Professions for melancholic people: a list of suitable options for women and men

Sample We have already talked about how closely temperament and choice of profession are related to each other. Now let's move on to specific temperament types.

So, the melancholic becomes the hero of today.

A melancholic person is an easily vulnerable person, prone to deeply experiencing even minor troubles, who outwardly reacts sluggishly to what is happening around him.

To understand the influence of this type of temperament on the choice of profession, let's take a closer look at what qualities are characteristic of melancholic people.

Who are melancholic people?

Temperament is what a person is born with and goes through all the obstacles assigned to him throughout his entire journey. It is temperament that determines a person’s attitude towards loved ones, work, study and life in general. The melancholic type of temperament is characterized by calmness, silence and isolation. People with this character have a sharp mind, carefully analyze the situation, weigh the pros and cons. They are often drawn to art: music, literature, philosophy, etc.

Melancholic people themselves are very sensitive natures, easily wounded, so they should not be overloaded with work. They do not tolerate fuss and noise.

General concept of the term

In psychology, “melancholic” is one of the four types of temperament, according to the Hippocratic classification .

These are people who have a heightened intuitive perception of themselves and the world around them.

It is believed that melancholic people are much more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders and mood problems more often than others.

Melancholy - what does it mean? Melancholy is a term that, until the beginning of the 20th century, designated a mental disorder. Nowadays this is outdated and melancholy is understood as a dull, sad mood.

Melancholic is dull, thoughtful, sad.

Advantages and disadvantages of melancholic people

Melancholic people are very humane towards others. Their strengths include such qualities as empathy, loyalty and responsibility. They are ready to help in any situation and support a friend in case of failure. These are the most faithful friends who will not turn away from their loved ones under any circumstances. Melancholic people are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of fulfilling the promise they made; they are very responsible in every deed and word.

What is characteristic of melancholic people

Among the weaknesses of this temperament is low stress resistance. Melancholic people take everything too personally. Any stress or anxiety can cause headaches, worries, insomnia, and a nervous breakdown. Moreover, melancholic people are often subject to depression, from which it is difficult to get out.

Melancholic people can be too demanding. After analyzing the situation, they may set the bar too high, which is almost impossible to achieve. Such requirements can lead to imbalance: quarrels and troubles in the team.

What jobs and professions are suitable?

The performance and effectiveness of a melancholic person depends on his mood. He needs emotional support and approval from others.

He reacts sharply to criticism, subsequently replaying comments in his head for a long period of time and coming up with excuses for them.

In a team, they stay apart , try not to interfere in anything, and do not tolerate conflict situations well, even if they do not directly concern them.

Creative work is best suited for melancholic people where they do not need to communicate a lot and take initiative. But at the same time, it is desirable that its activities are not subject to a large number of changes.

It is rare to find bosses or managers with a melancholic type of temperament.

An excellent choice for a melancholic person would be such professions as an artist, writer, film critic, as well as an architect, accountant or programmer.

Quite often such people realize themselves in science, becoming scientists and researchers.

How to get rid of seasonal depression? Find out about this from our article.

Melancholic and choice of profession:

Melancholic and study

If the melancholic person is not attacked by laziness, then he is an excellent student who studies diligently, pays attention to the material and tries to “absorb everything like a sponge.” Of course, some subjects may be difficult to perceive, and because of his isolation, it is difficult for him to overcome himself and ask for help. But if, nevertheless, the teacher sees the misunderstanding in his eyes and lends a helping hand, then the melancholic person will appreciate it.

Melancholic people are leisurely and try to carefully work out every little detail. Preparing for a test or session for melancholic people can be difficult and time-consuming. They do not tolerate sudden changes and force majeure; they need time to adapt and prepare well (especially in complex subjects). It is possible that they will need the help of a tutor or tutor.

Psychological portrait: description

Speaking about melancholic people, it is necessary to note such qualities as thoughtfulness and isolation. Such a person is often immersed in his experiences and does not notice anything around him. He doesn't really like speaking in public and noisy companies. And in general, it’s difficult to call him sociable.

One of the main signs of a melancholic person is pessimism. He often begins to worry about a problem even before it appears. He is easily hurt, hurt or offended.

This is a person who loves to create, think, and plan. Melancholic people are comfortable with repetitive monotonous actions , especially if this is necessary to achieve the task.

What is the meaning of the word "melancholic"? Find out about it in the video:

What business qualities does a melancholic person have?

  • Constancy

Melancholic people do not tolerate change. They stick to stability. Even small changes can plunge them into shock and depression. It is very difficult for them to adapt. Such people try to get a job once and for the rest of their lives (to the maximum).

Business qualities of melancholic people

  • Performance

If a melancholic person loves his job, he likes what he does, put undue pressure on him, do not rush him, then he will be able to complete one job for half the staff.

  • Responsibility

Melancholic people always worry about work, so they can be entrusted with the most difficult and important task. They will never let you down. It is important to note that people with this temperament objectively assess their strengths and capabilities, so they may refuse work that is too difficult and beyond their capabilities.

  • Independence

This is one of the twofold traits of melancholic people. On the one hand, they are ready to carry out the assignment themselves, without bothering their colleagues. At the same time, when faced with difficulties and not knowing how to overcome them, they will struggle on their own and will not ask others for advice.

  • Passivity

Melancholic people go with the flow. They will not resist the onslaught or rebel. This is perhaps their weakest feature. After all, everything bad happens because of tacit consent.

  • Low stress resistance

Melancholic people are closed by nature. They do not like crowds, noise, uproar, or swearing. Any questions and changes have a negative impact on their psycho-emotional background: they cause anxiety, depression, etc.

Person's character

A melancholic man is vulnerable and emotional.

He endures very painfully the difficulties that life throws at him.

Often experiences feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Looks at the world pessimistically .

Quite often he becomes disappointed in women and chooses loneliness. The fact is that not every girl is able to accept and get along with his sensitivity.

If he decides to get into a relationship for the opposite reason, then he is looking for a sophisticated woman who wants to delve into his inner world.

Melancholic women are prone to conflicts, which inevitably lead to sadness and prolonged reflection. They are very romantic, dreamy and creative.

Such a woman usually has many complexes and is not confident in herself. Moreover, this is based on excessive self-examination and unfounded self-criticism.

A melancholic woman can have fun. But, as a rule, this takes her a lot of energy and subsequently she needs to be alone to restore it.

A melancholic child is very inquisitive, he likes to study the world around him, delving into everything down to the smallest detail. But he communicates reluctantly with other children, even avoiding him.

At school, such a child often performs well, but he does not show initiative in class.

If he is bullied in the yard or at school, a melancholic child may become even more self-absorbed.

Tips for raising melancholic children:

Professions for a melancholic person

Melancholic people are assiduous, patient and hardworking. They are suitable for painstaking and monotonous work. Psychologists recommend that they choose any field related to analysis, calculations, data accounting, etc. The following specialties are most suitable for them: auditor, analyst, programmer, financier, editor, writer, critic, etc.

Melancholic people should avoid work that involves close interaction with people and a lot of communication. You should not apply to become teachers, doctors, social workers, etc.

How can a melancholic person live in the modern world?

What to do if you are melancholic? If you are melancholic, then do not despair. You can live with this and be a cheerful and sociable person. Try to follow the following rules:

  1. Let's take a break from communication, from other people. Take a break, watch a movie or read a book. Take a relaxing bath or take a walk in a quiet, deserted area. And don’t force yourself to communicate when you don’t feel like it.
  2. Try to stay positive. Start looking for the good things in everything. Yes, it won't be easy at first. But then you will learn to think more optimistically.
  3. Embrace your differences. It is difficult for you to communicate in a large company, but communicating face to face should be much less of a problem. Therefore, choose small companies in which you will feel comfortable and where you can express yourself.

These simple rules can greatly simplify the life of a melancholic person.

What to do when life is boring? You will find advice from psychologists on our website.

Strengths and weaknesses of a melancholic person, and how to communicate with him:

Compatibility with other temperament types

A melancholic person, the pros and cons of whose character were discussed in detail in the article, is compatible to varying degrees with other types of temperament.

With a choleric person

It is very difficult for a melancholic person to get along with an active and explosive choleric person. The choleric person is not tactful and, without choosing his words, loves to make fun of others, which is very painful for the melancholic person.

With a sanguine person

The best option for compatibility, since a sanguine person does not have the causticity and eccentricity of a choleric person, but at the same time he is also energetic, sociable and, most importantly, looks at life with optimism.

He, as it were, “pulls out” the melancholic person, periodically slows him down and does not allow him to fall into despondency and depression, while he knows how to do this delicately and does not go beyond boundaries.

With a phlegmatic person

At first glance, it seems that the slowness of both types should somehow contribute to their unity and mutual understanding, but apart from this common feature they have no more points of contact. In fact, a phlegmatic person is very different from a melancholic person and does not know how to demonstrate their emotions, much less understand what others feel.

This is a cold type of temperament, distinguished by its indifference and calmness. Not showing feelings on his part causes complete bewilderment and misunderstanding in a vulnerable melancholic person, who begins to blame himself for the current situation and look for the reasons for his partner’s detachment.

With a melancholic person

The most unfortunate combination, since 2 melancholic people will endlessly be offended by each other and find out which of them is more to blame. In addition, in this union there is no core that would pull them out of depression and pessimism and give them an incentive to live and move on. For this reason, in such couples, people, faced with various kinds of difficulties, often become dependent on any substances (drugs, alcohol) or join a religion or sect.

How to get rid of melancholy?

How to stop being melancholic? You can't just change your temperament. But if you work on yourself, try to reduce the influence of negative qualities and strengthen the positive ones, then you can live normally with a melancholic temperament.

First of all, pay attention to touchiness and irritability. Try to pay more attention to positive manifestations.

If you see yourself starting to get upset, stop and think: is it worth it? Maybe you've created a problem for yourself?

Try to moderate your perfectionism. In general, this is a good quality, but if you give it free rein, you can constantly worry about the slightest imperfection.

You should achieve a state of harmony and calm. Try meditation and yoga - they will help you with this.

Celebrate that you see only good in everything. Don't let yourself get hung up on something, drive away bad thoughts. Yes, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this. But by learning this you will greatly simplify your life.

In addition, you need to try to learn to accept people as they are . With all the advantages and disadvantages. This will make it easier for you to communicate with others.

How to deal with attacks of melancholy? What to do if you suddenly feel melancholy?

  1. Add bright colors. Change your surroundings, dress up, put a funny picture on your smartphone screensaver. Even if it’s gray and dull outside, you can brighten it up with bright colors.
  2. Keep yourself busy. Find something fun to do so you don’t think about bad things and keep repeating the same thoughts in your head. Do some spring cleaning, go to the gym, start studying Finnish or neurolinguistics (or any other science).
  3. Change your surroundings. Go to the park, nature or to the village to visit relatives. You can even go to another city for the weekend - you will get a lot of new impressions and forget about your melancholy.
  4. Take a walk . Get out of the house for a couple of hours and just walk around the city. Surely you will find something that will inspire you or even cheer you up.
  5. Understand the cause of melancholy. What upsets you? Why do you feel sad? But don’t overdo it: self-digging can drag you into its abyss.
  6. Ask for help . Close people or friends are always ready to pull you out of a melancholic state.
  7. Contact a specialist. If you understand that you cannot cope with your melancholic state, then go to a psychologist.
    He will help you identify the cause and choose a therapy program that will help you.
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