10 ways to determine your character: fun character tests

We roughly know what kind of character we have. However, it often surprises even ourselves, so it is better to look deeper into the soul to know what to expect from yourself. Each of the 10 character tests presented is a unique opportunity to learn something new about yourself. And this will help you become better, change yourself.

Description of character by the manner of your speech

Learn something new about yourself, or confirm explicit information about your character traits. Take an interesting character test, which in the vast majority of cases is quite true. Based on the words you use most often, we'll tell you some facts about your personality traits.

We are sure that you really enjoyed taking such interesting tests. They allowed you to look at your character from different angles. Perhaps you will reflect on the results obtained, and now you know how to make yourself even better.


Test for 16 personality types

Thinker - Analyzes problems deeply

You always try to find a logical explanation for what interests you. You love abstract and theoretical things. You are more interested in recognition than in social interaction with people. You are calm, reserved, flexible and tolerant. You have an extraordinary ability for deep research. You are quite skeptical, so you always analyze problems. Sometimes you can be too harsh and ruthless.

INTP famous person: Albert Einstein, physicist

Prophet - Turning Ideas into People's Desires

You are active, intelligent, vigilant, straightforward and know how to motivate other people. You can mobilize all your resources to solve new complex problems. You know how to find strengths and opportunities within yourself and analyze them using strategic thinking. You have a strong ability to analyze people's behavior. You are not satisfied with ordinary life. You rarely do the same thing. You are interested in a variety of things.

ENTP famous person: Socrates, philosopher.

Performer - Everything is under control

You are honest and decisive, and you have innate leadership qualities. You may quickly notice illogical and ineffective methods and procedures. You can constantly add and develop new systems to solve organizational problems. You like to make a long-term plan for yourself and stick to it. You are well informed and have a broad outlook. You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others.

INTJ famous person: Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor

Expert - Unique and committed to excellence

You have a lot of creative thoughts. You always try to bring your ideas to life, tirelessly achieving your goals. You can understand the connotative model of the outside world and think in the long term. Once you make a commitment, you make a plan and execute it. You are very independent and skeptical. You always have a high standard, whether it's for yourself or for other people.

INTJ famous person: Isaac Newton, physicist.

Protagonist - Maximizing everyone's potential

You are responsible, caring and compassionate. You may be acutely aware of other people's emotions, needs, and motivations. You can find potential in other people and want to help them realize it. You always contribute to the development and growth of the team. You are very sensitive to praise and criticism. You are loyal to everyone, have good social skills and work well with other people. You are an inspiring leader who can motivate others well.

ENFJ famous person: Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights activist.

Lawyer - A Flash of Light in Pitch Darkness

You always want to find deep meaning in your thoughts, relationships with others and in your material life. You try to understand other people's motives and have a clear understanding of people. You are very meticulous in your affairs and true to your values. Your vision is to provide the best service to all people. By achieving this goal, you can remain courageous, determined and organized.

INFJ famous person: Plato, philosopher.

Advisor - Anything is possible

Life is full of possibilities for you. You can quickly find connections between all types of information and confidently work in accordance with the patterns you find. You seek approval from other people and also take other people's praise and support quite seriously. You are very laid-back and flexible. You are gifted with rare eloquence and the ability to improvise.

ENFP famous person: Tom Hanks, American actor

Philosopher - Life in your own ideal world

You are an idealist. You are true to your values ​​and the people who matter to you. You hope that you can live in a world that closely matches your values. You are very open to new things. You can always find opportunities to motivate yourself and others to bring any idea to life. You try to understand other people and help them reach their potential. When your values ​​are not threatened, you are flexible and understand other people well.

INFP famous person: JK Rowling - author of the Harry Potter series

Man of Action - Unlimited energy to solve problems

You are quite laid-back and open. You enjoy solving practical problems and your solutions have immediate results. You are bored with theory and concepts. The current moment with a natural flow is important to you. You enjoy every minute when you are with other people. You also enjoy the pleasure and comfort provided by the material world. You enjoy learning by doing.

ESTP famous person: George W. Bush

Artisan - Observe calmly, act quickly

You are very patient and flexible. You usually observe calmly, but when there is a problem, you try to find a solution as quickly as possible. You are always analyzing how things could be more efficient and solving practical problems based on rich data. You are very interested in the causes and effects of things. You organize facts using objective logical principles. You place great importance on efficiency.

ISTP famous person: Steve Jobs, founder of Apple

Actor - Life is your stage

You are sociable, friendly and open. You love your life very much and enjoy the comforts of the material world. You enjoy creating new things with other people. You bring your own perception and practical attitude to your work, which means that your work is done with pleasure. You are very laid-back. You adapt quickly. When you collaborate with other people, you can very quickly learn from others' experiences and learn new things.

ESFP famous person: Leonardo DiCaprio, actor

Artist - Show off your achievements so that everyone can see the richness of your inner world

You are calm, friendly, sensitive and gentle. You live in the moment and enjoy everything that happens around you. You enjoy personal space where you can do things on your own schedule and at your own pace. You are true to your heart and loyal to the people who matter to you. You don't like conflicts and contradictions. You do not impose your thoughts and values ​​on other people

ISFP famous person: Lady Gaga, singer-songwriter

Administrator - Ensuring smooth and orderly work

You are very practical and realistic. You are also firm and determined. Once you make a decision, you will immediately take action. You know how to initiate projects and mobilize all resources and people to complete them. You hope that you can achieve your goals in the most effective way. You can handle everyday details well. You have your own clear and logical understanding of how it should be, and you will always insist on your own. You will always steadfastly adhere to your opinion.

ESTJ famous person: Emma Watson, actress

Logistician - Act in accordance with existing rules, scrupulously and carefully

You are calm and serious. People like you because you are honest and considerate. You are realistic, pragmatic and goal-oriented. You decide what you should do independently and rationally, and then you achieve your goals step by step, without distractions. You like to put things in order. Whether you are at work, at home or in your daily life, you will pay a lot of attention to traditions and rules.

ISTJ famous person: George Washington, US President and General

Caregiver - Enthusiastic about helping others

You are kind, meticulous and collaborative. You strive for a harmonious atmosphere and try to create such an environment around you. You enjoy completing tasks with other people. You are always loyal and consciously care about other people. You notice all the needs of other people in their daily lives and try your best to meet them. You hope that other people will appreciate everything you do for them.

ESFJ famous person: Anne Hathaway, actress

Guardian - Unlimited care for other people

You are calm, friendly, responsible and serious. You will always be able to consistently and reliably complete assigned tasks. When you deal with important things, you are strict, careful and careful. You are very loyal and attentive. You notice and remember all the details that are important to you. You care about other people's feelings with all your heart. In both life and work, you strive to create a peaceful and harmonious environment.

ISFJ famous person: Prince Charles, British royal, married to Camilla Parker Bowles, was married to Diana, son of Elizabeth II, father of William and Harry.


1. You had a day full of failures and disappointments. How will you spend the evening?

  • Need a break! I’ll call my friends and invite them somewhere, it’s more fun to experience sorrows together. (E)
  • I’ll be alone with myself: I’ll turn on my favorite TV series, cook some tasty treats, or come up with some other pleasant activity. (I)

2. You came to a psychologist. He asks the question: “Which of the two statements describes you more accurately?” Choose.

  • I prefer to live in the present: what is important to me is what happens here and now. I am distinguished by practicality and attention to detail. (S)
  • I often have my head in the clouds: I like to dream and make great plans for the future. Sometimes I get so lost in myself that I don’t notice anything around me. (N)

3. You have been offered to move to a metropolis. Now you are in thought. There are more opportunities in a large city, but where you live now, you have your loved ones and a cozy home. How will you make a difficult decision?

  • I’ll scour the Internet, consult with knowledgeable people, and calculate an approximate budget for moving. I will carefully weigh the pros and cons, then make a decision. (T)
  • I will do as my heart tells me. My intuition has never let me down. (F)

4. In a month you have a long-awaited vacation, hurray! How are you preparing for it?

  • Tickets have already been purchased, insurance has been arranged, and a plan for conquering the sights has been drawn up. I like to prepare for everything in advance. (J)
  • Spontaneity is my middle name. A couple of hours before the flight, I’ll throw everything I need into my suitcase and ask the locals about the sights. (P)

Short story

The background to the emergence of typology goes back to the works of Carl Jung, who, in his book “Psychological Types” published in 1921, suggested that there are four main psychological functions that help a person perceive the world. These are thinking, feeling, intuition and sensations. This work was much more fundamental than the ideas of the American Katherine Briggs, who was simply interested in the differences in the characters of different people. But, having become acquainted with Jung’s typology, she, supported by her daughter Isabel Briggs-Myers, began to study this issue in detail and even published a couple of scientific articles. She also identified four types, and was based, by her own admission, on the works of Jung. But later the theory was significantly expanded by her daughter, giving it a modern outline.

This happened during the Second World War. It was then that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI is actually a typology; the term “socionics” is also often used). This was not a “naked” theory - the researchers relied on original tests that they themselves compiled. The purpose of the research was the most noble: on the basis of testing, to determine individual personal preferences in work and to select for women who were supposed to replace men who had gone into the army in production, occupations where they could properly demonstrate their talents. Later, in the 50-60s, prominent scientists spoke positively about the typology, and new experiments were carried out to refine the methodology. But besides its followers, the MBTI also has a number of critics who point out that the Myers-Briggs typology almost duplicates the research of C. Jung in the theoretical part and does not always demonstrate its validity in practice.

SMIL test

This questionnaire will be useful to create your comprehensive psychological portrait. You will be able to find out your personality type, dominant character traits, communication style, risk appetite, level of self-esteem... And that's not all!

True, to get the coveted result, you will have to work hard: the full version of the test consists of 567 statements. You will have to choose whether you agree with them or not. But there is also a shortened version for express diagnostics consisting of 65 questions.

Take the full version of the test → Take the short version of the test →

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