Test “What is my character” - who are you: a leader, a crybaby, an angry person, a good-natured person?

Sometimes it can be difficult for a person to communicate with others...

“We got it!” - you think, ignoring the thought that it might not be about them at all. How well do you know yourself? Can you provide yourself with help and support when you need it?

If you find it difficult to answer, take the “What is my character” test. He will tell you who you really are! The test will allow you to see yourself from the outside!

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Answer 15 questions of the “What is my character” test and find out who you really are...

Are you able to provide free assistance?

When you're out with friends, are you the center of attention?

Are your fears justified?

How quiet a person are you?

Can you laugh heartily?

Are you able to provide moral support to a person?

Are you in high spirits most often?

How open are you when talking to a close friend?

Do you get along with other people easily?

What books do you prefer to read?

Do you consider yourself touchy?

What would you rather do on a rainy evening?

Do you have any fears?

Do you often have days when you are in a bad, depressed mood?

Do you consider yourself to be right, regardless of the situation?

test what is my character

Good guy! All actions are aimed at doing good to the people around us. Moreover, sometimes it comes to your own detriment. Of course, there are more than enough friends and acquaintances. But maybe it’s time to stop helping everyone around, and finally pay attention to yourself?!

Lirde! You know what you want in this life. Moreover, this knowledge appeared in early childhood. You can easily organize a large number of people, give everyone a task and make sure that things move towards a common goal. Looks like you have a great future ahead of you!

Crybaby! You are an overly sensitive person. You can be touched by a beautiful sunset, the sound of raindrops on the glass, and many things that others won’t even pay attention to. This is, of course, wonderful. But you also react to negativity in the same way. Let's say, as a result of criticism, you will be ready to destroy the fruit of your (possibly many years) labor in order to please others. Stop shifting responsibility to others! It's time to grow up after all!

Vicious! You are a selfish person. All your actions are subordinated to one single goal: the main thing is that I feel good. This is, to some extent, correct. But do not forget that you are not the only inhabitant of this planet. Others also have their own feelings.

How to develop your character?

There is a lack of confidence, haunted by doubts, and perhaps a lack of determination and determination. And this is a serious problem.

If a person does not like his character, he is not allowed to live in peace due to his certain qualities, then what kind of happiness and harmony can we talk about?

I would like to begin by identifying the root of this problem. People do not know how to get rid of unnecessary character traits or develop useful qualities in themselves. Therefore, with this article I will try to answer the eternal question: how can you change your character? I will describe only those methods of character education that I have successfully tested on myself and that really work.

So, let's begin.

Suppose you are not satisfied with some of your qualities (uncertainty, doubts, indecisiveness, resentment, fears, greed, etc.). What can you do about it? How can you easily and painlessly get rid of them and replace them with more pleasant and useful qualities?

Start with questions Photo: pixabay.com

1. Ask yourself questions:

  • Why do you need these character traits?
  • What protective function do they perform?
  • How do you use them to protect yourself from the outside world?

Everything you have in your life you created with your own hands. If something negative and unpleasant happens in your life, you created it yourself and are receiving some benefit from this situation.

For example, where does indecisiveness and lack of determination come from? Everything is very simple. You are afraid of success, you are afraid of being first, you do not want to stand out among the crowd. Therefore, your body develops qualities in you that protect you from success and prosperity. And at this time you calmly continue to be in a shell that is comfortable for you. Decide to become the best - and your indecisiveness will gradually disappear.

2. Analyze whether you really have qualities that prevent you from living. It is possible that this is just a reflection of someone else’s opinion (parents, friends, acquaintances).

For example, since childhood, my parents have been telling me that my hands don’t grow from there. And until a certain time I believed in this and believed that this was how it really was. And only very recently, in the process of self-analysis, I thought about this question and realized that my hands are actually growing from exactly where they need to be. I can fix anything, make it, and I can grasp the operating principle of any mechanism on the fly. That is, it turns out that my ineptitude was a figment of my parents’ imagination, and I unconsciously believed in this idea.

Therefore, decide for yourself whether you really have a problem with a certain character trait, or whether this problem exists in your imagination.

Photo: Depositphotos

3. Formulate in a short and positive form what qualities you want to acquire for yourself. For example: “I want to be decisive. I want to be purposeful. I’m already determined and purposeful.” It’s better to say your phrases in two formats - “I want” and “I already have”, then the effectiveness of this exercise will be much greater.

4. Now try to remember a person you know, a character from films, cartoons, or a historical figure who, in your opinion, has the qualities you need. For example, for me this role is played by Leonardo Da Vinci and Jesus Christ. Leonardo personifies intelligence, intelligence, talent, and resourcefulness. Jesus - love, compassion, kindness. So find your characters and try to feel like you are them. Imagine what you would do in their place. Ask them to share with you the qualities you need.

5. Imagine that you already have all the qualities you need. That you behave and act the way you want. Try to see yourself as clearly as possible. You can do this exercise in the morning and evening with your eyes closed while you are lying in bed. Imagine a picture of yourself and try to keep this image in your thoughts for several minutes.

6. Now let's move on to the most important and most difficult exercise . Your character traits are absolutely no different from your habits. What is indecision if you break it down into its components? It is the habit of hesitating when it comes to making a decision. That is, for many years, every time you needed to make a decision, you hesitated, doubted and delegated the decision to others.

How do we fight a habit that we don’t need? That's right, we just replace it with another one that is more pleasant for us. If you go to bed late, don't get enough sleep and consider it a bad habit, then you just need to start going to bed earlier. Of course, you may feel uncomfortable for a few days, won’t be able to fall asleep right away, and will toss and turn in bed for a long time. But some time will pass, and the habit of falling asleep early will become familiar and normal to you.

Reading the article is not enough, take action Photo: Depositphotos

Therefore, if you want to get rid of indecision, you need to constantly observe yourself for some time and, at the slightest hint of doubt and hesitation, pull yourself together and make a quick decision. Even if for some time you make not entirely correct decisions. But over time, this will definitely pass, a feeling of confidence and calm will instill in you, and you will laugh kindly at situations from your past when you did not dare to take responsibility into your own hands.

And in conclusion, I want to say that simply reading this article will not help you get rid of qualities you don’t need or, conversely, acquire useful ones. If you want to change certain traits of your character, but after reading this material you thought: “Yes, interesting. It probably really works. You’ll have to try it sometime,” this means that you are not yet ready for change and at this stage of your life it is more convenient for you to be the way you are.

And if you are already ready for changes, then you will probably start working on yourself from today. Just a few weeks will pass, and you will notice wonderful changes in yourself, take a deep breath and say: “It turns out that it’s so easy to shape your character!”

Good luck to you and successful work on yourself!

Tags: self-analysis, confidence, character, character education, self-improvement, character qualities, useful qualities

What does character consist of?

Character is a set of several elements

For many, character is some kind of abstract concept. Let's figure out what it consists of! 

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Character Traits You Need to Get Rid of

Psychologists identify 3 character traits that prevent a person from achieving the benefits of life. Accordingly, if these traits “guide” behavior, then it will be very difficult to change something within yourself.

Before you change your character, you need to get rid of the following traits forever:

  • Laziness. It is difficult for a lazy person to develop discipline. That is, he will try to put off all important things “for tomorrow,” since he is too lazy to do them today.
  • Low self-esteem. Anyone who does not love himself is unable to improve his life. It is very important to learn not just to like yourself, but to love yourself. Self-love develops self-confidence, and a self-confident person is able to cope with the most negative traits in order to become better and more ideal.
  • Passivity and negative thinking. This point is inextricably linked with the previous one. It is impossible for such phrases to exist in your soul: “I can’t do this,” “I can’t do it,” “I can’t do better than others.” It is important to learn to always say: “Yes.”

If you saw the heart first, your best qualities are kindness and a loving nature.

Finding love is your main goal in life.
Your natural kindness ensures that you will never favor anyone for long. You want all people to be happy, and you lead the way by developing effective treatments. People come to you because you are compassionate, forgiving and always ready to love, because you are incredibly empathic. Advice: many of the wounded flock to you, but more often than not, you suffer alone. You spend so much time caring for them that you don’t even take a minute for yourself. Take time to do what makes you happy, otherwise you will soon have very few resources to help those who truly need you.

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If you saw the lion first, your best qualities are courage and determination.

Like the lion you see, courage and determination are your defining traits.
You have a lot of confidence, but you are also honest with yourself. You are not blind to your shortcomings, but you accept them just as you accept your good qualities. Advice: Many people think that you are unavailable because you only allow those you consider worthy to enter your circle. It's important to draw the line. But don't let yourself get to the point where you find yourself alone.

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Superficial and deep personality traits

Superficial properties are something that is not characteristic of a person as a whole, but sometimes manifests itself in particular cases. For example, a generally cowardly person can act bravely and stand up for a girl on the street. This episode will not make him brave, he will remain cowardly, but it will show that “he can, if he wants.” It is important to understand that in a similar situation in the future the property may not appear. Knowing the superficial characteristics of an employee’s personality helps to understand in what cases he can act in a capacity that is unusual for himself. In the case of an opponent, this helps to weigh the risks more competently.

Deep qualities are innate, like temperament, and often serve as a direct consequence of it. For example, a melancholic person has a stable set of deep properties: he is a pessimist and a loner. A sanguine person, on the contrary, looks to the future with hope and usually loves people. Choleric is rash and explosive. The phlegmatic person is unperturbed.

Deep properties differ from primary character traits in that they are fundamental, they cannot be changed, they were not formed under the influence of circumstances. The ability to correctly identify them will allow a competent negotiator to tune in to the same wavelength as his interlocutor. This happens in the same way as adjusting to the speed of another person’s gait, since temperament is speed. In the stream of people, some run at full speed, not noticing those around them, others walk at a calm pace, others look intently at their feet, and others stare around. If you have different speed characteristics with your interlocutor, someone will have to adjust their gait.

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