100 questions that will push you to think about your own life. Is that what you are doing? Is this where you are going?

What questions make you think about your own life? If you need some inspiration, here are 100 questions to get you thinking. Ask yourself these questions today and give honest answers.

The importance of these questions is that you think deeply about your answers and their impact on your life. Conduct an internal dialogue with yourself and draw good conclusions. Challenging questions will help you become more self-reflective so that you can improve in many areas. Of course, there are things in your life that you are not happy with. Remember that you can always change everything for the better.

It's best to write down your answers so you can look at them later and analyze them. These questions and your answers will help you look at your life from different perspectives and improve it.


Take some time to answer these questions, and the thoughts that may arise in your head can be considered invaluable and can lead you to action.

We're starting the countdown.

Philosophical Questions to Consider

  1. Do difficulties make a person stronger? If so, under what conditions and at what point are they too hard to bear? If not, then what makes a person stronger? (In continuation of this question, we suggest reading an article about what you can do during quarantine to avoid going crazy?)
  2. Does fate exist? If so, then why do they say that we have free will and the right to choose if fate involves predestination?
  3. Does a person's name affect the person they become?
  4. What should be the goal of humanity?
  5. Where did man get the concept of self-esteem if he descended from a monkey?
  6. What is the probability that humans will survive another 1000 years without destroying themselves?
  7. Is it possible to change human nature? Does it need to be changed?
  8. Why do we judge ourselves by our intentions, but judge others by their actions?
  9. What two questions would you ask to get more information about what a person is? (We recommend learning 135 amazing facts about the human body).
  10. Should good deeds have a motive or not?
  11. Why do we strive for perfection if it is unattainable?
  12. What is the biggest waste of human potential?
  13. Is it better for a person to be knowledgeable and well-read or wise? (We are confident that the wise thoughts and quotes of great people collected by us will bring you inspiration for every day)
  14. What is more useful - reason or wisdom?
  15. Let's say the child somehow survived and grew up with animals on a desert island. Then how “human” would he be without the influence of society and culture?
  16. Will religion, as an institution, ever become obsolete, cease to exist, or will it exist forever?
  17. Is suffering a necessary part of the human condition of soul? What would people be like if they never suffered?
  18. How does mastery benefit art? Does art harm society?
  19. Why do we dream?
  20. Where is the line between art, vandalism and craft?

Thinking Provoking Questions 01-25

  1. Are your goals and dreams written down?
  2. Are you satisfied with your job?
  3. Do you take your work home?
  4. Are you concerned about your health and fitness?
  5. If you could spend 10 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
  6. If you had one year to live, what would you achieve in the next 12 months?
  7. What did you do today to improve someone's life?
  8. Can you say NO even if it makes you unpopular?
  9. How much time do you spend on the Internet and social networks?
  10. If you could get your wish, what would it be?
  11. What is the source of your procrastination and procrastination?
  12. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
  13. How do you react when you meet a homeless person?
  14. Do you keep your word and fulfill your obligations?
  15. If your whole life was a movie, what title would be best?
  16. Will you break the law to save your loved one?
  17. Do you have your own personal mission?
  18. How do you spend most of your free time? Why is that?
  19. How often do you keep in touch with family and friends?
  20. If you could start your life over again, what would you do differently?
  21. What did you want to become when you were a child? Have you been able to achieve these dreams? If not, why not?
  22. What's your favorite quote?
  23. What do you spend the most money on?
  24. What step can you take today to fulfill your deepest desire?
  25. What did life teach you yesterday?

Philosophical questions about life

  1. Is there meaning in life? If so, what is it?
  2. Is the meaning of life the same for animals and humans?
  3. What does it mean to live a good life?
  4. Is it possible to live a normal life and never lie?
  5. What actions in our lives will have the most lasting consequences? How long will they last?
  6. How will humanity change if the life expectancy of all people increases, say, to 500 years?
  7. Where do you find meaning in your life? (You can make sense of your life by asking yourself questions that help you understand yourself.)
  8. What should every person experience at least once in life to understand its meaning?
  9. Some people believe that if life has no purpose, then there is no reason to live. But others think that if life has no purpose, then it frees one from the need to seek/create and follow one's personal goals. Which point of view is more correct or are they equally correct?
  10. Is the ability to play and have fun important for a healthy and fulfilling life?

  11. What do you think is the best place to look for meaning in life? In work, family, hobbies, religion, philosophy, helping others, self-knowledge or miracles?
  12. Is life worthy and worthwhile if its focus is on seeking pleasure and avoiding pain? Why yes or no?
  13. What makes you feel like you are living life to the fullest?
  14. Can life be meaningful and real without friends?
  15. What is the meaning of a good life?
  16. Is there an ideal life? What is she like?
  17. Is there a root cause in human life or not?
  18. Is death a new beginning of life or its end?
  19. If there is life after death, then why does no one want to die?
  20. What is the best way to manage your life so that you don’t live it in vain?

What should you ask the guy you like to avoid idle chatter? You will find out about this by reading the list of questions for it.

Thought provoking questions 26-50

  • If you could eliminate one thing from your life today, what would it be?
  • If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
  • What have you lost in your life?
  • When you call someone and they see your name on the screen, what thoughts and feelings do you want to evoke in that person?
  • Do you use meditation?
  • How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
  • How do you deal with failure?
  • How many people do you really love? What are you doing for them?
  • If you die today, who will come to your funeral? What will people say about you after your death?
  • If you recently achieved a big or small goal, did you celebrate this success?
  • When was the last time you had an exciting idea that kept you up at night? Will you implement this idea today? Have you completed this yet?
  • Would your life be better or worse if you knew the time and place where you would die?
  • You stand at the gates of heaven and God asks, “Why should I let you in?” What is your answer?
  • What is your biggest disappointment today?
  • What is your greatest strength?
  • What is your biggest weakness?
  • What bad habits do you want to get rid of?
  • Do you consider yourself worthy of love and admiration?
  • Do you trust your instincts?
  • Whose life have you had the greatest impact on?
  • Are you open to everyday experiences that are outside your comfort zone?
  • When was the last time you tried something new?
  • What books influence you the most?
  • What should your life look like in 5 years? Do you have a plan to get there?
  • What is your “why”?
  • Eternal or fundamental philosophical questions

    1. Is a person's personality shaped by nature or nurture?
    2. What is freedom? Is real freedom possible?
    3. Can we know what happiness is without suffering?
    4. What happens to a person after his death?
    5. Is it possible to understand good without evil?
    6. What is truth and reality?
    7. Do animals have souls? How do human souls differ from animal souls?
    8. What is the meaning and purpose of life?
    9. What is love?
    10. Are there such things as free will and the right to choose?
    11. God exists? How do you know that God exists? (We recommend reading quotes about God with meaning and faith in him).

    12. How did life begin?
    13. What is happiness?
    14. Are we alone in the Universe?
    15. What makes us human?
    16. Can we live forever?
    17. Is time travel possible?
    18. What is the difference between justice and revenge?
    19. How to determine what is evil and what is not?
    20. Is poverty inevitable in society?

    Find out what questions you can and should ask a girl in order to show yourself as an interesting person.

    Complex philosophical questions on various topics

    1. Do guns protect people or destroy them?
    2. Will racism end?
    3. Why is beauty related to morality?
    4. Is there a power greater than God?
    5. Why do we respect the dead more than the living?
    6. Will the world be a better place if nationalism and religion cease to exist?
    7. Is war the only way to achieve peace?
    8. Is true beauty an objective or subjective concept?
    9. How much freedom should people have?
    10. What is the meaning of rich and poor in today's world?
    11. Without knowledge of philosophy, can you find a good job? (Read cool statuses about working with meaning)
    12. Is there progress in philosophy?
    13. Should we be afraid of death?
    14. Can wars be just?
    15. Is abortion acceptable or not?
    16. Can there be morality without God?
    17. Does time have a beginning or an end?
    18. Is torture justified?
    19. Is it always good to have a choice?
    20. What is more important, justice or mercy?

    Interesting questions in philosophy

    1. Will it ever be possible to travel through time?
    2. What are dreams and why do we have them?
    3. How important is family in the modern world?
    4. Can a person be considered “educated” without formal education?
    5. Is it better to play a good game and lose, or to cheat and play a “bad” game and win?
    6. People say money can't buy happiness, but can you be truly happy without money? (To answer this question for yourself, read the great quotes of the famous Steve Jobs and his view on money and wealth).
    7. How do we know that electrons and black holes exist if we can't see them?
    8. Can animals “think” or “reason”?
    9. What rights do animals have?
    10. Why can't every person be a genius?

    11. Should governments punish those who lead unhealthy lifestyles?
    12. Will this world be better or worse without teachers and formal education?
    13. Why do we throw away food when we know people are dying of hunger?
    14. If we live in a civilized world, then why are there so many differences between rich and poor?
    15. Does man control technology or does technology control us?
    16. Is there such a thing as a good death?
    17. Reason or wisdom, which is more important for a better world?
    18. Are beliefs and superstitions the same?
    19. Why do we do what we don't like?
    20. Do atheists have their own gods?

    We recommend reading 145 interesting questions for guys to diversify your communication.

    Philosophical questions about love, relationships and happiness

    1. What is more important, to be respected or loved?
    2. Is it easier to love or to be loved?
    3. Why is happiness considered momentary, and suffering - eternal?
    4. Do numbers in a bank account make people happy?
    5. Can spirituality make you a happy person?
    6. Is love just a physical desire or something more?
    7. What is the best way to achieve happiness?
    8. Why is there nothing stronger than a mother's love?
    9. What is the meaning of true happiness and love?
    10. Why do we need love so much?
    11. Can best friends make good husband and wife?
    12. How is love different from passion or sexual desire?
    13. Have people become less happy in this age of technology or not?
    14. Are very smart people (prodigies) less or more happy than people with average intelligence?
    15. Is beauty related to love or not? What connection exists between them?

    Read more questions about relationships, love and family.

    10 funny philosophical questions

    1. When you go to a movie theater and the seats have armrests, which one is yours and which one is your neighbor's?
    2. Can vegetables feel pain when you bite into them?
    3. Why do women open their mouths when applying mascara?
    4. How many times should a person use a disposable razor?
    5. Why do we call coffee without cream and sugar “black” when it is actually dark brown? (We advise you to learn the facts about coffee and its benefits for the human body).

    6. If wool shrinks when wet, why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
    7. Why do we consider chubby children healthy and curvy women fat?
    8. At what age does a person become “elderly”?
    9. Why does a dog hate being hit in the face but loves to stick his head out of the car window?
    10. What color hair should appear on a bald man's driver's license?

    We're sure you'll love these 100 funny questions for girls that will lift your spirits.

    10 philosophical questions

    1. Does studying philosophy provide answers or generate more questions?
    2. What is more important: helping yourself, your family, society or the world?
    3. What is the most important goal of humanity?
    4. Is knowledge valuable without practical use?
    5. Does the Universe obey logical laws or only physical and mathematical ones?
    6. Can man comprehend the true depths of reality and existence?
    7. What is the best path to find the truth: science, mathematics, art, philosophy, or something else?
    8. Is mathematics something that people have created or something that they have discovered?
    9. If we learn and improve from our mistakes, why are we so afraid of making mistakes?
    10. How is it possible that the whole world is in debt?
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