer his questions about the most difficult tasks.

What should I do if I couldn’t respond to humiliation?

It is not always appropriate to respond to humiliation. If you can't find an answer, maybe that's for the best. Often a person does not realize why he insults, he himself feels bad about it, but he does not admit it even to himself. Sometimes silence in response to humiliation “sounds” louder than a microphone.

If you are still tempted to answer, try to do it calmly, without stooping below your dignity and moral principles. When faced with trolling or provocations, the best behavior is to ignore.

I just ask you, don’t make excuses if you’re not guilty. And when you are guilty, you should not make excuses, but apologize. Proving to another person that he is being unfair to you is almost impossible until he himself understands this. Therefore, do not allow yourself to be humiliated by your own excuses.

And also, if there was a conflict with a loved one, you heard insults addressed to you in a state of nervous system excitement and you yourself lost your temper, do not rush to burn bridges. It is much easier to destroy a relationship than to build one again. Try to understand the reason why the conflict situation occurred.

Is there immunity from rudeness: what is it?

There is no immunity from rudeness
. Boors are just people whose hobby is raising their voices and harsh words. Just give them a reason to make a fuss and they will take advantage of it. But it's better not to give it. Try not to enter into discussions with such people, but if this happens, do not just back down, thereby making it clear that he has won. Don't be like yourself, be better. Is there immunity from rudeness? What it is?

  • We encounter rudeness face to face literally at every corner: in the elevator, at a bus stop, at work, in a store and even at home.
  • In some cases, we are witnesses to this manifestation, in others we are the victim, and sometimes (or often?) the instigator himself.
  • Essentially, it’s like a lottery - you never know how a person will react to one or another of your actions or phrases.
  • When you do come across this, you have no idea what to do about it or how to react.
  • Sometimes you want to fall through the ground, or, conversely, attack a person in reverse.

Most people will simply remain silent and complain about their bad upbringing, or the unfair treatment of other people towards them. Therefore, immunity from rudeness does not exist. It is important to learn how to respond to a rude person correctly. Read more about this below.

Additional tips and tricks

Even if you know how to defend yourself from verbal attacks and insults, it is very easy to fall into the trap of an even greater attack. Techniques based on psychology will help you avoid it. You can use them either separately or together with the techniques that we have already discussed:

  • Try to understand . People who offend other people often end up being offended themselves. If you find it difficult to recognize the reason why a person is insulting you, ask him directly about it. Keep in mind that insults are not always aimed at you specifically, so look at the situation through the other person's eyes. For example, the person on the bus said something unpleasant to you, not because he doesn’t like you, but probably because his day was not going well. Think about it, apologize to him yourself and go on with your business.
  • Analyze . There is a very good book, “The Subtle Art of Verbal Self-Defense” (author – Suzette Hayden Elgin), in which the author suggests breaking down annoying remarks and reproaches into their components, without taking the position of a victim. For example, if the boss says: “If you worked normally, the report would be ready!”, You answer: “By what indicators did you determine that I am working poorly?”, wait for an answer, and then move on to the second part of the comment.
  • Forgive and forget . This variation of ignoring turns out to be a very simple and powerful way to respond to hurtful words. Listen to everything the person tells you, and then, without answering anything, mentally forgive him for the offense. The ability to forgive is the most important quality that helps a person live calmly and harmoniously. But keep in mind that this skill requires practice, especially if you are not used to using it. At first it will be difficult to forgive someone who offends you, but if you manage to forgive at least 15-20 times, in the future it will happen on its own.
  • Look the offender in the eye . Does a person unfairly tell you something unpleasant, offensive and offensive? Turn to face him, look into his eyes and ask a direct question: “Do you want to offend me?”, “Did you urgently need to offend me?” or “Do you understand how I can perceive your words now?” Such directness will discourage your interlocutor, he will feel uncomfortable in front of you and he will stop attacking. It is quite possible that he will even ask for forgiveness.
  • Add 10% . As we have already said, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely eliminate hurtful words and insults from other people from your life. So learn to accept them as natural manifestations of irritation, which is common to all of us. Even if you always try to communicate politely and tactfully, you are not immune to mistakes. So parry attacks, but remember the 10%. Think about the fact that in 10% of cases you can buy something cheaper, in 10% of cases you won’t be repaid, in 10% of cases someone can offend you without wanting to do it at all. To put it simply, become a little thick-skinned and accept some situations as they are, cutting people some slack. This will help you quickly learn to forgive, and therefore be less offended and worried.
  • Use conditional signals . This method will be useful for those who are sometimes offended by loved ones. For example, your friend often begins to criticize you in the company of other people, which, of course, you really don’t like. You can come up with some sign or gesture, demonstrating which you will let your friend understand that he is “going too far.” This could be a light but noticeable blow to the hand, a couple of finger snaps in front of the eyes, or something else. The main thing is that the interlocutor remembers in time that he is wrong and stops criticizing or condemning you.

In the overwhelming majority of situations, the person insulting you simply wants to somehow, at your expense, assert himself, raise his self-esteem, and seem better than you. If you don’t want to use the methods just discussed, ask in a detached manner: “Did you like asserting yourself at my expense?” But still, sincerely try to understand what goal the person is pursuing, what he needs, what he may lack. It is more important not to hear a person’s words, but to understand why he says them.

If the answer is difficult to find, then at least do not give in to impulses and emotions, do not insult your interlocutor, and do not allow the conflict to escalate. Your task is to break the abuser’s pattern, and you can do this if you do not play by the rules imposed on them. Learn to react and respond to hurtful words and rudeness calmly in order to maintain your own dignity.

Understand that most often we are deliberately provoked, insulted and offended by the following types of people:

  • weak, fearful and cowardly people, for whom the only way of defense and self-affirmation is caustic words;
  • stupid people who are not distinguished by intelligence and intelligence;
  • ill-mannered people and boors who became such as a result of bad upbringing (or generally due to lack of upbringing);
  • aggressors and “negatives” who are unable to live a day without squabbles and scandals;
  • dysfunctional people who are unable to control themselves (alcoholics, drug addicts, “gopniks”, etc.);
  • people with mental disabilities.

Just understanding this should lead you to the idea that you shouldn’t waste your life force on such people, because reasonable and adequate people will always find a way to convey their thoughts to another person without resorting to insults and swearing.

Don't take the negativity expressed by people around you personally. Of course, learn to react correctly and respond to grievances if necessary, but not paying attention to such things is still the best course of action. It relieves tension, saves vitality and prevents negativity from entering your life.

We would like to summarize our article with a small parable. One day a man insulted Buddha. Buddha asked him: “My son, if anyone refuses to accept the gift, who will it belong to?” The man replied: “To the one who gives.” “So, I refuse to accept your insults,” Buddha told him.

Be smarter and wiser, do not stoop to insults and do not hold grudges. Ultimately, everything returns to normal, and what a person sends into this world will return to him a hundredfold. And in conclusion, another educational video about the correct reaction to insults.

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Forms of verbal violence
  • Techniques for neutralizing annoying comments and objections
  • Passive aggression
  • How to Deal with Difficult People
  • How to Deal with Annoying and Irritable People
  • How to Achieve Emotional Maturity
  • How to forgive an offense and is it always necessary to do this?
  • Emotional management: what is it and how to learn it
  • Overcoming the fear of confrontation
  • How to deal with unconstructive criticism

Key words:1Communication

What is sarcasm

Sarcasm is the highest degree of verbal irony, which ridicules something or someone or expresses contempt. You say the opposite of what you mean (verbal irony), and you do it with a special intonation.

Sarcasm comes from the Greek words “sark,” meaning “flesh,” and “asmos,” which translates to “tear.” So literally the term sounds like “flesh-tearing”—a pretty gory image for the type of speech we use all the time!

How to properly respond to the rudeness and rudeness of a child or teenager to parents - son or daughter?

It is important to respond correctly to the rudeness and rudeness of a child or teenager to parents.
Adolescence is a time of open (albeit absurd) protest. A mature child seriously believes that he is an adult who can make his own decisions and enter into “equal” discussions with his parents. This is why many fathers and mothers are stupefied when a teenager begins to dictate his rights and resort to rudeness and rudeness. How to get out of the situation? How to properly respond to the rudeness and rudeness of a child or teenager to parents - son or daughter? Here are some tips:


  • For a teenager, rudeness is a way of psychological pressure.
  • He tries to “push” the parent’s personal boundaries in order to achieve his own.
  • Practice works - most adults are horrified when a previously friendly and calm child says terrible things with a defiant look.
  • Some are overcome by anger, while others are about to start crying.
  • In fact, calm is your best friend in the fight against teenage aggression and rudeness.
  • When a child sees that no one is afraid of his antics, he will “slow down.”


  • By reacting to a teenager’s rudeness with shouts, parents only “add fuel to the fire.”
  • You should resort to another strategy: “If you want to talk and discuss something, then let’s do it calmly.”
  • But if the child is “seething”, you need to give him time to come to his senses. After all, an adult is a wise person. Which (unlike a child) should be able to cope with their emotions.


  • The phrases “you are a bad mother, I hate you”, “you are not my parents, I will leave you” - hurt the hearts of many parents of teenagers.
  • But, in fact, you should not think that the child really thinks so. An hour or two will pass, and the child will think differently.
  • Teenagers are maximalists, often exaggerating reality.
  • Therefore, this “hatred” is a kind of “attack” that quickly passes as soon as the explosion of emotions in the offspring’s soul fades away.
  • This is why you should not panic. It is better to continue the conversation when the child calms down somewhat.


  • Despite the fact that no one has canceled discipline, it will not be possible to instantly “extinguish” a teenager’s ardor.
  • It is better to be for him not a supervisor, but an older friend.
  • This approach minimizes conflicts by more than 50% .
  • If the parent immediately attacks the offspring with moralizing, then the teenager will begin to “defend” with redoubled force.
  • The best way to establish contact with a boorish teenager is to remember yourself at his age, try to understand the reason for the “rebellion” and jointly find a compromise.


  • For a teenager, rudeness is a way to throw out negative emotions.
  • However, you should not “give up” and indulge the slightest whims.

Despite the fact that you need to be a friend with your child, it is important to give him an understanding that the opinion of an adult is still more authoritative.

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