5 tips on how to choose a job from two or more options

How to make a choice that may determine your future.

You send out your resume, go for an interview, take some kind of test, communicate with future management and get a job. But suddenly you are invited to another place where you also wanted to go. Work.ua will tell you what to do in this case.

For a good specialist, such a situation is not uncommon. If you have excellent knowledge of your profession, know how to present yourself correctly and make a good impression on people, your chances of getting your dream job increase significantly. And when a choice arises, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons so as not to regret the decision.

Decide if your career is important to you

If you want to climb as high as possible on the career ladder, choose a job with greater prospects, and refuse the second option without hesitation. It is no secret that some companies do not welcome too active initiative on the part of employees, preferring that they always remain in their original position, performing no more and no less than the planned plan.

Therefore, say in advance what you are striving for and check whether the chosen employer can offer it to you.

The right choice: what is it?

The phrase “right choice” is familiar to many. But what does it mean? The right choice is determined by various factors:

  • it can be done according to the call of the soul and heart,
  • can be determined by logical conclusions,
  • can be voluntary or forced,
  • may be associated with obtaining benefits,
  • may take into account the interests of other people, or may go against them,
  • may have global or minute-to-minute consequences.

It all depends on the specific situation and person. Whether the choice was right or not, everyone decides for himself. What is the subject of choice? There are options for every day and for life.

For example, the daily agonies of choice may focus on the following things:

  • get up early in the morning or lie in bed for an extra hour or two,
  • go for a run or sit in front of the TV,
  • prepare the right breakfast or snack on fast food on the go,
  • walk or get in a car,
  • go for a walk during your lunch break or spend time scrolling through your news feed on social networks,
  • go to training in the evening or buy alcohol and go on a break,
  • in your free time, read books or play computer games for hours, etc.

The choices that have a longer lasting effect and a significant impact on a person's life are the following:

  • choice of profession,
  • places of work,
  • partner/life partner,
  • living place.

Be honest with yourself

When you have dealt with all the opening prospects, salary and career growth, answer yourself why you need this job, what you expect from the new project, how you see your life after making the final decision. If you choose a “starting point”, give preference to the option with greater opportunities for your own development. If you are looking for stability, choose an offer with guaranteed unchanged conditions, and so on.

Whichever option you prefer, you should never regret anything. Remember that every turn and every new road is always a road to the future, and it is up to you what lessons you will learn from the consequences of the decisions you make. Work.ua wishes you to make the right choice!

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Use both hemispheres of your brain.

What is the first step in the decision making process? Well, when you make an important decision, feel empowered to use both sides of your brain. And not just the logical, left side. It is important to find a balance between emotions and reason.

The right hemisphere, our emotional intelligence, is inextricably linked to our behavior. The important decisions we make throughout our lives.

Decision-making and idea generation processes begin in your left prefrontal cortex, and if there is a lack of emotion behind these processes, a part of your brain called the nucleus accumbens (NAc) does not activate. If the NAc is not activated, dopamine (the feel-good neurotransmitter that recognizes reward) will not be released into your body and you will likely remain unmotivated in your comfort zone. And decisions made from your comfort zone rarely benefit you in the long run.

2. Visualize your future, successful self.

If you want to know how to make the right choice, think about what success means to you. How do you define personal success? Write your answer in a journal or on a piece of paper.

Then visualize your ideal future. Do this by getting into a relaxed position, closing your eyes and allowing your mind to drift into a daydream.

What do you see and feel? Are you radiant with energy? You are healthy? Have you ever been in better shape? Are you in Love? Do you have a supportive community and fun circle of friends? Are you financially independent? Do you get along well with your business partners, colleagues and employees? Take notes if you like.

Creative visualization is an important technique for those of us on the path to great success. When you have a positive mental image... and see yourself as a successful person, you begin to believe that you are capable of perfect health, happiness and wealth. Seeing is believing, right? And you must believe to achieve.

Realize the power of every decision you make.

Before you make a decision, you must understand the consequences of your choice. Any decision you make triggers a chain of events.

For example, a company you would like to work with requires you to give a presentation to key stakeholders before you are hired. You decide not to follow through because you are afraid of public speaking. This decision could cause you to miss out on the opportunity to have your own multi-million dollar company in the future.

In this case, it all comes down to first deciding to overcome your fear of public speaking. Then you can do what you love and be financially independent for the rest of your life.

4. Follow your intuition when making the right choice.

When you're vacillating between multiple options, your intuition becomes one of your most powerful decision-making tools. To hone your intuition, stop for a moment and don't think about the pros and cons. Just sit in a quiet place and notice what feelings come to the surface.

Do you feel tightness in the chest area? Or an open lightness in your heart? Do you feel relieved? Excitation? What other physical sensations do you feel?

Research shows that our instincts often hit us on a visceral level first, telling us what we need to know before our conscious minds catch up. Neuroscientist and one of the world's leading authorities on human consciousness, Dr. Joel Pearson, recently discovered that intuition does exist.

Pearson and his research team demonstrated that unconscious emotions improve the speed and accuracy of decision making. A discovery that could prove important for research into how conscious and unconscious information combine to shape and influence behavior.

When making the right choices, you must tune into your inner wisdom. The best ancient advice for determining what you really want is to look inside yourself.

So before you make any big moves, take some time to explore that “funny” feeling. Chances are you've had a premonition before; a hint that pointed you in the right direction? This is your sixth sense communicating with you. Pay attention to this.

Be calm and know.

Don't ask others what you should do.

You don't have to ask people what they think. This makes it even more difficult to make a decision when you get hung up on other people's opinions of what's best for you.

If you ask 4 people what they think you should do, you will most likely get 4 different pieces of advice. And the feedback will most likely lead to confusion and doubt.

Don't hesitate to consult with people who will be directly affected by your decision. Then confidently tell everyone what you have decided.

6. Ask yourself the right questions when making the right choices.

Once you know how you feel about this decision, it's time to ask your brain the right questions: What do I want in this life? Will the outcome of my decision lead me closer to what I really want? Does the benefit outweigh the cost? Is the reward worth the level of risk? How committed am I to this change?

As Dr. David Welch, professor of political science at the University of Waterloo in Ontario and author of The Art of Effective Decision Making, explains, “People who lack self-reflection will end up making poor decisions because they don't know what to do in the first place.” want."

Before you tie the knot, ask yourself: Do I really want to marry this person? Or do I just want to get married and have kids someday?

Align your life with your core values.

The decisions you make based on your core values ​​create motivational alignment. So make decisions based on whether they align with your highest values, passions, and priorities, or whether you won't feel like you made the right choice.

Before you can understand whether a decision is related to the things that matter most to you, you first need to understand what those values ​​are. Make a written list of your highest values. And once you've got it all figured out, make a list of all the ways your choices align (or don't) with those values.

Whatever you decide to do, be patient and persistent.

Have you ever met a stern person who you didn't like? Even if they did, weren't you somewhat in awe of their desire to succeed?

When it comes to taking action in your life, you must have a strong backbone. So before you start your own business, make sure you are doing something that motivates you to persevere (despite failure).

Persistence is passion and persistence in achieving very long-term goals. Perseverance has endurance. Perseverance sticks to your future, day in and day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and works really hard to make that future a reality. Perseverance is a marathon, not a sprint. ~Angela Lee Duckworth

An equally important trait of successful people is perseverance.

You must be passionate about your life choices. There is power in passion.

So when it comes to making the right decision, don't go back to your comfort zone and pursue a career you hate. Find ways to ignite your spirit and take giant leaps towards your dreams.

Lack of self-confidence

Most people lack confidence in themselves. The soul of every person, his True Self, always knows how to act optimally in accordance with his destiny for incarnation.

But many of us simply do not hear the voice of our soul, which is trying to suggest the right decision.

The voice of the soul is quiet, it can be heard by observing internal silence, which you can learn to do through meditation to stop the internal dialogue.

In the bustle of everyday affairs, not many of us can hear the whisper of the soul. Meanwhile, the voice of the ego (human personality) is loud and drowns out our True or Higher Self.

It also happens that the soul finally reached the person’s consciousness and suggested the right decision, but here’s an ambush!

Over the course of life, we become so accustomed to the fact that the more complex and “involved” we come up with a solution, the more successful the outcome of the matter will be, that we immediately manage to push it aside!

Meanwhile, the Universe is a very practical lady)), and it always follows the path of least resistance, that is, there is always a simpler solution to the problem than it might seem! Everything ingenious is simple!

Hiring Criteria: Not enough people is better than the wrong people

Mark Adams, managing director of Vitsoe, has spent the last 28 years systematically applying strict criteria to his work.

Vitsoe produces furniture. The furniture industry is characterized by a wide variety of products, with a huge number of new colors and styles appearing every season. But Vitsoe produces only one product year after year: the “Universal Shelf System 606.” Why? Because Vitsoe has very strict standards and this is the only product that meets them. But Vitsoe's approach to hiring is even more selective.

Early on, the company decided that not having enough people was better than having the wrong people. Therefore, the search for a new employee was a rigorous systematic selection process.

First, they conducted the interview over the phone. This was done consciously to get rid of visual biases when forming a first impression. They also wanted to hear how the potential employee communicated on the phone and whether he was organized enough to find a quiet place at any time. Many dropped out already at this stage, thereby saving time.

The candidate was then interviewed by several people from across the company. If the candidate passed these interviews, he was invited to work with the team for one day. Management then sent a questionnaire to all employees to get their opinion of the candidate. But instead of asking the usual questions, they asked, “Will he love working here?” or “Would you like him to work with you?”

At this stage no proposal was made so that both parties could feel as free as possible. If everything matched, then the candidate passed the final interview and received a job offer. If the confidence was not complete, then he was refused.

One day they had a candidate who wanted a job on the shelf installation team. This is an important role, because installers are the face of the product and the company. The candidate demonstrated good skills, but during a conversation with the team, Mark found out one detail. At the end of the day, when they were putting away the tools, the candidate simply threw the tools into the drawer and closed the lid. To you or me, this might seem like a minor detail that doesn't take away from a day of perfect work. But for the team, this meant irresponsibility that did not correspond to their vision of the ideal employee. Mark listened and agreed. He then politely told the candidate that he was not quite a match for Vitsoe.

If it is not obvious that this is a “yes”, then it is obvious that this is a “no”.

Option 3: fortune telling “Choose a path” on gypsy cards

When you need to decide which life path to take next, you have a difficult choice that you need to make on your own. Free online fortune-telling “Choosing a path” will greatly facilitate decision-making by shedding light on the circumstances and possible developments of events. This layout can be carried out on different decks, in this case we will do it on gypsy cards.

Online schedule

Focus on your situation, assign each path its own number - and feel free to draw 7 cards from the deck of gypsy cards .

Limit yourself in time

Set a timer for 15 minutes. This is the time to actively think about what to do. Consider all the advantages and disadvantages, listen to your inner desire. When the signal sounds, immediately choose the option that is closest to you at that moment.

This is an ideal method if there is not enough information or time for analysis. It suits indecisive, constantly doubting people. You can use another practice in 15 minutes.

This is the same approach I use when I need to do something that I'm afraid or don't want to do. For example, call a customer. I set the timer for 20 seconds. During this time, I gather my thoughts, take a breath and exhale, and open the phone book. As soon as the signal sounds, I press the call button.

Creating a Dropdown List

Path: Data menu - Data Validation tool - Options tab. Data type – “List”.

You can enter the values ​​from which the drop-down list will be composed in different ways:

  1. Manually through the “semicolon” ​​in the “Source” field.
  2. Enter values ​​in advance. And specify the range of cells with the list as the source.
  3. Assign a name for the range of values ​​and enter this name in the source field.

Any of the options will give the same result.

Body and health

Here we will move a little away from the generally accepted needs, such as water, food and sleep - they are obvious. The body is designed to move, so think about what it needs for harmonious development: active rest, heavy sports, yoga, just walking, breathing practices, going dancing... Health is a necessary state of a person for productive life. If your job, current or desired, may threaten your health, end your choice at this point.

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They may simply get fired and other consequences of unprofessionalism in the workplace

Selectable Games: The Walking Dead: The Game

  • Release date: 2012.
  • Genre: quest.
  • Developer: Telltale Game.
  • Minimum system requirements: Windows XP (SP3); Pentium 4 2 GHz processor; 3 GB RAM; NVIDIA / ATI 512 MB video card; 2 GB of free disk space.

The game consists of five episodes, which were released one to two months apart until 2013, as well as an additional episode.

Unlike most zombie games, the player's task is not to destroy the maximum number of opponents, but to save the character Lee Everett and his eight-year-old daughter Clementine.

Episodes of The Walking Dead: The Game are divided into chapters that feature multiple choice games, timed action games, and character selection games. The player is given the opportunity to choose which of the minor characters will die, as well as the opportunity to replay the episode, making a different choice.

To infinity and beyond

This practice is widely used by psychologists when solving various client requests. It consists in the fact that a person imagines himself as the creator of the world - not the universe, but his own. He's the director, and the blank slate is the script. On this paper, a person must write in detail his future life starting from this moment. Of course, you must imagine and describe your dream life, the most ideal and daring option.

What does this exercise do? You look at two job options and the life of your dreams and can soberly assess the situation. Consider first a highly paid job and answer the question: can I be happy under such conditions? Will my wishes come true? If the answer is yes, ask the second question. In approximately how many years will I be able to get what I want? Do the same with your dream job.

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Story games on PC: Tyranny

  • Release date: 2021.
  • Genre: role-playing game.
  • Developer: Obsidian Entertainment.
  • Minimum system requirements: Windows 7 (64-bit); processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q9505 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 840 3.1 GHz; 6 GB of RAM; Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 / ATI Radeon HD 5770; 15 GB of free disk space.

Obsidian Entertainment produces story-based games for PCs running Linux and Windows. Tyranny is a game in which events take place in a world that is at the junction of the Bronze and Iron Ages.

After the clash between good and evil, the latter has won, and the dark lord Kairos rules the world. The hero of the game is the Arbiter of Fates - a servant of the ruler, performing the functions of judge and executioner.

When starting the game, the gamer gets the opportunity to:

  1. Choose the state of the world, deciding how easy or difficult it was for Kairos to win.
  2. Determine the role that the Master of Fates played in the victory of his master.
  3. Independently determine a set of character strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Select companions to complete missions and form alliances with various groups.

It is also possible to change the difficulty level during the game.

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