Transformation of consciousness with Silva meditation methods

If you are interested in the topic of mind control, developing your mental and creative abilities, intuition and extrasensory perception, you will be interested in learning about the Silva Method. With its help, you can master the enormous capabilities of your own consciousness and manage your life, creating in it what you want. The promises are very tempting, and there are a large number of those who attribute their successes in life to this particular development. So today let's talk about the Silva Method (Silva Method) and what makes it unique.

The creation of José Silva is rarely discussed neutrally - either enthusiastically or skeptically. Some praise the method for its ingenious simplicity and effectiveness, while others argue with it, critically assessing its components from the perspective of science and provable facts. Some provisions of the Silva system really cannot be scientifically confirmed at the moment, such as, for example, the presence of psychic abilities or the ability to diagnose and even heal people at a distance. But we will not find fault with the scientific nature of the method (we will leave this to its critics), but will analyze it in order to extract something valuable for ourselves.

The method and its creator

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the method is the figure of its creator. Jose Silva was born in a small town in Texas in 1914. He was neither a scientist nor a psychologist and did not even have an education, having completed only three years of school (according to other sources, he never went to school and taught himself to read and write). Living in conditions of extreme poverty, little Jose began working from an early age, later becoming a radio mechanic and electrical appliance repairman.

Lack of education never became a barrier for Silva to learn and improve in what interested him. The inquisitive, self-taught explorer explored the possibilities of the mind and consciousness, becoming interested in psychology and hypnosis. In the 40s, he began to develop his own system, with which he wanted to help his children do better in school, increase their intelligence and develop superpowers. Continuing to improve the method, Silva began teaching it to acquaintances and friends, gradually scaling it up, in modern terms.

As a result, this technique grew into a whole system, which Silva presented to the general public in 1966. The fame and popularity of his method grew, and the founder himself attracted researchers and scientists to study the techniques and effects used, as well as search for evidence of its effectiveness. Initially, Silva's system was called Mind Control, and the final version at the time of the parapsychologist's death in 1999 was called The Silva UltraMind ESP System.

The method has gained immense popularity throughout the world and is still popular to this day. Silva's official website and organization offer a range of different training programs and products. According to their data, the miraculous technique has helped improve the lives of six million people in 110 countries.

Now let's get acquainted with what makes it so miraculous and what techniques are offered for controlling your own consciousness and reality.

Who is Jose Silva?

Jose Silva, a renowned American parapsychologist, developed training programs to help people increase their intelligence, improve their psychic skills, and develop special healing abilities. ESP is the ability to use the so-called "sixth sense" to perceive information without using the other five senses known to science - but Silva himself, however, called this "effective sensory perception."

Why is Silva's method interesting?

Fundamental to this approach to the development of personal potential is the use of meditative techniques and immersion in the level of the alpha rhythm of the brain. With it, the frequency of brain waves slows down to a range of 7-14 Hz. This happens when falling asleep, deep relaxation and meditation. The alpha rhythm is very different from the beta rhythm with its 15-21 Hz and higher. In the latter, we are in our normal waking state, when we concentrate our attention on something, engage cognitive functions and solve problems.

It is the transition to the alpha state that is the key to reducing and leveling resistance to change and reprogramming consciousness. Being in this relaxed meditative state allows you to use both hemispheres of the brain more effectively, opens the floodgates to intuition and inspiration, and erases limitations in the perception of time and space. Thus, large amounts of information and resources hidden in his consciousness and beyond become available to a person, and opportunities open up for him to perceive what was blocked by the conscious and rational mind.

Diving into the alpha level can also be called centering. Without it, there will be no special effect from the practices that we will introduce you to below.

Direction use

Theta Center of Natalia Lapshicheva (St. Petersburg), Center for Psychological Development "Alpha" (St. Petersburg), Training (Moscow), Center for Self-Development and Special Psychology "Alpha and Omega" (Volgograd), Center for Personality Development "Wings" (Omsk ), Center for Mental Development “Klyuch” (Khabarovsk), Center for Positive Thinking and Creative Psychology (Novosibirsk), Center for Personal Development of Natalia Zastavnyuk (Moscow), (Rostov-on-Don), (Rostov-on-Don), (Yaroslavl) , Alexey Poluboyarinov (Tolyatti), Gafurova Gyuzel Salavatovna (Ufa), Maria Smirnova (Caucasian Mineral Waters), Silva International (Novosibirsk), Svetlana Tagiltseva (Chelyabinsk), Development of intuition (Vladivostok), Guide to places of power (Kurgan), Natalia Georgievna (Rostov-on-Don), Tatyana Malis (Odessa).

More organizers 4

Coaches Anastasia Andreevna Petrova (St. Petersburg), Mikhail Alekseevich Golubev (St. Petersburg), Natalya Lapshicheva (St. Petersburg), Olesya Valerievna Klenina (Moscow), Mikhail Svitnev (Krasnodar), Natalia Bunda (Yaroslavl), Natalya Zastavnyuk (Moscow) ), Natalya Kosolapova (Novosibirsk), Natalya Nazarova (Rostov-on-Don), Natalya Rasin (Moscow), Oksana Kulbikayan (Rostov-on-Don), Ainur Rymbekovna Akhmetbekova (Almaty), Olga Kulikova (Samara), Marina Vladimirovna Leshchinskaya (Moscow), Ruslan Bzasezhev (Krasnodar), Svetlana Valerievna Lozko (Yaroslavl), Svetlana Tagiltseva (Crimea), Tatyana Vara (Omsk), Tatyana Sampetova (Moscow), Jose Silva


More trainers 27

Consultants Natalya Stushinskaya (St. Petersburg), Anastasia Andreevna Petrova (St. Petersburg), Mikhail Alekseevich Golubev (St. Petersburg), Tatyana Ermakova (Krasnoyarsk), Marina Bozhenova (Novosibirsk), Yulia Brineva (Krasnoyarsk), Yuliana Makarova (Moscow) , Tatyana Vara (Omsk), Svetlana Tagiltseva (Crimea), Svetlana Valerievna Lozko (Yaroslavl), Ruslan Bzasezhev (Krasnodar), Natalya Rasin (Moscow), Natalya Kosolapova (Novosibirsk), Natalia Bunda (Yaroslavl), Mikhail Svitnev (Krasnodar), Larisa Mikhailovna Tsurkan (Voronezh), Magol Dyuzhny (Moscow), Tatyana Mishchenko (Kiev), Irina Chumakova (Ulyanovsk), Irina Konstantinovna Naumova (Moscow).

More consultants 11

Relaxation technique

One way you can achieve a relaxed, meditative state is with 3-2-1 or countdown. In its simplest form, the technique looks like this:

  1. Take a comfortable position, even out your breathing, close your eyes.
  2. Relax your body and continue to breathe deeply.
  3. As you relax, imagine the numbers 3 to 1 or 10 to 1 in front of you, saying each number three times to yourself. Accompany each number with relaxing affirmations for maximum effect, for example, “I am becoming more and more relaxed.”
  4. Feel your body and mind relax as you go deeper and deeper into yourself.

You can use the video version of this technique and use it not only as part of the Silva method for relaxing and calming the mind:

Having reached a relaxed alpha state, a person can begin to use the capabilities of his consciousness (mind) to solve his life problems, improve his health, or get rid of bad habits. All this is done in the same meditative state using visualization. This is often called active meditation (as opposed to passive meditation, during which a person frees his mind from thoughts).

This is nothing new

The hidden capabilities of human consciousness and mind have been of interest to humanity for centuries. This topic was also of interest to Russian scientists.

Founder of brain science

In Russia, the founder of the scientific study of the work of the human brain and psyche was Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, who opened the Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity back in 1918.

Interest in the brain is growing

The founder of astronautics, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, believed that from the point of view of interplanetary communications, the study of the human brain and psyche is more important than the development of space vehicles.

Problem solving technology

The Silva Method contains a simple technique that allows you to solve any problem in the best possible way. It uses visualization and living the desired outcome (resolved situation) as if in reality. To do this, you first need to enter the alpha state, and then follow these steps:

  1. Visualize on your inner screen what led to the problem, creating a clear visual image.
  2. Move it to the right.
  3. Transform the image, vividly and vividly imagining the desired situation, where the problem was resolved in the best way for you. The new image should also be vibrant, as should the sensations and feelings that you will experience as a result of it. Feel these emotions as if you were experiencing them live.

There is another practice for finding solutions to complex situations and issues, and it is even simpler and easier to perform.

"Glass" technique

This practice is suitable for situations when it is necessary to find an answer to some difficult question or new solutions. For this you only need a glass of clean, unboiled water and the intention to get an answer. The technique is performed before bed:

  1. When going to bed, take a glass of water prepared in advance and hold it with four fingers - the thumb and forefinger of both hands.
  2. Hold the glass at your solar plexus and make your intention. Clearly formulate your request, for example, “I want to find a solution to a conflict situation with colleague X” or “Now I am looking for the best solution to the question of what to do with the sale of an apartment.”
  3. Slowly and consciously drink half of the water in the glass, while mentally saying the phrase “This is all I need to do to solve this issue/this situation.”
  4. After that, go to bed, releasing the request into space.
  5. When you wake up, finish your water by repeating steps 1-3.

Do not doubt that the solution to your issue will come to you on its own. The subconscious will find the best option and attract it to you.

Three finger technique

The following practice has also become quite famous and used. It is known as the “Three Finger Technique” and can be used to calm oneself, reduce stress and return oneself to a calm state and deeper level of consciousness. It is based on the principle of anchoring - we anchor the alpha state to a gesture of three fingers folded together (on any hand).

The steps to perform the technique are extremely simple:

  1. Take a comfortable position, even out your breathing, close your eyes.
  2. Relax your body and continue to breathe deeply. Use the 3-2-1 method to achieve maximum relaxation and reach the alpha level.
  3. Once you have achieved complete relaxation and self-absorption, place your thumb, index and middle fingers together and mentally repeat three times: “Whenever I place these three fingers together, my mind functions at a deeper level of consciousness and I remain calm, cool and I am in complete control of myself."
  4. You can now use this gesture to quickly bring yourself into a calm, cool state when you need to use your mind in a constructive and creative way, or when you are struggling with stress or anxiety.

For those who prefer to perform meditative techniques in the format of guided meditation, we suggest using a video describing the three-finger technique:

Extrasensory perception (ESP)

And perhaps the most interesting thing that can be done using the Silva method is to develop and use extrasensory perception and superpowers. The approach promises that anyone is able to learn to perceive objects with their senses without direct contact with them, receiving information hidden from ordinary perception. This is a rather controversial point and a reason for criticism of Silva’s system, which is often accused of quackery and pseudoscience. But, be that as it may, this topic deserves attention.

The “technology” itself for revealing and developing extrasensory perception is simple: you just need to enter the alpha state, allow your consciousness to move to the object of interest and explore it with the help of your senses. First you need to learn how to enter various metals, plants or objects in this way, for example, a wall, a tree, a car.

The next stage will be the entry of your consciousness into living beings. So, by immersing yourself in the body of a pet, you can not only see, hear or feel its inner world, but also diagnose your pet for any health problems. Having seen or felt that there is something dark or alien in some organ or part of the body, you can eliminate the problem in any convenient way - by cleaning, washing, flooding with light, etc.

Having trained in recognizing illnesses and healing them in this way, you can move on to working with people. In the literal sense of the word, because casework (working with cases) according to the Silva method implies the ability to diagnose people at a distance and provide them with extrasensory assistance. To support and assist in such healing, practitioners of the method attract so-called advisers. These are figures of people, or rather creatures, who will prompt and provide support in this important matter. And, of course, with the help of ESP, a person learns to help himself, heal and restore his own health.

These are just some of the aspects of the Silva method that we were able to highlight in this article. In fact, the arsenal of techniques offered by the method is much wider, as are the opportunities it opens up. If you want to master this system, it would be best to undergo training in the method from certified teachers (you can find them and the programs on the official website of Silva’s organization) or at least read the books of the creator of the method. Jose Silva's most famous book (co-authored with Robert Stone) is called You The Healer.

Real stories

My clients who have mastered the techniques of entering the alpha level often send me their success stories. Sometimes they are so amazing that it is hard to believe in them. But all this is true, and you can check it for yourself. In the meantime, I will share with you some interesting stories (names have been changed).

Igor, 28 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

“Cooking has been my passion since my early youth. I got up early for the first time at the stove, helping my grandmother. She taught me the basics of cooking homemade dishes. After school, I decided to make cooking my profession and in my mind I saw myself as a chef at a prestigious restaurant. But in reality everything turned out differently...

I went to culinary school and was one of the best students there. I carefully studied the recipes and tried to do everything as accurately as possible. But to my great surprise, I often lost culinary competitions to less successful students.

Upset by the failure, I worked more diligently, did everything even more carefully and thoroughly. But this led to nothing. There was even a moment when I gave up, and I almost decided that I could not become an ace in haute cuisine. But then I came across information about the Jose Silva method.

After several weeks of practice, I realized that I lacked creativity. That cooking, especially high-level cooking, is an art, and not an exact adherence to recipes. I won the first next competition. And it seems to me that it was precisely because I prepared my dish while immersed in the alpha state. Today my dream has come true - I am wearing the chef’s jacket of one of the most prestigious restaurants in the city. But now this is not the limit of my dreams!”

Irina, 42 years old, Ekaterinburg:

“I never had problems at school with my eldest son. With my daughter at home too. But during class, something indescribable began to happen to her. She categorically refused to answer at the board. And later, even from the seat, I couldn’t tell the teacher what she had quite calmly retold to me at home.

We visited the school psychologist. She did not reveal any abnormalities in the girl’s mental development or problems in relationships with teachers and classmates. Perhaps a slight tendency toward perfectionism. But could this really be the cause of such a serious problem?

After the alpha level training, my daughter began to feel as calm and relaxed at school as she did at home. The “brain stupor” is completely gone. Now she not only freely presented her lessons, but was also able to find non-standard solutions to school problems.”


So, we introduced you to the Silva method. This is a system for controlling the mind and using the greater capabilities of your consciousness. Its effectiveness is based on a special meditative state in which the brain works in alpha rhythm. In this mode, it becomes possible not only to remove internal resistance, but also to successfully reprogram your consciousness, as well as reveal intuition and creativity.

In addition, with the help of meditative techniques, a wide range of possibilities opens up - from self-healing to increasing your IQ, from getting rid of bad habits to attracting good luck into your life. And the most interesting thing is that Silva's method promises that with its help anyone can master extrasensory perception and heal other people.

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. You can check how effective the Silva method is only by mastering it, if you are undoubtedly interested. And you can help yourself learn faster, more efficiently and more interestingly by completing our “Self-education: the best techniques” program. Here you will learn to discipline yourself, better assimilate and use new knowledge in life.

We wish you success!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Secrets of inventors: a selection of useful materials
  • A Guide to Managing Your Thoughts
  • Invention: a selection of useful materials
  • What is consciousness?
  • Self-hypnosis: a brief educational program on autosuggestion
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Turing Test
  • TRIZ and design thinking in everyday life
  • Hypnopedia: what is it and does it work?
  • How to get rid of negative thoughts
  • Wundt's method of studying psychology

Key words: 1LLL, 1Self-knowledge

Amazing proof of the placebo effect

One example of the effectiveness of the placebo effect has been demonstrated in the treatment of warts. In 1934, a doctor conducted a double-blind study that showed that a placebo worked almost as effectively as sulfasferamine, a drug then used to treat warts.

Of the patients who were given this medicine, 53% recovered. And in a group of patients who were given a fake medicine - ordinary distilled water, but were told that it was a super-effective drug against warts, 48% of the patients were cured.

Unfortunately, the opposite is also true: if you believe something is bad for you, it probably will be. For example, one study found that 19 out of 40 subjects experienced asthma symptoms after inhaling a saline solution they thought was an allergen.

With the Silva Method, you will learn to access your subconscious mind and align your thinking with the W-U-O principle, and begin to use your natural healing abilities more effectively.

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